Childhood Friend of the Zenith-Chapter 170: Would You Like To Go With Me? (1)

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Chapter 170: Would You Like To Go With Me? (1)

โ†’ Would You Like To Go With Me? (1) โ†


Within the room, brimming with medicines and bandages, a golden light swept through, radiating an unmistakable sharpness.

However, this wave of light failed to reach Jang Seonyeon; it dissipated right before his eyes, akin to a dissipating fog.


Despite it being a surprise attack, Jang Seonyeon didnโ€™t lose his smile.

It was as if he knew that this was going to happen.

โ€œChild, your way of greeting is rather on the aggressive side.โ€

It was a voice devoid of any rhythmic charm.

And contrary to the speakerโ€™s words, his expression remained chillingly devoid of emotion.


Jang Seonyeon tilted his head after seeing Wi Seol-Ahโ€™s reaction.

โ€œWhether itโ€™s you, or that kid from yesterday, none of you show any sign of shock. How lame.โ€

Jang Seonyeon, rather, Dok Gojun chuckled softly. fre ewebn ovel

Wi Seol-Ah then asked while looking at Dok Gojun.

โ€œDid you know that I was coming?โ€

โ€œOf course, how could I not know when you were showing that much bloodlust towards this child.โ€ ๐’ป๐“‡๐‘’๐‘’๐“Œ๐‘’๐’ท๐˜ฏโ„ด๐˜ท๐‘’๐“.๐‘โ„ด๐“‚

That was impossible.

Wi Seol-Ah was a master in hiding her killing intent.

Furthermore, she had been more careful than ever so that she didnโ€™t give any trouble to this child she was borrowing.

โ€˜So then howโ€ฆโ€™


Before she could even finish thinking, Dok Gojun spoke to Wi Seol-Ah.

โ€œIt seems like you know who I am.โ€


Those words were said with utmost certainty. The statement confirmed that the person before her was not Jang Seonyeon, but rather an existence inside his body.

Wi Seol-Ah had to hide her gasp after hearing Dok Gojun.


โ€œDonโ€™t utter such nonsense.โ€

โ€œIf that were not the case, you wouldnโ€™t be this perturbed,โ€

Wi Seol-Ah masked her unease, regulating her breathing.

She hid everything she could think of, but Dok Gojun continued to say otherwise as if he knew the truth.

โ€œWho are you, I wonder? Inside that strong child, resides a colossal beast. Yet, you appear bereft of any such power.โ€

Right as Dok Gojun finished talking, Wi Seol-Ah swung her hand once more, stronger than last time.


Jang Seonyeonโ€™s arm had been sliced off. But when Wi Seol-Ah saw that, she frowned.

Not only did her attack land at his arm when she had aimed for his neck, but the arm that had been sliced off wasnโ€™t even bleeding.

Dok Gojunโ€™s smile broadened as he observed the severed limb.

โ€œI see, you areโ€ฆโ€

He then started whispering as if he realized something.

โ€˜Did he deflect the attack with his energy?โ€™

It wasnโ€™t necessarily impossible, but it wasnโ€™t possible with the level Jang Seonyeon was at.

Which meant that it was the power of that unknown existence.

Just like herself.

Despite his arm having been sliced off, Dok Gojunโ€™s expression remained unchanged.

โ€œYou are rather impatient, huh. We havenโ€™t even had a proper conversation yet.โ€

โ€œI have nothing to say to you.โ€

She didnโ€™t want to speak to him.

Because all she had planned to do was finish what she had come here for and then leave.

She began to charge her Qi again,

Despite having only a little bit of her energy left.

Her attack from earlier seemed to have worked after she had used more energy to charge it.

Judging by that, she needed to use even more energy to make her attack effective.

Dok Gojun interjected once more.

โ€œDo you have nothing to say even if itโ€™s about that child, the one that you care for?โ€

Wi Seol-Ah paused for a moment after hearing Dok Gojun.

At the same time, the energy inside her hand started to waver.

Dok Gojun smiled at her clear reaction.

โ€œYou are an honest child.โ€


Wi Seol-Ah was about to strike once more upon hearing Dok Gojunโ€™s words, but he continued.

โ€œI have planted my seed within that child.โ€


โ€œI even gave him the one with the best quality, so the child should like it.โ€

Wi Seol-Ahโ€™s hair stirred in response to this revelation.

In an instant, the room was filled with such formidable pressure and murderous intent that Jang Seonyeonโ€™s body began to crush, yet he maintained his smile.

โ€œDonโ€™t worry, child. Itโ€™s not a power that would harm him.โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t utter such revolting things, how are you even saying such nonsense in your current state?โ€

Just the fact that the existence had taken over Jang Seonyeonsโ€™ body completely made Wi Seol-Ah lose all trust in him.

This was especially more the case because the Wi Seol-Ah knew that the entity was Dok Gojun.

โ€œWhether you believe it or not, is irrelevant. What truly matters is something else.โ€


The pressure on the room pressure intensified, causing the furniture to vibrate.

โ€œSo is this a plea for your life?โ€

โ€œI am absolutely indifferent to whatever choice you make. I simply wanted to have a conversation with you, that is all.โ€

โ€œWhat kind of conversation?โ€

She wanted to slice his neck off this instant.

She didnโ€™t want to converse with such a loathsome individual.

However, she needed to be cautious if he was in the least bit related to Gu Yangcheon.

Dok Gojun, observing her, asked.

โ€œWhat did you sacrifice?โ€

Wi Seol-Ah bit her lips hearing his question.

โ€œIn order to become like that, what did you have to sacrifice?โ€

โ€œWhy are you curious about that?

โ€œChild, Iโ€™m just curious how you were able to accomplish something I couldnโ€™t.โ€

Was he asking about manipulating time to change history?

Or perhapsโ€ฆ

โ€œI am the same as you.โ€

Wi Seol-Ah couldnโ€™t give a response to Dok Gojun.

She couldnโ€™t deny his claim, since he was right.

Yet she couldnโ€™t agree as well, because he hadnโ€™t been fully accurate.

โ€œYou may be a little brighter, and more cunning, but in the end, our nature is the same. How could we be any different when we started from the same point?

โ€œBe clear on what you want to say.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m just curious. How did someone like you end up like this? Was it your fault or the childโ€™s, that youโ€™ve become like this? Iโ€™m simply curious. I have always been like that.โ€


Wi Seol-Ah clenched her teeth, unwilling to entertain this conversation any longer.

But Dok Gojun continued to speak.

โ€œThat boy isnโ€™t a creation of mine.โ€

Words that were filled with certainty, Dok Gojun spoke with certainty ever since the start.

โ€œNeither is that child. Which is why Iโ€™m even more fascinated, since two children have caught my attention, when they arenโ€™t even creations of mine.โ€

โ€œI couldnโ€™t care less about your intention.โ€

Hearing Wi Seol-Ahโ€™s enraged voice, Dok Gojun responded.

โ€œI will not interfere.โ€


โ€œI simply wait and observe, as in this case. I am merely a curious person.โ€

Wi Seol-Ah detested his composure.

It was more so the case as she could sense the sinister and violent power concealed within him.

So in her eyes, he appeared fake, feigning normalcy.

โ€œAre you worried that I will harm the child?โ€

โ€œIf you are aware, then donโ€™t you dare touch a single hair of his.โ€

She charged her Qi while grinding her teeth.

โ€œOr Iโ€™ll infiltrate your nest and unleash havoc.โ€

As Wi Seol-Ah let out a dense bloodlust, Dok Gojun became slightly shocked at her ominous warning.

โ€œYou seem to know more than I had expected.โ€

โ€œAnd do you believe I wonโ€™t act, even with that knowledge?โ€

โ€˜If I continue to use this body at this rate, then I will be pushing this childโ€™s body beyond its limit.โ€™

โ€˜My soul will likely rot away, and I wonโ€™t even be able to give him my farewell that I had desperately wished for.โ€™

But even so, Wi Seol-Ah couldnโ€™t hesitate.

She was willing to take all the sufferings onto herself, if it meant that she was able to reduce the burdens of others, even if it was only by a little.

โ€˜What is my soul worth, anyway?โ€™

When compared to everything the others had done for her, what Wi Seol-Ah had done for them in return seemed negligible.

It made her feel that her soul had no value.

Dok Gojun responded to Wi Seol-Ah in an amused tone.

โ€œI mentioned it earlier, but I have no intention of harming that child.โ€

Wi Seol-Ah couldnโ€™t believe his words.

Because he had already confessed to planting his seed within him.

Wi Seol-Ah knew what kind of end one would meet if they had Dok Gojunโ€™s seed within them.

And if what he was saying was true, then she felt that she had already committed a sin for not being able to stop him.

โ€œThat child will appreciate it, too, as itโ€™s a gift I bestowed upon him, having grown fond of him.โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t be mistaken. He would find your meddlesome act repulsive.โ€

He wasnโ€™t someone who sought such power.

He was a person capable of standing on his own feet, and he would do the exact same in this life as well.

Since he had escaped the shackle of himself, Gu Yangcheon will surely be able to fly up.

Which was precisely what Wi Seol-Ah was here for in the first place.

Wi Seol-Ah continued to glare at Dok Gojun, but he retained his composure, despite him being threatened and put into a dangerous situation.

Wi Seol-Ah knew where his heart was located.

It was in a basement located deep inside this very land.

Wi Seol-Ah couldnโ€™t afford to go for that heart, so she was forced to hold herself back.

Yet, she had all the intention to rampage if Dok Gojun persisted in his plans.

โ€œDo not worry.โ€

Dok Gojun assured Wi Seol-Ah with a small, calming gesture, as her anger grew.

โ€œMy power cannot harm the child.โ€

It wasnโ€™t that he wouldnโ€™t harm him, but that he couldnโ€™t, was what he meant.

As he finished speaking, Dok Gojunโ€™s demeanor changed.

Wi Seol-Ah remained vigilant, since even that could have been an act.

She gradually tightened her grip.

โ€œJudging by your reaction, whatever the entity inside that boyโ€™s body is, even you donโ€™t know about it.โ€

The ravenous beast thatโ€™s sleeping inside his body.

Dok Gojun couldnโ€™t help but smile at the thought of that terrifying being.

โ€œI will continue to wait. Iโ€™ve waited many years for this, so how could I harm that child?โ€

Smoke began filling the room, one not made of Qi.

โ€œI desire nothing more than to see that childโ€™s potential grow, which is why I gifted him so generously. And since weโ€™ve established a connection, he will come to me in due time. You know yourself that itโ€™s the natural order of things.โ€

As Dok Gojun spoke, he grabbed his own neck, leaving Wi Seol-Ah wide-eyed.

โ€œSo I hope youโ€™ll still stand by that child,โ€

โ€œWhat are youโ€ฆโ€

โ€œItโ€™s a bit of a waste, but Iโ€™m not that sad about it. This is a sacrifice I have to make for my cause and also a gift to you.โ€

Wi Seol-Ah charged toward Jang Seonyeon, attempting to grasp his body, but dense smoke obstructed her path.

โ€œOur conversation today was quite engaging. I look forward to our next meeting.โ€


Wi Seol-Ah used her energy to disperse the smoke and rushed towards Jang Seonyeon.


But he unflinchingly twisted his own neck, collapsing to the floor.

Though his unsettling posture made it seem like he had died, Dok Gojunโ€™s voice still emanated from Jang Seonyeonโ€™s mouth.

โ€œIt was nice seeing you, my daughter.โ€

With that last phraseโ€ฆ

Jang Seonyeon lost the light in his eyes.

Wi Seol-Ah hid her emotions and quivering shoulders. She had an urge to vent her anger and destroy everything around her, but she forced herself to stop.

Because she wasnโ€™t in a situation where she could afford to do so.

Whether it was this life or her past one, she struggled with the fear of helplessness.

โ€˜What does the Celestial Sword even signify, and why am I the Zenith?โ€™

โ€˜Iโ€™m this incompetent and powerless. Ultimately, I wasnโ€™t able to change anything this time either.โ€™

Wi Seol-Ah clenched her lips and waved her hand.


A golden flame enveloped Jang Seonyeonโ€™s body, erasing all traces of him in an instant.

Amid the lingering energy, Wi Seol-Ah shivered with her head bowed.

โ€˜โ€ฆIโ€™m sorry.โ€™

She was reminded of his face.

Of how she wished she could have done for him.

But she still felt like a hindrance to him.

She contemplated going to the basement to unleash her rage, but she knew that doing that would potentially create even more burdens for him.

She couldnโ€™t do anything for him.

Her actions felt limited, she felt helpless, despite having reached the Zenith, Wi Seol-Ah still carried immense guilt.

-Foolish bitch.

She was reminded of what he said to her back then.

Wi Seol-Ah at this point, understood very well the emotions he felt when he had said those words.

Thus, Wi Seol-Ah continued to stay silent.


A day later, the tournament held its final event.

Jang Cheon personally congratulated the winners of both the finals and the losersโ€™ bracket.

In the middle of the arena, with numerous spectators, Gu Yangcheon stood before Jang Cheon, wearing his usual unamused expression.

Wi Seol-Ah, who observed the scene, clenched her fist and controlled her rough breathing.

Next to Gu Yangcheonโ€ฆ

Jang Seonyeon stood perfectly fine, despite having twisted his neck just the day before.

As if nothing had happened.

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