Cultivation: I Inherite The Strongest Account In A Sect Simulator-Chapter 129 - Head There to Have a Look!

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Chapter 129 Head There to Have a Look!

Among them, some of the medicinal herbs such as the Chengui fruit had to be peeled with spiritual energy first. ๐’‡๐‘Ÿe๐™š๐‘ค๐™š๐›๐—ป๐จฮฝ๐šŽ๐˜ญ.c๐จm

In this process, one had to make sure that the outer shell and the fruit inside were perfectly separated!

The Chengui fruit was a mystical fruit that only grew on cliffs.

The attributes of its outer shell and its flesh were completely different.

If one wanted to refine the Barrier pill, one only needed its outer shell.

On top of that, this wasnโ€™t the only ingredient that needed to be processed as such.

Moreover, once the outer shells and the flesh were separated, their medicinal effects would quickly be lost!

Therefore, Jiang Yiming had to simultaneously process several kinds of ingredients and combine them at once at the instant of separation! โ€œSo difficult, huh.โ€

What was even more frightening was that these few herbs were totally different from the ones needed to refine simple healing pills.

Each of them was relatively even more precious.

Jiang Yiming took a deep breath and started the process.

Following this, the outer shells and flesh of the Chengui fruit and the other few fruits were gradually separated from each other.

Everything seemed normal, but the temperatures required in this process for these ingredients were vastly different.

The requirement for oneโ€™s degree of control over spiritual energy was simply extraordinarily high.

As expected, on his first attempt, Jiang Yiming hadnโ€™t even been able to do it for a few breaths before one of the ingredients had already been refined and turned into a pile of waste.

โ€œTsk, I wonder what went wrong?โ€ Look at the pile of waste, he murmured to himself, โ€œIt looks like Iโ€™m going to have to take it slow.โ€

Even if he was very careful with the usage of these raw materials.

It wasnโ€™t that he couldnโ€™t afford them, it was just that he wasnโ€™t the only one who needed these herbs. These herbs were not just for pill refining.

If they were taken directly, they could also produce good effects.

โ€œLooks like itโ€™s not good to be anxious for quick success,โ€ Jiang Yiming shook his head.

Pill-refining was just like cultivation.

If one was anxious for success, the outcome would often end badly.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yiming separated the few ingredients.

First, he had to discover the temperature they each required and find out the rules for processing them. After grasping all the rules, only then could he proceed to the next step.

As he became more proficient in controlling his spiritual energy as he refined pills in the medicine pavilion, his impetuous mood was gradually calming down. The ingredients before him were being decomposed one by one.

He would use some materials to let himself get used to it first.

With Jiang Yimingโ€™s strength and his control of spiritual energy, he could process four to five simple medicinal herbs at the same time. ๐˜ง๐”ฏe๐—ฒ๐™ฌโ„ฏ๐™—๐“ทo๐˜ทe๐—น.๐œ๐‘œ๐’Ž

If it was an ingredient like the Chengui fruit, two was already his limit.

Gu Lingfei and Dong Mi were currently rushing to the Canglan Region.

The Canglan Region was different from the Nether Turtle Region that Jiang Yiming and Dong Mi had gone to.

It was close to the Divine Phoenix Region and wasnโ€™t too far.

The closer they got to the region, the more they could hear the discussions of the crowd about themselves.

โ€œHo-ho! Did you guys hear about the Lingyun


โ€œHey! Everyone in the entire Canglan Region knows about it! Who doesnโ€™t?โ€

After a few hours of traveling, the two had arrived at the Canglan Region. โ€œThe current family head of the Shangguan Family was not a good person, to begin with!โ€

โ€œOh! Iโ€™ve heard about it too! I heard that that guy crippled the young man who was supposed to be the family head!โ€

โ€œYeah! Yeah! I heard about it too. That crippled Shangguan family member went to the Lingyun Sect for some unknown reason and obtained countless treasures! Not only did his body recover immediately, but his strength also increased rapidly!โ€

When they heard the animated discussions in the marketplace, the two looked at each other.

With this, they naturally had a general understanding that the Shangguan Family was probably not very popular previously in the Canglan Region since they played the jackal to the tiger.

Now that Jiang Yiming had led his men to destroy the Shangguan Family, the discussion about their battle could not be stopped.

There were all kinds of words being said, but most people were clapping their hands in satisfaction.

It seemed that these people had been suffering for a long time from the Shangguan Family! Although Gu Lingfei and Dong Mi found all this quite new and interesting, they did not forget the purpose of their visit.

โ€œAha! I heard that Shangguan Li begged everywhere just to get a high-class seat in the whatโ€™s-itโ€™s-name auction this time!โ€

โ€œHahaha! This is great! I say, to think a third-rank family like them wants to participate in the auction! They are just trying to make themselves look good!โ€

Seeing a stall selling food by the roadside, the two casually bought some food to satisfy their hunger as they listened to the discussions between the vendors.

โ€œWhat about now? Why donโ€™t they just keep the money as a gift to the Lingyun Sect!โ€

Hearing the conversation between the vendors, the vendors were probably talking about what the two of them wanted to find out this time, the Fenghuo Auction.

The two of them immediately became interested.

โ€œHey! Boss! About the Fenghuo Auction, is it going to be held soon?โ€ โ€œEh? Sir, thatโ€™s right! Iโ€™ll go and watch the fun then as well,โ€ The stall owner nodded, his eyes filled with anticipation. โ€œWatch the show? Where will this Fenghuo Auction be held?โ€ โ€œJust at the Fujin Chamber of Commerce in the Canglan Region! Did you two come specifically to watch the show?โ€

Hearing this, the two looked at each other and nodded.

โ€œWeโ€™re not just here to watch the show. We want to buy some things.โ€

โ€œHey, hey, hey, sir! I wonder which big familyโ€™s disciples you are! Sorry for being blind! So very sorry! I will have to bask in your glory then!โ€

It seemed that even the cheapest items of the Fenghuo Auction could not be afforded by ordinary people.

โ€œWell, not really. We only have some small cash in our pockets. Iโ€™m not sure if we can buy some treasures and bring them back.โ€ โ€œHa! Dear guests, please donโ€™t blame me for saying too much, but is the Fenghuo Auction a place to buy things? Itโ€™s a place where those big shots go to earn respect! That being said, some of those things that are sold at sky-high prices there are priceless. No matter how much you spend, if you can buy them, they are definitely quite good!โ€ The stall owner thought for a moment before saying.

โ€œOkay! Then wonโ€™t you please show us the way? Weโ€™d like to go and take a look now!โ€

With that, the stall owner showed them the way.

The curiosity in Gu Lingfei and Dongmiโ€™s hearts could no longer be appeased.

They quickly set off.

โ€œFujin Chamber of Commerce?โ€ As the two chatted and laughed, they had already arrived in front of the Chamber of Commerce that the hawker had mentioned.

This Chamber of Commerce had an incomparable grandeur.

Even the renovated Lingyun Sect seemed somewhat inferior in comparison.

โ€œJunior brother, please donโ€™t say that Iโ€™ve seen too little,โ€ Gu Lingfei scratched his head.