Deities: Starting From Goblins-Chapter 299 - 141: The Dragon of National Fortune!

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Chapter 299: Chapter 141: The Dragon of National Fortune!

Unmarriageable Waste Materials: TOD 100 People Not to

Be Provoked! 2

Translator: 549690339

In a towering skyscraper, five people dressed like wealthy young masters and ladies were gathered in a private box for their routine meeting, exchanging intelligence on the side.

揌ave you heard? In White Cloud City, a thousand miles away, there抯 a strange White Cloud Insect. If you fuse it with the Dragon Tendon Insect and Earth Fighting Insect, you could create a Nine-turn Insect Somersault Cloud Insect. Once you step on it, you can travel a hundred and eighty thousand miles in a single breath!

揟hat抯 nothing, in the neighboring Nine Desolate Province, someone combined Devil Insect, Muscle Insect, Relic Insect, Buddha Light Insect, and Golden Cicada Insect into a peculiar humanoid insect. As long as it faces west, it抯 invincible, and it has a special attack effect against female Gu Masters.

揥hat抯 the use of talking about these things? Although we Reincarnates from noble families aren抰 bad, there抯 one thing we can抰 avoid梠ur lowly birth. We抮e all illegitimate children and we don抰 have access to the core Gu Masters inheritance. Even trying to use some of the family power is difficult.

揧eah, aren抰 we, the Heavenly Prides among Reincarnates, who formed the[Five Elders Association]with five second-class ally civilizations, at the bottom?

揢ndoubtedly, we抮e at the bottom. I still remember the last time I finally found a Reincarnate, but the guardian rejected my order to kill him on the grounds that 慼e was a divorced waste, not to be provoked, causing me to lose a point in the process!

The five Gu Masters were talking passionately, but suddenly, something one of them, a female Gu Master, said, made the atmosphere suddenly cool down and become awkward. After a while, a male Gu Master hesitantly spoke up, 揢h, I think the guardian has a point.

With the male Gu Master speaking up, others quickly chimed in,

揧eah, are you sure he抯 a Reincarnate?

揑 remember there was a case where a Reincarnate mistook a 慴one-broken prince of a Royal Clan for another Reincarnate and ordered his butler to kill him. As a result, he accidentally let him escape. Ten years later, the prince returned to slaughter the entire city. Coincidentally, at that time, there was a secret meeting of Reincarnates from the ally civilization, and they were all wiped out together. Then, that civilization went into [Natural Decay]厰

揑f I抦 not mistaken, 慼e was a divorced waste, not to be provoked is ranked in the top three scenarios in a strange book titled 揟op 100 People Not to Mess With .

揕et抯 not talk about that. Let抯 discuss some useful information instead. That抯 the purpose of our meeting.

揃y the way, I recently received a secret order directly from our civilization抯 Royal Court. I cannot disclose it, sorry, brothers and sisters.

揥hy are you smiling so happily? I抣l just say it, I also received a secret order.

揢h, me too.

揜eceived +1!

揥ait, all of you got it?

揧ou didn抰?

揑 did too?#8217;攽

After the round of conversation, the five people fell silent again, and then all spoke in unison,

揇on抰 say anything, I抣l speak first.

揟here is an Army arriving, and I抦 going to claim the Score Big Gift Pack!

揑t抯 the legendary Goblin Legion!

The same three sentences were said simultaneously, leaving the five people speechless,

揌old on, are we sure our secret orders weren抰 sent by the same person?

揑t抯 just too ridiculous, the wording is exactly the same, saying a Goblin 02 from Blue Star Civilization a Deity Player is arriving with an army. It抯 a rare opportunity to get a Score Big Gift Pack.

揌ey, they say it抯 a Score Big Gift Pack, but every time an army arrives, many

Reincarnates die. Who knows how many of us will come back this time.

揧eah, those Followers under the command of those Deity Players of Blue Star Civilization are a bunch of monsters!

揑 remember there抯 a statistic梩his word comes from a Mechanical

Civilization, and I find it quite useful梩hat when attacking Deity Players Believers Legion of Blue Star Civilization, the death probability of Reincarnates is often at least ten times higher than that of attacking the Armies of ally civilizations!

揑t seems that by the time of our next gathering, there might be none of us left厰

揇on抰 worry, I think I have an impression of that Goblin.

The slightly airheaded female Gu Master began to speak about what she knew. After a while, the private box fell silent again. As before, it was the Gu Master who dared to speak up first,

揝o, the Goblin Legion is not a threat at all?

The ones present might not have been the smartest but they were definitely the most resourceful,

揇oesn抰 that mean that a large number of ally civilizations will target this utterly tempting piece of fat meat?

With such a thought, the Reincarnates couldn抰 help but smile bitterly.

They knew very well that if it were a normal Deity Player抯 Army from Blue Star Civilization, even if the death rate was high, they might still get a share if they went.

But with a weak Goblin Army like this, which was a genuine Score Big Gift Pack, there would undoubtedly be a case of too many monks and not enough meat.

Even if all five of them went, they might not even get a single score point.. Instead, they might even expose themselves and be 揾unted by other Reincarnates!

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