First Assistant's Petite Wife Has Space-Chapter 391 - : Better Attitude when Admitting Mistakes than his Sons

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Chapter 391: Better Attitude when Admitting Mistakes than his Sons

Translator: CokeZero Editor: Rainystars

Lu Jiao nodded, indicating that she understood.

However, thinking about Li Wenbinโ€™s identity, she became somewhat worried.

Li Wenbin was Zhang familyโ€™s son-in-law, and his loyalty would undoubtedly lean towards the Zhang family. In this case, wouldnโ€™t it be bad for Xie Yunjin? Moreover, that person who had harmed him before might still be lurking in the shadows.

Lu Jiao stood up, following Lu Gui outside. She handed the various medicines she had made today to Lu Gui.

โ€œGive these to Lin Dong, in case someone plots against your brother-in-law.

Let him keep them for self-defense.โ€

Lu Gui was aware that the merchants in Qinghe County were watching over his sister and brother-in-law. When he heard Lu Jiaoโ€™s words, he immediately took the medicines and headed towards the front yard.

Later, Lu Jiao returned to the main hall, accompanying the four little ones for dinner and inquiring about their day at school.

The First Born immediately talked a bit about todayโ€™s class. At the same time, The Second Born quickly said, โ€œDid Zhao Yulo and Han Dongsheng fight today?โ€

Lu Jiao immediately turned to the Second Born, asking with concern, โ€œHow did it happen when everything was fine?โ€

โ€œMaster Pan praised Han Dongsheng for reciting with emotion. But Zhao Yulo was unhappy because she got criticized by Master Pan. Master Pan said she didnโ€™t study with diligence and lacked emotion. This upset her, and when the teacher unexpectedly praised Han Dongsheng, it made her even angrier.โ€

The Second Born paused here, and the Third Born continued, โ€œThen she scolded Han Dongsheng, saying that even if he studied well, his mother was still a big villain and not a good person.

Han Dongsheng got angry and rushed over to fight with Zhao Yulo. In the end, they fought until they were rolling around.โ€

Lu Jiao rubbed her temples, feeling a headache. The vicious female supporting character truly lived up to her reputation. Her talent for causing trouble was top-notch.

โ€œDid you try to stop them from fighting?โ€ freew ebnov el

The First Born nodded, โ€œWe tried, and we also criticized Zhao Yulo. She got angry and said she didnโ€™t like us anymore and wouldnโ€™t come to our house for classes in the future.โ€™

She probably would come again tomorrow, as she had said such things before and still showed up the next day, as if she had forgotten about it.

Hearing this, Lu Jiao was too lazy to bother with the childrenโ€™s disputes.

After the mother and her four sons finished dinner, Lu Jiao bathed them and then coaxed them to sleep. Taking advantage of this, the four little ones proposed that Lu Jiao sing nursery rhymes for them. Lately, the little ones were keen on listening to Lu Jiao sing nursery rhymes, and they even learned to sing along.

However, before Lu Jiao could finish the nursery rhymes, the four little ones had already fallen asleep. Nowadays, they were very active during the day, so they usually fell asleep as soon as their heads touched the pillows at night.

Seeing the four little ones asleep, Lu Jiao quietly got up and walked out of the room.

As soon as she walked out, she heard a commotion in the yard.

Lu Jiao looked up and saw Lu Gui and Lin Dong physically supporting Xie Yunjinโ€™s body.

Xie Yunjinโ€™s steps were a bit unsteady, clearly having had too much to drink and appearing somewhat intoxicated.

As he walked, he said to Lu Gui beside him, โ€œCome, letโ€™s find your sister.โ€

Lu Gui originally wanted to help Xie Yunjin go to the front courtyard to sleep, but he insisted on finding Lu Jiao. Thus, Lu Gui and Lin Dong could only help Xie Yunjin to the back courtyard.

Upon seeing Xie Yunjinโ€™s condition, Lu Jiao felt somewhat displeased. She didnโ€™t like drunk men. Intoxicated men tended to cause trouble, and she remembered a time in her childhood when she stayed at a relativeโ€™s house.

That relative, when drunk, would enter her room and say inappropriate things. Unable to tolerate it, she ended up hurting him with an object.

The result was getting scolded by her own parents.

Thinking about this, Lu Jiao couldnโ€™t help but smile bitterly. She didnโ€™t know what kind of sin she had committed to be treated like that by her parents. She was the one being taken advantage of by an older man, yet she was the one scolded.

With these thoughts, a slight coldness appeared in Lu Jiaoโ€™s dark eyes. However, Xie Yunjin was oblivious to this. As he turned his head and saw Lu

Jiao approaching, he immediately smiled and called out, โ€œJiaojiao.โ€

Lu Jiao responded lightly, supporting Xie Yunjin with the help of Lu Gui. Lu Gui quickly passed Xie Yunjin into Lu Jiaoโ€™s care. Without waiting for Lu Jiao to speak, Lu Gui swiftly walked away with Lin Dong.

Watching her brother running faster than a rabbit, Lu Jiao had a black line on her face. What should she do with this overly enthusiastic younger brother?

On the other hand, Xie Yunjin was exceptionally pleased. His little brother-in-law was quite helpful; he could consider giving him a raise in his allowance in the future.

Xie Yunjin, still somewhat intoxicated, slung his arm around Lu Jiaoโ€™s neck and, with a muddled expression, said, โ€œJiaojiao, letโ€™s go, back to sleep.โ€

Having said that, he took the initiative to embrace Lu Jiao and led her toward her room.

Lu Jiao turned her head to look at him. Was he drunk or not? If he was drunk, how could he know to enter her room? If not, his unsteady gait and dazed expression didnโ€™t seem like he was pretending. So, was he half drunk and half sober, somewhat understanding what he was doing?

While Lu Jiao was still contemplating, Xie Yunjin was already hugging her shoulders and walking towards her room. However, just as they reached the door, Lu Jiao suddenly stopped, looked up at Xie Yunjin, and said.

โ€œXie Yunjin, do you know what I hate the most?โ€

Sensing that this might not be good, Xie Yunjin promptly shook his head, indicating he didnโ€™t know.

Lu Jiao pushed away his arm around her neck and said with an unsatisfied tone, โ€œI hate people who are drunk the most. So, go sleep in the front courtyard, and donโ€™t come here acting crazy under the influence.โ€

Having said that, Lu Jiao entered her room expressionlessly and closed the door.

Though Xie Yunjinโ€™s face was a bit red, he wasnโ€™t actually drunk. He had intended to use the alcohol as an excuse to get a bit closer and sleep with Lu Jiao.

However, Lu Jiao detested people drinking, so his attempt to get close to her ended up backfiring.

Scholar Xie quickly stood outside the door, obediently admitting his mistake.

โ€œJiaojiao, I actually didnโ€™t get drunk; I pretended.โ€

Inside the room, Lu Jiao coldly snorted and asked, โ€œEven if you didnโ€™t get drunk, you still drank quite a bit. I didnโ€™t know that Scholar Xie enjoys drinking this much. Tomorrow, Iโ€™ll buy some booze for you to drink until youโ€™re satisfied. Do you not realize your current situation? How could you drink so much.โ€

In a hushed tone, Xie Yunjin replied, โ€œTonight, Li Wenbin treated my former classmates from the academy. So, I wanted to take this opportunity to see if I could find out something. Unfortunately, I inadvertently drank a bit too much. Jiaojiao, from now on, I promise not to drink anymore.โ€

Lu Jiao responded indifferently from inside the room, โ€œItโ€™s not that I wonโ€™t let you drink, just drink less. A moderate amount is sufficient.โ€

โ€œI understand. Iโ€™ll never make the same mistake again.โ€

Xie Yunjinโ€™s attitude of admitting fault was more positive than that of his own son.

Inside the room, Lu Jiao felt somewhat satisfied after hearing this. However, thinking that this guy clearly wasnโ€™t drunk but pretended to be, attempting to play a trick and sleep in her room, Lu Jiao became displeased.

She reminded him, โ€œXie Yunjin, Iโ€™m thinking of taking back the decision I made earlier to give you a chance.โ€

Upon hearing this, Xie Yunjin panicked and quickly expressed, โ€œJiaojiao, itโ€™s my fault. I promise to abide by the agreement in the future.โ€

Lu Jiao opened the door, allowing him to enter. This time, Xie Yunjin was exceptionally well-behaved, not daring to misbehave at all.

He remembered that the divorce letter he wrote was still in Lu Jiaoโ€™s hands.

What if she decided to leave with the children if he caused trouble again and angered her?

Lu Jiao gestured for Xie Yunjin to sit down, looking serious, she said, โ€œI gave you six months to see if we are suitable for each other. If, in the end, we arenโ€™t, rushing into a relationship now would only cause heartache, right?โ€

After finishing her words, when she saw that Xie Yunjin was about to speak, she raised her hand to stop him.

โ€œI know you genuinely like me now, but how long can this kind of affection last? You are a man from this era, and I am a woman from the era of gender equality. Can our ideologies truly harmonize? This needs to be witnessed by time; itโ€™s not something that can be achieved by mere words.

Do you know how many people, initially in love, end up becoming a couple full of resentment in the end? I donโ€™t want us to become such a pair..โ€

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