I Signed-In For A Billion Dollar Mansion From The Very Beginning-Chapter 494 Premiere Box Office, Shocking The World!

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The first day of the movie's screening quickly ended.

"Dying to Survive" and "Wandering Earth" did not receive much substantial publicity, but many people came to watch the movie.

The appeal of celebrities posting on Weibo was still very strong. The Internet was so developed today, but many people still knew that Lin Fan's two movies were released at the same time.

After the first day of screening, the movie theaters were also tabulating the box office earnings. f𝗿e𝙚𝘸e𝐛𝚗𝐨𝙫𝚎𝙡.c𝒐𝐦

Only after the statistics were calculated could the cinema know what the box office would be on the day of the premiere of the two movies.

These complicated statistics could be completed by the computer.

As the person in charge, Li Zhengyi was still guarding the company in the middle of the night. "Are the box office statistics out yet?"

Li Zhengyi really wanted to see what kind of results Lin Fan's two movies had achieved in the country.

One of them was a movie starring Lin Fan.

The other was a movie directed by Lin Fan.

It could be said that both movies could not do without Lin Fan.

Without Lin Fan to write scripts, find photographers, actors, directors, dressmakers, makeup artists, special effects artists, and so on, it would be impossible to film "Wandering Earth".

"CEO Li, it's still being calculated, but the first-day box office earnings of a few movies are out," a girl said.

"Let me see. This Kung Fu Panda earned 6 million yuan on its first day at the box office. It's not bad."

"This Planetary Project's first-day box office is 800,000 yuan. It's too lousy. It's probably a lousy movie."

"This Cute Puppy has an ordinary name. Eh? The first day's box office earnings are actually ten million. Not bad, it's beyond expectations."

Li Zhengyi looked down one by one. Sometimes, he frowned and shook his head. Sometimes, his eyes lit up. 𝒇𝑟e𝙚𝑤𝙚𝐛𝗻𝐨ν𝚎𝘭.c𝐨m

He had no choice. Most domestic movies were like this.

What had once created history was Lin Fan's movie 'Kung Fu Hustle'.

It was very difficult to expect other entertainment companies to film better movies.

In China, foreign movies were more popular. There was no other way.

The Best Actor Award had nothing to do with domestic actors.

Of course, Li Zhengyi was most concerned about the two movies Lin Fan directed.

Li Zhengyi was also very nervous.

No company could guarantee that a movie would become popular.

When the audience watched movies, they would always watch the quality.

Sometimes, even if the quality was good, the box office might not be high.

Other than quality, he also had to learn how to capture the attention of the audience.

For example, every one of Van Gogh's works was extremely expensive now.

And in that era, he could not be recognized by others.

Therefore, Li Zhengyi was very worried.

What if these two movies failed?

The box office sales could best reflect the audience's satisfaction with a movie.

Especially on the first day, the box office sales of a movie premiere would be displayed.

If the box office sales on the first day were high, the future of this movie would be very good.

If the box office sales on the first day were very low… then this movie would most likely be a flop.

The first day was also a critical day.

Li Zhengyi waited for the final statistics with excitement and nervousness.

"CEO Li, the box office statistics for 'Dying to Survive' are out!" a girl shouted in surprise.

"How much?" Li Zhengyi immediately ran over and saw the number on the computer.

324,131,573 yuan!

When Li Zhengyi saw so many digits, his eyes widened. pletely stunned by the box office sales of the premiere of "Dying to Survive".

The second movie that Lin Fan personally directed had such results.

Such results were enough to shock the entertainment industry, even the entire country, and the entire world!

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