MTL - 108 Maidens of Destiny-v3 Chapter 730 7 stars, the devil will

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The Western Regions of Buddhism can be described as stormy and windy. Since the purple-lei devil headed the Buddha's country, it won its five dragons and sacred objects, and three years after the Buddha's six ancestors. [This chapter is updated by netizens for you] Recently, the boy of the empty mountain hidden temple found that the mén Buddha empty masters died from the "all empty walls", and the whole Buddha country was silently obsessed with it. The last three of the six ancestors were the Jialan Temple. The Zen master, the mirror huā庵 Shuiyue Shitai, the Dharma sect Aro Tuo are all dusty, and the soil returns to the earth.

If the master of empty silence is to cultivate the dead treasure, drive the west to the west, and go to the western bliss, then the other three ancestors are too coincidental.

The six ancestors of Buddhism are the top-level existence of the entire Central Pure Land, second only to the four ancestors of the Western Buddhism. It is said that the six ancestors of the Buddha Kingdom were defeated by the Purple Lei Devil, and now they are trying their best to make the entire Buddhist people People are heart-wrenching, and everyone is also talking about it for a while.

One said that after the six ancestors of the Buddha Kingdom, they realized the avenue and realized that the stars were annihilated. However, everyone can see that this is nothing more than comforting one's words. Another saying is that the Buddha is in the storm. Some people point to the purple thunder to face the last seven stars and strengthen their own strength. The six ancestors of the Buddha Kingdom killed one by one, just to prove that Zen Buddhism. Everyone knows that Zi Lei Devil’s head had defeated the six ancestors, and there had been a “glorious feat” to kill the six ancestors. He was also resentful of the Buddha’s state. He was really convinced to kill the six ancestors.

To this end, the entire Buddha State, especially the six great Buddhas mén, regarded Su Xing as a deadly enemy. For this reason, nearly 10,000 of the six great Buddha mén elder disciples came to the seventh-level Futu Tali, and asked him to preside over justice for the Buddha. But this old and rare person just said a word "hijacking..." and ignored it.

To this end, the Liang Tang Kingdom, near the Western Regions of the Buddha, made a special announcement to unite the hundreds of thousands of people and the 500,000 male soldiers of the six great Buddhist monks to prepare for the demon.

For a while. "斩魔盟" is boiling and unfolding.

On this day, the Western Region, Liang Tangguo, Jian'an.

The night is as cool as water. The moon is scattered.

A figure stepped on the yīn shadow of the desert and left the Jian'an Royal Palace. He walked halfway to the "Sanshengchuan".

"His Highness, I don’t know what it’s all about looking for the old man so late?"

A solemn sage, the old man with deep eyes and wisdom said slowly, the old man holding a Zen stick, wearing a gold sè袈裟, flashing in the night. He is the national teacher of Liang Tangguo, and possesses the strength of the six ancestors of the Buddha Kingdom - the master of God Hui.

The figure was highlighted, and it was Xie Changan.

"Master." Xie Changan and Shiyan, attitude and piety.

Master Hui Hui smiled slightly. I am quite satisfied with the respectful gesture of the Liang Tangguo emperor.

"Chang'an has a quest for a master." Xie Changan said.

"His Royal Highness, although it is said that as long as the old man can help you, he will do his best." Master Hui Hui looked at the discipliner disciple, and his heart was also extremely loved. He almost watched Xie Changan grow up step by step, and now has the strength of the early days of the starry sky. In order to make Xie Changan stand out in the fighting star, Master Hui Hui also taught his clothes. "The Eight Dragons Protecting the Law", the "Great Nirvana Sutra", the "Six ancestors" and so on, can be said that Huigen of Xie Changan is also qualified to become the new six ancestors of the Buddha.

I thought it would be easy. However, I did not expect to kill a purple-red demon head against the sky, so that Master Hui Hui watched Xie Changan die. It is also extremely difficult.

However, seeing Xie Changan is still that optimistic, with the mentality of Xìng, the master of God Hui is also relieved.

"Only this master can help Changan." Xie Changan bowed his head. "Disciples have recently realized the six ancestors of the Tan dynasty, and they want to repair the "Dragon Elephants like the six ancestors to protect the Fa Conference." Only by repairing this means, Changan may have a chance to compete against the purple Lei Devil."

"Dragon elephant like the six ancestors to protect the Fajing?" God Hui master face sè slightly congested. "This method is the Buddha Mén, and you know where to do it."

"Cultivating the six ancestors to protect the law, is said to be able to make the guards of the six ancestors of the Buddha, so that even if it is against Lin Chong, Changan is not afraid of her." Xie Changan said.

"No." Master Hui Hui refused to think and refused, and his facial expression was very strict.

"Does the master watch the disciples die?" Xie Changan begged.

"It is not for the teacher to help you." Master Hui Hui said: "It is extremely harsh to practice the six ancestors."

"Changan knows that it takes six Buddha relics to cultivate, so that the road can be achieved."

Master Jing Hui did not speak, just staring at Xie Changan, as if to guess something.

"Chang'an is now lucky enough to get four, and Chang'an himself has the potential of the Buddha, which is five. The cultivation of the six ancestors is only one difference." Xie Changan hand raised, dozens of relics floating in the air, flashing multicolored The light is full of glamour and extraordinary. Master Shen Hui was surprised to see where this relic came from.

"You killed them?"

"If the disciple says that the purple thunder is killing the head, and the disciple is lucky, will the master be better?" Xie Changan bowed his head and did not dare to look at the sharp eyes of Master Hui Hui.

"You are a gangster, so big and bad." Master Hui Hui sighed.

Xie Changan did not even evade, let this palm fall in the mouth of the ōng was hit by a palm, suddenly five internal organs, seven holes bleeding.

"You!!!" God Hui master was surprised to see that Xie Changan was not prepared. Is it true that he is innocent?

"I'm sorry, Master. This palm is even the grace of Chang'an to thank the master. If you can climb the top of NV Liangshan, Changan will not live up to the master's clothes, and spread the Dharma in the astrology." Xie Changan flashed a trace of pain in his eyes. But in the end it became very fierce, and Master Hui Hui could see that it was a feeling that the king should have.

"Frost, hands-on!!"

Xie Changan has a drink.

Double whip and exhaling frost broke through the infinite darkness, and a red huā snow appeared in front of the master of the gods. The wind and the moon in the hands were beautiful and beautiful. Fan, and the power of the Tang Dynasty, has now upgraded to an unprecedented six stars.

"No wonder you can kill the six ancestors, I can't think of your star will actually upgrade the star Wu to the six stars." God Hui master chōu mouth air. The six-star Tianwu is also from the hands of the five tiger general Tianweixing, not to mention the six ancestors of the Buddha, even if the four sacred priests are dangerous.

"Master, I am sorry." Hu Yanshuang lightly red chún, double whip.

The wind and moon are unparalleled to draw two gorgeous lights to hold the old man.

"The purple thunder demon has Lin Chong, Wu Song, even if the frost rises to six stars, even if the seven stars, Changan has no confidence, so it is only possible to make the next policy, and the six ancestors protect the law. Also ask the master to complete." Xie Changan serious way . "Masters are waiting for Chang'an as a father. If it is not a last resort, Changan does not want to shoot the master."

"Hu Yanzhuo, Laojiao asked you a question." I realized that today's robbery is difficult to escape, and the master of Hui Hui has calmed down.

"Master, please."

"Do you just abandon the dignity of the Five Tigers?" Master Hui Hui said with a smile.

The elegant nv smiled. "You can use your dignity to exchange your chances of living under the temple. The mourner is willing to do this."

"I am compassionate." The master of God Hui is in ten, and the Buddha's light is dim.

I am preparing to make the exhalation cream of the ground level slightly.

I saw that the life of Master Hui Hui was as light as a candle.

"Please help the old man to take care of him."

Yan Shuang’s first solemn dedication.

The ninth day of the book.

Xie Changan finally got all the six ancestors relics. He wanted to kill the four sacred priests, but he finally gave up the idea under the advice of Hu Yanshuang. The four 谛 谛 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 僧 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛 佛No day can't be done.

However, even if the practice of the dragon elephant like the six ancestors began to have a small ride, it did not make Hu Yanshuang feel at ease.

In the words of Tianweixing.

The biggest enemy, the Purple Thunder, is really a powerless anti-day. Even if Xie Changan gathers a million soldiers, the 10,000-year-old disciple of the Buddha Six Mén is not afraid of much. Hu Yanshuang is also working hard to cultivate the books. However, the two are also waiting for opportunities, waiting for other chances of the stars to join forces.

On the fifteenth day of the "Seven Stars Juyi".

When the next day came up, an invitation letter was put in front of me. This made Xie Changan and Hu Yanshuang face each other. Hu Yanshuang refining the next volume of the book, and within a radius of 100, the stars will be close to each other, but Hu Yanshuang really feels it, but only for a moment, the other party leaves, just like Ghostly.

"Tianxingxing??" Xie Changan eyebrows máo, and opened the envelope, there are only nine simple words.

"The stars are about, the emperor is the mountain, the devil will!"


A giant mountain on the way to Nv Liangshan, named after the place where the emperor of the Han Dynasty was born for thousands of years.

Song Celadon stood on the top of the Tianzi Mountain and looked at the Nv Liangshan Mountain. Compared with the Nev Liangshan of the Sky Tower, the Tianzi Mountain is still very small.

"Celadon big sister, just got the news of Xingyue, the covenant has been sent to the Royal Highness of the Tang Dynasty, signed the star of the Tianweixing." The air flashed a figure, Wang Jingzhi appeared, face (book house. Shushu5. Most Fast update) with a smile.

“How many stars have been invited by Xingyue?” Song Celadon returned to softly asked.

"There is no way to live in the hall of no birth, the true yuan of the Taoist Temple, the dragon nv of the Crystal Dragon Palace, the Hu Mi of the Purple Dragon Palace, and the Heng Taizi, all the mén factions of the Canglong world have been sent out. But the Lingyan Princess seems to be Standing on the side of Zilei Devil, according to the instructions of my sister, I did not invite, the snake-snake lady in Zhuquejie, the dragon-devil lord of Xuan Mingjie, the crispy fragrance, the sister of Xingyue is really fast, now searching for Baihujie and other The traces of the stars are scattered. Xingyue should be called in these days."

"Big sister, will those people really come to participate in the devil's meeting?" Li Longkui, who is next to him, is obviously not willing to join the star-dropper.

"They will definitely come." Song Celadon said softly.

"Can the devils be arranged?" asked Song Qing porcelain.

"Well, Liu Big Brother is arranged. Because the strength of the purple thunder head is too big, Liu Big Brother is also instigating other monks. Hey, I heard that the six ancestors of the Buddha Kingdom were killed by the purple thunder, it seems that this time. It’s really unfortunate.” Wang Jingzhi has some sympathy for Su Xing.

Song Qing porcelain silently, but the look of Nv Liangshan is even deeper. RQ

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