MTL - 108 Maidens of Destiny-v3 Chapter 763 Super kill

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() () A few hundred kilometers away from the Seven-Year Forest of Liangshan Mountain, another place where the female Liangshan climbed to the top, Jie Zhenyuan yīn Shen looked at the road to be blocked by an invisible force.

Yang Luoshui said. "It seems that the purple thunder head is not over yet."

Jie Zhenyuan nodded, but he could not think that the Devil Alliance had been defeated, and who is now qualified to stop him from becoming a hegemon. "No matter what, we will look at the fire from the other side, waiting for the moment of going up the mountain, I believe that the purple Lei devil will not chase us." Jie Zhenyuan has made up his mind to fish in the water, become the last seven-star Juyi, perhaps not to become the hegemon Meaning, but if you want to make a change, you can only rely on the hope that there will be variables in the mountains, and the cold will suddenly come.

The temperature between the heavens and the earth plummeted, and Hou Ruolan only felt that the cold shoulders shrank a small shoulder toward the real yuan.

Jie Zhenyuan and Yang Luoshui were shocked and looked at each other.

I saw a layer of extreme chills over it, frost covered, and the goose feathers fell.

Obviously still warm chūn timing, just in the blink of an eye, the female Liangshan entered the cold winter.

Jie Zhenyuan clearly felt that the strange changes in this season came from the hands of some cold star girl.

"Days of the day?" Yang Luo water stunned.

The world of Bai Yu makes the expression of Jiezheng become more dignified. Although I don’t know what happened in another place in the female Liangshan, it can actually make the leopard’s head forest rush to make a strong heaven and earth season, but the real heart is more It feels powerless and frustrated. "You must go up the mountain as soon as possible!!"

Afraid of the change of things, Jie Zhenyuan once again ran his weak star power and rushed toward the female Liangshan.

The celestial star Yangluo water silently looked back at his master doing useless work. The crazy look was like a wild beast that was out of control. Hou Ruolan in his arms didn't even dare to speak. Yang Luo water sighed slightly, and the original contract of the real yuan signed the contract to see the elegance and unyielding of this man's product, even if he was so ridiculous in his own dungeon, since he maintains absolute temperament, now think of those confidence is built on The existence of her star, when it becomes a loser, can anyone avoid it as a ridiculous clown?

Yang Luoshui suddenly remembered the man who rescued himself from the killing, shook his head, Yang Luoshui dispelled this shadow from his mind, and she was yelling forward to prevent the real yuan from getting out of control. At this time, suddenly felt the danger, "Master, be careful!" Yang Luoshui drank.

A solution to the real yuan, a black shadow suddenly paved, cold knife mans straight to take his key.

The other side's sneak attack is extremely fast, and the hiding is also extremely deep, which is unexpected.

"Brother!" Hou Ruolan rushed up and took the body as a shield. The knife was unrelentingly bloomed in the neck of the little girl, killing it directly, and the shadow finally showed that it was the star of the earth.

"You are still not dead!!" Jieyuan Yuan was extremely annoyed. At the time, Sanqing used a gang of defenders to kill Mu Xiangying and seriously injured him. Finally, this assassin accidentally hit the battle and fled. It was born, but even such a powerful injury could not live for too long. I did not expect to live for a long time, but I still stared at myself.

It was the first time that this assassin stared at Jie Zhenyuan to feel cold.

"Revenge for my sister." Mu continued to stab.

The first assassin who did not assassinate successfully lost his biggest advantage. Jie Zhenyuan sneered: "Well, kill you and restore a little star power to me."

The knife and the mercury were laid out, and Yang Luoshui smashed the body to Mu.

"Sister, you should run away!!" Tianqixing also regretted the incompetence of this star sister.

Jie Zhenyuan Xiaoxiao: "Kill her!" Can take off the world assassin is not a small achievement.

Yang Luoshui is about to kill the killer. Mu is stunned by the shadows. She is afraid that she will make another trick. Yang Luoshui is trapped with Tianzhu.

Going back to prepare for the implementation of the law, the real yuan suddenly felt a cold behind, a sharp knife tip passed through his spine, the internal organs broke out from the chest, blood splashed, cold blood poured. The smile of Jie Zhenyuan came to an abrupt end. He couldn't think of the tip of the knife through his chest, and then looked at the assassin who was slashed by Yang Luoshui.

"Impossible." Solve the real side, see the cold eyes behind the assassin.

It’s just another film.

When the real yuan turned back, another Mu Xiang took the lead and took his key.

"This is..." Jiezheng’s obsession with the fighting star gradually cooled with the blood pouring out, unwillingness, despair, and grief. All the emotions of fear of death filled the inside of the body that lost blood. Looking at this silly girl for the first time, I felt the fear and remorse from the heart, but in the end, when a back with a similar appearance to Hou Ruolan appeared, all the negative emotions disappeared. This lovely girl of pink and white gave me an understanding of the real thing. Power and peace of mind.

Mu on the shadow of the knife, the solution of the real yuan fell to the ground, the pupils stunned, "doing well." Jie Zhenyuan issued a scornful amazement, this time forever bowed his head.

"Sister, I am better than you." The three Mushens spoke at the same time and turned into one.

This is exactly three! !

"Master!!" Yang Luoshui grief y ù , , 转 转 转 转 转 转 转 转 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜 霜

Mingyue Changsheng Palace.

Gu Yu, Shi Yuan, Tang Pity, Zhang Yuqi is very anxious, suddenly the weather suddenly changed near the female Liangshan, the winter is shrouded, and the sights have spread to the scope of the Changsheng Palace, the girl will soon feel that this is Lin Yingmei masterpiece. The sugar in Gu Yuhuai’s sugar can’t help but hold her mother.

"Who is the enemy of Su Xing, is it so powerful that it can make Ying Meijie make the heavens?" Shi Yuan looked at the territory of Wanli and turned into a cold winter in Lin Yingmei's move, deeply worried.

"It doesn't matter if we go, it will only add burden to the elder brother." Soup is heartless and powerless.

A few people are silent, and it’s nothing to die on their own, but the twins that fall into Su Xing will bring negative effects to Su Xing. This is the most important thing. Now, they are waiting in addition to the Longevity Palace. There is no other way. "Su Lang has so many sisters to help, don't worry." Zhang Yuqi said. "But let the Changsheng Palace rush."

Gu Yu nodded.

"Mom." At this time, the sugar sugar pulled the clothes corner of La Gu, and the little Loli pointed at the back.

Everyone saw it.

A golden light came quickly.

... "The wind and snow are long nights."

"The frost is freezing in Kyushu."

"Bing heart seals rì month."

"Cold dreams condensate for millennia."

Wu Xin whispered, and smiled, and Lin Yingmei’s heaven and earth could be really interesting. I just didn’t know if I could defeat Shi Xian.

The blizzard finally stopped, the world of eyes has been white, the snow has not stopped, Lin Yingmei received a gun.

Shi Xian is still set, a **** rush of the phoenix sword, horrible majesty, plaques and plaques, some wolves.

"This woman is so strong." Wu Si sighed and gasped, and after the heavens and the earth was yellow, the walker had no way to fight again, but he looked at Shi Xian steep and felt powerless, even if she was drunk in the sand field, Jun Moxiao and Lin Yingmei's seven-star days. Still can't beat her.

"Her talent is probably against you, and it is dangerous to star." Su Xing shook his head.

Wu Si's lips bit a bit of blue silk, not willing to write on his face.

"You take a break first, she should almost reach the limit, give it to me." Su Xing took a photo of Wu Siyou.

Wu Siyou nodded and was taken away by Yu Yue.

Shi Xian’s robes have been torn apart. The woman wiped the blood donation from the corner of her mouth and slowly opened her eyes. “Now you are all going to die!!” Shi Xian raised his phoenix and murdered his anger. "Let's accompany you." Lin Yingmei raised his rifle and yù attacked again.

A cold glimpse, a girl stopped in the middle of them, with a wave of hands, Lin Yingmei repelled, and then pressed Shi Xian to the spot.

Wu Xinjie and other people are shocked, thinking that this woman has finally shot, even if it is far from the wait and see, the heart is tight, but fortunately, Fang’s family has no fighting interest, she said leisurely: "Enough, stop. ""

Scorpio suppresses his murderousness and raises his brow: "His Royal Highness!"

"Don't fight again, let Su Xing go up the mountain." Seeing Shi Xian's big killing, Fang Mou once again lost his sense of struggle and was boring. "Su Xing, someone will believe you..."

"Please forgive Shi Xian for a hard time!!" Shi Xian interrupted Fang's home.

"Shi Xian!" Fang's brow wrinkled.

"His Royal Highness, please kill Shi Xian, otherwise Shi Xian must kill this man." Shi Xian's words have no room for manoeuvre.

"Do you really want this? Maybe you are dead, no virtue, Shuer, my mother has lost." Fangmou shook his head.

Shi Xian laughed: "Isn't your Highness saying that he can end the battle star for His Royal Highness? That's it. He killed the following instructions and did have this qualification. But if you can't get through this, you won't recognize this man's ability." Meet the wishes of His Highness."

"Are you serious?" Fang Mou softly.

"Since following the Highness, this is Shi Xian's most serious one." Shi Xian completely opened his eyes, no longer the previous Xiao Yan.

Fang’s killings are invisible, and the girl looked at Su Xing, and the blue sè’s nephew was a little melancholy.

Su Xing stood up and said: "That's just right, I will divide her with her. I don't want to kill Shi Xian. I am sorry for my sisters."

"Just by you?" Shi Xian disdain sneer, the top star girl is not an opponent, let alone a negligible star-dropper, it is really ridiculous.

"Su Xing, really don't need to be a monk to take a shot?" Wu Hao smiled.

"Hey seniors, you are here." Chai Lingyi.

Looking at the monk's hands, the nine-star river, the general cream, the demon and the double sword, Su Xing is a little dazzling, and it really is the eighth generation of the hegemon.

"This is the grudge between me and the women and her, and I don't care for my predecessors." Su Xing is awkward.

"It's a man who looks like a monk, very good." Wu Hao was satisfied.

"Oh arrogant, I will kill you at the end of the meeting." Shi Xianli said of course.

Fang’s family closed her eyes. She was suspended in the air, and her white light was thorough. A nine-day mysterious girl’s shadow was set behind her. The girl was like this mysterious woman. Everyone did not speak. "Well, if the majors can pass the Shixian customs, one of our families will admit that you can change the situation of the astral world."

"Thank you for your fullness." Shi Xian's left knee and a half.

Fang’s family looked to Shi Xian and sighed. “Be good at it, Shi Xian.”

The girl shook her head and disappeared in the middle.

"It is your luck to be able to get your Royal Highness, but you will not allow any man to tarnish the eyes of His Royal Highness..." Shi Xian got up, raised his knife, and looked at Lin Yingmei, Su Xing, Wu Siyou, Dai Niangzi, etc. One by one drifting. "At the end, this phoenix phoenix will fall through tens of thousands of true phoenix stars. It will be enough to kill you."

Yu Feng is lying on his back, and Shi Xian’s murderousness is invisible.

"Is it the order? It is too arrogant for a move." Su Xing went all out, secretly buckled Liangshan, five dragon lights.

"The "super kill" of laughing and killing can be true."

A light voice entered the eyes of everyone, Su Xing looked, white clothes, slender body posture, raised a very long knife girl Shi Shiran came.

It is the unparalleled Uesugi.

"Uesugi is unparalleled, what are you doing? I don't need you to shoot, this is my and her grudges." Su Xing Shen Sheng.

The girl’s eyebrows are cold. “The unparalleled is just to give you a little bit of self-protection. As for Shi Xian, the unparalleled is not going to shoot.”

Su Xing is a glimpse.

The girl waved a knife, and suddenly everyone felt that the realm had improved.

"The unparalleled realm of the realm can make her stars within the scope of the realm, we can only do so much, this Shixian is quite ferocious." Xiao Niang said.

Seeing that they are so severe, everyone feels that the enemy is currently.

"Shi Xian's super kill can instantly kill the targets around her, you are better off." Li Shiji reminded urgently.

"go with."

Su Xing did not hesitate to throw Liangshan printed, and the locks were locked around Shi Xian.

The space in which Shi Xian is located is extremely calm. The previous terrible murder seems to be an illusion, but Su Xing understands that this is just the calm before the storm. Su Xing Quanli cāo stringer mountain seal, Liangshan printed as a thousand feet of giant mountains, as if to be able to break the female Liangshan, toward Shixian.

"We are also careful."

Zhao Hanyan, Gong Caiwei, and Haoyue also took out their respective magic weapons.

Shi Xian suddenly spit out a "drink" word.

Then the storm finally arrived.

There was a loud bang in the bang, and the tens of thousands of robbers surrounded by the smashing were actually smashed in an instant. This layer of iron ropes that had been tempered by the catastrophe could not withstand the murderousness of Shi Xian, which made Su Xingda sigh, "You die!! "Xian Xian swings the sword."

not good! ! !

Without any warning, Su Xing, Chai Ling, Lin Yingmei, Wu Siyou, Yi Niangzi, Hua Yi, Wu Xinjie, Li Shishi, Uesugi Wushuang and so on suddenly encountered the attack of Shi Xianyu Feng, clearly everyone has been separated, but Shi Xian is only one In an instant, they all covered them in the scope of attack, and the speed reached its peak, even if it was a bad tail.

Bloody, Jianqi is blooming in someone at the place.

There is no room for crevices and reflections.

There is no suspense in the middle.

The first wave of Jianguang came suddenly, the defense of all people collapsed, Jianguang bloomed in the chest, and blood stained the earth.

When the second wave of Jianguang struck, Su Xing had never felt the danger. When the chest was broken by the knife, the vertical purple gas was dragged down by Liangshan. This huge Liangshan Yin has finally brought a heavy pressure to make Shi Xian's level become less calm.

An earth-shattering loud noise.

The phoenix's Jianguang will split the Liangshan This top-level magic weapon that can shake the Liangshan continent is actually shattered.

"Look at you."

Liangshan smashed, Shi Xian appeared in it, and there were huge stones falling around. She looked around at the people present. The man’s mana was stronger than imagined, and he was stabbed. The usage treasure suppressed her strongest attack. Looking at the dripping blood on the Feng Fengfeng, Shi Xian’s expression is more yīn.

Lin Yingmei, Hua Yi, about a sword in the maiden and other people, are half-squatting on the ground, full of blood. It is that Uesugi's unparalleled white clothes are dyed red, and the girl is also a long knife and the legs are tripped.

Almost defeated.

This is Shi Xian’s.

Ground level.

Super kill!

It’s just the ground level.

"This is dangerous." Wu Hao looked at himself with a sword, touched the wound with his hand, and rubbed the blood of his fingers.

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