MTL - 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution-Chapter 12 war

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The first large community to be faced by Lin, the cells called "crystal bacteria" are very strange. They are like the ice, and there are several spikes like ice cones around the body. When Lin first saw them, she thought that these things were not cells. After all, it looked like a hockey puck.

But they are not ice, but real cells, they will do the same movement of cells, but Lynn is very curious about how they can grow into this kind of touch.

These crystal bacteria also have tens of thousands of people, occupying most of the food cracks in the middle of this rock. They can also do this with great strength, but Lynn must fight them to expand their territory.

Lin first gathered a large number of cells around the crystal bacteria territory, mostly cones and diggers. It is not intended to let the acid injectors move so quickly.

Because Lin found in the process of occupying food cracks, other cells may also be resistant to the acid solution.

Lin also initially developed lytic resistance during the fight against strange cells, but it is clear that this evolutionary ability is not unique to it.

If you fight against crystal bacteria, it may last a long time, then they must have time and may evolve the ability to be immune to the solution.

Therefore, it is the best choice to use the acid injector as the secret weapon to finally disintegrate the opponent.

Lin's observers looked down at the nearest group of crystal bacteria in the sky. The crystal bacteria did not know that they would be attacked, and they still ate the food that happened by chance.


As a pioneer, the cone-shaped cells directly rushed to the group of crystal bacteria. They quickly approached and pierced the body of the crystal lens with a cone angle. Although the crystal bacteria were crystal, they could not be as hard as the hardness of real ice crystals. Pairing, then the cones turn quickly to the body, and the serrations on the cones easily tear the crystals into countless pieces, and a large amount of debris floats in the water...

The crystal bacteria were attacked immediately after the attack. They were also very common. They only used the spikes on the body to **** the cones. The cones in front of the cones were very hard and could not be pierced. Then a large number of crystal bacteria were torn by the cone cells again. It didn't take long for Lin's cone cells to kill the crystal bacteria around several food cracks.

When Lin killed the crystal bacteria in other cracks, it found that the behavior of the crystal bacteria changed, they began to rhythmically move, surrounded by cones with group attacks, no longer only the stupid cone-shaped cells. Partly, but trying to get around it, the soft part of the tapered cone that does not harden behind.

They have no eyes or vision... Why do you know where to attack? Lynn is very curious about the situation at hand.

However, the spikes of the crystal bacteria are not serrated, but they can't cause great damage even if they are pierced. The cones can be killed by the cone angle with only one turn, and the crystal bacteria change the strategy again. The way of attacking, as long as a large number of spikes are stuck in, the same effect, whether they have the same or not, they can easily smash the body of the cone!

As a forward, there are more than 500 cone-shaped cells. They are being attacked by thousands of crystal bacteria. Most of the crystal bacteria are coming from cracks in other foods.

As it turns out, the crystal bacteria distributed here are an entire group, so they can be called from outside to increase staff.

Lin thought while watching the battle, but not only did it do this, these crystal bacteria, in the battle, constantly looking for their own advantages, but Lin's cone-shaped cells because Lin did not go to command, slowly defeated.

Suddenly, countless crystal bacteria appeared in Lin's field of vision, and the crystal film on them reflected the brilliant brilliance and rushed toward the battle site.

This is... are all of them out? Lin found that all the crystal bacteria stopped eating at the same time, but they swam in the same place. Thousands of people rushed into the war. The cones were squeezed by a large number of crystal bacteria, almost no movement, only Can be pierced by countless spikes.

attack! Lin finally started the second step. Countless diggers rushed up and joined the battle. The digger did not have a cone angle. The lethality of the target was certainly a difference, but the digger won the huge amount, a total of 7793, and Say one-on-one, or the diggers are better than the crystal bacteria.

The digger who joined the smashed saw the spines of the crystals with jagged teeth, chopped the other's body, and the crystal bacteria kept trying to smash the fragile part of the diggers.

The observer has been in the distance, and Lin looks around the entire battlefield.

Lin initially calculated the number of crystal bacteria, probably more than 20,000. Here they have no reinforcements. All the crystal bacteria are involved in the battle, but the situation is not biased towards them. Instead, the crystal bacteria are constantly losing ground.

A diver can probably change about five crystal bacteria.

If this continues, ah?

Lin suddenly felt a strange feeling. From the information felt by a diggers, the diggers attacked the crystals as usual, and they should be able to tear each other, but the diggers failed to do so. Its target crystal is only pushed a little farther.

Then the digger was killed by a large number of crystal bacteria.

This phenomenon gradually spreads in Lin's cell community. No matter the diggers or the cones, their sharp weapons can no longer harm the crystal bacteria. All they can do is push them away.

Is this evolution? So quickly evolved a rugged shell that defends against sawtooth and cone angle attacks?

Lynn was amazed because the growth rate of this crystal is much faster than its cell evolution.

...and so on, no!

Lin found that one of the crystal bacteria was stabbed by the cone angle of the conical cell. It was not injured, but was pushed to the other conical cell. The attack of this cone cell easily pierced the crystal. bacteria.

In this case, the crystal bacteria are not hardening themselves, but...

Lin began to look closely, and found that the diggers and cones that could not damage the crystals covered their teeth and cones with a layer of things.

It looks like a black, viscous substance, and if it is glued, the attack power of the cones and diggers will be greatly reduced.

Lin also noticed that on the battlefield, in addition to the wreckage of the cell corpse, the black viscous material floated everywhere, of course, at the beginning, there was no such thing, otherwise Lin discovered it.

The sticky substance does not stick to the crystal bacteria, but only sticks to the cells of Lin.

That is to say, these substances are released by the crystal bacteria, just like the acid-injected people will not be hurt by their own acid, and the crystal bacteria will not be affected by these sticky substances.

With the help of viscous materials, the crystal bacteria once again regained the advantage that they could easily kill the diggers and cones that did not attack. Lin's community suddenly suffered a lot of losses.


Lin tried to direct them to avoid the sticky objects while observing.

Lin noticed that the crystal bacteria did not secrete sticky substances. Where did these sticky substances come from?

...have it!

Lin’s vision stopped behind the crystal bacterium, and there were only a few large crystals that were about ten times larger than the average crystal bacteria. They had no spikes on them, but those sticky substances were secreted from their membrane surface. from.

It turns out that it seems that crystal bacteria, like themselves, are communities of different species.

Lin immediately acted, and it sent special troops to the large crystal mushrooms, and planned to kill them instantly.

These troops are also diggers, but they have become very similar to the rock worms seen before, with a large number of symbiotic thorn cells, and Lin knows how to make these thorn cells attack.

It is to send out the crisis information, Lin does not know the detailed situation, but it only needs to let the cells prepare for the battle, the stab cells will start to become nervous, and will shoot at the target close to the range.

These thorn-piercing diggers are not many, about 300, one is basically equipped with 5, and there are about 3,000 small crystal bacteria around the large crystal bacteria.

Each thorn cell can only be attacked once, and then it takes a long time to grow the thorn again.

Not easy to do...

But there are only six large crystal bacteria, which means that Lin can end the battle as long as he hits six targets.

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