MTL - 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution-v9 Chapter 4855 the other side

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4855 - The other side

This place feels like an unpredictable place...but it feels a little special to Lin.

Lin came here on a space ship not long ago. Originally, Lin thought that the space ship would directly enter the 'Eye of the Void', but it stopped when it approached.

The 'entrance' of the Eye of the Void seems to be a huge wall, with lights of different colors constantly flashing on the wall, and Lin can detect that there seems to be an unforeseen place behind the wall.

At least it gave Lin the same feeling as the unforeseen land.

And there is another interesting thing on this wall, which is a space station.

There are many differences between this space station and the previous ones. The previous residences on the road were mainly built by civilized creatures, but this one is the corpse of a kind of creature—the corpse of a giant nebula.

Lin hadn't seen a dead giant nebula before, but when Lin was observing the history of civilization, those civilized creatures had talked about this with the giant nebula.

To be precise, those civilized creatures curiously tried to ask about the civilization of the giant nebula when they communicated with the giant nebula, and the giant nebula also told them... part of it.

The giant nebula has mentioned that they also have the phenomenon of death. When they die, their bodies will slowly dissipate, and at the same time, a strange substance will condense at the place where they died.

When they are completely dead, they will also leave a 'corpse' several kilometers in size.

This 'corpse' looks very much like solidified lightning, very much like the shape that is fixed when the lightning lights up. Countless such fixed, elongated lightning bolts gather together in large numbers to form a huge hemispherical object. Pasted on the colorful wall, it also looks like a hemispherical grid buckled on it.

According to the giant nebula, the "solidified lightning" after their death was not transformed from their bodies when they were alive, but was produced out of thin air after death. As for why they were produced, they were not as detailed as what was said.

Therefore, after Lin's space ship stopped, Lin also sent troops to fly to the corpse of the giant nebula, and these troops were all pompoms.

After they got close to this structure that looked like solidified lightning, Lin first checked its composition, and Lin found that it was not composed of the basic structure of the normal void... This feels quite interesting.

Inside the corpse, there are also countless 'lightning' intertwined, extending in all directions like a traffic road. At the same time, many buildings of civilized creatures and transportation vehicles can be seen on these 'lightning'.

It seems that they have also lived here for a period of time. What is more interesting is that Lin found that the vehicle shapes here are quite special.

Lin's pompom approached a vehicle that looked like a boat and was more than ten meters in size. There was a big hole in the bottom of the vehicle. After Lin let the pompon enter to investigate, she found that the vehicle The tool can still be started.

And when activated, it can obtain energy from the road formed by 'lightning' through the hole at the bottom.

When Lin went to investigate other buildings and vehicles, she also found that these things can directly obtain energy from 'lightning', but they don't directly absorb energy from it, but send some kind of signal to 'lightning', so that It produces a small mass of active 'gas', similar to a small giant nebula that provides energy inside the vehicle, which is also quite interesting.

At the same time, Lin also found a rather special building, which was located at the end of a lightning bolt and was tightly attached to the colored walls.

The building looks like a cube, but when you enter the interior, it feels like a movie theater in Ershmin, with a large number of seats and a huge screen.

When one of Lin's pompoms enters the building, the screen flickers.

"Creatures that are not within the rules."

This screen speaks one of the languages ​​used by those civilized creatures, mainly expressing meaning through flashing frequency and color.

"Although it is not within the regulations, it can also enter." It said: "According to the test, it is a creature that can be allowed, within the scope of permission..."

"What are you?" Lin asked the pompom to question it as well.

"..." It was silent for a while, and then Lin found that the screen was cracked, and at the same time, there was a strong gravitational force in the cracked screen.

All the seats in the building, including Lin's pompom, were sucked in at this moment, and all of them entered the cracked screen.

This... seems to be the other side of the wall.

Lin's pom-pom entered the gap in the screen and soon found itself floating in the void with a mass of seats.

This place is not an unforeseen place, although Lin has detected this feeling before, and Lin now thinks that maybe only the colored wall is similar to the composition of the unforeseen place.

Behind the wall, there seems to be a relatively normal-looking void.

But after observing for a few seconds, Lin quickly discovered the abnormal part, that is those seats.

Lynn found that one by one they quickly began to twist, creating a small vortex from their central position, which quickly sucked the seat into it.

Soon all the seats disappeared, and after a few more seconds, Lin found them reappearing.

It's just that they don't look like the previous seats, but a small aircraft, which looks the same shape as those civilized creatures often use, but it is composed of a large number of seats squeezed together.

And it started to move the moment it came out, so Lin let the pompom enter the interior of the aircraft.

Although there is an opening in the aircraft that can be opened, it is hollow and contains nothing, but it can move in a certain direction. Lin wants to see where it will go.

At the same time, Lin asked another pompom to investigate at the corpse of the giant nebula. Lin let another pompom enter a place similar to a movie theater just now. Lin found that all the seats inside had been restored, including the screen.

And when this pompom came in, the screen also said the same words just now.

Lin didn't say anything to it this time, but just watched it like this. After watching it for a while, Lin found a picture appeared on the screen.

The content of the picture is what a group of creatures live here.

At that time, it seemed that a group of civilized creatures came here, and the spaceship they were on stopped like Lin, and they couldn't find a way to pass through the colored walls anyway, but they found the corpse of this giant nebula.

Then they began to try to approach it to investigate, found it harmless, and lived here, and slowly developed a method of obtaining energy from the 'solidified lightning'.

And this method seems to be that they found that under certain circumstances, the giant nebula will "resurrect" a small part, and this small part will continue to rotate.

So they get their energy this way, and at some point they seem to 'resurrect' a small part of the giant cloud with a consciousness integrated into the intelligent system they're building here, which is actually Screen.

Then, the part of the consciousness of the giant nebula opened the access to the eye of the void for them.

Read The Duke's Passion