MTL - 4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution-v9 Chapter 4857 Stablize

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4857 - Stable

The residents here... Lynn also finds it quite interesting.

They seem to be in two states. When Lin saw them for the first time, they were in the 'entity' state. The residents of this civilization did not live in this state. When they were in the entity state, only a large number of automatic machines were running in their civilization.

After a period of time, all the creations of the entire civilization changed into a "dense fog" state, but Lin checked and found that it was not the original entity that was directly transformed into, but this area was replaced with the shape of the original entity. Same 'dense fog'.

As for this kind of dense fog, it is composed of the 'energy' that Lin knew before mixed with some other things.

And this kind of dense fog is also where the residents of this civilization are really located. After observing for a while, Lin believes that all the dense fog is formed by the residents themselves. After the fog, they began to communicate non-stop.

This civilization itself may have been constantly transforming between the physical state and the dense fog state. When in the physical state, the civilization is fully automatic, and the dense fog state is the time for these residents to move and communicate.

It is not very clear why their civilization is in this mode of operation, and the time for their communication is not very long. Soon Lin found that the surroundings changed into entities again, and the port was operating as before.

So Lin tried to spread the miniature arms in this place, mainly some of the machines here, and transformed these machines to be controlled by Lin from the inside.

Then Lin used them to start an investigation in the territory of this civilization.

Lin quickly explored many places. This civilization usually seems to rely entirely on the spikes flying out of the vortex as resources. They will send many small aircraft to collect those spikes, and then process them into various things.

Almost all the creations here are made of spikes, which is kind of interesting.

Lin also found some places to record history.

Although these 'dense fog creatures' do not move after materialization, they have made many recording tools in the physical buildings, and the language they use for recording is also learned from the giant nebula.

Lin learned from these records that this place is indeed the Void of the Eye of the Void.

The situation here is a bit like that of Midgard. A huge consciousness spreads throughout the void. It is said that long, long ago, this powerful consciousness controlled the operation of all things here, and even manipulated the rules of the void.

Of course, previous civilizations didn't notice this either, they just thought everything was normal and it went on like this for a long time until something happened at some point.

But this is not discovered by the creatures that live here, but something happened to the eye of the void, and its consciousness began to dissipate.

There is a very significant difference between places without consciousness coverage and places with consciousness coverage, so it was quickly noticed by some creatures, and it took a long time for some relatively powerful civilizations to confirm that this is the case. Dissipate slowly.

After a long time, the area covered by consciousness has become smaller and smaller, and many areas have fallen out of influence.

But although the area covered by consciousness has become smaller, it is still very large in terms of the entire void scale, and the place where this 'dense fog civilization' lives is an affected location.

The affected area and the unaffected area have different void environments, and this group of dense fog creatures was born in this area affected by the eye of the void.

But they were not directly born here. According to their records, they were originally foreign civilizations. After entering the area affected by consciousness, they slowly developed into this special ecology, which is what Lin is now What you see will be transformed into a dense fog.

And that doesn't seem to mean they like the place.

There are often some weird phenomena in this area, just like what I have seen before.

These weird phenomena pose a great threat to them, but some phenomena seem to be able to stabilize and be used by them, just like the current vortex.

And they have always wanted to get rid of this environment, so they thought of many ways.

Now they have finally found a way, the key lies in this stable phenomenon, they have some kind of plan to stabilize all the weird phenomena in this area.

At that time, it also represented the complete disappearance of the consciousness of the Eye of the Void.

However, they didn't know about the Eye of the Void before, and they just thought that everything around them was a natural phenomenon. They knew this because they had received some signals from the depths of the Void, telling them about the Void. eye matter.

Then they seem to quickly accept it as true, and start figuring out what to do about it.

And the time for them to process...seems to be now.

The plan was not fully recorded in the historical files, but Lin learned about it after they were fogged up just now.

The purpose of the three aircraft before leaving here was mainly to arrive at a location, which they called a 'stable point'.

As long as you reach the stable point and come back, you can establish a connection with the stable vortex here, making the whole area stable.

As for why only three aircraft were sent there, it seemed that the more they sent, the more intense the surrounding weird phenomena would be. So they made strict calculations and thought it was most appropriate to send only those three aircraft.

Now, Lin can see that their 'stabilization' has begun.

The square city group floating around the vortex began to send out a large number of aircraft, and they all flew close to the vortex, and the closest one was only tens of kilometers away from the vortex.

These craft then collectively shot a powerful beam of light at the vortex.

These were not ordinary lights. They touched the surface of the vortex at a slow speed. At this moment, Lin found that the spikes suddenly stopped flying out, and the entire vortex also began to emit a strong light.

The vortex began to become brighter and brighter, feeling a bit like a star.

At the same time, Lin also found a bright light in the depths of the void in the distance, as if a star appeared there.

That position is what they call the 'stable point'. It seems that after the group of aircraft activates the vortex with a 'beam', there will also be a reaction there.

And at this moment, Lin suddenly saw an aircraft closest to the whirlpool blow up.

It was hit by something flying out of the vortex, but it was not a spike, but a relatively large stone fragment.

Lin thinks... the vortex has become a door, and there are a lot of things pouring out of it.

Read The Duke's Passion