MTL - 5 Big Shots Kneeled and Called Me Mom-Chapter 114 Chapter 114

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Chapter 114: Two Dads Appear

After Gu Yan's birthday banquet ended, the first few days were still calm, and then some "bursting" gradually appeared on the Internet. grid! Grid Party & Novel

The first news broke that Nie Yu and Ji Qisen were brothers.

"Ji Qisen from the AK Group, and the Shaodong family who is in charge of the world, the Prince of Entertainment, they are brothers and born to the same mother!"

However, this news broke nobody's belief and was quickly ridiculed by everyone.

These two have not dealt with since childhood. Ji Senpi rumors a few months ago that it was his mother who ate with him, and Nie Yu mocked it. Could this be a mother?

"Bad review!"

"This news has no work ethic!"

"When we are stupid?"

"Dare to make anything this year to be famous!"

The news that Nie Yu and Ji Qisen are brothers from the same mother has been mentioned several times, but it has not spread and no one believed.

The next news broke: "Nie Yu's mother is very young, she looks like twenty years old, full of youth. I was dumbfounded when I saw it. How could this be his mother? This should be his sister!"

The audience expressed apathy.

"Is it rich, well maintained, is it so strange to be young?"

"This is Mrs. Nie's mother. She is richer than most big stars. That's the real magnate."

"It's better to talk about what skin care products Nie Yu's mom uses and what brand of skirt she wears. It's better to have another photo."

The next news broke: "Nie Yu will push his mother into the entertainment circle, and the big coffees at home and abroad will match the show!"

The audience reacted even more indifferently.

"Rich people love how to play."

"I'm more interested in which big coffees to invite?"

"Tell the landlord who Duke Nie wants to invite, will you ask Stephen Redcliffe?"

"Ah, ah, ah, did Stephen come to China to do a movie? I'm so excited."

So broke the building completely crooked.

Finally someone did not give up, and continued to break the news.

"I heard that the propaganda picture of" Cangtian Buqing Qing "was not used by Hu Yuejing at all, but by Nie Yu's mother. Now Nie Yu's mother wants to get justice for his mother."

"The landlord is right, Ji Qisen said, he wants to investigate to the end, there should be a statement next."

Some people questioned this news: "Is it Ji Qisen's mother or Nie Yu's mother?"

Someone responded: "They are a mom!"

Netizens: "What about us?"


However, no matter how incredible this is, in the sailor ’s intentional or unintentional push, the "Cangtian Buqing Qing" first used Ji Qisen's mother's makeup test photo as a follow-up propaganda, and the news that Zhang Guanli was wearing Hu Yuejing's head was still alive Hype up.

Someone said painfully that her mother was Hu Yuejing's fan, but did not expect her to do such a thing?

Someone said unbelievably that I grew up watching Hu Yuejing's TV and ruined my childhood!

Some people are even more emotional. I have always thought that the older artist Deyi Shuangxin, how can she take advantage of others' pictures and feel at ease?

It was even more amazing: before God, there was still someone who blasted the picture, and she forwarded it, too shameless!

Gu Ye occasionally followed the news on the Internet, knowing that this matter quickly became a hot search, after which Hu Yuejing was singled out and various grilled, how she stepped on the female artist in the same crew in the past, in order to get her How did the show hook up with the director, and how an actress was crowded out by her at that time, and all kinds of dark materials frequently appeared, and then the actress who was crowded out by her came out with blood and tears. Into the Deputy Director's room.

Gu Ye looked at these messages, and his mind had only one idea: chaos, it was chaos.

These negative news may be fueled by her own son, but she believes that her son will not be black and black. Hu Yuejing's journey along the way is really not easy and he paid too much.

I can't help but think of the things I encountered while filming. If I don't have several sons covered, what will happen to myself?

Shivered and didn't dare to think.

Regarding this matter, she also talked with her son Qi Sen, but Qi Sen's response was flat: "This is just the beginning. Mom, the main thing is behind, but you have to be patient."

Gu Ye heard this and didn't care too much. She thought her son was going to sue Hu Yuejing. Instead, she persuaded: "After so many years, it is estimated that the lawsuit period has passed, or forget it. Now she is paying the price anyway. Besides, the events of that year may not be her own. "

When Gu Yan said so, she felt that her son looked at her with a special gaze, and then said, "Mom, I will have a sense of doing things."

Since the son said so, she said nothing, but occasionally she still remembered the look that the son looked at himself at that time, always felt like he was hiding something from him?

For a moment, I remembered the scene in the sunlight room upstairs where Qi Sen and Jun Tian were talking.

She sighed, she must be hiding something, but they didn't say, and she had to ask no more.

Moreover, she is very busy recently. Nie Yu ’s studio has been set up. New projects have begun preparations. Using this space, she also received a variety show. This variety show is also hosted by the entertainment company under the world. Good resources for Gu Yan.

The variety show that she is going to participate in now involves various talent performances. She must prepare well in advance. She even intensified her practice of the song Luo Juntian wrote to her, trying to express the mood of that song vividly.

At the same time, she had to make up for the lessons that she had left in school and step up her training. As a result, the daily arrangement was naturally very tense. There is a project in the variety show recently, which is to learn to manage a restaurant going bankrupt on its own. Gu Ye was naturally inexperienced with this. He ate it casually when he had breakfast this day.

Luo Juntian and Ji Qisen were eating breakfast quietly. Before hearing this, there was no time to say anything. Huo Lanting immediately put down his beloved shrimp dumplings and took the lead to speak: "Mom, this is very simple. Managing a restaurant It's the same as running a company. I believe that experience can be used for reference. I can recommend someone here, and he can certainly teach you a lot. "

When Nie Yu heard this, she raised her eyebrows: "I manage a restaurant? I'm in this business, Mom, I can also recommend a person to you. This person started from scratch and started the restaurant! He has rich experience in opening restaurants. . "

Gu Yan: "Really? Who do you guys recommend?"

Nie Yu: "My dad!"

Huo Lanting: "My dad!"

One big and one small, two sounds sounded at the same time.

After the sounds fell, the two looked at each other, showing scorn in each other's eyes.

Huo Lanting: "Brother 3, your dad is in the entertainment media industry. How can he open a restaurant?"

Nie Yu: "Don't you know that entertainment, media and catering are all one? What about your dad? What does your dad care about?"

The Huo family's industries involve various industries, and most people really can't tell what kind of Huo Chenchen is.

Huo Lanting was proud: "My dad is in charge of all the people and industry in our family. People in our family want to eat, of course, including the restaurant."

Nie Yu scorned: "You're hard-pressed!"

Huo Lanting immediately flattened his mouth and complained to Gu Yan: "Mom, the third brother bullied me!"

Gu Ye had no choice but to look at Nie Yu: "Nie Yu, what did you read about those books?"

She has already turned it over. The book says that it should be moderately educated and communicate well, but it doesn't say that it treats Xiaopenyou so scornfully.

Nie Yu immediately withdrew her contempt and seriously said to Gu Yan: "Mom, you have a point. This is not good for me, but Xiao Wuzi is looking for a mother now. This is an unhealthy attachment behavior. I will talk to him well. "

After that, he dragged Huo Lanting; "Mother said it makes sense, come, Lanting, our two brothers communicate in private."

Huo Lanting realized that something was wrong: "Mom, save me! The third brother wants to bully me!"

Nie Yu narrowed his eyes and asked Huo Lanting: "Huo Lanting, are you a man? If it is a man, let's solve the problem privately. Or else--"

Huo Lanting hurriedly said, "We solve it in private !!!"

Nie Yu smiled and patted Huo Lanting's head: "Let's go."

Gu Ye watched the two sons leave, and wondered: "Strange, how do you feel that Nie Yu seized Lanting's handle?"

Ji Qisen did not even look at these two, and said lightly: "Mom, since Nie Yu has read a lot of child psychology data, let him use his method to solve it."

Luo Juntian touched his chin, looking at this big and small back, and thought deeply: "I see that the two of them are suitable together. They are about the same age. I mean psychological age."

After listening to this, Gu Yan laughed outright. In fact, Nie Yu was very smart, but because she was so smart that she could learn something at will, and she could become an expert almost immediately. He just grew up with a golden spoon, so he has nothing to worry about, so why should he work hard? That's why there is such a lazy, clever, and unruly Nie Yu.

Now that Nie Yu meets a Lanting, the two are considered rivals, and they can compete against each other.

Sometimes it's fun to watch the two brothers quarrel there.


Huo Lanting almost walked out of the dining room with Nie Yu's ears. Two people came under the ginkgo tree beside the flower room.

Huo Lanting was helpless, squatting there, holding his chin with two small hands, looking up at the long one-eight-foot long aura in front of his eyes: "Brother, let's go, what are you doing?"

He was helpless and helpless.

I don't know why these three brothers are so ghostly. He and his grandfather were planning how to oppress his father to pursue his mother. As a result, the third brother popped up in a ghostly way.

Now the three elder brothers said that he must be obedient, or else he would have to take the matter to his father.

Huo Lanting was neither afraid nor afraid, even his dad. Even though dad knew that there was a grandfather to help him, but grandfather couldn't reach it.

Thinking of this, he plucked a few sedges of grass on the sorrowful lawn: "If you always threaten me like this, then I will tell my mother."

With a smile, Nie Yuxi also squatted with him and stared at him: "Children, the third brother is very fair and fair, as long as you don't always claim to be a baby looking for a mother to be coquettish, of course I won't pierce you. "

Huo Lanting hurriedly said: "Then I'm not coquettish yet, don't sue me as dark!"

He glanced resentfully at him: "Don't think that I don't know your mind, don't you just want to draw your father and mother together? Coincidentally, we have a fair competition."

Nie Yu laughed and stretched out his hand: "Yes, the brave wins on the narrow road, we compete fairly!"

Huo Lanting simply sat down on the grass: "For example, this time, do you think your father is more suitable to teach mother, or my father is more suitable to teach mother?"

Nie Yu: "Of course it's my dad!"

Huo Lanting thought about it, "I have a good idea."

Nie Yu looked at him as a small person, and even said that he had a good way, with a straight face, and made fun of it: "What good way do you have to talk to?"

Huo Lanting patted the grass with confidence, and motioned to Nie Yu to sit down: "We should let go and let our father fight for the opportunity!"

Nie Yu suspected: "You?"

He remembered his dad who pushed three times. Would his dad take the initiative?

Huo Lanting: "Yes, after all, it's the parents' own affairs. Our juniors should not be involved with this, so we should individually advise our fathers to offer to help their mothers."

Nie Yu stared at this sharp little fart child.

He didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that he was right.

It's just up to dads.

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