MTL - 5 Big Shots Kneeled and Called Me Mom-Chapter 128 Chapter 128

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Chapter 128 Jiang Yinfeng

In the middle of the night Gu Gu was lying alone in the tent and continued to sleep. (Search the novel the fastest and best update network every day)

Huo Chenchen said to let her rest, and then he hurried back to his tent himself.

I don't know why, but Gu Yan didn't think Huo Chenchen looked in his eyes.

She had the illusion that he was avoiding herself.

When thinking this way, Gu Ji remembered that moment when Huo Chenchen looked at himself side by side, his momentary heart moved.

It's like drinking a strong cup of coffee, the heart beats, and the blood condenses in one place.

But it was only for a moment. In the past, everything seemed to be passing through the water without trace.

She was lying in her sleeping bag, listening to the sound outside, not knowing what the wind sand was, thinking that tomorrow would be dawn, and everything would return to its original state, and this instant heartbeat was just an illusion in a certain atmosphere .

Thinking so, she fell asleep.

In another tent, Huo Chenchen sat silently, never sleeping, so he looked at the starry sky outside the window.

The thin clouds outside the window gradually covered the starry sky, and he could not see clearly.


Nie Yu and others arrived at six in the morning the next day. When he came over, he first came to see Gu Yan.

That way, it was like lest she lack arms and legs.

Finally, holding her arm and squinting, she asked, "Mom, Huo Chenchen didn't bully you?"

Gu Yan glanced at him: "What do you think?"

Nie Yu touched her nose and said nothing. She turned to Huo Chenchen to discuss the matter. Gu Zheng met and followed.

Huo Chenchen took out his computer and projected the topographical area of ​​the Takalamham area and the tuareg people's gathering place on the inside of the tent. With a flick of both hands, he enlarged the tuareg. He began to talk about the distribution of the tuareg personnel in detail, and Jiang Yin Feng was placed under house arrest.

"Mr. Jiang is under house arrest by the iwellemidan family. The woman headed by it is amenokal. The tuareg itself is strong in combat. The iwellemidan family has hundreds of machine guns and houses the clan intensively. If we conflict with them, there is a risk of casualties. So you have to be smart. "

It is clear that Huo Chenchen has long been in his mind: "Today is the day when amenokal plans to hold a wedding with Mr. Jiang. At 10 o'clock, people of the entire family will appear in their square Nadal, and our Mr. Jiang will be passed through this road Take to Nadal Square, this road— "

He pointed at the route on the map: "It's our chance to save Mr. Jiang."

When he said this, Gu Yan felt his eyes glance over himself, but only paused, and then quickly moved elsewhere.

Gu Yan stared at the map projected on the tent, focused on the map, thinking about the rescue plan he had formulated.

Nie Yu leaned against the only table in the tent, frowning at his chin, carefully looking at the map, and asked Huo Chenchen specific questions about the opponent's firepower, the personnel on his side, the evacuation route, and so on.

When referring to a quicksand in the specific retreat route, Huo Chenchen's eyes were exhilarating: "Mr. Nie's memory is really different. I didn't expect you to remember such details, yes, there is a quicksand here, so We must be fully prepared when we retreat from here. "


After discussing the rescue measures, everyone started with breakfast and waited until 9:30 local time to take off by helicopter, air-drop tuareg, and rescue Jiang Yinfeng.

After reading the rescue plan laid out by Huo Chenchen, Gu Min was relieved to some extent. It sounded foolproof. If it goes well, he can see the last son at half past ten.

But if something goes wrong, will there be something wrong?

Gu Yan frowned, knowing in his heart that this was not a child's house, that iwellemidan had a real ammunition in his hand.

At this time, the sun had already risen, and the temperature outside had risen. Gu Ye took off his layers of clothes and came out to find Nie Yu.

When she went out, she found that Nie Yu had put on a blue robe and wrapped her face with a blue-purple veil. The breeze came slowly, and the thick blue swaying and flowing, in this vast desert, there was a sense of classical martial arts.

"This is it?" Gu Min looked at his son doubtfully.

"This is the tuareg's clothes. Since we are going to save people, then we should disguise." Nie Yu raised her arms smartly, looked at her sleeves, and thought she was pretty.

"Mom, take a few photos for me, and I will pose a few more poses." In a moment, Nie Yu posed a few cool and handsome poses, and let his wide blue sleeves fly in the wind.

Gu Yan was helpless.

She watched her son fluttering with enthusiasm: "Wait for you to come and rescue your brother, right?"

Nie Yu nodded for granted: "Of course? How can this kind of thing be without me?"

Gu Yan: "The tuareg people are very sturdy. They have a lot of machine guns."

Nie Yu: "What's wrong? Didn't Mr. Huo also bring people?"

Gu Yan had a headache: "Do you know if it will kill you or die?"

She would like to say, do n’t go without Nie Yu, but that ’s too selfish. Others are charging for one of her sons, but she is hiding here from another son. .

She looked at Nie Yu anxiously: "Your dad is your son. If something happens--"

Nie Yujunyi's face was wrapped in a blue-purple veil, and her pale brown eyes were smiling: "Mom, don't worry, I have studied it in the past two days, and besides, my mother may not know it."

Gu Yan: "I don't know what?"

Nie Yu: "Your son, I won the sniper championship in the fren international special police race at the age of sixteen."

Gu Yi looked for a moment. Under the strong sunlight, the gorgeous blue gauze masked his son's pale brown eyes with a proud and naughty smile.

Gu Yan :! !! !!

Sniper Champion!

Does she really know this son? ?


Huo Chenchen Nie Yu and they set off with people.

Gu Yan stood outside the tent, holding a mobile phone, stomping his arms up and walking around, trying to find a little signal.

The bodyguard next to me was silent for a long time, finally unwilling to be a silent back, respectfully came forward and said, "Miss Gu, you can come to the dunes over here, there is a signal here."

Gu Xie thanked the bodyguards and hurried up to the small dune, which really had a signal.

Going online, she first browsed it roughly quickly. On the Internet, the adoration about her national mother-in-law has not only subsided, but also has become more and more popular. Fans on Weibo are growing at a crazy rate, although she does not post new Weibo. However, some people still commented wildly, claiming that her daughter-in-law came to report.

In her WeChat, the groups are still chatting enthusiastically, but her "sons and dads group" has always been silent. Huo Lanting in her "genius little baby paradise group" sent a picture of Abraham's teeth dance claws, accompanied by Text: Brother 3, look at abraham, it's demonstrating to you.

Nie Yu certainly didn't have time to reply to him, so Luo Juntian and Ji Qisen responded.

Luo Juntian: It probably thinks Nie Yu.

Ji Qisen: Very cute.

Huo Lanting: No, no, no one teases it with a feather duster every day, it finally feels the world is clean! !!

Gu Yan looked at these exclamation marks from Huo Lanting, imagined his indignant appearance, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

He said that he didn't like to hate, even because Nie Yu's funny cat weapon was so angry, but in fact he still liked this third brother very much.

Children, they always love each other.

Gu Yan sighed and put away his phone.

Picking up the mobile phone is a hustle and bustle world, putting down the mobile phone is a vast and silent sand sea.

Below the dunes, the golden sandy sea can't see the end, so the monotonous color extends all the way to the end of the world, as if this world except the wind, only yellow sand and sky.

Gu Min remembered Nie Yu, Huo Minchen, and his four sons who had never met.

How are they doing now? Is everything going well? If not, there will be gunfire and there will be no casualties.

Suddenly, I felt a little bit. Nie Yu was for his younger brother, and for himself.

In fact, he should not take this risk with everyone, after all, he is valuable, and in terms of kinship, he cannot commit it.

At this time, the words of Prince Muqtada appeared in her mind.

He said Huo Chenchen attached great importance to himself.

Gu Jiran remembered the look he looked at himself once, and it was really embarrassing.


Later, after he had taken the grains of sand from his hair, he suddenly became deserted and hurriedly made excuses to return to the tent. What does this mean?

And when he talked about the rescue plan, he almost deliberately avoided his eyes.


The wind of the desert blew, and the sand fell on her face and on her eyes. Gu Min took a deep breath, converged all his thoughts, covered his head with clothes, walked down the dunes, and walked into the tent.

In fact, it was just a momentary illusion. To blame, she was too scared last night, and his face was too high.

It's over and it's over, let all the illusions evaporate in this desert.

Out of the desert, she is still Miss Gu, and he is still Mr. Huo. Two people are separated by a Huo Lanting, because of the indirect blood relationship, they have to have a relationship.

That's it.


Ears rang out from the ears. At about 11 noon, several helicopters landed from the sky and landed on a small oasis.

Gu Yan quickly ran out of the tent and looked over.

I saw the helicopter door opened in the dust, and the ladders were pulled down, one by one, the armed men were sturdy, and Huo Chenchen stepped down from one of the helicopters.

His appearance remained calm and calm under the sun.

As if feeling Gu's gaze, he raised his eyes and looked up. After seeing Gu's eyes, his eyes slightly stopped, then he nodded slightly towards Gu's.

He nodded.

Does this mean that everything went well?

Gu Yan's heart flew up instantly, and she looked at the other two helicopters.

where is the guy?

As I was thinking, two figures in blue robes and blue veils appeared on a helicopter next to it.

The wind in the desert was wrapped in sand and lifted their wide robes and veils. The thick blue fabric floated lightly between the blue sky and the yellow sand, forming a stunning landscape.

Gu Yan stared at those two figures, his heart beating, his fingertips trembling.

One of the blue shadows raised his hand and took off his face towel, exposing the familiar and handsome face.

Nie Yu laughed and smiled like the sun in June. He fluttered his face towel freely and waved at Gu Zheng: "Mom, we are back!" 2k novel reading network

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