MTL - 70s: Dressed As a Villain’s Wife-Chapter 103 violate the first

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The sales volume of "Wanxi" magazine is average, but its influence is not low. One magazine is circulated among more than 20 people. After a girl buys it, it can lead to a dormitory person. They read it Magazines, although there is no need to buy another one, they will choose to buy products such as lipstick, perfume, shampoo, etc.

Wanxi's new fragrance was quickly sold out, followed by a large order of shampoo, and the previous sales of lipstick and lip glaze ushered in a small peak.

At the same time, several sets of clothing products promoted by their magazine clothing have also increased in sales.

For this reason, people from several clothing brands took the initiative to come to the door. There is no shortage of smart people in this world. They took a fancy to the advertising effect of fashion magazines, so they took the initiative to advertise.

Not only clothing brands, but also people in charge of food tourism in the capital, came to them to talk about advertising.

At this time, Zhao Qingqing, the person in charge of "Wanxi" magazine, was stunned. She suddenly found out that the profit of their fashion magazine is not the number of sales, but the advertising. The revenue is the big one.

Of course, Zhao Qingqing also knows that only if the sales of their magazines are higher and the promotion effect is better, the brand will pay higher prices to ask them to help advertise.

"The workload will be greater in the future. Of course, we can't accept all advertisements, which will damage the word of mouth."

"This requires screening."

"We still need to find a few people who can wear clothes. In fact, many clothes are quite beautiful. They don't look conspicuous. A different feeling..."

"Yeah, not just clothes, but also hair, belts, shoes, watches, all kinds of jewelry... What matters is the overall feeling."

Zhao Qingqing and the others fell into another kind of distress. Su Xiaoman herself has a deep research on clothing, but she knows that she cannot rely on herself for these tasks. Their magazine has just started and needs a magazine. All people grow up together.

So Su Xiaoman didn't say much, but bought a few best-selling fashion magazines abroad through special channels, as well as a variety of clothing research and color matching related books for them.

Everyone in the magazine goes to work together during the day, and studies together after get off work.

Zhao Qingqing is even more motivated and has found her own life direction. What surprised Su Xiaoman is that this Qingqing can eat a melon next door in the few seconds of her lunch break.

"I heard that her eldest daughter-in-law gave birth to a child that was not her eldest son..."

"It's her youngest son."


Su Xiaoman: "…"

Qingqing is really, life is endless, eat melon more than ever.

With the surge in sales, Su Xiaoman's money has exceeded the one million mark, of which she will continue to invest 300,000 in the operation of the development laboratory and the construction of the building, and additional preparations A sum of about 100,000 yuan is used to improve the working environment of employees.

Su Xiaoman bought two adjacent courtyard houses for 30,000 yuan, one of which was used as the work department of "Wanxi" magazine, and the other was used as a dormitory for employees. There are not many people, and two sets of courtyard houses are more than enough.

She found someone to simply renovate the two sets of courtyard houses, connected the water and electricity, built new toilets, bought various desks and other related office equipment. There is a prototype of an editorial department.

Su Xiaoman also purchased three telephones, two tape recorders, one color TV, one black and white TV, two refrigerators, two washing machines, three bicycles and a motorcycle for the editorial department The car is convenient for everyone's daily travel and work life.

In the factory and research room, a number of TV sets and washing machines are also added, so that everyone can get together to chat and watch TV at night. The washing machine is an important thing that can free your hands. They even made special washing powder and disinfectant for her.

—To be lazy is the driving force of technological progress.

The washing powder and disinfectant have not been officially put into production, and currently they are only used by their internal employees.

"Wanxi" magazine had a place to stay, Zhao Qingqing moved out of the courtyard where he lived before, and devoted himself to the work of two points and one line, while Liu Pianran was preparing for another A magazine "Crawling Grass".

The positioning of the magazine "Crawling Grass" is a novel and story magazine. The editorial department is set up with "Wanxi". The relevant personnel Liu Pianran recruited another group, and also obtained from a few pen pals the first batch of manuscripts.

After Zhao Qingqing talked with the people of the garment factory about the advertisement, she hurried to the editorial department, but unexpectedly met her former classmate Wang Yu.

Zhao Qingqing also dragged Wang Yu to go with him to start a magazine. Wang Yu not only refused, but also said that Zhao Qingqing was too stupid and dragged her to do stupid things.

Seeing Zhao Qingqing at this time, Wang Yu noticed that Zhao Qingqing was in a hurry, with a lot of tiredness on her face, and couldn't help but feel proud: "Qingqing, I am now working in your previous newspaper office."

After Zhao Qingqing left, the newspaper office recruited people again, and the recruited person was Wang Yu.

Wang Yu thought to herself that it was not that she robbed Zhao Qingqing of her job, but that Zhao Qingqing voluntarily gave up. When Zhao Qingqing didn't want to do it, she also persuaded the other party.

It is useless to say anything now, the work is hers.

, living conditions are particularly convenient…”

Zhao Qingqing hurried back to the editorial department, and only chatted with her for a few words, then she had to hurry to continue rushing back, but how could Wang Yu let her go.

"Qingqing, what happened to that magazine now?"

"Is the sales good? It should be very good. We also have a copy in our newspaper."

"If you don't do well in the magazine, you can still return to our newspaper. I heard that you are going to recruit people recently."

Zhao Qingqing: "Our magazine is doing well, and I'm going back to the editorial department now."

"Really? Then can I go to your editorial department to see." Wang Yu was very curious.

Zhao Qingqing took her to visit the editorial department.

"Why did you bring me to this alley?"

"Is the editorial department in the courtyard?"

"Yes, we live in the yard next door, I'll go back to the room to get something first."

Wang Yu's eyes lit up, and he said quickly, "Then I'll go see where you live and come to play with you later."

Wang Yu followed Zhao Qingqing into the courtyard, and as soon as she entered, Wang Yu found that this courtyard was completely different from the large courtyard she had seen before. The courtyard in the middle was very wide and there was no other temporary shelter. The completed shed has also raised a lot of flowers, and the environment is very beautiful.

Entering the main room, there is also a color TV set.

"Do you still have a TV?"

"Yeah, at night, the editorial staff sit and watch TV together. We watch TV together when we work and when we are resting."

"There's a radio over there."

"Sister Xiaoman let us watch more movies and TV."

Wang Yu: "..." Is there such a boss?

"Aren't you afraid of delaying your work? Wow...this house is quite big, how many people live in it now? What? You live alone in one room? Are everything yours? You actually have a set of Wanxi lipsticks here, and you also have this perfume? Are all the things in it yours?"

Wang Yu looked at the things on Zhao Qingqing's dressing table, various lipsticks, lip glazes, eyebrow pencils, two bottles of perfume, and other balms that she couldn't tell.

"What is this, how come I've never seen it."

Zhao Qingqing glanced at it: "This is Wanxi's new product. It has not been put into production yet. Sister Xiaoman asked us to try it first."

Wang Yu sighed: "Suddenly I think your job is really good, you can have so many free things, does everyone have it?"

Zhao Qingqing: "Of course everyone has it. We have to experience it before we can tell how it feels."

"So I'll let you try all kinds of new things... That's not bad, it's free..."

Wang Yu suddenly caught a glimpse of a piece of clothing hanging on her hanger, "You also bought this piece of clothing? I bought one before and saved my money for a long time."

Zhao Qingqing followed her gaze: "The clothes were given by someone else."

"Who gave it to you?"

"The garment factory." Zhao Qingqing didn't say much. The garment factory wanted them to advertise, and naturally they sent several sets of clothes over. They found a model from the song and dance troupe to shoot I took a lot of photos, and the clothing factory was very happy to see the photos, and gave them a few sets of clothes to the editorial department.

"You still have a washing machine in your yard? Don't you have to do your own laundry now? What, there are bicycles? Motorcycles too? Why are there motorcycles? Is it convenient for business trips?!"

Wang Yu really did not expect that the "siheyuan" where Zhao Qingqing lives now has color TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, radios, bicycles and motorcycles, these things, All are the benefits of their editorial staff.

That's a color TV!

Thousands of TVs.

How long does it take to save a TV! !

"Qingqing, are you still recruiting people in the editorial department?" Wang Yu bit her lip and felt a burst of regret in her heart. If she followed Zhao Qingqing to start a magazine, she would enjoy Of these, will there be her too?

Zhao Qingqing shook his head: "I'm not hiring for the time being. If I hire someone, I'll find you again?"

Wang Yu shook her head, "Forget it, I think your work is unreliable. What if your magazines fail to sell? What if the Wanxi factory closes down?"

Zhao Qingqing also admits that the risk is very high. She is not as stunned as she was at the beginning, and she no longer invites people to join the team casually: "Yeah, I have to take a lot of risks."

"If you're going to do a magazine together, be sure to think about that."

Wang Yu waved his hand: "I was just joking, I did a good job at the newspaper."

Wang Yu said so, but the jealousy in her heart still could not be suppressed, she envied the life that Zhao Qingqing could enjoy now.

But she didn't want to take risks, and she didn't want to see Zhao Qingqing too proud.

Perhaps she won't be complacent for long. It's still a question of whether this kind of magazine will be sold or not. Maybe it will go bankrupt in a few months, and Zhao Qingqing will not even have a job.

I made money, Su Xiaoman sent a lot of things to Liu Shufeng, and Liu Shufeng didn't want her filial money, saying that their Su family was living a good life now, and the family had built a new house, third brother Su I learned to drive a truck from others, and I made a lot of money by running transportation.

My eldest brother and sister-in-law opened a small restaurant in the county town and lived a very prosperous life.

The second brother and the second sister-in-law are still in the factory. It seems that they are planning to quit the factory and go to sea. The second sister-in-law also wants to open a small restaurant like everyone else.

Many people in the village envied their Su family, saying that all of their Su family had a bright future. Cheerful.

, her family can watch color TV.

"Xiaoman bought it back?"

"This color TV costs thousands of dollars? Is it imported?"

"More than that, it's much prettier than a black and white TV."

"Her house also has a refrigerator and a washing machine."

"What is a washing machine? Can it still help people wash clothes? Is it clean? I don't believe it, Liu Shufeng, I think you should stop using a washing machine, you can wash it by hand, why? Use the washing machine."

"The million-dollar household in the village next door doesn't need a washing machine at home, and his daughter-in-law dislikes the washing."

Liu Shufeng just doesn't care about other people's sour words: "If you can't wash it, you can't wash it, we have to use a washing machine, my daughter bought it for me, every day, take the man's dirty clothes Just throw it in, flip the switch, and it'll be washed later."

"Anyway, I wash it every day, how unclean it can be. I am such an old bone, how can I wash my clothes by myself."

Liu Shufeng is now very comfortable. After walking every day, she will watch color TV with her little grandson. She also opened a small shop in the village, selling some snacks such as soft drinks, ice water, etc. thing.

Others don't have refrigerators at home, but she has two large freezers bought by her daughter, and the money she earns from her own grocery store a month is considered pocket money.

Last time Su Xiaoman bought a motorcycle for the family, and no one else in the family could drive it. Although Grandpa Jiang and Grandma Jiang and Master Guan thought this iron bump was very cool, they still love old age more People's twenty-eight bars.

Riding a bicycle for a ride is the fashion for the elderly in the park.

What kind of motorcycle you drive will affect your ears.

"Cycling is healthy and it also works out."

"What kind of motorcycle is this, weird."

"It is."

"You young people, you should exercise more!!!"

So this motorcycle that I bought has become the exclusive property of Comrade Xiaotu. Although Su Xiaoman bought a motorcycle, she doesn't know how to drive a motorcycle, and she doesn't plan to learn. Motorcycles, that's too inconsistent.

She just took a camera and took a lot of photos of Xie Mingtu riding a motorcycle. She also covered Xie Mingtu with the helmet he wore when he flew the plane.

Xie Mingtu was very helpless when he rode on the motorcycle, but he still put on a strange posture on the car according to the request of his wife.

"Look at it, it's very suitable, this white helmet matches the motorcycle I picked!"

Xie Mingtu is now in charge of the research and development of a certain type of aircraft in the scientific research department. At the same time, he also communicates and manages a small team of test pilots. Many times, he has to go up and test the flight in person, which is a hard and dangerous task Work is also very exciting.

His ears are more likely to hear that some machines are not running right. In the previous test flight work, he almost made a mistake. It is fortunate that he heard the problem first and made a great contribution. The white helmet on top is the reward given by the unit.

"Appropriate." Xie Mingtu, like a puppet, put on strange poses according to his wife's request. His wife's requirements have been getting higher and higher over the years, I don't know if it is The sequelae of taking pictures of the girls in the song and dance troupe before, she even made Xie Mingtu lean on the motorcycle, resting his chin in his hand, and turned his head to smile at the camera "evil charm".

"Hand on his chin?" Xie Mingtu's mouth twitched, why did he put his hand on his chin?

But he was quite honest at the moment, wearing black leather gloves and propping his chin with his right hand.

Su Xiaoman, who was taking pictures, felt that something was wrong and ran over to take off his gloves, "You hold your chin again."

"Put your chin on the back of your hand and look lazy."

Xie Mingtu: "?!!"

A little more lazy? What picture is that? !

Su Xiaoman feels more and more inconsistent now!

This is a motorcycle! Do you want to be so serious like driving a chariot, a cool guy like a motorcycle seems to be more compatible with evil spirits!

Even if you make a film, you should make it in a style that suits you.

Come on!

Su Xiaoman: "Brother Xiaotu, can you show me a charming smile?"

Xie Mingtu: "…"

—can't laugh.

What kind of evil magic? Comrade Xiaotu could not understand this word.

Su Xiaoman glanced at him with disgust, thinking about the scumbag, it's really useless, she can't even laugh, obviously she used to be the villain in the book.

Xie Mingtu took off the helmet, put his face close, and quickly stole a scent on his daughter-in-law's face, put the helmet on Su Xiaoman's head, and made a "please" action.

"Daughter-in-law, you teach me?"

Su Xiaoman gave a look of "wait to see you scumbag", put on the helmet, and had to go into battle himself.

"Yes, that's it, just like me, take off the helmet, hold it in your hand, and then smile evilly, why is that evil smile? Just look at who is the first such a picture It's not pleasing to the eye, the next second it seems like I'm going to rush up to fight someone-"

"Then, all of a sudden! The corner of the mouth twitched up sharply, the arc should be larger, as if some bad idea was brewing, such as hiding Yaoyao's music box, saying that the house was a thief. "

Xie Mingtu: "…"

Is this a bad idea?

"Okay, try it." Su Xiaoman threw the helmet to him, but Xie Mingtu couldn't do anything either. He honestly listened to his wife's words, and as soon as he looked up, he became a daily debtor beating.

He has been in a group of soldiers, and he has to act as much as he wants.

Su Xiaoman's eyes lit up when he saw his "thorn head" appearance, "Come, come, continue!"

After finishing speaking, Su Xiaoman ran up, unbuttoned a few buttons on his jacket, exposing a piece of his chest, and deliberately left a few red marks on it.

With that day and night look.

Sexy! !


After the incident, Su Xiaoman held the photo she took and looked at the man in the photo holding the helmet and hooking his lips with a smile, and immediately felt blushing and heartbeat.

It's a bit of an evil, maddened villain!

Even though the two of them have been itching for seven years, Su Xiaoman suddenly felt a long-lost first love feeling when he saw this photo.

Is this because women love bad men?

In the next few days, Su Xiaoman took this photo with him every day, and looked at it from time to time. The couple seemed to be back when they were in love.

How could Qing Qingyi not notice that Su Xiaoman's behavior was abnormal, seized the opportunity, peeked at the photo in Su Xiaoman's hand, and when she saw it clearly, she screamed in shock.

"Xiaoman, you—" Zhao Qingqing stared at her with wide eyes.

Her whole body was shaking, as if she had seen something extraordinary, and her eyes were about to fall out of excitement.

Su Xiaoman: "…"

As for looking at her like this? She was just peeking at her husband's photos, not cheating.

Zhao Qingqing grabbed Su Xiaoman's hand and shook it: "Xiaoman, I have a good idea!"

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