MTL - 70s: Dressed As a Villain’s Wife-Chapter 54 Pride is my own decision.

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Last night, I fought with Jiang Limin for a whole night, and they didn't make a difference. Xie Yazhi didn't sleep well all night, and all she thought about was what happened in the daytime, the words of her own son, The husband's words and... the daughter-in-law's words were clearly played out in her mind.

So that she woke up listless in the morning, Xie Yazhi simply asked the school for a few days of sick leave. She had heard about such a thing at home, and the rumors were spread over and over, but she didn't take it seriously. To Xie Yazhi's face, he said that now Xie Yazhi wants to ask for leave, the leader will naturally help to approve the leave.

"Have you heard? Teacher Xie's youngest son is not her own."

"You mean Jiang Yantang? I always hear Teacher Xie talk about her little son, how could it not be her own son?"

"Her son was taken away and raised by a mad woman in the countryside, which is also a sin. I heard that he had a bad life since he was a child, and he had no culture. Now he follows his mother, and he should be able to Have a good time..."

"Alas, this child is pitiful, why did you carelessly let people take your own son away in the first place?"

"I don't know, Jiang Yantang is also..."

Xie Yazhi had no appetite in the morning and ate an egg, she told Jiang Limin to remember to go to Grandpa Jiang's house and call back a few children, no matter what, the family still had to Have a meal.

Jiang Limin responded, but later he called a little soldier to come back and tell him that he was busy over there. Go to Grandpa Jiang's house, Grandma Jiang's house.

When Xie Yazhi heard this, she dropped a jewelry box.

She didn't understand what her husband meant, and couldn't help guessing in her mind whether she was really busy with work and couldn't take care of her family, or she didn't want to care about it at all, he didn't plan to go to Jiang Grandpa's family called several children home, and also did not plan to eat this reunion dinner.

These men surnamed Jiang are a lot of shit.

Xie Yazhi's emotions were up and down, her eyes were red, and she immediately added a bit of grievance. Even her husband Jiang Limin was blaming her, but what did she do wrong?

When the child came back, she said two words to Jiang Yantang:

" have been in the village for a few months, and your mother told you not to go to the countryside, but you should go. Look, it's not dark and thin..."

"If you don't go, how will you suffer like this."

I didn't expect these two sentences to make Jiang Limin also brooding. Xie Yazhi recalled it at this time and felt regretful. The people around are yin and yang, it would be great if Jiang Yantang didn't go to the countryside.

Especially these few words, they can still be said in front of several children, that child, what did he think when he heard this?

I was going to see my own son that day, and there were so many people outside to watch the fun, Xie Yazhi's head was chaotic, and when I saw Jiang Yantang, the words that were used before, followed by a smoke When I said it, it didn't go into my head at all.

Looking back on it now...I feel that this is too chilling for another child.

Although they are biological mother and son, they have never seen each other for 18 years. For a while, Xie Ya knows how to react.

Xie Yazhi desperately made excuses for herself, and finally rubbed her temples with a headache.

She and Jiang Yantang were eating a sumptuous meal at a table. At this moment, even Xie Yazhi didn't have the heart to ask questions. The table was quiet with only the movement of tableware.

The husband was reluctant to call the child back, Xie Ya knew that she had dressed herself up and wanted to go by herself, but when she came to the gate of the compound, the whole person retreated again, she told Grandpa Jiang and Grandma Jiang The relationship is normal, this time in the past, I don't know what I will see.

Is the child staying with his grandparents well?

His grandparents will definitely say something to complain about her again.

Will the child call her Auntie Xie again?

Xie Yazhi hesitated again and again, but she still failed to step out, but she returned home, still lingering, wondering if she could find someone else to take a look?

She's very upset now.

Jiang Yantang put down his chopsticks, he looked at Xie Yazhi who was fidgeting opposite, like a walnut was stuck in his throat, unable to say a word.

He closed his eyes, thinking about Sun Mei, and finally let him speak.

Sun Mei is his biological mother after all, Jiang Yantang has denied it countless times in his heart, he will not intercede for this illegal woman, but now, he is not happy.

She did this because of him.

Get a foothold in the city.

He will spend a lot of time in the future to make up for the mistakes his mother has made.

"What?!" Xie Yazhi was stunned for a moment, "Forgive Sun Mei?"

Xie Yazhi heard these words in disbelief from Jiang Yantang in front of him. He even asked her to forgive Sun Mei for stealing the child. Xie Yazhi's eyes widened, and for a moment, What jumped out of her mind was endless anger.

She really likes the child Jiang Yantang, and is willing to accept him as her godson. For so many years as her own son, it hurts to hold him in her hands, even if she knows that he is not related by blood , even if he knew that his mother had stolen her child, Xie Yazhi didn't put any resentment on him.

"At the beginning, Sun Mei...she was just a thought..." Jiang Yantang's literary talent is excellent, his words are well-founded and sincere, making people unconsciously follow his ideas Go and take his word for it.

If Xie Yazhi hadn't personally turned over so many materials last night, or she would have been persuaded by Jiang Yantang at this time.

Listening to the difference in his words, it seems that she is really forgivable. She stole someone else's child and also lost her own child.

But the materials thrown over by the husband contained the testimony of countless villagers, as well as the testimony of Zhou Xiaohui, who once Xie family, especially the things that Zhou Xiaohui told and recorded personally... Xie Yazhi only knew after reading them one by one What kind of life did my own son live in the Xie family.

She regards other people's children as treasures in her hands, but her own children are...

Even if Xie Yazhi likes Jiang Yantang, she can't control the anger in her heart, and even she has begun to anger Jiang Yantang.

Just now when Xie Yazhi hesitated at the gate of the compound, he overheard some people's discussions:

"Shh, I don't dare to say in front of others. Do you think that Xie Yazhi is a little brainless? I heard that her biological son was kicked out by her as soon as she came back..."

"That son is from the countryside, she doesn't like it, doesn't she like it, she likes that Jiang Yantang more."

"Hey, hey, I've heard that the crazy woman who secretly swapped children sees the Jiang family as fools, but their family has decided the Jiang family and abused people's children , people still hold her child as a treasure, it is said that when she was arrested, they said that the Jiang family would definitely beg to let her out..."

"You said Xie Yazhi would deliberately let the child be replaced, I think she is normal to the eldest and second child on weekdays, but she is not good to her own son and likes to raise other people's children ."



She just loves raising other people's children!

Xie Yazhi was disgusted by this sentence. She originally thought that Jiang Yantang would respect her, and she followed the Jiang family since she was a child, not towards the so-called Xie family and that woman, who knows him The first thing you do is ask for mercy.

I still plead for the woman who stole her child.

Thinking of what I saw in those materials, about everything Sun Mei had done, and listening to Jiang Yantang's words, Xie Yazhi only felt as disgusting as eating flies.

Children who used to be loved, became hideous in front of her.

"The mother and son named Sun Mei decided to eat their Jiang family."

"The mother steals the child and lets the son eat it first, and the son takes the mother to eat the bones of his family."

"Look at it, she secretly replaced her biological son, maybe people will be brainwashed into thinking that she changed well, otherwise how can there be 'such a good child in my banquet hall' haha Ha ha."

"The Jiang family will understand?"

"How could it not be? All her sons have been driven in and out of the house? She wants this adopted son, and maybe she will also support her adopted family!"

"Just wait and see the joke!"

Her own son was humiliated, and she was thankful like a Virgin.

—changed my child? I have to thank her?

Xie Yazhi was extremely angry at this time, even if Jiang Yantang, whom she liked more often than ever, sat in front of her, she could not restrain the gushing anger, "Jiang Yantang!"

It was the first time that Xie Yazhi called his full name so solemnly.

"Do you want to change your last name to Xie?"

It's just her personal wish to keep him as her godson, and she hasn't asked him if she wants to be her child.

He can't wait to be the child of Sun Mei's woman.

Jiang Yantang was stunned. He didn't expect Xie Yazhi to change his face so quickly. In the past, Xie Yazhi was kind and gentle in front of him, but looking at him now, he didn't have the warmth of the past.

She finally realizes that she is not her biological son?

"Mom, do you regret it?"

Regret adopting him as an adopted child, regret not loving your own child?

"Mom, if my brother minds, I can go back to Xie's house, and I will never be part of Jiang's house again."

Jiang Yantang said this on a whim, but he did not regret it. He felt that Xie Yazhi in front of him would definitely not let him leave, after all, it was a mother-son relationship for so many years.

Xie Yazhi shook her head, "What you said just now is absolutely impossible, Sun Mei stole a change of child and abused my own child, this person must be sentenced severely, and everyone in my Jiang family will definitely I won't forgive her, absolutely not!"

Jiang Yantang froze in his heart, "Mom, you're just mad at your head for a while, Sun Mei did something wrong, but she also raised her little brother well to eighteen-nine years old, so After more than ten years of support, the younger brother may still care about that mother in his heart."

"No matter what, the grace of so many years cannot be erased."

"Yuanen?" Xie Yazhi sneered, suddenly feeling that she was a joke, if it was between Jiang's family and Jiang Yantang, it would make sense to say that Yang's kindness was, but now let's talk about the Xie family's treatment of her Does the son have support?

She understood a little why her husband did not agree to accept Jiang Yantang as his adopted son.

The grievances between the two of them cannot be eliminated.

It is impossible for Jiang Yantang to cut off his relationship with Sun Mei, and he also pleads for his own mother, after all, she is Jiang Yantang's biological mother.

…and yourself?

The other child is her biological child.

After Sun Mei knew that Jiang Yantang was her own son, even if she had never raised him, even if she had never seen him before, she would go to the educated youth point to peek at him every few minutes...and I Woolen cloth?

I have only met my child once. He is so thin and tall, with eyebrows and eyes like hers. Already married, I have a daughter-in-law... She doesn't know about these things.

Xie Yazhi stood up, she was not going to eat any more, "Yantang, whether you want to stay at Jiang's house or Xie's house, I will not interfere with your decision, you are already an adult ."

"As for Sun Mei, let alone I can't understand. The rest of the Jiang family, his father, several brothers, and grandparents can't understand."

"If you are dissatisfied with your family because of these, there is nothing you can do."

Now Xie Yazhi only feels physically and mentally exhausted.

Back to the room, not long after I received a call from my eldest son, the eldest son asked about what happened in the past two days, cared a few words about the new little brother, listen to After he said he went to his grandparents' house, he stopped talking.

"As soon as he got home, I told him that he would accept the banquet hall as his son. Did I do something wrong?"

Boss Jiang said lightly on the other end of the phone: "...Mom, that's what you want to do. You're right, and the people around you can't judge."

"Are you partial to your own younger brother? You also blame me?"

"What about your brotherhood relationship with the banquet hall for more than ten years?"

Boss Jiang sighed, "It's impossible to have the best of both worlds, so don't let the younger brother come back, Jiang Yantang will be the elder of the Jiang family in the future, you don't want others to know about this, then So be it."

"The house is the same as before."

"What do you mean, do you think I don't want to recognize your brother?"

Boss Jiang: "I mean it's not necessary, my brother calls you uncles and aunts, and he doesn't want to recognize them."

Boss Jiang didn't make it clearer on the phone. He felt that his mother was wishful thinking. Let's not say anything else, Xie Mingtu didn't want to recognize her as his biological mother.

Xie Yazhi did not fulfill her responsibilities as a mother to him. She was stolen when she was a child, and when she grew up, she returned home like this. Don't he have any resentment? Does he really want to recognize these parents?

"He doesn't want to recognize him? Is this something he doesn't want to do? He's a piece of flesh that fell from my body, blood and flesh are mine?"

Boss Jiang asked in return, "Does Jiang Yantang want to recognize him? Isn't he the flesh of his mother? You can't have your own son, and you have to occupy other people's sons."

Xie Yazhi: "So you still think I did something wrong."

"You're right. Grandpa called me just now and said something. I think you should not know about it, Mom."

"By the way, I won't be back for the New Year this year. The second brother is leaving tomorrow, and his vacation is almost over. These days are for other people's leave. other people."

Xie Yazhi was stunned, "The second child is leaving tomorrow?!"

"He hasn't said a few words to me, he hasn't even eaten dinner..." If the second child is gone, what about the child? Does he still stay here, or go together, and he wants to go back to Qiaoxin Village?

Yes, he can't go back to Xie's house, he can choose not to go back to Jiang's house, he still has his daughter-in-law, and he can go back to the village.

But she can't keep her children in the village.

"Mom, I work overtime here, I have a job, and I am hung up."

Grandpa Jiang sat in front of the lamp at night, wiping his reading glasses, his face did not look like an old urchin with a hippie smile in the daytime, but became extremely serious. Turned out the box of merits that he once had.

I took them out one by one and watched them for a long time.

As soon as Grandma Jiang entered the room and saw his appearance, he only thought that he was recalling the past again, "What's the matter? I dug out these things again, and I want to show them to the children tomorrow?"

"Your stories made my ears calluses." Grandma Jiang said so, but unconsciously recalled those glorious pasts in her mind.

The ups and downs of hardships have now been buried in the dust of history.

Although it was forgotten, once the box of memory was opened, the spewing pictures still flashed clearly in my mind.

"Wife, you said that we haven't done anything wrong in our life, why should our grandson suffer like this." Grandpa Jiang's voice was a little choked, he The more proud he was in front of Pharaoh during the day, the more uncomfortable he felt now.

He originally had such an excellent grandson, he was so smart and talented, but he was wasted for so many years.

It took so many years...

Grandma Jiang was silent when she heard the words, except for a long sigh, she couldn't say any other words of comfort.

"Xiaotu and Xiaoman are two good children. The boy in the banquet hall, either he is good or not... These can't be blamed on him."

Grandma Jiang wiped her eyes, and after moving the corners of her lips, she squeezed out a few smiles, "Then what are you thinking now."

"Xiaotu is back now, like his eldest brother and second brother, to exercise?" Grandma Jiang was talking about what happened before. As soon as the children of their Jiang family became adults, they were killed by Grandpa Jiang. Throwing it into the army, especially under the hands of that instructor Chen, would be good for a year or two without peeling off the skin.

The previous Jiang Yantang didn't want to suffer like this, and chose to go to the countryside to be an educated youth.

Grandpa Jiang put a box of things together and shook his head, "Our little way, we should go to school to study hard, become a scientist in the future, and become a pillar of the country."

Grandma Jiang was surprised, "I can actually hear these words from your mouth."

Heavy people, who can't stand it for even two years, have any qualifications to be a member of the Jiang family."

Grandpa Jiang grabbed Grandma Jiang's hand, lowered his head and leaned over, "Let me tell you about your little grandson, he is too talented, can't delay him any longer..."


Su Xiaoman was hugged from behind, and the familiar voice was still heard in her ears, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help pulling a few smiles.

This stinky dog, after returning home, has more and more energy , At night, it becomes a lively tiger again.

This is the energy of eighteen-nine-year-olds, too powerful.

I tasted a little sweetness yesterday, and now I am holding her and trying to push her nose on her face, Su Xiaoman really wants to ask him, don't you know that you are tired? Now, just like a husky who has been locked at home for several days and hasn't been out of the house for several days, he is playing with all his strength.

He must find a way to sharpen his energy!

Su Xiaoman turned his head and stroked his face, "Do you feel that you have become more and more energetic since you came to your grandparents' house?"

"Manman, I'm happy." Xie Mingtu hugged her, his eyes were shining, and his hand grabbed Su Xiaoman's hand in the quilt.

Then I heard his aggrieved voice, "Manman, help me..."

Su Xiaoman: "..." Help me.

What kind of medicine is this taking? Su Xiaoman was so panicked that he was afraid that he would be mad. In the end, he was not satisfied with this and needed to use other methods.

those things.

Yesterday's dream stimulated him greatly.

There was no other way, Su Xiaoman had to help him again, but she herself was not very well, and her young body was not very resistant to provocation.

She breathed a little faster, turned around, turned her back to Xie Mingtu on purpose, and Xie Mingtu, who was barely satisfied, hugged her from behind again, his embrace was too hot, even now It's already winter, and they don't need a thick quilt. This stinky dog ​​is like a huge hot water bottle, constantly feeding warmth into her body.

Su Xiaoman closed her eyes and felt that she was also affected by the dog who was taking the medicine next to her, otherwise she would not be able to calm down.

She didn't even think about it, how could a young man and a widow be covered in a blanket, how could he calm down.

It's also because they haven't experienced anything, that they can survive until today.

Not to mention that Xie Mingtu plans to practice his body again, in order to satisfy Manman in the future, he is willing to be a Liuxia Hui at this time, but he can't make Manman's impression worse.

"Manman, I want to join the army."

Su Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Xie Mingtu, his eyes were very serious, bright and shining like stars in the night sky.

"Did Grandpa let you go?"

"Really?" Su Xiaoman turned around and faced him: "I support your decision, no matter what you do, I will accompany you."

"Manman, I will try my best to be proud of you and grandpa."

Su Xiaoman smiled, hugged Xie Mingtu's cheek, kissed him gently on his face, and said softly, "I look forward to that day."

She used to think that Xie Mingtu could become a technical expert in a certain area, but now he says he wants to join the army, maybe he will be able to build tanks and cannons in the future.

Su Xiaoman felt that he had seen through him. When Grandpa Jiang talked about those things during the day, he was interested. Just like driving a tractor and a transport truck before, he heard his eyes sparkling.

He must have wanted to try those things.

Try it, she'll be with him.

This stinky dog ​​has too much energy, he really needs something to consume his energy.

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