MTL - 70s: Dressed As a Villain’s Wife-Chapter 56 Grandpa hurts me next time!

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The end of the year, few people will mention it, but more about the upcoming New Year's Eve.

He didn't celebrate his birthday. When grandparents and Su Xiaoman said they wanted to celebrate his birthday, Xie Mingtu couldn't react at first.

"Celebrating a birthday?"

He was at Xie's house, and only saw Xie's second child, Xie Yaozu and his father and mother celebrating their birthdays, and the others, at most, an extra egg on their birthday, other than that, there is no other celebration .

Now that he is celebrating his birthday, Xie Mingtu was amused for a moment, and then he said stupidly, "Manman, can I celebrate my twentieth birthday earlier?"

Su Xiaoman laughed and jumped up and knocked on his head, "Don't be stupid, don't dream, be good, give our dog brother a 20th birthday next year."

Xie Mingtu looked a little disappointed, and the excitement just now dropped a lot.

He whispered beside Su Xiaoman's ear: "Can Manman help me tonight?"

Su Xiaoman blushed and rubbed his ear angrily. Before, he just used his hands. Later, this guy asked more, hugged her, and said that it was just rubbing. Su Xiaoman was on the spot. want to scold him.

I thought that if you have the ability, it is better to do it with real guns, and you will do all the fringe behaviors that should not be done.

As long as you are happy, you don't think she will be left hanging.

It was also Su Xiaoman who asked for it himself, and he didn't know who was holding back, but he was happy, and now she is not happy at all!

Stinky dog!

"No help, if you make trouble again, I will go to sleep with grandma."

Several birthdays... Now that I finally have my grandparents and Xiaoman, I should feel satisfied..."

"I don't have a big wish, just a little thing can satisfy me."

Su Xiaoman felt her teeth were sour, she thought, if you are really a man, can you go directly? Don't be satisfied with your little wishes, can you be a little more ambitious and wish bigger?

If your wish is bigger, maybe she will agree directly.

Does she want a girl to take the initiative?

"Man Man..."

Su Xiaoman raised his hands and pulled a hand on his cheek, and said angrily: "Okay, I promise you."

Xie Mingtu heard the words and hugged Su Xiaoman for seven or eight laps. Su Xiaoman almost fainted. After staying at his grandparents' house these days, Xie Mingtu's exercise was definitely not in vain .

He put one hand on Su Xiaoman's **** and lifted her up yesterday, Su Xiaoman was almost scared to death by him.

What kind of weird posture and exercise is this? What did Grandpa Jiang ask him to practice? Even if you lift a barbell, you can't lift your daughter-in-law like a barbell.

What makes Su Xiaoman even more terrifying is that this Xie Gouzi still feels that his body is not strong enough.

He said he was not strong enough and needed more practice.

Su Xiaoman thinks about you to practice more, I'm already panicking.

Now he just lifted her up, what else is he going to do next time?

The day before Xie Mingtu's birthday, the parents of Jiang's family said they would let their grandparents go to Jiang's house for a meal, and a few people gathered to celebrate the birthday. Grandpa Jiang didn't agree, and Grandma Jiang didn't agree either. , As for Xie Mingtu, it is even more impossible to pass.

Xie Yazhi came alone to give a birthday present. She prepared things for her own son and daughter-in-law.

Put the things down, and without saying a few words, Xie Yazhi left. When she came, Xie Mingtu didn't see her and didn't plan to see her, so he went back to the room and jumped out from the window, Insist on not seeing her.

Now he doesn't even want to call an auntie, Xie Mingtu doesn't know how to face this mother, and he doesn't really want this mother in his heart. In today's Xie Mingtu's heart, Liu Shufeng is him His mother, Su Guodong is his father.

He now has a father, mother, brother, grandparents, and daughter-in-law, so he really doesn't need to recognize more outsiders.

No need to recognize.

Xie Mingtu still remembered what he looked like when he returned to Jiang's house that day. He clearly knew that Xie Yazhi didn't like him, and he was not satisfied with Manman's daughter-in-law. Manman said that again that day, Jiang Limin even more It was almost to hit her... Xie Mingtu still remembered this.

Su Xiaoman was a little dumbfounded when he saw this scene, but he didn't expect it to be completely opposite to the plot in the original book. In the original book, the Jiang family disliked Xie Mingtu, but now it has become Xie Mingtu dislikes Jiang's parents.

At first, I called Auntie Xie and Uncle Jiang, but now I don't even want to call my uncle and auntie.

He really doesn't plan to recognize the parents.

Grandpa Jiang and Grandma Jiang thought Xie Mingtu was stubborn at first, but later found out that he was serious.

To this, Grandpa Jiang just sighed: "Injustice."

"You got a **** son, and you are destined to lose a son. Xiaotu doesn't want to recognize you as parents, so forget it, don't force him." Say so to your son.

"You two brought Jiang Yantang, and Xiaotu asked our grandma to come, so that they were safe and saved from quarreling together. Everyone is happy."

Xie Yazhi was sad, she thought how could this be considered a happy event? Her own sons don't even recognize her!

After Xie Mingtu ran out, Su Xiaoman also ran out with her, she didn't like to quarrel, Xie Ya knew that she was here, and she could think of what to say, what parents are sorry for you, in the future you and the banquet hall My brother gets along well with things like that.

It's useless to quarrel with her, it's better not to see each other and be safe.

Xie Mingtu has grandparents and Jiang Yantang saved his parents, which can be regarded as a happy ending.

Parents like this, don't worry.

Not long after Su Xiaoman ran out of the yard, a pair of hands suddenly covered her eyes from behind, no need to guess, she knew who this person was.

"Stinky dog, let me go."

This is a hidden little corner, Xie Mingtu pressed her against the wall and kissed her for a long time, as if to vent something, Su Xiaoman hugged him, the sky was snowing at this time .

Goose feather-like snowflakes fluttered down. When Xie Mingtu was born, it also fell like this snow.

Su Xiaoman indulged her body to rely on the man beside her, in the fine snow, the two were tightly attached to each other, as if there were only two of them left in the world, no one else and things.

Su Xiaoman looked up at him and found that Xie Mingtu's eyelashes were covered with snow, very beautiful.

Xie Mingtu let go of her shoulders, stared at Su Xiaoman's watery apricot eyes, and after confirming that only his own shadow was reflected in the amber pupils, he lowered his head again, and kissed him finely. It landed on the forehead, temples, eyebrows, eyes, the tip of the nose, and then to the soft lips.

There have been countless kisses between them, even the rough novice, has also gained some experience in such trials.

Su Xiaoman responded to his kiss, her fingers rubbed his cheeks, from his brow bone all the way down, gently swept his long and curled eyelashes until he was straight The bridge of his nose, his thumb brushed over his lips.

When his kiss was over, Su Xiaoman, who was leaning against the wall, hugged his neck and shoulders and bit the bulging Adam's apple on his neck. The fragile cartilage was handed to her.

"Manman..." He called her emotionally.

Su Xiaoman leaned into his ear and said softly, "Happy birthday, Ming Tu."

In the cold wind, the two of them held hands and interlocked their fingers.

When the two of them returned to Grandpa Jiang's house, Xie Yazhi had already left. Of course, if she didn't leave, neither of them would come back.

Xie Mingtu's ears can hear the movement in the room from a long distance, which saves a lot of trouble.

As soon as she entered the house, Su Xiaoman cooked **** soup for the two of them. Xie Mingtu was hot, so when it started snowing, he didn't feel cold at all, and Su Xiaoman came out in a hurry, without any clothes on his body. So many clothes, it felt cold when it snowed, so Xie Mingtu hugged her and passed her body temperature to her.

The wind and snow was still too big, Xie Mingtu took good care of her, but Su Xiaoman was worried that his thin clothes could really withstand the severe cold of the wind and snow?

Xie Mingtu drank a bowl of **** soup with a smile and raised his arms to indicate that he was really safe.

Su Xiaoman lowered her head and took a sip of the **** soup. The fiery warmth caused a tingling pain in her throat, but her body warmed up. Grandma Jiang came over at this time and pointed to her lips .

Su Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, the next second, she ran to the mirror, only to realize how horrible she looked, her lips were swollen by the bite of some dog Like a lip surgery, it's red and swollen, and it looks like a ravaged and hooked person.

Not to mention that there are red marks on her neck, thanks to wearing a lot of winter clothes, she will not be seen by grandma so many little strawberries.

"Grandma, this is what I ate popsicles to freeze." Su Xiaoman made an excuse for himself without money.

"You shouldn't eat something so icy in winter. You see my mouth is like this."

"You said why is it snowing at the gate of the courtyard and there are people selling popsicles. I saw a few children bought them, so I followed..."

Grandma Jiang: “…”

This excuse is not very clever.

"Xiaoman, it's okay, you don't need to say, grandma is from here, I know..."

Su Xiaoman: "…"

Knowing will not affect our death.

Grandpa Jiang came over and patted Xie Mingtu on the shoulder, and praised: "Good boy, you have the majesty of your grandfather back then."

Xie Mingtu asked curiously, "Grandpa, what kind of hero were you in those days?"

Grandpa Jiang was choked for a while, and wondered if this kid's head is a tendon, can this be said directly? "It's just a feeling that can't be expressed in words, you fool, think about it."

"You can marry a daughter-in-law like Xiaoman, it's really a blind cat and a dead mouse."

"I was chasing your grandma, that was—" When he said this, Grandpa Jiang stopped.

Xie Mingtu understood in seconds: "I am luckier than grandpa."

Grandpa Jiang jumped: "How did you talk, you stinky boy?"

Xie Ya knew that she was gone, and left a birthday present for Xie Mingtu, as well as a special gift for her daughter-in-law Su Xiaoman. She prepared a winter coat for Xie Mingtu, very exquisite workmanship and expensive. Xie Mingtu just glanced at it, but without wearing it, he sat by the fire and roasted sweet potatoes in his grandfather's old military coat.

Grandpa Jiang is wearing the same military coat, with the same type of roasted sweet potatoes around his legs.

"Grandpa, turn it over, or it's only half cooked."

Grandpa Jiang glanced at him with disgust, "Do you still need to remind me? Of course Grandpa understands."

Su Xiaoman prepared a scarf and hat in the shape of a flower. Su Xiaoman put these clothes, scarves and hats together and asked Grandma Jiang to find a place to put them.

Grandma Jiang didn't say anything, "Next time, let Yazhi take it back, and don't give it away in the future."


Xie Mingtu has never touched wine since he was a child, and he has no chance to touch wine, but Grandpa Jiang pulled him, but he didn't dare to obey, and drank some white wine with him.

Although Grandpa Jiang doesn't drink alcohol on weekdays, he has an excellent alcohol capacity. He taught his grandson: "Grandpa usually doesn't touch alcohol or cigarettes, but your grandfather's alcohol capacity is innate."

"Those people want to drink me, that's no use."

"Xiaotu, we don't have to drink often, but if we can drink, come, grandpa is interested today, come and have a drink with you."

"Pour on."

Su Xiaoman took him back to the room. He blushed and had a thick neck.

Go to fetch water to help him wipe his body, he also let Su Xiaoman play with it, Su Xiaoman took off his clothes, wiped his chest and back again, when he took off his pants, Su Xiaoman was stunned a moment.

Su Xiaoman thought:

I did help you, but it took a lot of effort.

, There are actually eight abdominal muscles on the lower abdomen.

Su Xiaoman thought it was six yuan before, but she counted it carefully just now, poked it twice, touched it several times, almost woke Xie Mingtu, she was startled.

She doesn't want to help him again.

Su Xiaoman went to wash and sleep. While lying beside Xie Mingtu, she patted his cheek, kissed his lips, and said a happy birthday.

I originally wanted to let him go on his birthday, but who knew that this guy was drunk and slept like a dead pig, what else could he do?


Su Xiaoman opened her eyes in the dark, she stared at the man beside her, thinking that she must do him this year.

, the outside is already wrapped in silver.

Thinking about it, there was only one sentence left in Xie Gouzi's mind:

—Grandpa hurt me.

On his nineteenth birthday, he just slept in the blink of an eye... He actually slept like this? ! There is no memory of anything, he fell asleep? !

Where's his Manman? Manman agreed to help him? He thought it would be an unforgettable nineteen-year-old night, but who knew he fell asleep like this.

If there is regret medicine in front of him, he will definitely eat a basketful of them, and he shouldn't drink the few glasses of wine that grandpa had yesterday.

"Xiaotu, what's wrong?" Grandma Jiang asked with concern. Her little grandson woke up early in the morning and sat at the door thinking about life, not knowing what happened.

"Nothing." Xie Mingtu wrapped his military coat tightly.

When Su Xiaoman woke up, Xie Mingtu immediately surrounded her. Su Xiaoman rubbed her eyes. She was so busy last night and was exhausted. Lay in bed and don't want to get up.

"Man Man Man..."

When I opened my eyes, I heard the familiar Manmanman.

Xie Gouzi's ears are so smart, even if he is sitting at the door, as soon as he hears Su Xiaoman's movement, the whole person rushes to her side.

Xie Mingtu took off his military coat, held a comb in his hand, and served Manman's hair very diligently. Su Xiaoman was happy to be an old Buddha and let him brush his hair gently.

"Manman, you promised..." Xie Mingtu's faint voice came from above his head.

Su Xiaoman paused with her hand holding the vanishing cream, then rested her chin lazily and tilted her head to look at Xie Mingtu, "What?"

"Promised to help me..." At this moment, not only the voice became faint, but even the eyes became green.

Su Xiaoman said loudly: "I have helped you!"

Xie Mingtu: "!!"

"I'm so tired that I'm only getting up now, have you forgotten?"

Xie Mingtu was confused, his expression was more like being struck by lightning, help? Did something really happen last night? Has he forgotten everything?

—Grandpa hurt me!

Su Xiaoman smiled and hugged his cheek and kissed, "Wait for next time."

Xie Mingtu put on grandpa's military coat again in despair, and felt the warmth and care from grandpa.

Xie Mingtu's birthday is the seventeenth of the twelfth lunar month. After a few more days, it will be New Year's Day. Su Xiaoman and Xie Mingtu do not plan to stay at Grandpa Jiang's house for the New Year, but plan to return to Qiaoxin Village.

I told my grandparents that they would come over on the third day of junior high and spend a few days with them. On the eighth day of junior high, Xie Mingtu went to a certain army to report and participate in special training.

Su Xiaoman and Xie Mingtu went back with their things. Under the care of Grandma Jiang, they both wore extremely thick clothes. Even if Xie Mingtu shied away and said no, Grandma Jiang still put on a large cotton-padded coat for him. be thick.

Grandpa Jiang and Grandma Jiang were wearing sweaters that Su Xiaoman helped knit, two gray sweaters, Su Xiaoman knitted beautiful patterns, and the two old people wore them cutely. She knitted a vest for Xie Mingtu, There is also a scarf and hat.

When Xie Mingtu, who was forced to wear a large cotton coat, was leaving, his grandfather put a hat on again.

The grandparents took them on the train. Once they got to the seats, Xie Mingtu quickly took off the scarf and hat and put them around Su Xiaoman next to him, making the already bloated Su Xiaoman even more terrible.

Su Xiaoman touched Xie Mingtu with her cold hand, but found that his palm was sweating. This Xie Gouzi was really hot, which made her very envious.

Water vapor, icy cold.

Su Xiaoman let out a sigh of relief, closed the window on the train, turned to hug the elbow of the man beside him, and naturally touched his pockets with both hands to keep him warm.

Xie Mingtu hugged her shoulders, and he could easily wrap Manman beside him in his arms, he felt a burst of self-satisfaction.

His arms became stronger and stronger, protecting the person in his arms.

The two first went to Nanjiang City to visit Wang Huaixian. I didn't expect Wang Huaixian and Grandpa Jiang to be old acquaintances, and Wang Huaixian didn't expect Xie Mingtu to be Grandpa Jiang's grandson.

"It's a coincidence, I haven't seen the old man for many years, and now I see his grandson."

"I want to write a letter."

Farewell to Wang Huaixian, Su Xiaoman and Xie Mingtu returned to Qiaoxin Village.

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