MTL - 70s: Dressed As a Villain’s Wife-Chapter 59 The little poplar hero does not mention the courage of those years.

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On the second day of the lunar new year, Su Xiaoman plans to go back to her parents' house with Xie Mingtu.

Before going to bed, Xie Mingtu specially asked Xie Mingtu to wake him up early. Who knew that Su Xiaoman was still lying on the bed, huddled in the warm bed, and refused to wake up.

Xie Mingtu, who woke up early, sat beside the bed, held her hand, and called Manman softly several times, but failed to wake her up.

"Manman continues to sleep, I'll watch over you."

Xie Mingtu went to cook porridge again, he also kneaded a few steamed buns, put the steamed buns into the steamer, and waited for the vines to rise and eat warmly.

Su Xiaoman turned around abruptly, huddled under the covers and slept soundly.

The "New Year's Eve" the night before yesterday made her too tired, even after a day's rest, the existence of being drilled by a rabbit in the grass nest is still very strong.

is uncomfortable.


I really don’t know how to describe this feeling, it’s like just getting off the pirate ship, and it’s like just running 800 meters.

Thinking of the New Year's Eve that day, Su Xiaoman's face blushed, and two faint blushes burned. This matter was not as uncomfortable as she had imagined.

The feeling of happiness is a little more.

It seems that a bigger bunny would be nice.

When she thought of this, Su Xiaoman's head was almost so hot that it was smoking, that is, why did she seem to have changed even after these few days.

Her mind has changed.

"Manman?" Xie Mingtu came over and took her to drink porridge. There was a simple chaise longue that Xie Mingtu personally built at the strong request of Su Xiaoman and covered with a layer of quilt.

Xie Mingtu put her on it and brought her porridge and steamed buns.

Su Xiaoman's eyes stayed on Xie Mingtu's body, she tore apart a small piece of steamed bun and put it in her mouth, she suddenly expected Xie Mingtu's body to become stiffer, and she didn't know what it would feel like at that time look.

She ate half a steamed bun, and Xie Mingtu came over again, shouting Manmanmanman, Su Xiaoman's eyes were full of smiles, she used to tell Zhou Xiaofeng that Xie Mingtu was like A dog skin plaster.

become impure at all.

Su Xiaoman patted his cheek a few times in a fit of anger, thinking to return my simple and honest Samoyed, her puppy will become a wolf if she keeps it.

I used to stay by her side honestly, but now I am constantly making small movements, pinching the back of her hand, scratching the palm of her hand, or picking up a strand of her long hair and kissing her Several times.

Just like stamping, you must leave your own traces everywhere.

He still wanted to kiss her face, and kiss her neck, those dishonest hands, even more wanted to kiss her...

Su Xiaoman glared at him.

"Manman, are you angry again?" Xie Mingtu honestly allowed her to vent his anger. Although he was afraid of Manman's anger, he just wanted to get close to Manman, and he couldn't restrain himself.

Seizing the opportunity, she kissed Su Xiaoman on the face again, "Manman, you look so good at me."

Su Xiaoman put the steamed buns into his mouth, "Stinky dog, can you honestly let me eat something?"

Xie Mingtu nodded and ate the steamed buns in his mouth, "Manman, what else do you want to eat?"

"Don't eat, I'll go to my parents' house to eat later."

Su Xiaoman smiled and kissed Xie Mingtu twice, not only Xie Mingtu wanted to be close to her, she also wanted to be close to him.

Have the deepest skin-to-skin relationship, it's like removing a layer of estrangement, becoming you have me, and I have you.

After finishing a little, they went to Su's house with their things.

Su Xiaoman warned him not to go too far when he was in the Su family, Xie Mingtu nodded honestly.

Just to show off.

Liu Shufeng is very happy now, but she can see that her son-in-law is really a man.

It seems that the day she will hold her grandson is not far away.

After coming out of Su's house, Su Xiaoman went to visit Zhou Xiaohui. Now Zhou Xiaohui lives in the village with her two daughters, and she has a good life. Her younger brother came to build two simple rooms for her. The earth, stone and mud house can also shelter from the wind and rain.

She is very satisfied with her current life. She posted Spring Festival couplets outside the house, and took her two daughters to cut the character of blessing, and decorated the humble hut with a Chinese New Year atmosphere.

Before the police came over and applied for a certain amount of women's assistance for her, and distributed a batch of grain to their mother and daughter for the winter.

Chunjuan was very happy to see Su Xiaoman and shouted happily, "Auntie."

Leaving Xie's house, Chunjuan's smile was much more than usual, Xia Juan also called her after her sister. "Auntie."

Zhou Xiaohui smiled and looked at Su Xiaoman and his wife, and told her two daughters, "Not Auntie Xiaoman, Auntie Xiaoman."

Su Xiaoman said: "Whatever they call it."

Chunjuan: "Can I not be called Aunt Xiaoman? Aunt Xiaoman is so good-looking, I want to be called Sister Xiaoman."

Xia Juan called directly: "Sister Xiaoman!"

Su Xiaoman couldn't help laughing: "It's called a chaotic generation, let's call it Aunt Xiaoman."

Leaving Zhou Xiaohui's house and meeting Zhao Qingqing again, she is special, she didn't go home during the New Year, and when she saw Su Xiaoman, she approached enthusiastically, "Xiaoman Xiaoman, I can follow you Say something?"


"Can I write a novel about you in the future?"

Su Xiaoman was taken aback, "Huh?"

Could it be that the previous book was written by Zhao Qingqing? Didn't think she was an author?

"It's just a story, which will be included in my works. Of course, my words are not good, so I won't necessarily publish it in the future." Zhao Qingqing just loves to write something, she feels that Xie Jia It's so rare that she has to write something.

Su Xiaoman glanced at Xie Mingtu and nodded, "You can write it, it's okay, just don't reveal our real names."

"Of course, of course." After getting the answer, Zhao Qingqing laughed.

Su Xiaoman smiled, hoping that in Zhao Qingqing's story, the two of them would not be villains.

—even the villain doesn't matter.

Su Xiaoman took his dog brother's hand home.

The result of Sun Mei's trial will probably not come out until March, and ten years of imprisonment are absolutely indispensable. Xie Mingtu and Su Xiaoman no longer pay attention to her, and she will be punished by law.

Being in prison now is not a pleasure, honestly be a prisoner of labor reform, and earnestly repent of the mistakes of the past.

Su Xiaoman felt that Sun Mei should regret everything at this time. I heard that since she was arrested, not only Jiang Yantang has not visited her, but even the rest of the Xie family have never visited the police station past her.

Old man Xie couldn't wait to divorce her, and the second Xie, whom he once loved, thought he didn't have such a mother, not to mention her favorite Yaozu, Xie Yaozu didn't recognize this grandma at all.

As for Jiang Yantang, Jiang Yantang does not recognize her as her mother. He is now doing his filial piety in front of Xie Yazhi. It is said that after he leaves this time, he has no plans to return to Qiaoxin Village to be an educated youth.

Xie Mingtu and Su Xiaoman would not visit her either.

Xie Mingtu had already put everything down.

Old man Xie knew that Xie Mingtu and his wife were back, he originally wanted to come to beg for mercy, but later he felt ashamed, saw their husband and wife, turned around and ran away.

In the third year of junior high, Su Xiaoman packed up his things and set off with Xie Mingtu to his grandparents' house.

The dog she raised became Liu Shufeng's dog.


Xie Gouzi was very happy about this, but he regretted it the day after he brought Xiao Hei to Manman.

There are no other dogs now, and everyone is happy.

On the fifth day of the first day, Grandma Jiang saw that they were so happy that she made a large table of delicious food. Grandpa Jiang took Xie Mingtu again and said that their grandfather and grandson wanted a drink. Xie Mingtu picked up his sleeves and decided to drink with grandpa!

He is no longer the Xie Gouzi who sat at the door in grandpa's military coat and regretted it.

No matter how much you drink!

Grandma Jiang and Su Xiaoman could only watch their grandfather and grandson drink helplessly.

Su Xiaoman threw a towel on Xie Mingtu's face angrily.

The smell of alcohol is still clamoring to kiss her, but she did not dislike her to death.

After finishing the procedure, on the tenth day of the first day, Grandpa Jiang, Grandma Jiang and Su Xiaoman went to see him off together. Xie Mingtu had already put on a new green uniform with a red star on his hat. The brown belt stretched out his tall and straight figure, like a tall and straight young poplar.

I don't know how many girls have their eyes on him along the way.

Several green military trucks were parked next to them, and the people who came to see them off formed a large circle.

Xie Mingtu frowned and pulled the clothes on his lower body, he now realized that he might be really thin, quite thin, this 1.85-meter suit was worn on him, and the length was long enough , width...enough.

He glanced at the few people next to him, as if no one had more room for clothes than him.

Of course, few are taller than him.

The size of the clothes that is one meter eighty five is made large.

When he was envious of the small space left by others, the other men in green uniforms couldn't help but keep their eyes on him.

It's very cold, this person can wear clothes with thin waist and long legs.

Don't he wear sweaters and pants?

Looking up at his face, it's incredible, many people are thinking in their hearts, is this person going to the wrong place?

He is going to be a literary soldier!

Originally, many people wore green military uniforms.

—I regretted bringing the subject here.

It's time for parting, dear girl, don't look around! !

That stupid thing is definitely not wearing a sweater and pants, and it will freeze into a stupid dog later!

Su Xiaoman stood on tiptoe and put on Xie Mingtu's hat again. Yesterday she helped Xie Gouzi cut her hair. Since the two of them met, Xie Mingtu's hair was cut by her. Of course, it is estimated that She was the only one who cut Xie Gouzi's hair.

Slightly shortened to make it look more handsome.

When I put on this outfit today, it is so handsome that I can't take my eyes off it. With this face, this waist, and this leg, Su Xiaoman thought of this, and her legs softened for a while.

Don't look at this guy's waist, she knows how strong it is.

Su Xiaoman couldn't help yawning. She basically didn't sleep well last night, thinking that the two were going to part, she was soft-hearted and let this stinky dog ​​toss, Su Xiaoman blamed herself for being too soft-hearted towards him.

This thief is bad.

Deliberately tossing her, thinking about being here with her grandparents, Su Xiaoman was silent, but Xie Mingtu couldn't let her go like this, and insisted on listening to her cry, listening to her crying and saying a lot Su Xiaoman wanted to beat him when he was awake.

If it wasn't for seeing him this morning in this suit, he was so handsome, she was so angry that she would not want to talk to him at all.

Let him wear this to take the marriage certificate next year.

When it was time to part, Xie Mingtu held her in his arms, and Su Xiaoman hugged his waist back. At this moment, Su Xiaoman suddenly felt extremely reluctant to part, and they were about to separate. Since she came, Xie Mingtu has always been by her side and has never been separated.

Su Xiaoman buried his head in his chest, trying to suppress the heat in his eyes, he couldn't bring anything more on this trip, the whole body was in a unified system, Su Xiaoman also There was nothing else to do, so he sewed something on the new uniform he sent.

The words Xie Mingtu were sewn on the inside of his clothes.

He didn't change his name, Xie Mingtu was reluctant to change his surname Jiang, of course, he didn't follow the Xie family's surname Xie.

Xie Mingtu explained that his surname was Xie, not his father's surname, nor his mother's surname, just because he was born in Xiejia Town.

Xie Mingtu: "..." Obviously they are more like brothers and sisters.

For this reason, Xie Mingtu gave up the idea of ​​changing his surname to Su.

After sewing the name, Su Xiaoman sewed a cute little rabbit on it. There was a vine crawling beside the little rabbit. Xie Mingtu saw the pattern and suggested another dress secretly. You can embroider a little rabbit in the manman grass nest, but Su Xiaoman beat him **** the head.

Have no choice.

Xie Mingtu was very optimistic, he in turn persuaded Su Xiaoman, "Manman, don't be sad, grandpa said, the training place is not far, if you miss me, you can come to see me once a week ."

Xie Mingtu knew that parting was to give Manman a better future. He was unwilling to be ordinary and wanted to do something about it.

Su Xiaoman patted his face, thinking silly, grandpa lied to you.

This time, grandpa said that he could not see him for at least three months.

Su Xiaoman still didn't tell him this tragic thing, so that he naively thought that he could meet again next week, and in a few days he would receive a bad news call from his grandfather.

Xie Mingtu got into the truck with the others, Su Xiaoman and his grandparents stood by the road and watched him leave.

Xie Mingtu was sitting in the car with a faint smile on his lips, and the figure of Manman was still in his mind.

His hand grabbed the hem of the clothes, where a little rabbit and his vines were embroidered, and the clothes and vines would always accompany him.


Shortly after getting out of the car, Xie Mingtu met an unexpected person, Jiang Yantang. He was assigned to the next class. After the two met, they were like strangers and did not say hello.

When Jiang Yantang saw Xie Mingtu, his expression was very complicated. He thought he was definitely better than Xie Mingtu.

However, Xie Mingtu stood out from the beginning.

Sent Xie Gouzi away, Su Xiaoman went home with her grandparents. She originally planned to go back to Qiaoxin Village for a while, but Grandpa Jiang and Grandma Jiang kept her and insisted that she accompany them Two old people.

Su Xiaoman thought about it and decided to stay with her grandparents. Her sister-in-law is pregnant, and Liu Shufeng is busy with her sister-in-law. When she returns to Qiaoxin Village, she lives alone without Xie Mingtu. Lonely, it's also not good to go to Su's house to cause trouble.

"Okay, grandma, Xiaoman is by your side."

"Manman, oh no, Xiaoman is with grandma, grandpa and grandma can rest assured." Grandma Jiang originally wanted to call her Su Xiaomanman along with her grandson, but her little grandson refused. He said that Manman was his name, so Grandma Jiang had no choice but to call her Xiaoman.

Grandma Jiang thought to herself, silly boy, Xiaoman obviously sounds more intimate, Xiaoman, Xiaoman, what a nickname.

Of course, Manman listens and kisses.

After Xie Mingtu left, Su Xiaoman was a little worried that she would get pregnant at first, she didn't want to get pregnant yet, at least she had to wait until this stinky dog ​​turned 20, and the two were really married and registered before having a child .

The previous two times, I had taken contraceptive measures, so I should not accidentally win the lottery.

Accompanying grandpa and grandma, Su Xiaoman also plans to find something to do every day. She accompanies grandma Jiang to take care of the vegetable field in the yard, and sews a wedding dress for herself during the day. Grandpa Jiang knows that she likes it To make clothes, I got her a sewing machine.

Grandpa Jiang also said: "I've always wanted to wear clothes made by your grandma all my life, but she's too stupid, not as good as me—"

Here, Grandpa Jiang stopped talking.

Grandma Jiang replied with a smile: "Why don't you make it yourself? You didn't wear the clothes I made, but I did wear the clothes you made, Xiaoman, your grandfather stepped on The sewing machine has slipped away, and when I was young, I still made a quilt—" Grandpa Jiang quickly covered Grandma Jiang's mouth.

Grandpa Jiang laughed awkwardly, "The hero doesn't mention Yong Ying."

Su Xiaoman thought, is it possible that he has also been the director of a quilt factory?

Grandma Jiang: "If you don't believe it, let your grandfather step on it and show you."

Grandpa Jiang jumped like a cat whose tail was stepped on, "I don't!"

Su Xiaoman: "…"

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