MTL - 70s: Dressed As a Villain’s Wife-Chapter 89 Looking for a needle in a haystack Jiang Ningfeng?

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Seeing Yang Minqing insisting on going to see her pen pal, Zhou Xiaoxiao said, "I'll go with you that day."

"By the way, check it out for you."

"You can't be fooled by a frivolous man."

Yang Minqing and Jiang Ningfeng agreed to meet at the entrance of a movie theater, and then go to watch a new movie that is currently being broadcast together, this is also to avoid the situation where the two have nothing to say after meeting.

Watching a movie is a great buffer.

Obviously both of them think so, and they both think that the other may like to watch such literary films.

The day of meeting was getting closer and closer, Jiang Ningfeng also showed an inexplicable anxiety, Xie Mingtu looked very familiar with his behavior. Photo to photo?

Where have you seen this behavior?

Jiang Ningfeng: "I shouldn't be ugly, right?"

Jiang Ningfeng was a little unconfident about his appearance. He actually didn't observe his appearance very well. Most of the places where he was before were big men who didn't pay much attention. Dirty every day, who cares who looks like, all smells like sweat, and no one dislikes anyone.

He considered himself to be the most outstanding among the old brothers, but now, Jiang Ningfeng is not sure.

Xie Mingtu replied: "Not ugly."

Su Xiaoman encouraged: "Brother, you are not only not ugly, on the contrary, you are very handsome."

Jiang Ningfeng said: "Then me and my little brother, who do you choose?"

Xie Mingtu gave him a sideways glance.

Su Xiaoman thought to himself that Brother Jiang was really unstoppable, "I choose Little Rabbit."

Guan Zhenyue tutted from the side: "Don't compare yourself to your brother, go out every day to meet those men you meet on the road."

"You have a good life."

Jiang Ningfeng glared at Xie Mingtu: "I only see you every day, and I will become less and less confident."

"Brother, for the sake of my brother, can you put some mud on your face."

Xie Mingtu spread his hands: "I don't agree, it will hurt Manman's eyes."

"No, stop, I'm going to paint a few strokes on your face—"

Jiang Ningfeng violently chased after Xie Mingtu, Xie Mingtu quickly retreated to the corner of the wall, jumped on the wall in three or two times, Jiang Ningfeng followed the wall, and the two disappeared in the alley.

Su Xiaoman was sitting quietly in the yard at this moment, thinking that the two sons in his belly must not be two sons. Seeing his father's agility in unveiling the roof, he was afraid that the child would have imitate.

The two struggled for a long time before running back.

Jiang Ningfeng asked them to help them come up with ideas on what clothes to wear when meeting, whether they should be alone, or should they bring one more person.

Su Xiaoman: "…"

Brother Jiang’s emotional intelligence really has to work hard to save you. When you two pen pals met, and you brought another beautiful girl, people scared you away.

What should I do if I misunderstand their relationship?

Are you afraid of misunderstandings?

What kind of ancient male protagonist did Brother Jiang take? He wants to do anything that can make the female protagonist misunderstand!

Fortunately, he had three of them stooges beside him to help find a solution.

"Just go with your usual dress, bro, don't be too high-profile."

"Just like going to the movies with friends."

Jiang Ningfeng: "But I've never watched a movie with anyone..."

Guan Zhenyue rolled his eyes: "How is this possible? Could it be that you haven't seen the movie?"

"Does it count to watch a white-screen movie with your comrades?"

"Then I have a lot of experience."

Su Xiaoman: "...!!"

This experience is of no use.

Jiang Ningfeng: "I still want to find someone to accompany me, so that the scene will not be too ugly?"

Guan Zhenyue came up with a bad idea: "Your younger brother and sister can't accompany you, please let your younger brother accompany you."

Jiang Ningfeng glanced at Xie Mingtu's face and said directly, "Your idea is really bad."

"I can't take my brother with anyone."

"What if she mistook my little brother for me??!"

Even if you are going on a blind date, you shouldn't find someone more beautiful to accompany you. Jiang Ningfeng felt that she needed the green leaves to set off.

"Master Guan, my brother's good master, come with me."

Xie Mingtu and Su Xiaoman watched the play.

Jiang Ningfeng originally thought that it would take a long time for him to ask Guan Zhenyue to accompany him, but Guan Zhenyue agreed very simply.

Guan Zhenyue wants to follow along to watch the fun.

"You won't let me see the photo, can't I see the real person?"

On the day of the meeting, Jiang Ningfeng woke up early in the morning. In order to cover up his nervousness, he was still feeding chickens in the yard, listening to the chickens and ducks pecking vegetables The sound of leaves.

Xie Mingtu was supervising him beside him, for fear that he would hurt his chickens.

—Big brother always has trouble with my chickens.

These chicks have gradually begun to show their gender, but there are six small grass chickens, that is, hens, who will lay eggs in the future, so they must be taken care of.

Jiang Ningfeng: "…"

Isn’t the chicken at home better than my brother?

Jiang Ningfeng stayed up from the morning light to the bright light, and Guan Zhenyue, an elderly man who went out for a walk, came back, took a long hot bath, and sat at the dining table to drink warm stomach porridge.

I also invited him over to eat together: "Would you like a bowl?"

"Your brother cooked it."

Jiang Ningfeng shook his head, "I've already eaten it."

Su Xiaoman brought them a plate of steamed buns. She had a big stomach now. Guan Zhenyue and Guan Zhenyue haven't gone out yet.

"Why haven't you gone out yet?"

"About noon." Jiang Ningfeng looked at the sun, it was still early, God **** it, why did the day become so long!

Especially in the morning, which is too long?

As for why they choose noon, it is naturally because noon is full of yang, and all evils do not invade, and the people they meet should also be good people.

My younger brother and sister praised him that he was very masculine, as strong as the sun, so Jiang Ningyue felt that he should appear with the noon sun.

Su Xiaoman: "..." I'm afraid that the two suns will appear together, so as not to be too hot.

Xie Mingtu: "..." The hot weather will only make you irritable.

Guan Zhenyue: "..." Isn't it hot enough for the two to meet?

Xie Mingtu made a pot of herbal tea and let the two drink a bowl each before Jiang Ningfeng and Guan Zhenyue went out together.

Looking forward to the agreed day, Yang Minqing got up very early and changed seven or eight sets of clothes one after another, and then she made a decision. She dressed herself carefully and looked in the mirror for ten minutes with satisfaction After that, I went out.

When she went out, her parents asked curiously: "What happened today? Dressed so beautifully?"

Yang Minqing's heartbeat suddenly tightened, and then said casually: "I went out to play with Xiaoxiao and the others."

The mother said: "Yes, you should get together with friends more often. You don't go shopping when you are young. Is it possible that we have to wait until we go out to play at our age?"

"If you don't like the person we introduced, then make more friends in the circle of colleagues and friends, and you may meet someone you like."

Father Yang shook his head in disapproval, he put down the newspaper, and suddenly remembered something: "I heard from an old friend that Jiang Ningfeng, who you mentioned once before, is also in Beijing, Do you want someone to find an opportunity for you to meet?"

Mother Yang thought this was an opportunity: "Minqing, what do you think?"

Yang Minqing thought that if she was in the past, she might still be happy, but now she can't be happy.

"Mom, I'll go out first."

"Ok, go out and play."

Yang Minqing and Zhou Xiaoxiao met up and took a ride together. It would take some time to pass from their side. The two got on the tram, and Zhou Xiaoxiao laughed at her when she saw her nervous look: "You Are you nervous like this? Shall we fight back?"

Yang Minqing shook his head: "How did that happen?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao sighed: "If you hadn't given him the photo before, or you could have let me pretend to be your identity to meet him and see what kind of person he is."

"What's your bad idea?"

"You can't do such misleading things."

The two of them were talking, and they were there soon. They got off the tram together, and after walking for a while, they arrived at the entrance of the cinema. At this moment, a lot of people had gathered at the entrance of the cinema. Still holding the ticket, which means that a movie is about to start.

There were a lot of people standing at the door.

Yang Minqing suddenly regretted that he should not make an appointment with "Feng" to meet at the entrance of the cinema. With so many passers-by, who is he?

The heartless "Feng" didn't say what form he would appear in.

At that time, Yang Minqing felt that the other party had already seen her photo, and it was impossible not to recognize her, so she did not make any other agreement.

This is great.

Can't figure out where the people are?

Zhou Xiaoxiao patrolled left and right: "Qingqing, did you say someone is here?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao tried her best to search for gentle and elegant looking men in the crowd, even those who were specially dressed up, but...

Zhou Xiaoxiao: "…"

At a glance, it seems that many people are like clear pen pals.

Yang Minqing was also stunned: "…"

Where is the needle in the haystack?

She had to pull Zhou Xiaoxiao to stand in a more conspicuous place, waiting for "Feng" to come to her.

It's a pity that the two of them waited for a while, but they didn't wait for the person they wanted to wait for, but they met several men who approached him, which made Yang Minqing's heart beat for a while, thinking that this was the case. no.

Zhou Xiaoxiao was speechless: "...the three men just now look a lot like the Feng you described."

But not all of them.

Yang Minqing also felt very tired.

She was starting to feel a little numb, wondering if a big man could be late? She looked down at the time, and it turned out that it wasn't the time they agreed on, so Yang Minqing turned to Zhou Xiaoxiao and said, "We came too early."

A movie starts now, and there are a lot fewer people around the door, Yang Minqing and the two breathe a sigh of relief.

However, a middle-aged man with a mustache suddenly walked over, and he walked in front of Yang Minqing.

Yang Minqing and Zhou Xiaoxiao thought that the old man wanted to ask them for help, but who knew he would say, "You are 'Qing', right?"

Yang Minqing and Zhou Xiaoxiao were dumbfounded, and they both stared at the man with a mustache in front of them.

This, this, this... Is this "Maple"?

Yang Minqing felt like someone had hit a sap on the back of her head, buzzing, she wondered if this was the reason why Feng had refused to agree to meet her before?

The pen pal who has been chatting with her for three years, a pen pal with a sunny and positive personality, turned out to be an old man? !

Zhou Xiaoxiao almost bit her tongue, she never thought of such a result.

Before losing her, she was worried about Minqing for several days, worried that the man was a man who cheated on money, sex, marriage, so he acted mysteriously, but he turned out to be... a young girl old people.

Yang Minqing covered her mouth and blurted out, "—Are you Feng?"

Guan Zhenyue: "...I'm not."

After seeing the surprised eyes of the two, even Guan Zhenyue, who has always been quite thick-skinned, could not help but feel a little scalp tingling.

Look at what Jiang Ning is drying?

He asked Guan Zhenyue to go up and say a few words first, so that the little girl was a little mentally prepared, Feng, this man, was different from what he imagined.

Guan Zhenyue thought coldly in her heart, this is more than making her mentally prepared, it simply makes the little girl's mind explode.

They actually regarded him as Jiang Ningfeng? !

Guan Zhenyue: "..." I have to sigh that Jiang Ningfeng is so talented.

Wait a minute, shouldn't this dog man use him as a springboard?

First let the little girl see that he is an old man, and then the handsome self will appear again? !

Guan Zhenyue touched his beard, feeling slightly unhappy.

So he planned to delay for a while before speaking, making Jiang Ningfeng anxious for a while in the corner.

I meet?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao: "..." She overestimated the man. It turns out that this clear pen pal is both scumbag and timid, and has no responsibility at all.

"Forget it, Qingqing, let's go, you might as well listen to your uncle and auntie and meet Jiang Ningfeng..."

On the way, Zhou Xiaoxiao had heard Yang Minqing say what her parents said when they went out, she thought it was a good opportunity, Yang Minqing said before that there was no chance to see Jiang Ningfeng, now this is not a chance Is there a chance?

With great heroes, why waste time on the faint of heart.

Guan Zhenyue: "???!!!" Jiang Ningfeng?

Is this Jiang Ningfeng the Jiang Ningfeng he knows?

He wanted to answer Yang Minqing's words just now, saying that Feng also came with him, but he felt that he might not be the same as the image you imagined, so let you have a mental preparation in advance... But who knew another episode would happen?

She also has a date with another Jiang Ningfeng?

Guan Zhenyue: "Is the Jiang Ningfeng you are talking about the Jiang Ningfeng I know?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao: "??!!"

Yang Minqing: "?!"

The two of them were also confused by the situation at this time.

Guan Zhenyue: "Is that Jiang Ningfeng from the XX Military Region? Now he is recuperating in Beijing..."

Yang Minqing was stunned: "You still know him?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao: "..." This world is too small to avoid it? ! When you go out, do you meet all the people you know? Could it be that Feng also knew Jiang Ningfeng?

Guan Zhenyue: "Know, what is your relationship with Jiang Ningfeng?"

Yang Minqing: "It doesn't matter, there is only one side."

Guan Zhenyue guessed: "Did you like Jiang Ningfeng before?"

Zhou Xiaoxiao blurted out: "How do you know?"

Yang Minqing just wanted to cover Zhou Xiaoxiao's mouth at this moment, what the **** is going on? Didn't she come to see Feng? Why are they chatting about Jiang Ningfeng?


Yang Minqing suddenly had a terrible guess in her heart.

Feng, could it be Jiang Ningfeng?

Yang Minqing looked at Guan Zhenyue in front of her, and asked seriously, "Master, shouldn't you come with Jiang Ningfeng?"

Guan Zhenyue: "You are really a smart girl."

"I believe I don't need to say more."

"He asked me to tell you just now that his appearance may be different from what you guessed, so you can prepare yourself in advance."

Zhou Xiaoxiao: "...what are you talking about? Jiang Ningfeng is here too? Could he be the 'Feng'?"

…this is all about something.

Yang Minqing was startled: "I don't believe..."

How could Feng be Jiang Ningfeng?

Guan Zhenyue: "..." This trip is worth it.

Even Guan Zhenyue could not guess such a development, what kind of magical and strange fate is this?

Zhou Xiaoxiao: "What about Jiang Ningfeng?"

Guan Zhenyue pointed to a corner across the road: "Over there."

As soon as he finished speaking, a tall and handsome man flashed out of the corner. That man smiled brightly at the three of them. Who else was Jiang Ningfeng?

After Jiang Ningfeng came out, the eyes of many girls fell on him. Jiang Ningfeng didn't hear the specific conversation between the three of them. At this moment, he thought everything was going according to plan.

Yang Minqing should have made psychological preparations from Master Guan.

So he walked to the three people with ease and stride, Yang Minqing and Zhou Xiaoxiao looked at him without blinking.

Yang Minqing set off a storm in her heart.

Jiang Ningfeng tilted his head, this is a harmless gesture he learned from his younger brother, he blinked.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Ningfeng, first meeting..."

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