MTL - A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village-Chapter 659 Old man is crazy

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   When he woke up the next day, Minano Shuichi ran to the nearby woods to test how his strength had skyrocketed.

  In the forest, afterimages appeared one after another, on the trail, on the tree, halfway up the mountain.

   First of all, when he was running and jumping, he found that his speed and jumping reaction ability were enhanced several times!

  When he ran, it was different from before. In the past, he used brute force to run and jump. Now when he runs and jumps, his dantian runs wildly. The true essence in the dantian is transported to his limbs through the meridians.

  Especially when the real essence was transported into his legs, he found that his upper legs seemed to become lighter and more flexible.

   So the ability to run and jump has been greatly improved!

   "This is the benefit of True Essence, it's amazing!" Minami Xiuyi thought secretly. If his body is likened to an engine, then the real essence is gasoline. The source of power for the engine.

   "Try your strength."

   He walked under a big tree that the two of them hugged, took a deep breath, and the true essence in his dantian suddenly gathered in his fist.

   Gently punched the big tree in front of him.

   Only a slight click was heard, and then there was a crack in the place where it was hit, and then the big tree slowly tilted towards the back and fell, making bursts of harsh sounds.

   "My strength has increased several times than before!" Minami Shuichi was overjoyed. He felt that if he succeeded in cultivating the set of boxing techniques and movement techniques in the Seagod Body Tempering Cultivation Technique in the future, his force value would increase.

   In addition to this, he constantly absorbs the vitality in the primeval stone, and constantly increases the real energy in his body, and his combat power will be further improved.

   Now that he has successfully cultivated, he has a hair-sized True Essence in his body, and his strength has soared. It seems that the journey of cultivation is really attractive.

   "Now, I am confident that I can kill five samurai." Minami Hideyoshi evaluated his current combat effectiveness. In the previous battle against the five people, he not only injured himself, but also won tragically. In the end, he used his awesome physical strength to drag the opponent to death.

   But this time is different.

   With his current combat power, he should be able to defeat them easily against five opponents.

   "Enter the system!" He wanted to see what the current system's evaluation of his data was.

  《Fishery King System》

   System Level: Level 16

  Host: Minami Shuuichi

   Constitution: 189 (Ordinary people: 10)

  Strength: 190

   Speed: 195

   Mental Power: 180

   Lifespan: 170 years

   System skills: 16 items

   Number of draws: 0

  System experience progress bar: 230.12 billion/240 billion. Reaching 240 billion can be upgraded to level 17.

   Minano Shuichi was very happy after seeing the above data.

   Among them, the physique, strength, speed, mental power, etc. are tripled!

   and his lifespan has also increased by 10 years, which is something he didn't expect.

   "It seems that cultivation can increase your lifespan, which is a good look!" Minami Xiuyi thought secretly. If he can, he can also teach his woman to practice, and then he will not worry about his woman dying. Although it is said that they will not live forever, at least they can live as long as he does.

   Besides, now that he has many enemies, his family will definitely become a weak point in the future. If they have the strength to protect themselves, he will not be too distracted.

   "But I'm just cultivating now, and I'm still in the exploration stage. Besides, this time is not suitable for revealing too many secrets about me to them. Let's talk about it after a while." Minano Shuichi thought for a while and decided.

   After returning home and having breakfast, he continued to hid in the study and cultivated. He planned to continue to absorb primeval stones, so that he would have more primeval essence in his body. He intends not to go to the company to deal with those affairs in the next week. At present, it is the most important for him to strengthen his strength.

  In the study, Minami Shuichi held the primeval stone from last night, about half of the primeval stone was left.

   Meditate, close your mind, keep your five minds upside down, and a lot of outside disturbances.

   He recited the Seagod Body Tempering Cultivation Technique in his heart, and soon the true essence in his dantian started to run wildly with the technique. The half of the primeval stone left in his hand suddenly became hot.

   A trace of vitality penetrated into his palm from the primordial stone, passed through the meridians to the dantian, and then refined it into true essence, and then followed the army to carry out a large circulation in the body.

   The day passed in the blink of an eye.

   It’s true that I don’t know the years of cultivation.

   After a day, the first prime stone was finally absorbed by Minami Shuuichi. Primordial stones without vitality became broken stones and **** scattered in the palm of the hand.

   "The harvest is quite big!"

   Minami Shuuichi discovered that the real essence in his dantian was originally the size of a hair, but now it has the size of a ballpoint pen refill. I believe that if you absorb a few more primeval stones, there will definitely be a qualitative change.

   A week went by like this, Minamino Shuo absorbed a total of 5 primeval stones, and then he could not absorb any more. Because the real essence in the dantian has the size of a thumb. It feels like reaching a peak and a bottleneck. He felt that it should be said in the practice that the peak of this level was reached, and a breakthrough was needed to continue to strengthen.

   used 5 primeval stones, and he now has 21 primeval stones left.

   "Since there is no progress in the real essence, I will practice the matching boxing and movement techniques first." Nanye Xiuyi said to himself in his heart.

In   Poseidon's Body Tempering Exercise, the matching boxing technique is called [Breaking Waves], and the matching body technique is called [Blue Wave Walk].

   It sounds like the name of the exercise is quite good.

  Especially the name of the boxing technique [Breaking the Waves] is very domineering.

   "Breaking the Waves" has a total of nine styles, and one style can be transformed into eighteen moves.

   The first form is called [Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves]

The second form of    is called 【Shocking Waves Beating the Shore】

The third form of    is called [Chopping Waves]


  According to the introduction of the exercises, with his current cultivation, he can only practice the first three forms, and as for the latter needs, he can only practice when his cultivation has reached a higher level.

   Next is the movement technique, which is actually similar to the Qinggong in martial arts novels.

  【Bibo Walk】 Unlike boxing, it can now be practiced by Minami Shuichi. At that time, if you wanted to cultivate to a small or even a large degree, it was not so easy to cultivate.

   "Let's practice the first form of boxing first."

  The first style of boxing [Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves] is a single-attack routine. It feels a bit like going forward, and its power is very fierce. The second style [Shocking Waves Beating the Shore] is a bit like a group attacking palm technique.

   As for the third style [Zanlang], it is a kind of nirvana.

   "Hu~" Nanye Shuichi started to mobilize the true essence in his dantian according to a specific exercise route according to the exercise method. In addition to the external appearance of this set of boxing, the most important thing is actually the movement route in the meridians and the characteristics of true essence control.

   This is the root of this set of boxing.

   After all, if you use the true essence of a boxing technique to exert its maximum damage value, it is the most fundamental and most important thing.