MTL - A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village-Chapter 679 Mass manufacturing master!

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   "It's actually you!" Sumitomo Feiying's jaw dropped when he saw that it was Shuichi Minami. He never imagined that the other party would appear here. When he was about to scold Sumitomo Murakami for doing such a poor job of keeping secrets, he realized that the other party was dead.

   He and three other samurai are the only ones still alive, but they are all three-dan samurai, and they are also injured. This time the situation is precarious for them!

   He was a little unclear about Minano Shuichi's strength, but the opponent's ability to dare to break in must be not bad.

   "Didn't think so? If the ancestors of your Sumitomo family knew underground and knew that you dared to dig their ancestral land, if you were disrespectful to them, I wonder if they would die of anger?" Nanye Shuichi sneered.

   "Humph!" Sumitomo Feiying snorted coldly, he was accumulating power and preparing to fight back. Because he was affected by the bomb just now, there is still 60% of his combat power left!

   "Anyway, I still thank you, because you donated another 15 primeval stones to me, thank you." Minami Hideyoshi walked over and picked up the primeval stones scattered on the ground one by one, and counted exactly 15 primeval stones.


   Sumitomo Flying Eagle saw that the other party was not the first to solve them, he thought it was an opportunity to fight back.

   At the same time, the other three injured samurai also struggled to get up and prepare to counterattack.

  Sumitomo Flying Eagle has the highest cultivation base, and is the strength of a samurai! He was the first to rush in front of Shuichi Nanye, and a dagger turned into a **** afterimage and stabbed Shuichi Nanye. This dagger of his is poisonous, as long as it touches the skin, it will be ruined!

   "It's your time to wait!" Minano Shuichi smiled cruelly. He had been paying attention to the movements of these people just now, waiting for them to counterattack. I didn't expect it to be delivered to the door.

   Originally, after Shuichi Minano broke through, he reached the 6th level of body quenching, and his strength was even higher. Even if Sumitomo Feiying was in his peak state, he would not be his opponent, let alone now?


  Sumitomo Flying Eagle was kicked before he could even see himself, and flew upside down, hitting the stone wall with a mouthful of blood.

   As for the other three samurai rushing over, they will be killed directly by Minami Shuichi.

   "Scumbag!" Minami Xiuyi laughed, a bit like a devil's smile.

   "So strong?" Sumitomo Feiying, who fell to the ground, coughed blood and was shocked. Originally, he was still somewhat confident in his own strength. Even if the opponent was strong and wanted to escape, he would have a chance. After all, his strength as a warrior is here.

   But he never imagined that the opponent would seriously injure himself with one move, and now that the injury is added to the injury, he basically loses the ability to fight.

   "The strength of the kick just now should catch up with the strength of the elder deacon?"

   But in the next second he didn't have the space to think, because Minano Hideyoshi walked over and solved him.

   After the solution was completed, Minami took a look around, and then left here with 15 primeval stones.

After    went out, he took an explosive and blew the entrance directly.

   "In this way, no one will suspect me. I believe it will take a long time for someone to discover this place." Nanye Xiuyi thought secretly.

   "I didn't expect that this time I followed it, but I got an unexpected surprise. With 15 primeval stones, I can make a dozen or so men in batches."

  Go down the mountain and walk out of the jungle.

   The car on the road was still there, so Minano Shuichi got into his car and drove home by himself.

  It was already evening when we got home.

   "Hey, Kino Nako, are you here?" He was a little surprised to see Kino Nako also.

   "Yes, come and see your children today." Although Kino Nako is also a woman of Minami Shuuichi, her status is second-level, and she belongs to the kind of secret people.

   "Well, come to my study tonight after dinner." Nanye Xiu told her.

   "Uh, it's not very good, the sisters-in-law are all at home." Kino Nako looked at it. Fortunately, she didn't find that the sisters-in-law were all in the living room, otherwise it would be embarrassing. She thinks it's better to go out and do it.

   "Where do you want to go? I have something to do with you!" Nanye Xiuyi pouted.

   "I hate it~" Kino Nako blushed after hearing this, and gave the other party a white look. She didn't think that she was thinking crooked! What a shame.

   "What's the matter?" Kino Nako asked with big watery eyes.

   "You'll know tonight!"


   After eating, Minano Shuichi waited for Kino Nako in the study.

  Kino Nako was a little embarrassed after coming in.

   "What kind of eyes do you have!" Minamino Shuichi looked at Kino Nako's strange eyes very puzzled, "Okay, I'll make a long story short. You will choose 10 more teenagers to come to the base tomorrow."

   "Yes!" Kino Nako was a little disappointed after hearing this, so that's what happened!

   "Then I have nothing to do?" Kino Nako asked softly.

   "No, I have something good to tell you."

   After saying that, Minamino Shuichi took out a primeval stone.

   "Hey, what kind of stone is this, so it glows faintly." Kino Nako came over curiously and asked.

   Since the light in the study is not very bright, the primeval stone glows faintly.

   "This is the primeval stone, tonight I plan to help you step into the door of cultivation!" Nanye Xiuyi said lightly.

   "Cultivation, what the hell?" Kino Nako looked bewildered.

   "Look!" He didn't explain anything, just picked up a cup and smashed it directly to form the end of the fen.

   Now Nako Kino is looking at her small mouth as O-shaped~!

   is so shocking!

   It was the first time she saw such a shocking thing.

   "This is the strength you have after cultivating. Do you want to practise?" Nanye Xiuyi smiled.

   "This...this..." Kino Nako was a little incoherent. After all, such a thing is impossible in her worldview as an ordinary person.

   "Okay, don't be surprised, I'll start teaching you, and you'll be able to do it in the future." Nanye Xiuyi took out a copy of the "Sea God Body Tempering Exercise" and began to explain it to the other party.

   You need to be familiar with the explanation before you can actually teach it.


  The next day, Minano Shuichi saw ten new teenagers in the base, and these ten teenagers were also chosen from thousands of times. They are all orphans, and they have also received favors from Shuichi Minano in recent years.

   Absolutely grateful and loyal to him!

   That's right, he planned to give them 10 primeval stones and quickly create ten masters!

   A week has passed, these ten people have absorbed ten primeval stones, and they have all stepped into the door of cultivation. I believe that with continued cultivation in the future, the cultivation base will definitely get higher and higher.

   Up to now, Minamino Hideyoshi has a total of 20 subordinates, all of whom have the strength not weaker than the third-rank samurai.