MTL - A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village-Chapter 688 Hit until you can't take care of your life

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   "What did you say? Say it again!" Minano Xiuyi clenched his fists and said coldly.

   "Oh, I said you are an inferior, why? You are a despicable inferior. You can't stand up to our Morgan family, even a foreign member." Andrew had a high expression.

   "You - find - die!" Minano Shuichi's voice has become unusually indifferent, reaching freezing point.

"Hehe... You are very angry, right? Even if you are angry, it is useless, you are an inferior! Why, you still want to beat me? You still want me to die? Believe it or not, I will let you see God now!" Andrew said disdainfully . He has done a lot of killing ants. Now Minano Shuichi is the existence of ants in his eyes.

   At this time, Henry was very nervous when he saw the other party threatening his son-in-law. He is very aware of the horror of these direct clansmen.

   "Nanye, hurry up and take Iloti back, Elder Andrew, calm down, don't care about them as usual... We..." Henry said with a stiff smile.

   "nonono, they all contradicted me, they must accept the punishment, the punishment is..." Andrew shook his head with a grin.

   "Yes, the punishment is that I beat you to the point where you can't take care of yourself!" Minami Shuuichi didn't bother to talk nonsense with the other party, the other party had already touched his bottom line. He also considered Henry's departure before, but now he doesn't need to think about it at all. If you don't agree, you will start a fight, if you don't agree, you will be called to the server. If you don't do it twice, three times, if you don't, you can just kill it!


   Minano Shuichi stepped on the [Blue Wave Walk] movement technique at his fastest speed and rushed up.

   "Shocking waves hit the shore!"

   Countless fist marks appeared in an instant, from far to near, all of a sudden descended in front of Andrew.

   "What? A monk too!" Andrew thought that Shuichi Nanye was an ordinary person, but he never thought that the other party was also a monk! In the West, they are collectively referred to as monks for people in this area.

   Actually, it's not that he can't see it, but that his ability is not enough. Obviously, Minami Shuichi's cultivation level is higher than theirs, so they can't see that Nanye Shuichi is also a monk.

   "Bang bang bang!"

   The fist marks all over the sky rang like a twilight drum and a morning bell. The next second, Andrew was attacked by countless fist marks while backing away and scrambling. After one move, Andrew was directly pushed back more than ten meters, and he was also punched twice in the face, his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

   "Hi..." Andrew touched the bruise on his face, and he grinned in pain. He didn't expect Minano Shuichi to be so strong! Even stronger than him.

   Elder Ruisi on the other side was also stunned when he saw this situation. Obviously did not expect this person to be so strong. It's a shame they dared to be so arrogant just now.

   As for Iloti, there is no surprise, because she knows that her husband is so strong.

  Henry looked at Shuichi Minano eagerly, and he found that he seemed to have refreshed his awareness of his son-in-law again. He is also a monk! This is so awesome. Is he also a member of a certain family in the world?

   But he has never heard of the Nanye family.

  Andrew looked at Shuichi Minano with some doubts, and said slowly, "Are you from that family in the island country?"

   "Guess~" Minano Shuichi sneered.


   Seeing the appearance of Minano Xiuyi continuing to fight, Andrew was a little anxious, he felt that he was not the opponent's opponent! So he said: "I hope you don't take the matter just now. Since you are a monk, you are qualified to marry someone from our Morgan family."

   Obviously, Andrew confessed!

   "Andrew, you are so shy! Don't you feel ashamed?" Elder Ruis next to him couldn't bear it. He doesn't usually like this Andrew very much. In addition, he is stronger than the opponent, so he feels that he should have no problem dealing with this Minamino Shuichi! So he is still very proud as before.

   "Haha..." Minano Shuichi sneered and continued to rush towards Andrew. He said that if you want to beat the other party until you can't take care of yourself, you must do it. He is a man of his word.

   "Why are you still here?" Andrew wanted to cry when he saw Shuichi Minano rushing over.

   But his explanation was useless, the only answer to him was a fist, a fist that filled the sky!

   Minami Shuuichi's strength is not unreliable. He was originally at the peak of six-layer body tempering, plus two system enhancements, plus wave breaking boxing and movement skills. He was as powerful as a sea **** descended to earth.

   The second wave of attacks left Andrew with only the power to parry and no chance to fight back!

   "Bang bang bang!"

   Minano Shuichi punched Andrew for every ten punches. It's not that this cargo doesn't look like a block, but that the speed simply can't keep up with the opponent's speed. The opponent's fist is too fast. He could only dodge nine punches, and the last punch was unavoidable.

   "Kacha~" Andrew screamed.

  The bones in his left hand were broken after he and Minano Shuichi punched hard.


   The next kick directly swept Andrew out and fell to the ground, screaming like a dead dog.

"I said that if you can't take care of your life, of course you have to do it. I always count." Minano Shuichi looked at Andrew who was lying on the ground and snorted and sneered, and continued to walk over to step on the opponent's Hands and feet let the other party really make life unable to take care of themselves.

   "Rise...Save me..." After spitting out blood, Andrew asked Reith for help.

   "Trash!" Although Reese was reluctant, he still stopped in front of Shuichi Minano.

   "Why, you also want to live and can't take care of yourself?" Minano Shuichi looked at Ruisi and said indifferently.

"Hey, think about it clearly, you are provoking the Morgan family. Do you know the strength of the Morgan family? Although you are strong, I advise you not to be so arrogant. If you apologize to us, today's matter will be over. Otherwise, hum..." Although Ruisi was a little surprised by Minano Shuichi's strength, he still ignored the opponent. He is very confident in his Morgan family. If the other party dares to provoke, he feels that the people in his family will make the other party unable to eat and walk around.

   "Yoyo, are you threatening me?" Nanye Xiuyi said dismissively.

   "So what!" Ruis still looked arrogant.

   "Hehe, that, Nanye, Elder, if you don't shake hands and make peace, I think today's matters are all trivial matters, don't magnify them. I think they are all trivial matters, trivial matters..." At this time, Henry stood up and planned to be a peacemaker. He didn't want to see Shuichi Minano and the other party clashing again. Now that you have beaten a person violently, it is not appropriate to deepen the resentment.

   He is very aware of the strength of the members of the Morgan family, and he definitely cannot compete with the entire Morgan family if Hide Minami leaves again and again.