MTL - A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village-Chapter 690 Stunned!

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   "My situation is very dangerous if I go on like this!" Minamino Shuuichi has been dodging, because the opponent's attack power is too powerful. If he confronts the opponent head-on, he will definitely suffer. Now Rui Si is like a madman, not afraid of pain at all.

   "Come on, kill him!" Andrew on the side began to cheer.

  The killing intent has been decided!

   This is Ruisi's killing intent, since he chose to use the forbidden technique, he planned to kill the opponent. As for the consequences, would a direct member of the Morgan family be afraid of the consequences?

   It is the biggest shame that the opponent chooses to bow his head!

   "Minano, are you alright?" Iloti from afar was very worried about him. She also saw that Reith's combat power has at least doubled. She didn't know if Minano Shuichi could resist. Looking at the situation now, Minano Shuichi is at a disadvantage.

   "It's alright, you guys stay farther away." Although Minano Shuichi was somewhat suppressed and at a disadvantage, his self-preservation power was still fine. He intends to use a method to force the other party to death. He felt that even the secret technique would definitely have a time limit. At that time, once the opponent's time has passed, that is his chance to win.

   "Okay!" Iloti is not a pinch person, nor is she a fool. She knew she couldn't help in such a fight. The only thing she could do was not to distract Minami. She just needs to ensure the safety of her and her father.

   "Roar!" Seeing that he couldn't effectively hit Shuichi Minano, Ruisi became even more mad, and a pair of silver claws danced wildly. Countless silver lights are constantly attacking each other.

"go to hell!"

The    attack became more violent. He didn't give Minano Shuichi a chance to breathe, and he had to end the battle quickly.

   Minano Hideyoshi sweated on his forehead when he saw this situation. He didn't know how long the opponent's fighting power would last. If this continues, if he is scratched by the other party, then the situation will be in jeopardy.

   "Are you going to use that trick?" Minami Xiuyi thought secretly.

   This move is the trump card - the wrath of the sea god!

   As long as this move is used, then the opponent no matter how strong is the rhythm of one move and one second. But using this move is too much. And he felt it was a waste. Although it can be refreshed after seven days, he still doesn't want to use it.

   This is his hole card.

"However, now these two people have a bad relationship with me, and at the same time, my father-in-law has a prejudice. It is also good to shock them. I believe that when they see my terrorist forces, they will not embarrass my father-in-law." Analysis Road. If he doesn't do this, it is estimated that Henry will be troubled by the other party in the future, or even threaten Henry directly.

   "Go away!" Minano Shuuichi used all his strength to punch out, abruptly knocking the mad Reith back, then he jumped out of the ring, and then he reached out to Reith, who was more than a dozen meters away, and punched it with one palm.

  In an instant, Osamu Minano's palm turned sea blue. A blue palm print was printed, and then instantly enlarged into a giant palm with a size of tens of meters.

  This giant palm blocked the sun in the sky at once, and it covered it like a giant's palm fell from the sky.

   The wind is surging, the sand is flying, and the vitality is raging!

   Even the surrounding air seemed to be drained.

   Very depressing.

  Risi's blood-red crazy eyes were stunned when they saw this situation, as if he forgot to attack Minano Shuichi in an instant, but was stunned by this situation.

   "My God, what is this? Such a huge palm!" Andrew, who was lying on the ground on the other side, was also startled when he saw this huge palm. Totally freaked out.

   It was the first time he saw such a terrifying move.

   Is this still human power? Is this the power of God?

   "I don't think the patriarch can afford such power, right?" Andrew said dumbly. But Xiuichi Minano was only in his twenties and thirties, and their patriarch was an old monster in his 100s.


   There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and Ruisi instinctively wanted to escape, but he found that he couldn't escape as if he was imprisoned, so he was covered by a palm. Not even the ashes were left.

   After a few minutes, when the dust dissipated, Andrew only saw that there was only a palm print of dozens of sizes left in front of him! And his companion Reith is estimated to have been photographed into dust.

   And he was just on the edge and was not photographed, otherwise he would have finished playing.

   He looked at Shuichi Minano in the distance with a look of fear, and muttered to himself in horror: "Monster, monster!"

   Obviously, this gesture really shocked him. This time, he really realized that the other party is a person not to be messed with, not even the Morgan family. He is so powerful, who knows how terrifying the family power behind the other party is?

   The other side is a figure worthy of their equal.

   "My God, when did you become so powerful, Nanye?" Iloti, who was on the side, was also startled when he saw this situation, which was too shocking. This move is completely a move to destroy the world. No matter how much you come. She once again refreshed her understanding of Nanye's strength.

"haha of course!"

   "Do you still want to trouble me?" Minamino Shuichi asked coldly as he walked to Andrew, who was lying on the ground.

   "I don't dare, I don't dare. Just now, I was blind to Taishan and offended you. Please let me go!" Andrew was crying, begging for mercy. If he is stubborn now, he is really courting death.

   In fact, he was also scared to cry by Minano Shuichi's hand. He is now a little glad that the person who was photographed was not himself but Rui Si. Otherwise he really went to see God.

   "Then how are you going to compensate me?" Minano Shuichi sneered.

   "Um...this is the compensation for mental damage? Uh, this..." Andrew didn't know what to say for a while. He didn't expect the other party to knock him again.

   "What? Don't you have anything good to do with it?" Minano Hideyoshi's eyes changed, and the opponent was scared to death.

   "Yes, yes, I have a primeval stone here, I don't know if I can..." Andrew took out a primeval stone from his arms with a distressed expression. This is something he finally got. But his baby.

   "If you have it, take it out, what are you dawdling about!" Minami Xiuyi didn't think that the other party still had a primeval stone, and this wave was not a loss.

After    got the primeval stone, he told the other party to get out of the way, "Get out of here, by the way, if you let me know that you have troubled my father-in-law in the future, I will let you know how to write regret!"

   "Yes yes yes..." Andrew was a bit of a promise again, after all he didn't dare to mess with Minamino Shuuichi after seeing the strength. Even the members of the direct line behind him probably wouldn't dare to mess with him. After all, they won't be silent to offend a powerful enemy, and there may be a powerful family behind this enemy.

   They don’t pay more for the little things. As for Reese's death, he can only blame him for being unlucky.

After the incident   , Minamino Shuichi stayed here for a few days and then left.


   A month later, Andrew brought a family elder to Henry's manor. When the elder saw the tens of meters of palm prints in the garden, his eyelids jumped. Obviously, he was also shocked by the power of this palm print.

  In an instant, they were all polite to Henry, let alone dare to show their faces.

Read The Duke's Passion