MTL - A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village-Chapter 698 Create a variety TV station!

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   After seeing the popularity of the variety show "Running Stars", Sony's executives decided to speed up the preparation of another variety show. This variety show is "Where Are We Going, Daddy"!

   In addition to this one, Minano Shuichi prepared another variety show for them. This show is indoor, not an outdoor reality show variety show.

   This indoor variety show is called "Happy Family"!

  Minano Shuichi positioned this "Happy Family" as a variety entertainment show. Its program is a variety show with guest interviews and games, inviting famous artists such as film and television, singers, models, etc. to come to interviews, games, etc. The program is mainly based on games, supplemented by songs and dances and various forms.

   This show is mainly about being easy and funny, and it depends a lot on the host's skills.

   Therefore, it takes time to apply for a qualified and excellent host!

   "Okay, have you all read the plan?" Minami asked several executives and the director and screenwriter.

   "It's all finished."

"Very good! "Where Are We Going Daddy" will start shooting next week, and "Happy Family" will start shooting next month. In addition, in my plan, there are "I am the King of Songs", "Super Girl Singer", "Wild Challenge", " "Celebrity Interview" will start filming in three months!" Nanye Xiuyi said solemnly.


   That's right, Minano Shuichi intends to build a variety show empire belonging to his Sony company, and he also decided to acquire a small TV station next week. Make this TV station a variety show TV station.

   He plans to put all the above programs on this variety TV station. At that time, hum, he believes that this variety TV station will definitely become the most popular TV station.


  The next day, Minano Shuichi's office.

   "Naiko, have you found a suitable TV station for acquisition?" Minami Hideyoshi asked Kino Nako after finishing the batch of today's documents.

"I found it, I was just about to tell you. This TV station is called Tokyo Entertainment Television. It belongs to a classified TV station under TV Tokyo. The ratings of this TV station have not been high in recent years. It can be purchased." Kino Nako said.

   "Entertainment TV? What kind of programs did this TV station originally broadcast?"

   "It's usually some gossip reports from the entertainment industry, and some are some peripheral news, and the rest are some rebroadcast TV series." Kino Nako said.

"I see! If that's the case, let's buy this TV station. By the way, we will create a variety show in the future, and we need to change the name of this TV station to "Tokyo Variety TV". This aspect requires approval of some procedures. This matter is left to you. It's done. I'll use the money to take care of those people. Well, the sooner the better, the sooner the process is completed, the sooner the name will be changed. Because in three months, we will have a lot of variety shows to start broadcasting." Nanye Xiu said to Kino Nako.

   "Yes, I know what to do."

   This kind of thing is a big problem for ordinary people. But it is still relatively easy for the Nanye Foundation. Just need to check with those people, what kind of approval is not available in minutes?

   A week later, Hideyoshi Minano acquired Tokyo Entertainment Television as he wished, and at the same time changed its name to Tokyo Variety Television!

   The change of name to Tokyo Variety Television did not cause any splash in the TV station and audience circles. Mainly because this TV station originally belonged to the third-tier TV station. There is absolutely no audience.

   So not even local news.

   "Kino Nako, tomorrow you will find some well-known media to advertise our newly established Tokyo Variety TV. What do you think about the content of the advertisement?" Minami Hideyoshi said.

"I've thought about it. When the time comes, the advertisement will say that the first season of "Where Are You Going Daddy" is going to be broadcast at 8 pm in prime time next week! And "Where Are We Going Daddy" is produced by Sony Corporation. The team is the team of "Running Star". I believe it will definitely cause a huge sensation. This will not only allow our variety TV station to have a large exposure, but also give the new variety show "Where Are We Going, Daddy?" "Preheating in advance." Kino Nako said with a smile.

"That's right, your plan is good! I believe that with the reputation of "Where Are We Going Daddy", viewers will definitely pay attention to our variety TV and new variety show "Where Are We Going Daddy"." Minami Shuichi was satisfied Nod.

   On the third day, Tokyo Metropolitan Daily, Tokyo Entertainment News, and TV Tokyo all reported on "Tokyo Variety TV" and "Where Are We Going Daddy".

  Tokyo Metropolis Daily: Recently, Sony acquired the original Tokyo Entertainment Television and successfully changed its name to: Tokyo Variety Television. This TV station is going to be a paradise for variety shows. Here, you can watch countless variety shows. Next Saturday, the new outdoor parent-child reality show variety show created by the production team of "Running Stars" will premiere at the prime time at 8 o'clock!

   TV Tokyo: With the popularity of the first variety show "Running Stars", Tokyo Variety TV is preparing to launch the second variety show, which is a large-scale outdoor reality show for parents and children. It's mostly…

   Sure enough, after spending money to promote and advertise, many viewers soon began to pay attention to Tokyo Variety TV, and at the same time, they paid attention to "Where Are We Going, Daddy" which has not yet aired!

  Tokyo Entertainment News: The second variety show "Where Are We Going, Daddy?" launched by Tokyo Variety TV. I don't know if it will have the level of "Running Star", and I don't know if it will look good...

   In any case, many loyal viewers of "Running Stars" are very much looking forward to the second variety show, because "Running Stars" is more than halfway through.

   If it ends, they won't be able to see the new variety show, it's still very unhappy. If there is a new variety show, of course they are very happy.

   At the same time, regardless of spending money on advertising, the sixth issue of "Let's Run Stars" also gave a wide audience to "Where Are We Going, Daddy".

   In this way, the topic of Tokyo Variety TV and "Where Are We Going Daddy" was instantly familiar to countless audiences.

   Let's see how the premiere goes!

   Time flies, and it’s Saturday all of a sudden.

   The variety show "Where Are We Going, Daddy" was broadcast on Tokyo Variety TV's prime time at 8 o'clock.

   On this day, many viewers came to watch.

   After all these people watched it, they were instantly attracted by this variety show. Because this variety show is no worse than "Running Star"!