MTL - A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village-Chapter 7 First time out to sea

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  Ami Inoue, the most beautiful woman in Beiwan fishing village. Yes, it was evaluated by the men in the entire village before. But unfortunately, her husband also died on zhanchang. Three years ago, she and her husband had just been married on their wedding night, and her husband was arrested before they could have the wedding room.

  Pity that she was only seventeen years old then, and she is just 20 now!

   This is the age of youth, but she has to live like this, it really hurts her.

   Looking at Hide Minami at the door, staring at her tightly, Amei Inoue frowned slightly, making her a little wary. After all, now in the entire village, only Shuichi Minano can be regarded as a real man.

   "You want to go fishing? Why do you need the help of a woman like me when you go fishing? Your family's fishing boat is not big." So now she has some doubts in her heart whether Minano Shuichi has another purpose.

   "Cough cough... That's it, I rented a 150-ton fishing boat today, and I plan to go to the ocean to fish once, so I need a little more manpower." Minami Shuichi was a little embarrassed, the girl didn't even let herself into the house. Just chatting at the door.

   "Are you doing this too aggressively? If you don't get anything from renting such a big fishing boat, you will lose money." Inoue Ami asked.

   "How do I know if I can do it if I don't fight for it, I don't want to be a poor man here all my life!" Nanye Xiu said.

   "Okay, then I'll help you."

   "I won't treat you badly. The daily salary is 10 yen, and the salary will be paid as many days as you want."

   "Okay." Minami Shuichi muttered in his heart, and didn't invite me in for a cup of tea, really.

   "By the way, I heard that Yuko Miyamoto lives in your house, you should treat her better." Ami Inoue looked at Shuichi Minano with a pair of beautiful eyes with deep meaning.

   "Uh, yes." Minano Shuichi felt that he was wronged and turned into a bad guy.

   Soon, all the houses in the entire village were visited by Shuichi Minano, and a total of 18 women were recruited to work for him, ranging in age from 16 to 30 years old. However, as soon as these women heard that there were jobs and wages, they were all willing to help.

  It was past nine o'clock in the evening when I got home. After taking a bath, Miyamoto Yuko helped Minano Shuichi wash clothes as usual.

"Tamako, I'm going to go fishing the day after tomorrow. You'll be staying at home by yourself these few days. This is living expenses. Remember not to run around." After speaking, Minano Shuichi took out 50 yen to Miyamoto Yu*** *** Ben Yuzi was stunned and looked at Nanye Xiuyi: "Nanye-kun, are you going to go fishing?"

   "Yes, I want to make money, people can't have no goals." Minami Xiuyi smiled.

   "I can help too, please bring me." Miyamoto Yuko said. Really, she really wants to help Minano Shuichi, she doesn't want to be free, she wants to prove her worth.

   "You are still young, so going to sea is very hard. When you grow up, I can think about it." Minano Xiuyi smiled and touched Yuko Miyamoto's hair, but her heart was warm. This girl is really sensible.

   "No, Nanye-kun, I've grown up, really!" Miyamoto Yuko tried hard to tiptoe, raised her head, and looked like I was a little adult. Unfortunately, the front is still flat. Made Minano Shuichi want to laugh a little.

   "Be good, be obedient. Just stay at home." Hideo Minami, to be honest, going to sea is really hard, especially fishing.

   Miyamoto Yuko didn't speak, but her eyes started to turn red, looking very hurt.

   "Oh, well, I promise you, but you have to listen to me when the time comes." Minano Shuichi couldn't watch the girl cry the most. Especially such a kawaii girl crying.

   "Yeah, thank you Nanye-kun!" Miyamoto Yuko jumped up and stepped forward and hugged Nanye Shuichi with a charming smile.

   "Okay, okay, go to sleep."


   The next day, Shuichi Minano started to inform the women in the village that he plans to go out to sea tomorrow, please be prepared. Shuichi Minano also learned through the radio that there will be no storms or typhoons in the near future, but it is a suitable day to go out to sea for fishing.

   At the same time, yesterday Minano Shuichi hired a sailor, an old man with rich sailing experience, his name was Kimura Kotaro. There were also three sailors named Ishida Yu, Noguchi Minami, and Tanimura Ueno.

   Soon it was time to go out to sea. It was early in the morning, before dawn, and everyone came to the Nemuro fishing port.

   The oil of the fishing boat has been filled up, the living materials have been carried on the boat, the fishing boat has also been checked three times, the fishing nets and fishing tools have been checked, and there is no problem.

   "Get on the boat!" Nanye Shuichi said solemnly, standing in front of everyone.

   "Go!" A captain, three sailors, 18 women and Yuko Miyamoto, and of course, Shuichi Minano himself in the end. All of them got on the boat, and the fishing boat set off towards the rising sun where the sea horizon was just exposed.

   "Let's set sail, I wish us a rewarding return!"

   "Go to sea!"

   At this moment, everyone was a little excited.

   "Hokkaido, I'm here!" Minano Shuichi stood on the bow and said loudly.

At this moment, Sailor Ishida Yu stepped forward and said, "Boss, why are you all looking for women? Their strength is not as good as men." He was very concerned that Minano Shuichi had all found women to work for him. is not understood.

   "It's okay, women have an advantage in being meticulous in their workmanship." Hideo Minano said.

"All right."

   In fact, these women live by the sea and are in fishing villages, so they are very experienced in fishing.

   Of course, in terms of strength, he is indeed inferior to men.

   However, less than half an hour after the boat left, some people started to get seasick. Sailing at sea is quite bumpy. Even Minamino Shuichi was a little uncomfortable.

   Fortunately, there are seasickness medicines, among which Miyamoto Yuko and Inoue Ami are seasick.

   "I told you not to come, do you regret it now?" Minami Shuuichi helped Miyamoto Yuko to rest, while teaching her.

   This little girl's face is pale now, and she just finished vomiting. I'm finally getting better after taking the medicine. The first ocean is indeed a bit uncomfortable, but human beings are the easiest creatures to adapt to the environment. Minami Shuuichi believes that everyone will get used to it in a few days.

   "Are you alright." When Minami Shuuichi came out of the room, he saw Ami Inoue sitting on the ground panting, her lips were also pale, and her face was not very good.

   "It's okay, just take a rest." Ami Inoue said to Hideo Minano. She gave Minano Shuichi the feeling that she was a very strong girl.

   "Okay, I can rest for a few days. It's not that easy to encounter a school of fish. It will be busy when I encounter a school of fish." Nanye Xiuyi.

"I know."

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