MTL - A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village-Chapter 704 Pick up leaks

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   The oil sold by Shuichi Minano was about 2 billion US dollars, and this trip to the oil summit did not come in vain. A total of fifteen companies have cooperated with him. A full $2 billion in oil transactions. This transaction amount immediately caused many consortia to look at the Nanye Consortium. They didn't expect Shuichi Minano to have so much oil.

   Anyway, Mitsui and Sumitomo Consortium are very jealous, because the two oil fields combined are not as many as Minami Shuichi.

   After all these things are done, the real highlight of this summit comes.

   That's when the oil conglomerate giants began to divide up the oil resources on the Persian Gulf side.

   This time, there are a total of 10 billion tons of crude oil in the division of resources, which is a super large amount. Anyway, these consortiums are very eye-catching.

   This time the main division overlords are the Rockefeller consortium, the Mellon consortium and the Citibank consortium.

  The three giants are the most powerful in the oil sector among many consortia. Anyway, other consortiums are watching the fun.

   Watching these three consortia wrestle here!

   The fight between these three consortiums is nothing more than fighting over the exploitation rights of many oil fields in the Persian Gulf!

  This is a paradise for oil, but it is said to be full of oil.

   At present, dozens of oil fields of 10 billion tons in the Persian Gulf are planned to be exploited by these consortia.

   So these consortiums are starting to compete with each other to see who can move out a stronger backing.

  This is not just a business war, but a rise to another level.

  The Persian Gulf region is a shallow sea environment with warm climate in geological history, abundant aquatic animals and plants and a wide range of good storage structures, which has the best conditions for the formation and storage of oil. The Persian Gulf region is not only rich in oil resources, but also has excellent conditions for exploitation. Oil distribution is concentrated, with an average reserve of more than 350 million tons per oil field, making it a super-large oil field; and it is mostly distributed in the sea and on land near the coast, so the transportation distance of the oil pipeline is short and the crude oil is easily transported out. The underground pressure of the oil field is high, and most of the oil wells are self-blowing wells, accounting for more than 80% of the total number of oil wells, so its production cost is the lowest in the world. The Persian Gulf exports more than 60% of the world's oil.

   It is the largest oil exporter in the world. Oil flows continuously to the island countries, Western Europe and the US Empire; the rolling petrodollars also make the poor countries of the Gulf rank among the rich countries of the world in an instant.

  At present, in the early 1960s, the Persian Gulf did not have a lot of money to exploit oil, so it could only rely on foreign investment. In this way, they can sit back and enjoy a certain share without doing anything.

  After a week of wrangling, the Rockefeller consortium finally got 3 billion tons, the Mellon consortium got 2 billion tons, the Citibank consortium 1.5 billion tons, and the Rothschild consortium 500 million tons…

   Anyway, a total of six consortiums got cakes of different sizes.

   As for the Nanye Consortium, the Sumitomo Consortium, the Mitsui Consortium, the Junkers Consortium, etc., all pitifully watched these bigwigs divide the cake. None of this has anything to do with them!

   But after a week of wrangling, why did Minano Shuichi and the others choose not to go, that is, to see if there are some leftovers to eat. That is stealing!

   Sure enough, in the end, some tasteless lots were thrown out.

   These places either have proven oil fields, but the oil fields are small and difficult to exploit. Either there is no proven oil in the place. But according to experts, there may be oil here.

   Anyway, this type of chicken ribs were thrown out by the four or five consortiums for others to buy. Of course, it is a good thing to be able to sell them.

   There are a total of 13 small chicken ribs sold this time, and a total of 5 unproven lands, two of which are offshore lands, that is, offshore lands.

   When these tasteless small oil fields were thrown out, Mitsui and Sumitomo Consortium were instantly excited, but they were very eager to get oil fields. Without further ado, take it at a high price first.

  Although it is a chicken-ribbed small oil field, it is not only difficult to mine and has a small amount of storage, but for the Mitsui Consortium and the Sumitomo Consortium, no matter how small mosquitoes are, they are meat, and of course they will not choose to give up.

   "I'm willing to pay 100 million US dollars to win this No. 2 oilfield!" Mitsui reported the number loudly, for fear that others would be the same as him.

   "I am also willing to pay 80 million US dollars to win the No. 5 oilfield!" Sumitomo was also the quickest shot.

   Minamino Shuichi was really not interested when he saw these oil fields. He would rather not have such an oil field than go to other places to look for it.

   Even these tasteless oil fields are quickly sold out.

   In the end, there are only two offshore mining rights that have not been sold. One of the two offshore areas is 30 square kilometers and the other is 50 square kilometers. According to some so-called experts, the formation here is likely to hold oil fields. But it hasn't been proven yet.

   The first 30 square kilometers area sold for 30 million US dollars, and the second sold for 50 million US dollars.

   But so far no one wants to buy it. After all, it is only experts who say that there are oil fields here, but they have not been proven. Who will buy them?

   Besides, the investment in offshore oilfield technology and cost is very high!

   "I bought the offshore land No. 7 and No. 8!" After seeing that no one bought it, Shuichi Minano chose to buy it. He intends to make a venture capital investment to see if he can successfully pick up the leak.

   He felt that the average seawater depth there was 25 meters, although it was troublesome and expensive to mine in the 1960s. But if you encounter a big oil field, you will definitely earn an explosion.

   Moreover, the No. 7 and No. 8 plots are similar to the areas where the large oil fields of later generations are located. He felt that he had to try his luck.

   "Haha... Isn't Minami Shuuichi insane? You dare to buy in a place like this?"

   "He's gambling?"

   "Venture capital, although it's tens of millions of dollars, it's a lot of money." An oil company executive shook his head and said.

   "The 80 million US dollars invested in these two places are still offshore, although the sea water is not very deep. But I think there will definitely be no oil fields..."

   "Are you sure you want to buy?"

   "Sure!" Minami Shuuichi nodded firmly. Anyway, that tens of millions of dollars to play is fine.

   The formalities will be completed soon. These two places belong to Shuichi Minano. He owns the mining rights of the two areas!

   "Minano, aren't you being too rash and casual?" Carroll also persuaded Shuichi Minano when he saw it.

   "It's okay, rich, self-willed!" Minami Xiuyi said with a smile. Tomorrow he plans to take a look and use his clairvoyant eyes to see if there is any oil.