MTL - A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village-Chapter 718 your strength is good

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   "Is the current patriarch of Mitsui's side patriarch you?" An old voice appeared in Mitsui's ear.

The sound of    in vain really startled him!

   Then a vague figure appeared in front of Mitsui.

   This vague figure became extremely clear in the next second. An old man with a height of 1.6 meters and a white-haired face appeared in front of Mitsui Fanshui. He could not see how old the other party was. Because the face of the other party feels like he is in his sixties. She looks like she is about 60 except her hair is all white. But the other party's voice was unusually hoarse and old. It feels like an old monster's voice, very harsh.

   "Who are you?" Seeing the person in front of him wearing the Mitsui family's waist card, it is not easy to know the identity of the other party. He knelt down immediately and asked.

   "Elder Ninth!" Elder Ninth said coldly, as for his own name, he even forgot his own name. In his 200s, he has forgotten many things in the past, including his name. At his age, the name doesn't matter anymore.

   "Meet the nine elders, the next is the current patriarch of the foreign clan, Mitsui Fanshui!" Mitsui Fanshui said very respectfully. Since the other party claimed to be the ninth elder, it proves that the other party's high status is scary!

   That person whose status is only under the true lineage chief. A kung fu is unfathomable, and it is not an exaggeration to call him a living fairy.

   "What's the current situation?" The nine elders asked directly.

   "The current situation..." Speaking of which, Mitsui Panshui's face darkened, and the Mitsui Consortium is currently in jeopardy. Those deacon elders and warriors have gone back and forth in the past, it is really difficult to explain.

   Next, Mitsui Fanshui told the nine elders everything he knew.

The ninth elder just stood there quietly and listened, and said lightly after listening: "It seems that this Nanye Xiuichi is not easy. Just tonight, I will go for a walk, and by the way, I will destroy Nanye Xiuyi and the strength behind him. "

   After hearing the words of the nine elders, Mitsui Fanshui instantly gave birth to hope. Now the Mitsui Consortium is in a precarious position by the Nanye Consortium. I believe that if the nine elders make a move, it will definitely be easy to solve.

   "I ask you, if I eradicate that Minano Shuichi and the strength behind him, can you reverse the current disadvantage of our Mitsui Consortium?" Elder Jiu glanced at Mitsui Fanshui and asked.

   "Yes! It can even defeat and swallow the Nanye Consortium!" Mitsui Fanshui showed absolute confidence on his face.

   "Very well, you are all ready. Minamino Shuichi will not see the sun tomorrow."


  In a big villa in the suburbs, Minami Shuuichi felt a little sad when he looked at the empty big villa.

  Since he had a decisive battle with the four major financial groups, he had sent his family to his father-in-law, so for the past two months, he has lived alone at home. Except he was the 30 bodyguards.

   These thirty bodyguards are not ordinary bodyguards, they are all dead men trained by him!

   Each of them has at least the ability of a rank 3 samurai, and the strongest is already the strength of a rank 1 samurai.

   It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and he was ready to go to bed. After all, I have to go to the company early tomorrow morning. There aren't many computer games to play these days. Mobile phone brother can only make calls. It can be said that there is no entertainment at night.

   As for going out to play, he just went out to play around last night, so he doesn't plan to go out now.

   Suddenly, he felt a sense of unease.

   This feeling is very subtle, making him a little uneasy. As if smelling a crisis.

   "The Eye of Perspective!" Hideo Minano immediately opened his Eye of Perspective, and suddenly he saw that there were two samurai guarding his gate. Now the two warriors are down!

   The opponent was a 3rd dan samurai, so he fell to the ground silently. That proves the strength of the enemy.

   "Enemy attack!" Minano Xiu roared, and the voice penetrated the entire villa. All of his subordinates knew the situation.

   However, through the eyes of perspective, he found that his 30 subordinates were constantly falling, and they didn't even have the chance to resist.

   "The opponent's strength is definitely not much worse than his own, otherwise it is impossible to kill them in seconds." Nanye Xiuyi was shocked.

   "Bang!" He kicked the door open, and Minami Shuuichi turned into a figure and appeared in the small square in front of the door. Only then did he realize that there were dozens of people approaching quickly.

   The person who killed his subordinate was a man in his fifties, wearing a black robe, with an unusually hideous and crazy face.

   "Suffer to death!" Hei Pao gave up chasing down those weak chickens after seeing Minami Shuuichi, because he felt that only Minami Shuuichi was worth his shot. Killing those weak chickens is really boring.

  The black robe was very fast, and his claws were grabbed towards Nanye Xiuyi.

   But Minano Shuichi was faster, he just avoided sideways, and then kicked the opponent with one kick.

   The opponent flew backwards in the next second.


  The black robe was hit by Nanye Xiuyi into a rockery.

"Cough, cough..." Heipao climbed up from the pile of rubble, stared at Nanye Xiuyi with his vicious eyes and said solemnly: "You are Nanye Xiuyi? Your subordinates are not very good! I have already killed 5 One, Gaga…”

   At this time, Hei Pao's heart was still very shocked. He was a dignified deacon and elder, and he didn't expect to be defeated by the opponent's blow. If it weren't for his strong body, it is estimated that he would be useless now.

   "Who are you!" Minami Shuichi said coldly.

   "Hmph, I'm from the Mitsui family! Tonight, you and the forces behind you will be doomed." Heipao said with a grin.

   "Hehe, I don't think so! You're the only one who's finished tonight." Minano Xiuichi didn't talk much, and went straight to killing the black robe. There is nothing to say with the people of the Mitsui family. Do it without saying a word.

   "Bang bang bang!"

   In the next second, the two sides continue to fight together.

   When it was time for the tenth move, Minano Shuichi directly punched Hei Pao, shattering the opponent's heart.

   "Pfft~" The black robe spurted out a **** arrow, showing a serious expression of inconceivable: "You, why are you so strong!"

   "Hmph, it's just that you are weak." Nanye Xiuyi kicked the opponent away.

   Now he is the pinnacle of the seventh layer of body quenching. Although he can't kill a deacon-elder level person, he can take down the opponent within fifteen strokes. Obviously, this black robe is relatively weak, and he can get the opponent in ten strokes.

   "Clap clap clap..."

   At this time, people who came from a distance also came to the small square, about 30 people.

   was headed by a white-haired old man, who was the one who clapped his hands: "Haha, your strength is not bad!"