MTL - A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village-Chapter 722 Beheading Operation (First Update)

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  "Hey~ After more than 200 years of repairs, I didn't expect it to become disabled in one day, Minami Shuuichi, I want you to pay your debts with blood!" The nine elders gritted their teeth. If he didn't have a deep cultivation base, it is estimated that this time he would not be able to escape.

   But even if he saved a life this time, his cultivation base was damaged and the road foundation was broken. He recuperates the injury and it is estimated that his cultivation base has plummeted. The force value is estimated to be only at the warrior level, not even the deacon elders.

   Moreover, his lifespan is estimated to be less than a few years.

  The way of cultivation is to go against the sky. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. His lifespan is not long. Now there is no strong cultivation base to maintain his vitality, so there will be a situation where his lifespan will be greatly reduced in the future.

   "The only thing I have to do at the moment is to quickly recover from the injury, return to the clan, and then invite the clan leader and the rest of the elders to come out!" The nine elders have already made up their minds. To be honest, he still doesn't understand why Minano Shuichi is so powerful. A palm almost killed him. The opponent's palm is only stronger than that of the patriarch! He guessed that the other party should be using a forbidden technique.

   But this forbidden technique is too strong, right? If it were replaced by his cultivation, wouldn't it be the existence of the sky?

  Thinking of this, the nine elders had an extremely solemn expression on their faces, and felt that the power behind Minano Shuichi was probably on par with his Mitsui family.


   "Taichi Minano, how many people are left?" Hideichi Minano was very unhappy when he saw that his garden was destroyed.

  "Boss, there are 21 samurai left." Taichi Minano said solemnly. In other words, nine people died because of this battle.

   "The Mitsui Family!" Minami Hideyoshi's eyes were full of anger. The Mitsui family has provoked him again and again, and it seems that this time he needs to make some thunderous means.

   Besides, he beat the opponent's nine elders into a crippled one. It is estimated that in the future, the Mitsui family and him will definitely be in an endless situation. It is better to finish the task of killing the Mitsui consortium while there is still time.

"Send the order, and immediately go to the Mitsui Manor and the place where the core members of the Mitsui family live. All the people of the Mitsui family, no matter who they are, send them to see God!" Since the face has been torn and the situation is endless, then directly That's it for the kill ring.


   21 samurai were ordered to leave.

   This night is destined to be a night of murder with the dark moon and the wind.

  Tokyo, a big villa.

   The person living in the villa is an elder of the Mitsui family. His whole family lives here.

  This year, the clan’s elder Mitsui Inujiro is 65 years old!

   But others are not old, although he is a real man of ten seconds, but he still loves to do sports.

   In the room, Mitsui Inujiro is discussing the great future of human life with a 20-year-old girl. But at this moment, his door was kicked open.

   A dark shadow broke in.

   "Baga, who are you?" At this time, Mitsui Kutaro was in a panic, and he was shocked that his bodyguards had died? There are a total of 10 bodyguards in his villa, how can people break in? The panic is that there is no one to protect him now!

   But the shadow didn't answer, only a knife answered him.

  Silver light flashed, and two heads flew up.

   At the same time, the family of more than a dozen Mitsui Kutaro in this villa were sent by these samurai to God every minute, and let them discuss their sins with God.

   A resort village, where the previous patriarch, Mitsui Weichi, who is 89 years old this year, lives.

   This holiday village was specially built by him, just for him to take a vacation by himself.

   The waiters, chefs, security guards, etc. in this resort village are all women! All are beautiful.

  What Mitsui Vios likes to do every day is to take a walk with the help of a group of women after eating and drinking. After the walk, he sits on the edge of the swimming pool and watches the girls swimming in the swimming pool.

   At his age, he can hardly be a real man for five seconds, so he can only look at it, and it is a pleasure to look at it.

   One night, Mitsui Vios was sleeping, and he was thinking about when to replace himself with a new batch of young waiters. He has money anyway. As the last patriarch, he had a lot of money in his pocket.

   Whatever he spends!

   Just as he was enjoying himself, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. Just in his astonishment, he saw that his neck suddenly didn't hurt, and then he realized that he couldn't breathe. Then he can only go to discuss the ideal of life with God.


   Over 30 villas in Tokyo were destroyed overnight.

  At the same time, the Mitsui Manor, this is the place where Mitsui Panshui, the current leader of the Mitsui Consortium, lives.

   In addition, several core members of the Mitsui family also live here.

   Mitsui Manor, it's not a place where clansmen want to live.

   "Patriarch, you said that the ninth elders brought someone to find Shuichi Nanye for trouble tonight. I don't know what's going on now?" At this time, a core member, Mitsui Feitian, asked Mitsui Fanshui.

"I don't know, but I think the nine elders will definitely be able to kill Shuichi Nanye. At the same time, drive out the forces behind him! Tomorrow we will see the news of Shuichi Nanye's death. The stock market of the Nanye Consortium will definitely plummet. We You can also use various means to start acquiring or even forcibly occupying the companies under the Nanye Consortium." Mitsui Panshui laughed.

  "Yo Xi, I think so too!" Mitsui Feitian laughed.

  The Nanye Consortium has been putting a lot of pressure on them, but after tonight, all this pressure will turn into a bumper harvest!

  "When Hideo Minami falls down, we will swallow his company, and our Mitsui Consortium will grow again!" Mitsui Fanshui is very happy.

  " We have tried this method before, but Nanye Shuichi is too powerful. Now that the nine elders have taken action, everything is settled."


   At this moment, gunshots suddenly sounded outside.

   Then there were bursts of confusion and screams.

  "What's the situation?" Mitsui Fanshui frowned.

  "Go, go out and see!"

  "Go and go!"

   But just as they walked to the door, they saw three shadows appearing in front of them.

  "Where are the three going?" The head of the shadow sneered.

  "Who are you? Do you know where this is? Security, where is the security!" Mitsui Panshui shouted. He is very confident in his Mitsui Manor because there are more than 100 security guards. Although there is not a single samurai, there are more than 100 security guards with more than 100 guns.

   "Don't shout, they've all gone to see God!" The man in black said contemptuously.