MTL - A Day In a Japanese Fishing Village-Chapter 738 Surrounded by the world's largest consortium

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   "Run away!"

   "Devil, devil, he is a devil, run away~"

   "The elders are all dead, let's run."


   "Let's escape separately!"

   The rest of the people were all scared to pee when they saw this situation, and they all fled around. But Minano Shuichi will give them a chance? The answer is: no!

   "Don't even try to run!"

   After half an hour, Minano Shuichi finally got rid of all these people.

   "Call all the dust settled!" Nanye Xiu said solemnly. Next, it is estimated that the four major families are the bare patriarchs left, and these old people will be solved when they come to him automatically!


   After killing the four major families, Minano Shuichi's life focus can finally be put on work.

   The job is undoubtedly to consolidate his Nanye Consortium. After all, the Nanye Consortium has just swallowed the assets of the four major financial groups. It is still in the process of various mergers and integrations. These things all require him to personally issue general instructions.

  Now the assets of the Nanye Consortium have exceeded 300 billion US dollars, and they are instantly crowded into a world-class consortium. Compared with the ancient consortiums in the United States and Europe and the United States, it is completely worthwhile. This is also because of the devouring of the four major consortiums, making the Nanye Consortium a world-class consortium all at once.

   Minami Building!

   On this day he called a meeting.

   This conference is about Sony, Fujitsu.

   He called over some of the top executives of the two companies!

   It's Spring 1965 now!

  Big brother mobile phone has also been around for five or six years. This time he's not launching any new phone. After all, Big Brother can still get him seven or eight years of banknotes. There is no rush to switch to the era of 2G mobile phones!

   He called these two companies because he wanted them to develop computer games!

   That's right, it's 1965 now.

   Some wealthy families in developed countries have computers.

"I called you here today, just to let you develop a computer game! In my opinion, the computer will enter thousands of households in the future, and it will no longer be affordable for wealthy families. So we must prepare in advance. As the computers produced by our Fujitsu become more and more advanced, our market is also getting bigger and bigger, and the cost is getting lower and lower. I believe that in the next three years, computers will definitely enter thousands of households! Ordinary families can use them At that time, computer games will be another way for us to make money. Moreover, even if it is launched now, it will be profitable. After all, children from wealthy families will definitely like to play computer games!" Minami said to the group.

   He knew that the emergence of computer games was closely related to the arrival of electronic computers on the campus of American Imperial College in the 1960s. The environment at that time cultivated a group of programming masters. In 1962, a college student named Steve Russell compiled "SpaceWar" on a PDP-1 electronic computer produced by an American company, which was a well-known computer game at that time.

  It is generally believed that he is the inventor of computer games. In the 1970s, with the development of electronic computer technology, its cost became lower and lower. In 1971, Nolan Bushnell, known as the "father of video games", invented the first commercial video game console. Soon he founded ATARI, the world's first video game company. In the 1970s, with the advent of the Apple Computer, computer games really began to commercialize. At this time, the graphics effects of computer games were still very simple, but the genre of games had begun to appear.

   Since the 1980s, PCs have become popular, multimedia technology has begun to mature, and computer games have become the forerunners of these technological advancements. Especially after 3Dfx's 3D graphics card brought a graphics revolution to the industry.

   In the 1990s, the advancement of computer software and hardware technology and the widespread use of the Internet brought a strong impetus to the development of computer games. In the 21st century, online games have become a new development direction of computer games.

   In other words, it is not too early to develop computer games!

   "Yes, Mr. Chairman, we will definitely implement this project thoroughly!" The vice president of Fujitsu said solemnly.

   "Very good, the meeting is over! I don't need the process, I just need the result, and next year I need to see the result I want." Minamino said with a smile.


   A group of high-level people stood up.


   "Mr. Chairman, the island country is currently purchasing 5 satellites from our Nanye consortium! A total of 5 billion US dollars!" In a conference room, a high-level executive said to Nanye Xiu.

   "Well, talk to the other party about the price. If possible, you can raise the price a little bit." Nanye Xiuyi said with a smile.


   "Mr. Chairman, the island country hopes that our company can build a railway for them, because the traffic in the eastern district is not very good." At this time, another high-level executive reported to him.

   "You can, but tell them, I like to get 200,000 mu of land cheaply in the East District, and I want to use it for real estate!" Nanye Shuichi tapped on the table and said. Now in the entire island country, only the Nanye Consortium has the strength to build railways, because at present most of the transportation construction companies in the entire island country belong to the Nanye Consortium!

   When he wants the other party to pay him, he also has to pay a little price!


   "What happened to our GM rice, GM corn, and GM vegetables?" Minano Shuichi asked.

   "Chairman of the report, this year our planting bases have planted 1 million mu of genetically modified rice, 100,000 mu of genetically modified corn, and 100,000 mu of genetically modified vegetables!"

   "Very good. At that time, our genetically modified rice cannot be exported, and all of it will be sold domestically, so that people in the island country can eat hot rice." Minano Shuichi grinned.

   "Good chairman!"


   TV TOKYO: It is said that the assets of the Nanye Consortium currently exceed 300 billion US dollars, and it has become a world-class consortium. We congratulate the Nanye Consortium…

  Meidi Business Daily: The rising star of the Nanye Consortium defeated the four major consortiums in the island country and became the only consortium in the island country. The current assets exceed 300 billion US dollars, which is completely comparable to various major consortia in the world! Its strength cannot be underestimated!

   Now the Minami Consortium has grown into a behemoth!

  It has many upstream resources, including oil, iron ore, gold mine, diamond mine, coal mine…

  English News: The Nanye Consortium has grown into a world-class consortium in just over a dozen years, which is shocking! I heard that Mr. Nanye started from scratch and created a legendary life!

   He is the youngest and richest consortium owner in 300 years!

   His legendary business story has been written into Century Magazine as the cover of this issue!

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