MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 1 Hamster Shushu

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Gass planet is a remote planet in the orc empire, technology is backward, but because the environment is very good, the land vegetation coverage rate is 90%, so many orcs who do not like urban life will choose to live here. There are even the largest nursing homes in the Orc Empire, living in many elderly single orcs.

The orcs who moved to the planet of Garth are more than a year old, but because the position of the planet is too remote, they have only lived in a million people, but they only occupy a small corner of the planet.

In addition to the places that have been opened up, the rest of the planet is covered by vegetation. The dense virgin forest and ocean surround the planet. Looking down from the sky, you can see that the whole planet is green and Made up of blue, the beauty is exciting.

This is a beautiful and vibrant place. On this day, above the virgin forest of Gass, the space suddenly twisted. At first it was only a small place, and then the range became larger and larger. Gradually, a space vortex with a diameter of several kilometers appeared. Here, at the same time, a tattered mech suddenly fell out of the space vortex and fell into a lake.

After a while, suddenly a thunder came out of the crack in the space. Along with the thunder, a little hamster with a palm-sized size fell.

The most amazing thing is that after the little hamster fell to the ground, it turned into a slick person!

The sky quickly returned to calm, a bird standing on the branch, watching the calm sky screaming, and discovering that there was no breath in the air that made it scary, then spread its wings and flew up in the air. wing.

Everything is not the same as before.

Two months later.

The forests of huge trees are almost endless, and all kinds of unrecognized flowers and plants are spread out on the ground, leaving almost no place to go to the ground.

Here is the virgin forest where no one lives, but today, there is someone walking slowly in the forest.

This is a round-faced boy who looked at about fifteen or six years old. He had a short black hair, a pair of black eyes with a radiant glow, and a baby fat on his face. He looked very cute, but there were some weird things— - From the two furry ears that came out of his hair, I can see that he does not belong to humans at all.

Shu Shu wrapped several layers of leaves on his own feet, surrounded by a short simple grass skirt at the waist, walking deep in the woods, and the round eyes kept watching. The deputy is always ready to jump and run away.

He has been in this place for two months, but still can't figure out where it is. After all, his geography is not very good. He only knows that there should be someone living nearby.

Although he had not met anyone in the past two months, he once saw a helicopter flying through the sky, and the plane looked strange and strange.

When he saw the plane, Shu Shu subconsciously wanted to call for help, but he soon gave up the idea.

He can never let others see himself, no way, he is too strange now...

Look at the human hands and feet, touch the furry ears on his head, and think of the short tail on his ass, Shu Shu could not help but sigh.

Doesn't it mean that you can become a person if you spend thunder? He has waited for a long time on this day, and has been looking forward to becoming a person and then being able to find a job to make money, and then want to eat what to eat.

The results of it?

I don't know what's going on. The annoying thunderous robbery took him to a forest where I don't know where it was, and even turned him into a half-human and half-rat!

He is like this now, others will know that he is a fairy when he looks at it! Where can he still ask for help?

If he is caught by humans, he will be sent to the Institute! It is said that the place is particularly terrible!

He can't be a human being, he doesn't say it. What's more sad is that he doesn't know what's going on. He can't use the demon power, and he can't change back to the hamster.

I think that I can't even find a master to give a pet as a pet. Shu Shu can't help but feel sad.

Yes, Shu Shu is a fairy, a hamster.

He didn't know how he became a goblin. At that time, he was still a wild hamster. One day he went out to find a food and accidentally ate a red bead, and then he suddenly had a memory.

At that time, he was born less than a month ago, but he had already started living independently. Before he remembered eating and sleeping all day long, he saw the brothers and sisters of his own compatriots because their smell was similar to themselves. I didn't ask them to fight, but at that moment, he suddenly understood a lot, and felt that he was very small, and he still came out of his mind... cultivation method?

Of course, he is still a hamster, so his life is no different from other hamsters. He tried to collect grass seeds and dig the worms from the mud. When he was two months old, he began to look for himself. Mother mouse.

However, at this time, something happened.

His mother, who gave birth to him, gave him a hamster and gave him two nests and a total of twelve younger siblings, and died.

Their hamsters breed very fast, sometimes just two weeks after birth, and the mother can regenerate a nest, and such production is very damaging to the mother, so his mother soon died.

Other hamsters still lived. His brother and sister soon became independent. His father drove him away from his mother to his fangs... At that moment, he suddenly felt that he could not continue this way.

He did not go to the mother hamster to produce a small hamster, he began to practice.

The life of the hamster was only a little more than a year. When he was practicing, the companions around him changed one batch after another. Sometimes they saw a familiar hamster wanting to say hello, and later smelled something wrong, and then calculated. Time... It may be that the previous one had once had great-grandchildren.

Rats are really lonely like snow.

The days of hamsters are not good. Even if they can scratch those two claws, they can only scratch the little bugs. Other animals, whether they are cats or eagle or owls, can treat them as a fat dinner.

Of course, the most terrible thing is the snake.

Others, you can still avoid, but snakes... these guys can even climb into their holes!

On several occasions, he felt the danger suddenly waking up from his sleep, and found that there was a snake in front of him who was opening his mouth and trying to swallow himself... This is definitely the animal he hates most!

The hamsters have always been the dishes of others, so he found that he can become more alert through cultivation. After hiding the natural enemies, he wants the hamsters around to practice. In the future, he will accompany himself.

It is a pity that he worked hard for a long time and was completely useless. Even his approach would only make him think that he would attack the ground and attack him. The estrus mother will be close to him, but they are too "fierce", he can only escape.

As a goblin who absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon to practice, before the cultivation is successful, he is better not to find the object, so as not to vent the Yuanyang repair as difficult to enter...

No way, their hamster's cultivation qualification is really bad!

A short-lived hamster wants to step into the path of cultivation. It is ten times more difficult than human beings. The aura on the earth is extremely thin. If he doesn't pay attention to it, he will have a big golden finger. I am afraid that only the English year. The life of premature death.

Of course, even if he pays attention, he is still unlucky...

Shu Shu couldn't help but sigh and remembered the previous things.

At that time, he watched himself live in the owner's house for a year and a half, and he planned to die, let the owner throw himself and then mix in the pet shop to find a new owner.

He has been practicing for many years, and although the mana is low, this can still be done.

Seeing him lying in the cage with "extremely stiff limbs", his master took him out of the cage and threw it in a small box. As a result, he just climbed out of the paper box and cleaned himself up. I planned to go to the pet store and found myself waiting for a long, long, long time.

This thunder is certainly not a thunderous robbery. It just makes him a thunder of human beings, but he does not expect to be a fairy. As long as he can become a human, he is already satisfied!

He really wants to eat those human food.

He ran to the wild, greeted the thunderbolt with utmost attention, and then there was no good fur on the body of the cockroach, and he also exuded a scent, and then he didn't know anything.

Looking at the trees around, Shu Shu sighed.

He clearly robbed in the woods on the outskirts of the city! How did you suddenly fall into the big forest? If he had been in the wild for hundreds of years, his nose and spirit, he could always find all kinds of nuts and seeds, and maybe he would starve to death.

You know, he is now a person who can't go back and eat a lot of things every day!

As for the valley... He has no mana at this moment, but what is the valley?

Shu Shu took another step, then looked at the tree next to him and skillfully climbed the tree.

This kind of tree is quite common here. It will have a fruit that is not as good as chestnuts. Shu Shu has been collecting them recently and intends to get a few thousand pounds hidden in his own hole.

Looking at the chestnuts full of trees, Shu Shu's mouth is hooked up, his eyes are sparkling, and as long as he sees the food, his mood will become very good.

If he goes on this way, he will certainly be able to save a lot of food, even if winter comes, don't be afraid!

I patted the grass skirt with soft grass around my waist, and Shu Shu began to climb the tree skillfully.

In the grass under the tree, one is thicker than the waist of Shu Shu, and the snake with a length of more than ten meters is slowly approaching. It just happens to see the scenery of a mouse that climbed to the tree, and now I can’t bear to look directly at the side. Go too far.