MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 100 Jones is pregnant

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Unconsciously, time passed for a year.

At the beginning, he lived in the base built in the desert, but later he took two children, but he moved out of the base and chose a mountain with a rich and scenic atmosphere. .

The mountain is a bit far from the base, but in the case of an aircraft, Edgar can still eat at home three meals a day, live at home at night, and most importantly, after living on this mountain, two children can scatter The child ran like a mountain - Edgar had already cleaned up the whole mountain, and let the robot build a wall under the mountain, so there is no need to worry about the danger on the mountain.

The weather was fine but it was a bit cold. Although Shu Shu woke up, she didn't want to get up. Until the smell of food came from outside, he climbed out of bed and quickly put himself in a pajamas that were particularly comfortable. Going out: "Edgar, what have you done?"

"I made omelettes and chicken porridge." Edgar smiled.

In the Beast Planet, there are no chickens born and raised. Shu Shu has not eaten chickens and eggs for a long time. He heard some surprises: "Where are the eggs and chickens coming from?"

"There is another spaceship on the other side of the capital star, which brings a lot of supplies." Edgar said, while he began to porridge.

Shu Shu does not like to eat greasy porridge, chicken porridge is also made with oiled chicken soup, which puts the shredded pork breast and some green vegetables, the color looks very good, and the porridge is eaten, there are Egg cakes, as well as a few cold salads.

Shu Shu grabbed a omelet, took a bite with satisfaction, and chopped a chopsticks with chopsticks: "In fact, porridge should be eaten with pickles..."

"Children can't eat too salty," Edgar said, then told the two children to put them on the baby's dining chair and gave them a spoon.

These two children have always lived in a place full of aura. The beast nucleus, which is not quite the same as the ordinary orc, has developed very well. Now, if you want to keep the human form, you can maintain the human form. If you want to become a beast, you can become a beast. Type, already very smart.

When eating, they will definitely remain human. After all, only by maintaining the human form, they can better taste the taste of food, and only keep the human form, they can eat faster.

Now the snake's animal weight is hundreds of thousands of times the small hamster, but his human form is only a little bigger than the little hamster, but even so, he is used to taking care of his younger brother, just on the table, take it A omelet to the younger brother.

The little hamster took the omelet and took a sip at once. Then a small mouth began to chew quickly... Because it was eating too fast, he almost stopped and drank a few porridges.

The speed at which the little hamster eats looks very fast, but in fact, it is the snake that eats faster... He doesn’t chew very much, he eats a omelet and then licks a plate of meat, and that Meat, is the addition of Edgar and his two.

Shu Shu had eaten the omelet and chicken porridge, but when he smelled the meat, he couldn't help but look at it. Edgar cut a piece of meat from his plate and gave it to Shu Shu.

The little hamster looks like a singer and Shu Shu. The little snake also learns Edgar and cuts a piece from his plate for his brother to eat.

After Shu Shu and the little hamster finished eating, they touched their stomachs with satisfaction. At this time, Edgar put the last piece of meat into his mouth, then hugged both of them to the sofa, and finally smashed the snake. By the way, give them three to put on an early childhood animation.

After doing all this, Edgar took the aircraft to the base, went there to train the beasts, and Shu Shu three people looked at it with relish.

This ten-minute episode of early childhood cartoons is particularly interesting. Shu Shu and the two children watched the inconspicuous eyes. After reading the five episodes, Shu Shu turned off the TV set and drove the two children out and let them I went to the mountains to play. As for him, he once again fiddled with Lingshi and practiced the arrangement.

After three or four hours, I felt hungry. Shu Shu put down the Lingshi in my hand, then went to the kitchen to eat something, then stood on the top of the mountain and shouted: "Son! Eat!" ”

The sound of Shu Shu spread throughout the mountain with the spiritual power, and the snake and the little hamster ran to the house together. At this time, the aircraft of Edgar also landed just right.

After eating a family of three, Edgar left the plane and left. After a while, Jones and Dean were sitting on the plane. They went to Shushu every day and taught Shushu various medical knowledge. I will also check the two children once.

"Shu Shu, Renault has found a plant that can be eaten on the planet of the beast. It tastes very good. I brought you some." Jones came down from the plane and immediately confronted Shu Shudao.

Shu Shu was very surprised: "Really? What?" he said, coming to Jones quickly and looking at Jones curiously.

"It's a kind of fern stem, it's full of juice, the juice is very sweet and there is no harmful ingredient, you can chew it." Jones said, take out some thick round sticks to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu took a chew... It tasted like sugar cane, and it tastes great! Because it is harder than sugar cane, you can use it to grind your teeth!

Shu Shu satisfactorily picked up the sugar cane. On the other hand, after Dean checked Beckham, it was silent again.

The little prince's animal shape is still so small, but I don't know why the human form's strength is very, very large. If it is a human form, he is really stronger than most orcs.

Such a little prince, as long as he does not let people see his animal shape in the future, I am afraid that no matter who it is, he will feel that he is a very very powerful orc.

Thinking of this, Dean only felt that the big stone of his heart was finally put down, and it was easy to relax.

The relaxed Dean taught Shu Shu to study medicine more carefully and more rigorously, but it made Shu Shu feel a little stressed...

"I learned this today." When Dean finally said this, Shu Shu was happy to jump up.

"Prince Edward, you have a lot of theoretical knowledge. The only thing that is lacking is practice. I believe that if you give yourself enough opportunities to practice, you will be a good doctor." Dean praised, and after the end, he also endured I can't help but see Shu Shu. I want to know that his praise is actually a discount. Shu Shu's theoretical knowledge is not only rich, but many aspects have even surpassed him and Jones, given Shu's talent ability. It is healing, and what he calls spiritual power is still very magical. He believes that Shu Shu can now become a good doctor.

"I knew I was very good!" He heard the words of Dean, Shu Shu was full of pride.

Dean: "..." Fortunately, he did not tell the truth, or else the tail of the Prince will definitely go up to heaven!

Dean and Jones have already handed over the things that can be handed over to Shu Shu, and Shu Shu has already used all his unforgettable skills to remember all of them. The two also said that they will not come back later.

"You are not coming tomorrow? Then I will go to you tomorrow, we will play together." Shu Shu said now.

Jones couldn't help but laugh. Is it in Shu Shu's eyes that they are all looking for him to play these days?

But even though he thought so, Jones did not object: "Then come tomorrow, there are many patients on the base, you can also help them."

"Okay." Shu Shu nodded.

The next day, Shu Shu took two children and went to the base with Edgar.

When Edgar himself was on the plane, the speed of the aircraft was raised to the highest point in the place where the beast planet was not controlled by the airway. But now with the children, he slowed down so much that he After half an hour, they finally arrived at the base.

On the other side of the base, some of the orcs who were reused by Edgar were puzzled after Edgar came late. They simply went to Edgar’s place where they used to dock the aircraft, and then they saw... the crown prince took the prince. Come with two children!

They were shocked and then looked at the little prince who was held by the Prince.

Both princes live on the planet of the beast, the big prince has not played with them, but the little prince... they have never seen them, they are simply curious about the little prince!

Now they finally see the little prince! According to the fact that the orcs are like orc fathers, the little prince is more like a prince, his eyes are big, his face is round and touted, his skin is white and tender, and he looks so cute...

A group of orcs are all staring at the little hamster. This scene makes Edgar can't help but frown. Xiaobao is casually seen by others. The little orcs don't need to be used to it, they should grow up and beat, but small. shell……

Beckham is simply a replica of Shu Shu. How can it be seen casually? On the side of Edgar's body, he blocked his eyes and looked at Xiaobei and Shu Shu, and snorted.

The next person in the crown prince can beat all of them... I heard the cold noise, and the orcs did not dare to look around.

Edgar then accompanied Shu Shu to find Jones, let Shu Shu play with Beckham and Jones. As for the snake, he was watching and training.

A hospital was built in the base. Jones worked there. When he saw Shu Shu, he immediately took Shu Shu to his side, and then explained the Shu Shu while he was seeing a doctor.

There are various instruments in the orc empire to check the orcs and the orcs. It is very interesting. Shu Shu is very interested in this. Unfortunately, there are not many patients in the base. Soon, Jones is busy. Seeing that there was nothing, Jones simply invited Shu Shu to go to him to eat.

Jones used to live alone, good craftsmanship, especially good at making a variety of pastry desserts, Shu Shu is happy to go, and then waited for Jones to make a table of food.

"I don't know why I am so tired this day, I don't want to have a big meal." Jones saw Shu Shu and Xiao Bei's eyes smirk.

"Nothing, even if you only cook a few dishes, the taste is very good!" Shu Shudao.

Beckham was held by Shu Shu, nodded again and again. He usually ate Edgar and Shu Shu with a cooking machine. When he first ate the snacks that Jones made himself, he was very moved. Since then, I especially like Jones.

Jones did not have a lot of dishes, but they were very delicate, and in addition to the food he made himself, he made three-person barbecues in the oven. One of these barbecues was Renault, and the other two were given to Egypt. Degas and the little snake share it.

The snake was picked up by Edgar.

When the snake stayed in a serpentine shape, Edgar had no opinion on how to slap him. He couldn’t hold the snake shape anymore, but now the snake is humanoid... see Edgar squatting on the child’s clothes. Come, Shu Shu quickly went to grab the child: "Edgar, be careful."

What do you need to be careful about the little orcs? Edgar had some helplessness, but although he thought so, he didn't say much.

Handing Xiaobao to Shu Shu, Edgar suddenly said: "Shu Shu, after another month, we will leave the Beast Planet."

"What?" Shu Shuyi.

"We have to go back to the capital star." Edgar said.

This year's life Shushu adapts very well, and feels that it is very good to live here. Suddenly I know that I have to leave, I can't help but feel a little sad.

Edgar saw the sadness of Shu Shu and smiled: "When you return to the capital star, you can eat whatever kind of food you want."

Shu Shu’s face was suddenly lost, and he asked with enthusiasm: "How come suddenly? Going when?"

"I have fixed the beast of the beast that needs to repair the beast nucleus, and naturally it is time to go." Edgar kissed the forehead of Shu Shu.

The speed at which he helped the beast to repair the beast nucleus became faster and faster during the year, and today he finally repaired the beast nucleus for the last beast.

Let these beasts rest and make some arrangements, they should return to the capital star. After returning, his two children will be better educated, and he can accompany Shu Shu to walk around. Have another honeymoon.

After doing a lot of things with Shu Shu, he always felt a little sorry for Shu Shu, and he wanted to bring Shu Shu to play around.

"After I go back, I want to eat..." Shu Shu didn't want to, and he reported a bunch of things he wanted to eat.

"No problem." Edgar immediately said.

On the other hand, Renault is facing Jones: "When we go back, we will get married? I will definitely hold a grand wedding to marry you." He has been helping Edgar trainers for the past year, Edgar. Promised to give him a salary, he has money to do a wedding!

Renault’s mood was very good, but after he said this, Jones’s face was very unattractive.

"Jones, are you not happy?" Renault asked with concern, his subordinary would not want to regret it? If Jones repents, then he... He becomes a beast-shaped hind leg standing on a hula hoop or dressed as a dog?

"No, I'm not very comfortable." Jones frowned, seeing Renault get in front of him, wondering why he suddenly felt a little annoyed.

Not comfortable? Renault was anxious: "I am going to find a doctor for you."

"No need." Jones's brow wrinkled more tightly, and couldn't help but wave the hand that Renault had extended: "I am a doctor myself, I am fine."

"You are not comfortable? I will show you?" Shu Shudao, Jones's state is not right. He used to dislike Renault, but he was too sweet. Now, look like this, really like Renault?

Jones has been very grateful to Shu Shu, and Shu Shu has a very comfortable feeling. When he heard Shu Shu, he did not hesitate to put his hand in front of Shu written: "Okay, you help me see ""

Shu Shu took Jones's hand and Spirit entered the body of Jones.

"How about Jones?" Renault asked. Recently, Jones's temper is very bad. I don't know what happened...

"Jones's body is very good, there is no problem at all." Shu Shudao.

"No problem." Renault was very happy and confused. Since Jones is fine, what is going on now?

"But his tumor has grown bigger." Shu Shu said again.

"Tumor?" Renault said.

"You mean I have a child?" Jones reacted quickly and stood up in shock.

The life of the orcs and the orcs is very long, but the age of gold is only about thirty or forty years. When Renault accidentally turned into a beast, he and Renault’s age are not too small, and after another thirty years. ... He and Renault’s golden age of birth have already passed, and ui has passed.

Although Renault has been clamoring for him to have children, Jones has never had hopes. After all, it is not easy to have children. After I haven't seen Ian and Chris for many years, did Edgar finally have Edgar?

The result... He is so old, and he is still pregnant?

Jones was stunned, and Renault was agitated, and suddenly he couldn't help but become a beast, and his tail kept slamming.

He has children! He has a child!

The huge white wolf squatted to Jones, and he was going to marry Jones, but he was slap on the nose by Jones. Then Jones couldn’t bear it at all: "Don’t come over, I will bother you when you see it!"

This guy turned out that he had a bad night last night... I must drive him out of the room tonight!