MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 108 The sentimental rival 3

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Shu Shu looked at the beauty he had thought before, and there was a feeling of being cheated.

This is not a woman at all, this is a monster! Still a long tentacle monster!

Although he likes to eat grilled squid, the woman's long-lasting twisting tentacles not only fails to cause his appetite, but makes him feel a bit annoying - the root of the tentacles looks like a snake. It's really annoying!

Before Shu Shu wanted to touch the other person's thoughts, he already had no idea where he was thrown away. At this time, he only wanted to hide as far as possible, but the "beauty" in front of him wanted to catch him - those tentacles, Actually rolled toward him!

Shu Shu hid in Edgar's pocket and didn't dare to extend his head. Edgar was also angry - this so-called princess seemed to him to be somewhat disgusting, and he shot San Shu several times!

Edgar regained his hand.

The females of the Camilla Empire are very strong, far beyond the males of the Camilla Empire, and even with the orcs of the Orc Empire, but they are by no means his opponents.

With the strength of Edgar's current Golden Age, even if it does not become a beast, it can easily clean up the princess of the Camilla Empire.

But this female is a princess. He can pack her up, but she can't do too much... Edgar stretches out his feet and kicks them on the tentacles that are trying to get close to him. Once those tentacles are hit by him, Will lose the fighting power and pull down softly.

When Edgar started to work, he was merciless. In his opinion, the princess should stop and surrender immediately. I didn't expect the fact to be completely different from what he thought.

Elena’s expression was getting more and more excited. Looking at Edgar’s eyes was like giving Edgar a bite!

Her eyes made Edgar very uncomfortable, so when another tentacle was drawn toward him, Edgar used a spirit to gather a knife and cut it out, and cut her directly. That tentacles!

The tentacles were cut off and they squirmed and stopped. At the same time, the blue blood sprang from the fracture of Jelena's wound. She finally could not help but exclaimed.

Upon hearing the scream of Jelena, Shu Shu got out of Edgar's pocket and glanced back, but then immediately shrank back.

Aliens are terrible! He wants to go home!

The color of this princess's blood is different from that of human beings. It is also terrible to cut off the tentacles that are still moving. Of course, the most frightening thing is not these.

This woman who was previously thought that he was only a very thick hair, is not a hair, but also a tentacle!

With the exclamation of Jelena, the "hair" roots of her head swayed and danced, and some of the orcs who came to the banquet who did not know much about the Camilla Empire could not help but exclaim. .

Shu Shu stayed in Edgar's pocket and shivered. Irina's look is similar to Medusa, who has a head snake in the myths and legends of the earth. He is the most fearful of this kind of thing.

A head snake! This is definitely more serious than Edgar is just a beast type! What's more, this guy with a full head tentacles still wants to catch him...

The light just imagined the picture that he was being touched by the tentacles, and Shu Shu couldn't help but stiffen.

"Don't be afraid, there will be nothing." Edgar felt the fear of Shu Shu, the cold expression softened, comforted, and reached out and touched his jacket pocket.

Elena looked at Edgar's gentle expression, and the dancing tentacles slowly calmed down. She put down her skirt and turned a blind eye to the still squirming tentacle that she had cut. She smiled. Going to Edgar: "You are strong, the most powerful male I have ever seen, I want to have a baby with you!"

Edgar had just comforted Shu Shu, and he heard such a sentence, his brows wrinkled.

Are the females of the Camilla Empire not all valuable to their tentacles? He cut the tentacles of this person. Does this person still want to have a baby with himself?

"I once vowed to give birth to a child who is stronger than me. You are the one who is stronger than me!" The blue blood is still flowing from the skirt of Elena, but Elena is a pair. I didn't care about it, I looked at Edgar with anticipation.

"Only my partner can give birth to my child." Edgar said, turned and left. If he continues to stay here, he thinks he can't help but want to cut all the female tentacles in front of him...

"The majesty of the orc empire, I really want to give you a baby, you think about it!" Elena saw Edgar to go, carrying a skirt and twisting the tentacles, I wanted to catch up, but I was taken by the orcs. The diplomat of the empire stopped.

This Camilla princess is too wonderful, he can not let her go to chase Edgar, this is to kneel down, but also for the princess in front of me.

Really angered her majesty, maybe she is going to die, she has no life, nothing is wrong, if it is not good to break the diplomatic relations between the two countries ... although their two countries do not have much contact because of the distance.

Elena was stopped, and Edgar took Shu Shu back to the palace.

Upon returning to the palace, Shu Shu turned from a little hamster to a man. He waved his fist and his face was full of disdain: "This princess is really awful! She even wants to have a baby with you, really wants beauty. "Edgar is his, his!" No matter who you are, you can't grab him!

"You can rest assured that I will never have anything to do with her." Edgar said that he had no interest in such a strangely shaped alien princess.

"Of course you won't have anything with her. Your species is different." Shu Shudao, he is very angry, but he doesn't think Edgar will look at the Jelena... Edgar likes him, the aesthetic is still very good. How could you suddenly see an octopus!

"Yes." Edgar nodded. The species on both sides were different. I didn't know what the female Camilla came to think. He even said that he would give him a baby... Only he ate his beast. In order to give birth to children, and children, is the crystallization of their love.

"But even then, you can't go see her later!" Shu Shu said again, he was very stingy, and at this point he didn't want Edgar to enter the octopus again!

"Good." Edgar nodded, then kissed Shu Shu's forehead: "I prepared a gift for you, would you like to see?"

"What gift?" Shu Shuyu looked at Edgar with curiosity and looked forward. Every time Edgar will give him a gift, I don’t know what to send this time...

"You close your eyes first," Edgar said.

Shu Shu immediately closed his eyes, and when Edgar kissed him on his face, he opened his eyes.

And Shu Shu opened it, and saw... two Edgars?

"This is a doll carved out of a very hard tree on a nearby planet. After I personally engraved it, I dyed him with edible paint." Edgar smiled.

"You sent me what you do?" Shu Shu is puzzled.

"Don't you always want to find something to grind your teeth? You should like this kind of wood." Edgar said that although the wood is hard, Shushu is still biting, and it is sweet and nutritious. .

"So, I want to put the ‘you’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’

"..." Edgar was silent. He found a piece of wood suitable for Shu Shu Mou, but can't you just send a light wood on Valentine's Day? It was too insincere, then he thought about carving something...

He didn't want to Shu Shu to go to other things, just carved himself, I thought it would be quite romantic to look at Shu Shu with his mouth, but now Shu Shu said so...

"He" was a little bit smashed something, it seems really weird?

"I started to squat from my head, lest the last one will leave a head and look terrible." Shu Shudao, the smell of this wood he likes very much, can it be nice to get rid of Edgar?

Edgar: "..."

"Edgar, I also prepared a gift for you!" Shu Shu suddenly said.

"What is it?" Edgar asked curiously. Shu Shu was not sensitive to the festival before, so he often could not receive gifts.

"It's the ultra-thin contraceptive that I grabbed! Set! This is the thinnest cover of the entire orc empire! One has a few hundred pieces! I bought it because I grab it half a price!" Shu Shu took out a box.

Edgar: "..." Although he doesn't understand why Shushu has to grab half of the price, he likes this gift.

One fell out of Shu Shu, Edgar decided not to live up to Shu book's expectations, must use the gift from Shu Shu, and in order to express his love for the gift, he decided to use it again.

Two people on the bed rolled up...

Although this movie on Valentine's Day is not good-looking, there is an inexplicable alien princess in the middle, but overall, Edgar is still very happy. After all, Shu Shu's gift is really too much for his heart.

However, he is in a good mood, Shu Shu seems to be different... Edgar got up the next day and saw that Shu Shu became a little hamster, and he was still in the nose of Edgar, and he knew that he was absolutely unhappy.

Shu Shu is really upset. He was tossed for a long time last night. He has a backache and cramps. This will only vent his anger and he has to go to the nose of the dummy, but see Edgar sitting on the bed towards himself. Laughing, he couldn't help but watch Edgar look at him, and then stopped the molars in a silly manner.

"I will take you to eat?" Edgar asked.

Shu Shu did not want to think, he nodded.

Edgar hugged the little hamster and walked downstairs. When they just went downstairs, the robot gave them delicious food and even brought pajamas to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu became a person wearing a pajamas sitting next to the dining table, and then busy taking out the contactor and starting the Star Network, he has now become a thoroughly addicted goblin, as long as you have time, you want to go online.

When eating and going to the bathroom, he was defined as free.

If Fred or Gary is eating while picking up the Internet, Edgar will definitely reprimand, but Shu Shu... Edgar will not reprimand Shu Shu, simply turn a blind eye.

Connected to the Star Network, Shu Shu first went to see his social account, and when he opened it, he suddenly found that there were hundreds of millions of unread comments.

How is this going? Because every time a dynamic will have a lot of people to forward, he has not sent a dynamic for a long time, usually although someone has come to see his previous dynamics to comment on him, but the day is generally about 10,000, how Suddenly hundreds of millions today?

Too many comments, Shu Shu did not dare to read, simply shut down his social account to see the news.

There are so many comments under his social account, it is definitely a big deal, and since it is a big event, there will be ins and outs in the news.

Speaking of it, a lot of things about the royal family, this queen is only knowing the news...

There is indeed an ins and outs in the news. Today’s headline is “The Camilla Federal Princess boldly shows the Emperor’s Majesty”.