MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 116 The little prince of the beast and animal love 5

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Will was very surprised after seeing Gary. He wanted to run over and talk to Gary. As a result, he was bitten by the marching ants, so he ran very slowly. Before he came to Gary, Gary was already caught. Green is stunned.

It looked so cool, and Will stood by and watched until Gary finished playing and wanted to say hello.

The result... Colonel Mond, what is going on?

Will used to appreciate Green. In fact, Green is really good, but even then, he still feels that there are better people in this world than Green, such as Colonel Mond.

Ludwig looks better than Green, the rank is higher than Green, and younger than Green... It’s better than Green, but it’s a pity that I don’t like the orcs like the orcs...

When Colonel Mond admitted this at the beginning, he was sad for a long time, and he also complained to Gary. At that time, Gary’s expression was strange. He didn’t think much at the time, but now...

Colonel Gary and Mond used to be a couple of mechs! Is the person whom Colonel Mond likes like Gary? Will suddenly came up with such an idea.

Will would think so, Green and others have not thought of this, and they are still shocked.

As for the men of Ludwig, the first legion...

"Is the boss's face a little red? How can the boss's face be a little red?!"

"Is this our boss? How come... look a bit like the Orc sees the favorite orcs?"

"I'm sure, that person is definitely the boss who looks at the boss!"


Some of the First Legion have also come to the deck, and then admire to Gary, this person can let their bosses show such expressions, must not be underestimated.

"Gary, what the **** is going on?" Green couldn't help but shout. He never thought that he had a day that couldn't be climbed by Gary... and Colonel Mond, Colonel Gary and Lord Mond. what relationship?

"It has nothing to do with you. From today, we have a break, no problem." Gary said directly.

"!!" Ludwig heard Gary's words, excitedly not, subconsciously chest and abdomen. Gary doesn't want this green, can he see him? He really likes Gary very much!

"What are you talking about?" Green looked at Gary unbelievably, and suddenly thought of something: "Is it because of him?" Gary's mech was exactly the same as Colonel Mond... Green suddenly had a feeling of deception. The mech that had been used by his baby, he was not willing to look at it more. His frame seems to be just a counterfeit?

"Gary, you are betraying Green!" Green's adjutant looked at Gary with a hate.

"Gary, Green has been raising you, giving you money. You can't help but see you before, but now he has also removed his mech, hurt him, how can you do this!" Emir also said, then Looking at Ludwig, he didn't know why Colonel Mond's attitude toward Gary was so strange. Now I hope Colonel Mond can quickly see the true face of Gary.

When he heard these people, Gary laughed again: "Who is betraying who you know, as far as he raises me... This is the best joke I have ever heard in my life. What armor did I remove?" This is my thing, I want to remove it, how to remove it."

"Yes, what are you talking about? Gary... How can Gary Brother want this guy to raise?" Ludwig said immediately. He used to call Gary brother. Unfortunately, Gary didn't ask him to call him. Let him Call the brother.

Because he is not as soft and cute as a child, does Gary become more and more disliked by him? Before Gary had been very good to him, he especially liked to make him a white tiger, and then held him in his arms...

"Green's two-thirds of the income is given to you every month. We all know this!" Green's adjutant sneered, this is one of the reasons why they are dissatisfied with Gary. Green's income today is still very high, but at hand Often more important than their subordinates, because he gave Ian two-thirds of his income.

"He didn't have enough money to repair his own armor." Gary sneered. The military has a standard mech that is used by the mechs in accordance with the level, but the standard mech is very common, so many mechs will prepare a better one, and if such a mech is damaged, the repair fee is No matter what.

Even if it is the standard armor issued by the military, it will be repaired without damage during the war. It is also a quota. The military cannot always let you repair it for free.

And Green is a man... He can become a lieutenant colonel at a young age. Naturally, he has real skills, and his true skills are basically based on his own efforts.

He relied on repeated battles to become a master of mech fighting, and that time and again, of course, accompanied by the damage of the mech.

He did take Green's money, but after helping him repair the mech and replenish energy, there is basically nothing left. In the past, he modified Green's mech, and he posted the money.

Mech is a stuff that burns money. Generally, only rich people can play it. It is really impossible to open the game with Green’s salary.

"What are you talking about, Green is a lieutenant colonel, how can his income be not enough to repair the armor!" Emir did not believe at all. The colonel of the orc empire has a high income. How can Green's money be enough to repair the mech?

Emir does not believe, Green is a glimpse, he knows his own problems, it is clear that he usually has a great loss to the mech, and he always likes to modify the armor...

When he first studied, he used to have to borrow money for this, until he met Green...

In the past ten years, he has never had to worry about mechs, he is more and more fond of finding someone to fight. Every time he sees something that can be added to the mech, he still wants to try it on his own rack. ......

"This is his previous mech, you can let people see how much the armor has changed and evaluate the cost." Gary threw Green's old mech from his space button.

Ludwig wanted to give Gary a support, and now he has a chance. He immediately checked the armor on his hand.

He is a mech warrior, and he did not look at his mother and Gary to study the mech. He was very familiar with the mech. He checked it casually and said: "This mech has been completely rebuilt, and it has nothing in common with the original model. The parts and materials inside are still very good, even if the ten-year salary estimate of the Lieutenant Colonel is just enough to buy such a thing, um, if you don’t believe me, you can look for someone else to see it again, if I counted the money, and when I got it, how much I lost."

"It’s not long before he became a lieutenant colonel." Gary Lane.

Therefore, this person is obviously the money in Huali! Ludwig looked at Green with contempt and looked at it again: "I still only counted the materials. I didn't count the cost of repairs. Gary brother is the best student of my father. In the past, others asked him to repair it. Isn't it a lot of money? You don't look at Gary's income for a month's income!"

Gary looked at Ludwig. He does not love to modify the armor for strangers. He has never modified others except the familiar ones. However, with his technique and the name of Meyer students, the repair fee can indeed be a high price.

Thinking about it, he did not refute.

Gary is actually a student of Master Meyer?

No wonder his mech is exactly the same as Ludwig. No wonder Ludwig will behave like that in front of him... The people of the Third Legion are suddenly realized and awkward.

Most of them used to regard Gary as the vassal of Green.

Although they all know that Gary's technology is very good, but Gary has been following Green, the reality is not very prominent, and Gary has repaired their mechs as new, or made some minor changes to their mechs. Things that are better used... They are used to it for a long time.

An orc from Gary followed the other orc all day long, and they always felt that it was his performance. But now...

Gary is a student of Master Meyer, and his strength is still strong or even more than Green... All this has completely crushed their original impression of Gary, and reminded them of many things before, but they did not know how to face it. Gary.

"Gary, you turned out to be a master of Meyer!" Will finally plugged in: "My idol is Master Meyer! Can you help me with his signature?"

"The book I gave you last time, the signature above is signed by Teacher Meyer personally." Gary Lane.

"You actually lied to me that you signed it!" Will, who was always calm, couldn't do it. He took a book out of the space button and looked at the old look of the book. "I know this book early." I won't see it!"

Looking at Will like this, Gary's mood has finally got better.

Ludwig saw that Gary's mood was getting better. He said, "Senior brother, do you want to take a break? You can rest assured that those marching ants will kill me." He didn't want to see Gary talking to Green again...

"I will stay for a while." Gary Lane.

"Senior brother, you can go to rest. You are a technician. What do you do on the battlefield? The military department can have no maintenance personnel to go to the scene to kill the enemy." Ludwig said, glanced at those who accused Gary of seeing death. A person who does not save.

The expressions of Green's subordinates were unpredictable. They had accused Gary of seeing death and being arrogant, but they were also a bit sloppy. At the time, they also saw Gary die... and Gary as a technician. This is not the battlefield.

They are all silent, but Green can't accept everything in front of him.

"Gary, you haven't told me that!" Green couldn't help it.

"You haven't asked." Gary was a little impatient: "I want you to go back to see my family and friends, you don't want to."

Gary's expression seems to be alienated. Green has a feeling that he is about to lose this person, and he can't help but panic.

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