MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 12 Teach the serpent to talk

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I don't know if it is the psychological effect of Shu Shu. After he put the spiritual power into the wound of the big snake, he always felt that the wound of the big snake seemed to be much better.

Spiritual effect on the wound? Shu Shu’s face showed a surprise expression. As a result... He was trying to give the snake a little more spiritual power, and he found that his rare spiritual power had run out.

Shu Shu looked at his hand with a bitter face. He was so depressed. When he used to be a hamster, there was a lot of spiritual power. He could use the wind to get some cool and cool himself. Now it is like this...

Shu Shu sighed and sat down to start practicing.

He has very little spiritual power now, but he recovers after a little cultivation. When he recovers, he once again puts his spiritual power into the big snake.

So back and forth several times, a wound on the big snake looked much better. Shu Shu felt that it was not cultivating to treat the snake. It was quite boring. After thinking about it, he found a piece of the "cellar" dug out by himself. The branches of the thumb are thick, and then you can enter the power of the serpent while chewing.

This kind of branch was smelled when Shu Shu went out to find food. When he first smelled it, he felt very good. He couldn’t help but bite a twig. Then he found that the twig tasted sweet and delicious. It tastes so good.

After discovering this, Shu Shu took a lot of branches and went home. Some of them were eaten directly, and some were dried and kept for future use. Although he is now a human being, his mouth is still very good. Don't worry about chewing at all!

The dried branches are far less tasteful than the twigs, but they are still sweet with a bit of chewing, and they can grind their teeth, and they are happy to chew them. Later, they will not only chew when they treat the snakes, but even when they practice. The mouth also moved subconsciously. It didn't take long for him to have a pile of chewed wood slag.

When Edgar opened his eyes, he just saw Shu Shu eating and eating the stick.

He was a little confused, couldn't figure out what happened to himself. After a while, he finally woke up, and then there was a year in his mind - the little Asian orcs were hungry to eat wood?

Edgar realized this and couldn't help it.

The body of the orc is completely incomparable with the orcs, so from now on, the orcs have been in the state of being protected by the orcs. Even if the technology of today has enabled many of the orcs to be weaker than the orcs, the orcs continue to be from ancient times to the present. Habits, will protect the care of the orcs, especially their own orcs.

This is the nature of the imprinted in the bones of the orcs, even though Edgar has now become a beast, it still has such a nature.

Of course, if there is an unorctic orc that he is not familiar with, he will only help at most if he can, but now he is sitting next to him, the little Asian orc he likes.

In the care of the previous few days, Edgar has clearly recognized one thing, that is, he likes this little Asian orc.

When Edgar discovered this, at first he couldn't figure out why he liked this little Asian orc, but then he thought about it and thought it was normal.

There is nothing in this little Asian orc that he does not like.

It’s cute, it’s serious, it’s not squeaky, it’s easy to feed, it’s simple...

Even the little Asian orcs are so scared that they look good... Unfortunately, the little Asian orcs are afraid of him.

But this can't blame the little orc, a terrible snake like him, who can not be afraid? The little Asian orc is just afraid of him and does not hate him for abandoning him. He is even willing to take care of him. It is already very good...

Edgar was thinking this way, and he looked at the eyes of the little Asian orcs.

The eyes of the little Asian orcs were so big that their eyes quickly became fearful, but they did not escape with great difficulty. They just widened their eyes and screamed at him with a lack of confidence that he could not understand.

No, he doesn't understand anything. The little Asian orc said that there is such a word - "snake", it should be said that he is.

Edgar was worried about scaring the little Asian orcs. He wanted to leave when he woke up. Now the little orc is talking to him with a crisp and nice voice, but he is reluctant to leave.

The little Asian orc is obviously very scared, and his body is tight. He should not be tempted at this time, so as not to scare the little Asian orcs, and he is very hurt, and he is really unable to move... I have found a reason for myself. Edgar stayed, then stared at Shu Shu and looked around.

"Big...big...big snake, look at you... saved my life, I accept you as an apprentice, help you practice adulthood!" Shu Shu said, he couldn’t help but tremble when he started talking. The voice said intermittently, slowly, but also said smooth: "You rest assured, my red beads are very powerful, you can certainly practice adults!"

Shu Shu said that he later patted his little chest.

After the filming, Shu Shucai found that the snake stared at himself, and there was no reaction at all.

The snake's eyes made Shu Shu a little scared, but the big snake still motionless, finally let him control the trembling legs and did not turn and ran, then he remembered one thing - the big snake is a snake, although it is open The wisdom, but may not have learned the language of mankind, since this is... Is he actually not understanding himself?

So, the big snake stared at himself so nicely because he didn’t know what he said?

Suddenly I realized that the snake in front of me was actually an illiterate snake. Shu Shu’s fear of this snake was even less.

Oh, don't look at this big snake. It's very powerful. In fact, even the human language can't understand it. It is much worse than him!

Shu Shu was proud of it, and the fear in his heart also dissipated a lot. Pointing at the big snake, he said: "Snake."

When he finished, he pointed to himself: "Shu Shu."

"Snake." "Shu Shu." "Snake." "Shu Shu."...

Shu Shu is reluctant to repeat, as a hamster sperm that is eaten all day long, and he has some patience.

Edgar: "..." I have learned it. But... is the little Asian orc called Shu Shu? The name is really nice.

Shu Shu repeated dozens of times and felt a little hungry. He spit out a chestnut and then pointed to the chestnut: "Chestnut!"

"Chestnuts. Chestnuts. Chestnuts."... Shu Shu repeated the word over and over again, taking a bite out of the shell of the chestnut, and then said: "Shu Shu, eat, chestnut."

He took another sip and said again and again: "Shu Shu eats chestnuts."

Edgar looked at the little Asian orc in front of him silently.

This is the little Asian orc who is teaching him to speak?

Edgar is very clear that the little Asian orcs do not know that they are orcs, and most of them think that they are a beast, and precisely because of this, he does not understand the situation at the moment, and does not understand why this little Asian orc wants to teach a beast to talk. .

Could it be that this little Asian orc thinks that more beasts and beasts can learn to speak? How simple is he?

Although I feel that the little Asian orcs are too simple, but if he can make an expression, Edgar feels that he will not help laughing.

Is this the little Asian orc accepting him? Otherwise... why should he teach himself to speak?

Shu Shu taught the big snake while eating chestnuts and a fruit, and also took two kinds of branches.

At this time, Edgar only reacted to the small Asian orcs who were not hungry, but because the branches were sweet.

As long as the beasts of the capital star are willing, it is no problem to eat soft cakes. His little Asian orcs can only lick branches... Edgar’s heart is sour and awkward.

He used to think that if he had a favorite orc, he must make his beast the happiest beast, but now he likes the orcs who can't even eat sugar...

Shu Shu felt full after eating for a while, only to think that Edgar had not eaten.

Edgar sent him a piece of meat on and off for a long time. Shu Shu made a lot of dried meat. When he worried that Edgar would be hungry, he took a piece of dried meat from his own food capsule and then The snake in front of the hand passed: "Eat. Snake eats meat. Snake, eat, meat."

Shu Shu put a lot of food in the cellar, but also put a lot in his own food capsule, convenient to eat at any time.

When he took something from his own pouch to Edgar, Shu Shu didn’t think much about it. Edgar looked at the dried meat, but he didn’t dare to say it. This meat is the little Asian orc from his mouth. Spit out, if he ate, is he indirectly kissing the little Asian orcs?

Edgar stared at the flesh's eyes too hot, Shu Shu subconsciously threw the meat out and retracted his hand, lest the snake bite his hand when eating the meat, or simply look at himself The hand - his taste is definitely better than the meat!

Edgar lost the opportunity to be fed by a favorite person and could only silently eat the dried meat.

However, he looks like this, but let the little Asian orcs rest assured a lot - this snake is willing to eat meat, certainly not to eat him!

Shu Shu smiled on his face, and then he was far away, pointing tightly at the wooden barrel road he used to put water: "wood barrel, water."

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