MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 128 The little prince who loves that animal

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Ludwig would get up and watch him from time to time, but now he fell asleep ... Gary subconsciously wanted to wake up the people around him, but he didn't want to wait for him to move, and felt his stomach loose. ... Well, an egg has been born.

He really resembled his mother-in-law, and all of them were born very quickly ... Gary was a bit lucky, and then, once born and cooked twice, he quickly gave birth to the remaining two eggs.

There were three more eggs in the quilt, and it was still moist ... Gary patted Ludwig's face with his hand.

"Gary, is there something? Do you want to drink water or something else?" Ludwig immediately woke up and opened his eyes and asked.

"I was born," Gary said.

"You're going to give birth? I'll call someone right away!" Ludwig said as he got up. He had already installed a full set of medical equipment at home. If Gary had produced it, just call the doctor.

"No, the baby is already born." Garila stopped Ludwig. "You wash it for me, and the three children need to be cleaned."

Already born? !! Ludwig again stumbled, he felt his happiness always came suddenly, first Gary suddenly proposed, then Gary suddenly became pregnant, and now ... Gary also gave birth to a child suddenly!

After thinking about this, Ludwig realized that the bed seemed to be wet, so his child is now in the bed?

"Hurry up," Gary reminded.

Ludwig turned his head stiffly: "I seem to have hit an egg ... can I move?"

Gary: "..."

After a long mess, Ludwig finally took care of Gary and his three children and arranged the three eggs into a custom incubator. He shuddered and took out his mobile phone to start notifying Edgar, etc. People, tell them that Gary was born.

It didn't take long for a group of people to come.

Fred didn't come when Gary was pregnant, but this time he came with his partner. Once he came, he started to look at the three eggs: "Gary, I didn't expect you to have a child before me. ... "His brother is really too strong.

"If you weren't willing to bear the crime of your daughter-in-law, you would have already." Gary said.

Fred smiled and touched his nose. By default, he had no children for so many years. He simply did not want his Asian Orc to suffer ... All these years he has been working very hard to help his partner cultivate, and he intends to wait for his partner to cultivate. After having success, you will have children, so that your partner does not have to be too painful ... Look at his brother, how fast!

"Gary, I'm sorry to have made you suffer." Ludwig heard Gary's words and looked at him with guilt. Why didn't he prevent contraception at first ...

"It's okay, I'm fine." Gary saw Ludwig was still a little slow, and was a bit scared, so he turned back to appease him.

Ludwig was so moved, Gary was really nice.

Several young people are talking on this side. On the other side, Shu Shu took out the contact terminal and swiped to take pictures, and then uploaded the network with the text: "My grandson."

Although it is midnight, there are still a lot of people active on Star Network. So Shu Shu's photo was sent out and everyone saw it.

Is Gary born? so fast! Just ... why are there three?

Everyone who saw the photos was embarrassed. In a place where twins are extremely scarce, an unheard of triplets suddenly appeared, which challenged everyone's ability to accept.

"Did I read it wrong? Why are there three eggs on it?"

"Is it p?"

"I studied it carefully, it wasn't p's, so three eggs all at once?"

"I said why Gary had such a big stomach before ... did you have three?"


The star network exploded again.

Ludwig's contact terminal also exploded.

Before, Ludwig loved Gary. Many of his friends didn't understand it. Even if Gary was the prince, he couldn't compare with the Asian orcs. Now ... they have no envy for Ludwig.

How old is Ludwig this year? There are actually three children! It's too jealous!

Ludwig smirked and took all the envy, envy, and hateful communications, and in the next few days, he was walking around Gary almost completely.

A few days later, looking at Gary who had re-entered work and started studying Mech and the three eggs, he suddenly felt that he was not doing enough.

He used to think that he would not have children. When planning for his future, he planned to spend a lot of time traveling and enjoying life, but now ... he has three children!

Ludwig suddenly realized that he must have his own career.

If he doesn't even have his own career, how can he set an example for the children? If he does n’t even have his own career, how can he ensure that his children live a happy future?

Ludwig has already started to learn how to take care of the industry very carefully, but now he is even more careful, except that his study location has been changed from the outside to his home and the Internet, so that he can accompany his partner and children.

Before the unexpected birth of Gary's children, he was completely unable to participate, which has made him very sorry, now he doesn't want to miss his child's broken shell again!

Ludwig, who is busy every day, does n’t stick to the ground. Now his favorite leisure activity every day is to talk to three children, and every time he talks, he will take pictures or take videos to star show his eggs, so that his The three children quickly became popular, and in a very short time, they became the most watched egg in the entire orc empire.

When Gary opened StarNet one day, he found that photos of his eggs were almost everywhere ...

Time passed quickly, almost quickly, a few eggs would move.

All this was particularly amazing for Ludwig, who took all their movements and, before going to bed every night, he would communicate with Gary: "Three children are becoming more and more active."

"Um." Gary watched holding an egg and stroked it slowly, inputting spiritual power by the way.

"Do you say there will be Asian Orcs in these three children? How many Asian Orcs will there be?" Ludwig also learned that Gary caressed an egg in his arms.

When he heard Ludwig's words, Gary couldn't help it.

Will there be Asian orcs in these three children? He ... seemed to have forgotten to tell Ludwig about his specific situation. Ludwig hadn't seen his beast yet!

"Ludwig, I have something to tell you," Gary suddenly said.

"What's the matter?" Ludwig kissed Gary in the past and kissed him. He was always very insecure when he first married Gary, but now he feels full of security.

Gary is willing to eat his beast to give birth to his child, and he must love him. As long as he is good enough to Gary, Gary will certainly not leave him ... because of a heart, he treats Gary's Time is getting more open, and the relationship between the two is getting better and better.

Gary pushed away Ludwig, who had come to kiss him, and did n’t even want to mess around. He and Ludwig soon opened the mode of getting along with their wives and wives after marriage, and now they are getting worse ... now the road Devig didn't want to brush his teeth before kissing him.

"My animal shape hasn't been shown to you yet," Gary said.

Ludwig was puzzled, wondering if he heard it wrong. Isn't Gary the Orc? Why are there animal shapes?

"If I didn't have an animal shape, why would my parents tell me I was an orc?" Gary added again.

"You ..." Ludwig looked blank. Did Gary have a beast? He and Gary have known each other for so many years and have never seen Gary's beast ...

"I'll show you my beast shape." Giving Ludwig the egg in his arms, Gary became a little hamster directly.

"Gary!" Ludwig was startled, searching immediately-why was Gary suddenly missing?

"I'm here." Gary simulated the sound with spiritual power, and climbed out of his clothes by the way.

After the little hamster crawled out of his clothes, he shook his head and looked very cute. Ludwig had a feeling that his heart was going to be sprung.

He also suddenly remembered something. When he was just sent to Shu Shu by his mother and father for Shu Shu to help with treatment, he once saw a cute little hamster in Shu Shu. He was very bad at that time. , I have never seen a small animal, I like it very much. I gave the baby hamster food and brought him in for a long time, but then he accidentally pinched the baby hamster's tail and the baby hamster ran Already.

Later ... Gary often turned him into a beast, and he especially liked to slap his tail.

Later, he saw the little hamster again. At that time, he was also a beast, so he caught up with him and wanted to play with the little hamster. However, he didn't catch it, and later, Gary didn't dislike him as a cat.

He always knew that the royal family likes to keep hamsters. He asked Gary a long time ago and wanted to have one, and then Gary asked him to fight or beat him ... Emotionally, the hamster raised by the royal family was Gary. ?

No, the hamster always leaving the country with former Emperor Edgar is not the same as Gary in front of him, so ...

"My mother and father's beast is also a hamster." Gary said as he pushed his food sac, then took out a dried fruit from the sac, and ate it next to his egg.

It's so cute! Ludwig couldn't care less about the egg in his arms. He put the egg next to him, took Gary by hand, and kissed him several times.

Ludwig's taste was very familiar to Gary. He didn't exclude Ludwig from being kissed at all, but what he didn't expect was that after Ludwig kissed him, he began to lick directly!

How old is he in total? With such a lick, Ludwig licked him all over him!

Gary reached out his paw, greeted Ludwig's chin, and caught three bloodstains.

Gary didn't use much energy. He used to scratch Fred or Edgar just to tickle them. He didn't really want to grab Ludwig away, and he became a human figure and asked, worried: Ludwig, are you okay? "

The smooth companion suddenly appeared in his arms. How could Ludwig remember other things? Holding Gary in a hand, he couldn't remember anything else.

"Drap!" Gary remembered one very important thing ... he had three of them all at once, and he didn't want to come any more.

After the passion, Ludwig put the three children away and helped Gary clean up. He fell asleep on the bed and completely forgot his injuries.

When Meyer came to see his grandson the next day, he saw three scratches on his son's face: "You have a cat?" At first glance, it was clear that it wasn't a human scratch. His son had a cat?

"Ah?" Ludwig looked blank.

"What scratched your face? Have a kitten? Isn't the kitten's paw so small?"

Ludwig finally understood why his mother and father suddenly asked this ... "No cat, but a little hamster."

"Hamster? It ’s good to keep hamsters. You must be nice to little hamsters in the future." Meyer said, "Gary's mother and father are Asian orcs of the hamster family. Although he doesn't have animal ears, he is probably his mother father. In the same way, you're not good at hamsters. It's not just hamsters that catch you, but him. "

It was Gary who arrested himself ... but Gary didn't arrest him because he was bad for the hamster, but because he was a hooligan against the hamster.

After touching his face, Ludwig missed the hand of the little hamster last night.

However, Gary is by no means a casual person! "You become a beast and let me touch it. If I touch enough, I will touch you for a while."

Hearing Gary's conditions, Ludwig immediately became a white tiger, lying at home and leaving him to caress, and then used the animal shape to look at the information very hard.

Gary stepped on Ludwig's stomach with a foot, smiled, and then turned into a little hamster and got into Ludwig's long hair ...

Ludwig was afraid to move, lest his huge body would overwhelm Gary ...

Before the child broke the shell, Gary confessed his beast shape, and at the same time, he began to teach Ludwig to practice.

Everyone in their family would cultivate, and their life would be very long. If Ludwig did not practice ... he would never watch Ludwig die early.

At first, Fred started teaching his partner to practice very early, but the effect was very bad, and the progress was very slow. Because of this, Gary was also ready for the long-term resistance, but he did not want Ludwig to practice very fast. You can feel the spiritual power after a while.

At first, Gary was puzzled by this, but after pondering it a bit, he didn't think it was strange.

Ludwig was a child of the Duke of Mond. In the case of the nobility of the orc empire, his blood was very good. This is not to mention, he was not healthy when he was a child, and his mother and his father used it Spiritual power nourishes his body ...

In fact, at that time, Ludwig's body had become better and better with the nourishment of him and his mother and father. If not, he would not be so strong now!

Innate talent is very strong, and the day after tomorrow someone will help comb the body ... Ludwig is all like this, if you ca n’t practice quickly, it will be useless!

After Ludwig felt the spiritual power and learned to add spiritual power to the three children, all three eggs moved.

They started to break the shell at about the same time, but the speed of breaking the shell was faster or slower. The children in two eggs broke the shell very quickly. After a while, two white fluffy kittens ... Ahem, the little white tiger crawled out of the egg, and at this time, there was only a small hole in the remaining egg.

"Would you like to get some food to seduce? Why didn't Gary get out of the shell at first, but then smelled the smell of the food?" Shu Shu said, he thought that there should be a small one in the remaining egg. Hamster.

What else is going on? Ludwig looked at Gary curiously, and Gary was expressionless. His dark history was almost exposed by his mother and father ...

The two little white tigers were fighting together, and the little hamster was still moving. Gary had to take a seductive approach with food. I didn't expect that it would be really useful!

A little hamster without any hair crawled out of the eggshell and went straight to the food ...

The two little white tigers also smelled the taste of the food. They stopped fighting and wanted to eat, but were caught by Ludwig in one hand. Have their brothers not eaten yet, how can they be robbed when they are brothers!

Seeing this, Shu Shu knew that the hamster's status in the home would be absolutely the highest in the future, and he was immediately satisfied.

The orc empire is really a good place. His children and grandchildren can not only bully snakes, but also cats ... No, tiger!

It feels like this, the hamster can become the most powerful person in the orc empire!

Shu Shu was so happy that he turned around and told Edgar this.

"You're already the best," Edgar said. "Whoever isn't convinced, I'll punch him."

Shu Shu is even happier this time.

At this time, the people on Xingwang finally saw the pictures of the two little white tigers and knew that the three children had broken their shells.

"Little white tiger is so cute! Ah! It is indeed the most adorable cat!"

"Two little tigers are so beautiful, I really want to raise one."

"Aren't there three children? Why only show us two?"

"Yeah yeah, aren't there three?"


"The youngest brother is the baby of the family, and we will keep all his information secret." Ludwig made the same decision as Edgar.




"So the youngest is the orc?"

"Ahhhh, I really want to know what an orc baby looks like!"

Ludwig's mysterious Asian orc baby aroused the curiosity of countless people on the Internet. At this moment, Meyer and Calvin were looking at the hamster with blank faces.

Ludwig said it was an Asian orc ... obviously a little hamster orc!

"It was like this when Gary was a kid, so the royal family said that he was an orc." Ludwig explained to his father and mother-in-law: "There is no beast in the baby, he should be an Asian orc.

The little hamster with a thumb turned over, making Meyer's heart tremble. He was always smart, and suddenly thought: "So, Shu Shu is like this?" The Edgar guy always told Xiao Animals have no love, but they always carry a small hamster everywhere after marriage ...

Also, when Shu Shu was pregnant for the first time, he and Shu Shu both regarded their children as tumors ... It turned out that he had mistaken Shu Shu as an orc?

"Well." Ludwig nodded, and Edgar allowed him to tell his mother and father about it, so he said it.

Meyer felt that he needed to digest it, and saw that the little white tiger had been running towards his brother ... He pushed the little white tiger subconsciously.

The hamster is so small, what should I do if he is hurt by the little white tiger?

They are all fluffy little animals, but the smaller ones are obviously more fragrant. Mayer looks and finds that his favorite is actually a small hamster.

After meeting Shu Shu later, thinking that Shu Shu is also a cute little hamster, he always felt the strange feeling unconsciously suddenly disappeared when facing Shu Shu, and he couldn't help looking at Shu. Book, want to touch Shu Shu's ear ...

Edgar stood silently in front of Shu Shu, blocking Meyer's sight.

Meyer: "..."

Read The Duke's Passion