MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 53 Drunk Shu Shu

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Shu Shu really didn't understand the banquet's precautions. He had to learn too much. In the end, there was something he didn't have time to learn. He didn't think it was anything. It was a little depressed at the moment, and he felt a little useless.

He must study hard, and one day he will surpass that Meyer!

Two years can't be two years, ten years can't be twenty years, he is a fairy, now Jindan period how can still live for hundreds of years, Mayer? Certainly not!

Although the average life expectancy of the orc empire is much longer than that of the Earth, it has not been two hundred years!

And he is really not bad, but he has an unforgettable ability! Shu Shu thinks so, and he is confident.

This Shu Shu does not eat anything, seriously watching Ian, waiting for Ian to teach myself.

"In fact, those rules are not very interesting. If you want to learn, you can find a virtual cabin and install a program to learn. As for the next party..." Ian was born to the poor. He and Chris knew it. The medic who would yell at the orcs was rude. When he and Chris returned to the capital star, the situation was worse than Shu Shu. It was also very understandable to Shu Shu, and he also said the idea.

Chris stood next to him and inserted: "You don't have to learn from others, don't worry too much, just be yourself."

"I must study hard in the future!" Shu Shu said firmly.

"Yes, no one is born, you have learned very fast." Ian said.

Shu Shu thought so too, and nodded at the moment: "I am also very powerful. I will learn well in the future and become as powerful as the Meyer. No, it is better than him!" He had been eating and eating before. The intention is that the idea has changed.

Even if he is just a little hamster, he has to make a career!

Ian looked at Shu Shu's confident look and couldn't help but laugh.

The people who came to the banquet soon arrived, and Edgar returned to the lounge.

When Edgar went out, Shu Shu was very upset. Now he is not angry. When he saw Edgar coming back, he was very happy: "Are you back?"

"Yeah." Edgar said: "I brought you something to eat."

Shu Shu glanced at it and found that he was eating something he loved. This is a better mood... Well, he likes almost everything.

Shu Shu took it and ate it, but Ian glanced at Edgar: "How did you go so long?"

"I went to the kitchen." Edgar said, he couldn't ask anything from Meyer. He could only get some food back.

After going out for a long time with an orc, I am not afraid of Shushu jealous? Ian was a little speechless about his son, but at this time he didn't have time to educate his son - they were the time to go downstairs.

The people in the downstairs hall were already full of people, and the people who came to the party had arrived. At this time, Ian walked with Shu Shu.

Shu Shu remembered Ian’s words and kept a smile and followed Ian. Although there were many omissions, there was no big mistake.

Meyer looked at this scene not far away, his face was very ugly. At first he thought that Edgar didn't like Shu Shu, and the result...

Everything he did before was like a joke.

"Meyer, how can a person hide in the corner?" Calvin came over and asked his mouth.

"Did you know that Edgar likes that Shu book?" Meyer looked over and looked cold.

"Long eyes can be seen, Edgar that the guy has been cold to the Orcs before, I did not expect that there will be a day of planting." Calvin smiled.

"Why don't you tell me earlier?" Meyer's words were awkward.

"You didn't ask." Calvin said: "And what is the use?"

If you know early...Meyer is a glimpse, even if you know this early, all of this will not change.

"I have already advised you, I really like Edgar to go to the confession earlier, or else who knows that you actually like him?" Calvin's face still has a smile: "Edgar estimates that you are only a brother. "Before Edgar, the guy is all about putting all his energy into improving his strength. He never remembered the orcs...

Meyer? If he puts down his body and works hard, he may still have hope, but he has never shown anything...

However, he is also excusable. Not everyone dares to show up after having someone they like. Because after breaking the layer of paper, it is very likely that even friends can't do it...

Calvin smiled in his heart, his eyes on the Asian orcs who held Ian not far away.

When he heard Calvin's words, Meyer's body was instantly tense, and he turned his head to look at Shu Shu.

The man was in front of him, quite a bit sullen, but now it is a smile, although some places are not very good, but the royal family has long said that he came from a remote planet, naturally no one will blame he.

But he is still very ordinary, no surprise.

How does Edgar like such a person?

Shu Shu didn't notice Meyer's concern for himself. After all, there are too many people who pay attention to him, and he has the urge to find a place to get into.

Because he did not adapt to such an occasion, he was somewhat stiff in his actions. Fortunately, the problem was not big, and others did not pay attention.

After Ian took Shu Shu and turned around, there was no such thing as Shu Shu. Shu Shu sighed and just wanted to take a break. The door that had been closed in the banquet hall was suddenly opened, and one was almost the same as Ian. The orcs came in from the outside.

His arrival attracted the attention of everyone in the field. Many people wanted to go up and talk, but he didn't give those people a chance. Instead, he went all the way to Shu's writing: "Shu Shu, I have heard of you already, but before me. Very busy, I have been free to meet you, I am sorry."

Shu Shu does not know this Asian orc, and looks at Ian, Ian immediately said: "Shu Shu, this is Edgar's uncle, Duke of Mond's partner Jonathan."

After the introduction, Ian looked at Jonathan with some delight: "Jonathan, you finally came back to the capital star, how long will you stay here?"

"I guess I have to stay in the capital for a while, wait for the Calvin guy to get married and go." Jonathan said: "The stinky boy is a lot of age, and he is not knowing how to find a beast. Down, I am dying!"

"My family used to be similar, and it is finally good." Ian said.

Jonathan glanced at Shu Shu and smiled. "You still have luck."

Jonathan was the subordinal adopted by Chris's parents. Ian had eaten Jonathan's vinegar because of Chris's emphasis on Jonathan, but then he misunderstood and the two became friends. Now I have a long time to reunite. it is good.

"Mother, uncle, I am going to see a few people with Shu Shu." Edgar was facing the former Ian and Jonathan.

"You young people go to play together, don't have to be with us." Ian waved and agreed.

When Edgar saw it, he took Shu Shu and went out.

"Where are we going?" Shu Shu asked curiously.

"Go to see a few of my friends." Edgar said, although Shu Shu refused to promise his pursuit, but he still intends to take Shu Shu to swear by sovereignty, let others know that Shu Shu is his... Anyway, others are not Know that Shu Shu is an orc.

Thinking so, Edgar took Shu Shu’s hand.

Shu Shu didn't want to see anyone, but he was dragged by Edgar, but he didn't think that Edgar took him to see him first, and it turned out to be Calvin and Meyer.

"Edgar, congratulations." Calvin greeted Edgar with a glass of wine and looked at Shu Shu with great interest.

Congratulations? Congratulations? Shu Shu is somewhat puzzled, and at this time, Edgar has already said: "Don't talk."

"How did I become a mess?" Calvin smiled. After seeing Edgar's warning eyes, he closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Meyer also took a glass of wine from the side to Shu Shu and smiled: "You are very good." He wants to say something, but thinks that if he wants to let go, he will let others know that he likes Edgar. It’s too shameful to say it.

"Yeah, I am very good!" Shu Shu agreed to nod.

The orange drink in his hand gave off a good smell. Shu Shu took a sip and found it really delicious. He finished drinking three or two.

It’s just a little bit of Meyer’s mouth, although it’s a fruit wine, but at this party, no one will drink it...

"This is very good! I haven't seen it before." Shu Shu finished the drink and saw that there are several colors on the table next to him. He didn't care about Edgar and went over. I took another drink and got it.

Edgar quickly followed up: "Shu Shu, this is wine." Although this wine for the Orcs, but also contains a part of alcohol.

"It's okay, it's just wine." Shu Shudao, after he drank, there was nothing wrong with it. It doesn't matter if you want to drink it.

Shu Shu looked really okay, and the spiritual power had a lot of effects... Edgar didn't stop it anymore, but took something to Shu Shu.

He said to Shu Shu at the beginning that as long as Shu Shu came to the capital star, he would find him a lot of delicious food, and now naturally he has to fulfill his promise.

Moreover, he likes to read Shu Shu to eat.

Shu Shu ate a barbecue and felt thirsty. He changed to a fruit wine and then drank while eating.

His Royal Highness Crown Prince... like this one?

Those who didn't take Shu Shu seriously saw Edgar staying close to Shu Shu, and suddenly looked at Shu Shu, but soon they were shocked by Shu Shufei's fast eating speed.

The taste of His Royal Highness is really different...

Shu Shu has already eaten a lot before, but this time I didn’t eat much. I just tasted everything I had never eaten. After I tasted it, he suddenly felt a little dizzy and saw the world. Also dizzy, almost subconsciously went to Edgar's.

Is this a gift from the wine? People who saw this scene almost thought of this.

Then... they saw their Royal Crown Prince leaving the banquet hall with the orc.

Ok, it’s estimated that it’s not a sentimental hug, maybe it’s the deity of Prince Edward who deliberately drunk people...

The banquet has been almost done. This banquet is just to introduce Shu Shu. Since it has already been introduced, there is no problem with Shu Shu.

Because knowing this, Edgar will leave with Shu Shu, and after leaving, he is even more fortunate that he has chosen to do so.

The drunken Shu Shu drunken eyes, looks very attractive and beautiful, such Shu Shu, this should not be seen by others.

Holding a book on Shu Shu, Edgar couldn't help but kiss him.

"Why are you kissing me?" Shu Shu suddenly asked.

Edgar's movements froze, only to find that the eyes that had just closed were already open.

"I don't have children, you can't like me, of course you shouldn't kiss me." Shu Shu looked at Edgar seriously.

Edgar, who was caught in the bag, always felt that this was not quite right. When he went to see Shu Shu, he found that Shu Shu’s eyes were closed again.