MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 59 The tumor has become bigger

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Shu Shu eagerly dug a pit for a long time, and dug out some beautiful but nail-sized shells, and then Edda was dug out of the hole. Edgar also stuffed him into disregard of his struggle. Your own clothes.

Shu Shu was a little unhappy at first, but Edgar’s body was warm, he scratched a few times with his claws, and he was not angry. Finally he “snorted” and climbed out of Edgar’s neckline. Degas's arms turned into people: "Edgar, let's catch fish and eat seafood?"

"Good." Edgar nodded and asked for a boat.

The sun has begun to set, and when it falls from the sea, it almost puts a golden glow on the ocean.

Shu Shu and Edgar sat on a small boat and took a full set of fishing tools to fish, but unfortunately they didn’t catch anything at first...

"You want to converge on your momentum!" Shu Shu left to think about it, and after using the spiritual power to detect the situation under their boat, he finally understood the reason.

There wasn’t a fish underneath their boat, and it was definitely scared away by Ed!

Shu Shu looked at Edgar with a depressed face. Edgar looked at his depressed look and pulled people into his arms...

"Bird!" Shu Shuyu looked at Edgar with a big eye. This person looked cold and faint. He thought about whether the cold-blooded animals would not be interested in many things. As a result... In the performance of a few days, it is a beast!

"I was originally a beast, what happened?" Edgar looked at Shu Shu inexplicably. The meaning of animals means animals. After they turned, they are animals.

"Rogue!" Shu Shu took a bite on Edgar's arm. I don't know why, he now likes Edgar especially, and likes to be close to Edgar.

Edgar was itched by Shu Shuzheng. Before he came to Shushu, he just wanted to kiss him, but he was bitten by Shu Shu... He really sneaked back, and Shu Shu Into the cabin.

The boat they were riding was swaying with the sea, and the two of them swayed with the sea. When it was over, Edgar’s body was already covered with Shu’s “taste”.

Edgar’s room was a bit unskilled, and Shu Shu’s first time was very fast, but now it’s getting longer and longer, but Shu Shu hasn’t been around for too long, so Edgar’s flow continues. He gave him spiritual power. After the end, he still felt a little imaginary and couldn’t help but say: "It’s too unfair! How can you be so long?"

Edgar held Shu Shu in his arms, kept kissing, and his heart was a little worried - Shu Shu... seems to have a little premature ejaculation? But the orcs seem to be like this, very sensitive.

Shu Shu was a little unhappy, but after being kissed by Edgar for a while, he thought of something. The eyebrows were full of pride: "But I am already good. I used to be a second shot!"

Their hamsters are not as time-consuming as humans. They are often shot in seconds. He is now in the hamster and he can already stand out from the crowd!

"..." Edgar did not say anything to fight against Shu Shu's self-respect, but did not expect Shu Shu to be proud of it...

After Shu Shu finished, he didn't want to move, and he took something out of the food bag to eat. When he saw it, Edgar asked: "Want to eat seafood?" He can't let his partner rely on snacks...

"Think!" Shu Shu nodded without hesitation.

"I am going to help you." Edgar took off his clothes and jumped into the sea.

"Hey!" Shu Shu was shocked and ran to the boat and looked into the water, but could not see Edgar.

"Edgar!" Shu Shu called a few times, but there was no response at all. Just as he became more and more worried, a person came in the sea, but Edgar?

Shu Shu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Have you caught the fish?"

"Catch it." Edgar took the escalator on the side of the boat and climbed the boat. At the same time, the things he had in his hand were slowly dragged out of the water. It turned out to be such a big one. fish!

Shu Shu looked at the fish, could not help but swallow the mouth - such a big fish, must be delicious!

This fish is really delicious, it tastes so good, just use the machine to simply cook it, it is already delicious and you can't wait to chew your tongue into your stomach.

After eating the fish under the night sky, Edgar ate Shu Shu again.

In the royal family's private beach, there is a beautiful villa for the royal family members who come to the holiday, and in the next seven or eight days, Edgar and Shu Shu spend most of their time in the bed of this house. .

After eight days passed, Shu Shu finally felt that he couldn't bear it anymore: "I don't want to stay here anymore, I have to go outside to play!" Even if the honeymoon is mainly to get along, but can't get along with it... Shu Shu thinks that if you do this again If you go on, I am afraid that I will die.

He has already killed countless sons and grandchildren, but can't do anything like this again!

Early the next morning, Shu Shu put on clothes and pulled Edgar out of bed. He planned to open the island to the other side of all tourists.

Now whether it is Edgar or Shu Shu, they are already well-known figures. The degree of red fire is definitely not lost to those stars, so when they went to the other side of the island, both of them made modifications.

Shu Shu wears a fake beast outside his exposed ear, and then changes his skin color with a spray. It is difficult for others to recognize him. After all, he only appeared in the wedding live broadcast, and at that time dressed up. He is still a little different from his usual.

Edgar is having trouble, but today's various tooling tools are so easy to use, so they don't take much effort.

Many travel products in the travel planet can't be produced by themselves, and even food must be imported. Therefore, the price is relatively high, but in the blue water star, even if other things are expensive, seafood is definitely cheap.

There are basically special seafood markets on the various islands of Blue Mercury, and of course there are also on this island.

Steamed lobster, stir-fried shellfish, fish with sauce... Shu Shu simply can't wait for himself to have a mouth more.

The orc empire is very large, and the foods that can be eaten are especially rich. Each planet also has its own characteristics. For example, the various foods of the Blue Mercury are completely different from the food of the Capital Star.

Shu Shu was satisfied with the food. In the end, he bought a few large bags of dried fish and dried shrimps. He intended to bring them back to his place to hide in the sac, and then eat them as snacks.

When he did this, the people around him looked at him like a fool. The private island on the royal family had a very good view. The sea was very clean, but the things here are especially expensive. You can buy it on the island. Direct online shopping snacks, but also bought so many, it is simply a problem.

Shu Shu is proud of his own chest in those eyes, he is rich now, even if you eat a pack and throw a bag!

Moreover, this is the island of his family, and the money he spends will eventually come to him!

After eating a variety of foods, Shu Shu played all the entertainment facilities on the island again. After tossing at night, he was exhausted and returned to his place of residence, and refused Edgar's intimacy request.

In the next few days, he climbed up to other islands with great interest, and took a submarine to see the underwater world, and he grew up for a long time.

They played for a few days, and no one recognized them and did not encounter any accidents. At this time, their honeymoon trip was over and Edgar should go back to work.

The day before I left, Shu Shu went to the beach again and excavated...

The prince, who was alone in the vacancy, began to wonder how to find a beach in the capital to give his partner a good time. Later, he felt that he could never let his partner touch the sand again.

When returning, Edgar did not slow down the spacecraft again, so it took only one day for Shu Shu and Edgar to return to the capital star.

Shu Shu was very happy to play outside, but when he saw the palace, he was equally happy, and he felt like he finally came home.

It’s good, he has a home.

Ian called them to their residence, asked them to have a meal, and asked Shu Shu's future plans.

Shu Shu’s current status is different from before. It’s not only not necessary to go to the talent class, but it may also attract people to watch, but do something else...

"I want to learn something." Shu Shudao: "But I didn't think about what to learn."

He is going to learn something, but he used to be a little hamster, so he really didn't plan his future.

"Do you want to learn medicine?" Ian asked.

"Study medicine?" Edgar was a bit curious.

"I used to be a military doctor. Now I am in charge of the hospital. It is most convenient to study medicine, and Jones can teach you." Ian said.

"Then I am studying medicine!" Shu Shu immediately said, studying medicine is also very good! He is very interested in medical skills, and spiritual power can also be used as an inspection instrument...

Shu Shuyue thinks that the doctor is very good, but Edgar is frowning.

After returning to their residence, Edgar suddenly said to Shu Shudao: "Jones has been coming from the planet of Garth and has entered the talent class to teach you, there are reasons."

"What is the reason?" Shu Shu looked at Edgar curiously. Suddenly he frowned and was a little nervous. Doesn't Jones find that he is different from the orcs of the orc empire? If so, would he want to grab himself and experiment?

Heterogeneous will always be rejected, not tolerable... Shu Shu grabbed Edgar's hand and was somewhat afraid.

"Because you cured me." Edgar took Shu Shu's hand: "Shu Shu, the cultivation method you gave me is very magical, it can even turn the beast into a human, such a thing, and How can it be unobtrusive?"

Just because of this? Shu Shu looked at Edgar inexplicably.

"Shu Shu, this cultivation method is very easy to use, and it is very useful. After you get it, you can greatly improve your strength. It will be embarrassing." Edgar said again, and then touched the hair of Shu Shu: "I wanted to ask you before, can you teach it to others?"

After that, Edgar looked at Shu Shu with some concern. This cultivation method is Shu Shu's thing. It is definitely a kind of baby. Shu Shu is willing to teach him. It is good to let him practice. He still wants to teach others... Will Shu Shu be unhappy?

"Of course!" Shu Shu did not feel uncomfortable, directly said. If the animals on the earth couldn’t open their minds, he would have taught them to practice the exercises so that they could have more of them.

Moreover, he taught Edgar, and Edgar could teach others on his own, without asking him.

"Shu Shu you..." Edgar looked at Shu Shu, didn't know what to say, and finally chuckled, holding Shu Shu on Shu's lips and taking a kiss.

How do you start moving your hands again? Shu Shu looked at Edgar inexplicably: "You haven't told me why Mr. Jones followed me!"

Edgar returned to his heart and said after a moment of indulgence: "Uncle Jones had a favorite orc before, wounded on the battlefield and became a beast." Jones and his mother, Ian, were very good at the time. Military doctor. There are many orcs in the army, but there are very few orcs, so even if they are not born, there are still many very good pursuers.

After his father helped his father to heal, his father began to stalk and eventually succumbed to the beauty, and Jones also encountered an orc and fell in love with the other.

The orc is called Renault. He was not born of a nobleman, but he is not inferior to those who have aristocratic blood. He has a strong fighting ability and excellent commanding ability. He has become a major general of the First Legion by his own ability.

When he became a major general, he was still young. If he gave him enough time, he should still be a lieutenant general and a general. In the end, he might become a marshal and take over the first legion.

As a result, it was such an excellent orc who had a problem in a battle. Without the beast, it became a beast.

After becoming a beast, he was sent to the planet of the beast, and many people forgot him, but Jones has been trying to save him for years.

"The man has been a beast for 30 years. After the orc becomes a beast, the brain will gradually degenerate. After so many years, he may have become an out-and-out beast. The beast planet is still in crisis..." Degas didn't think Jones's other half was alive, but Jones apparently never gave up.

He did not force Edgar to tell him how to become a human being, and he did not threaten it, but he came to the capital star and took the initiative to become a teacher of Shu Shu.

"They are very pitiful." Shu Shu's eyes are a bit red.

"Don't be sad." Edgar hugged Shu Shu: "You are willing to take out the practice and you can avoid many similar tragedies."

Shu Shu heard the words and nodded happily.

"But how to do it, or to experiment first." Edgar kissed the forehead of Shu Shu, not only to experiment first, but before the results came out, this matter could not be known to anyone other than three.

The next day, Shu Shu saw Jones.

Jones has always been very calm. After seeing Shu Shu on this day, his face has an uncontrollable excitement.

"Edgar said, "Do you have a way to turn the beast back into an orc? Would you like to study with me?" Jones's lips trembled a little. After seeing Edgar recover, he wondered if Shu Shu had a way to restore the beast.

Just wanting to turn the beast into an orc is inevitably not an easy task. Maybe Shu Shu still has to bear some costs, such as being thundered... So although Jones wants to know, he has never rushed to ask.

Of course, he would also be related to Edgar. He did not ask Shu Shu, but asked Edgar, and finally Edgar blocked him.

"Yeah." Shu Shu nodded.

Jones looked at Shu Shu and suddenly smiled, while the tears on his face fell silently.

"Jones teacher?" Shu Shu looked at each other with concern.

"I'm fine." Jones said, wiping off the tears on his face: "Shu Shu, no matter what you do or not, I will do my best to cooperate with your research. You have to learn something, even if you tell me, as long as I know It must be given."

He actually did not report too much hope for the rescue of Renault.

In the past 30 years, if Renault’s wolf can’t resist estrus, maybe it’s already a bunch of little wolves with ordinary wolves on the beast planet... but even then, he still wants to try.

For so many years, he has not forgotten that person. In this case, he can’t let himself have regrets.

"I must learn well." Shu Shu heard that he nodded at the moment.

Jones came in order to make the beast turn into an orc, but he didn't directly ask Shu Shu about this. Instead, he came up with some information to tell Shu Shu about the origin of the orc, the development of the orc, and the beast. what is the problem.

He had previously taught Shu Shu for a period of time. He already knows that Shu Shu doesn't know anything about common sense things. The most urgent task is to let Shu Shuduo know about the world.

Jones is not a nobleman, he is even famous for treating orc beasts, but he has read a lot of books in order to find a way to save the beasts. If the knowledge is so profound, I am afraid that few people are comparable to the orc empire.

He also taught the Shu Shu very carefully, but after a day of hard work, Shu Shu has a detailed understanding of the orcs, but also has a strange feeling.

The orcs of the orc empire seem to have something in common with the goblins?

After the goblins have to practice the demon, they can become human figures, and the orcs have a beast nucleus from an early age. The beast nucleus is their source of strength, and they can also change between the human form and the animal type, and once there are orcs Without the beast, he can't be a human again.

"Since ancient times, the beast has always existed, and the number has never been less. In history, there have been several riots and massacres led by the beasts. It is also because of this, everyone is now very repulsive to the beast." Jones Road And then looked at Shu Shu: "Fortunately, you let Edgar recover, or else, Edgar will be in the future..."

When I heard Jones, Shu Shu was fortunate and glad that he came to this place... If he didn't come here, is Edgar always a snake?

Thinking of this, in the case of Jones is not in a hurry, Shu Shu is anxious: "Mr. Jones, I can make Edgar become a person, relying on a practice method, or else, do you try to practice? ”

Although Jones knew that Shu Shu had something in his hand that could make the beast become a human being, he thought it would be a certain kind of medicine, so he had already prepared for a period of research for a long time. As a result... is it just a cultivation method?

"I will teach you right away." Shu Shudao, while placing his palm behind Jones.

After Shu Shu’s spiritual power entered Jones’s body, he remembered that Jones was not a monster at all. In this case, is the cultivation method of the monster suitable for him?

Shu Shu was a bit entangled, but then he thought that Jones’s appearance is very similar to that after he was robbed. He should be able to cultivate. Now he can teach Jones to the method of cultivation after turning the goblin into a human form, while also guiding the spiritual power. Jones's body works.

Jones directly operated Shu Shu’s spiritual power in his body according to Shu Shu’s statement.

Shu Shu was sitting next to Jones and practicing the same.

When practicing, it must be internal, and with such an internal view, Shu Shu discovered the problem - the bead of Edgar, who is now looking like a tumor, has become a little bigger.

Absorbing the spiritual power, it is still getting bigger... What is the tumor?

Shu Shu was very entangled, and at this moment, he saw Jones next to him.

He is embarrassed to tell Edgar about this, but let Jones help him!

Thinking about it, Shu Shu didn't think about cultivation, but he kept staring at Jones, waiting for Jones to complete his cultivation. By the way, when Jones had a problem with cultivation, he helped Jones correct it and then gave Jones some spiritual power.

Jones is very slow to cultivate. Even if Shu Shu has sent a lot of spiritual power to his body, he also spent a lot of time to run a Sunday. After running, Shu Shu’s spiritual power in his body is still All of them are scattered, and nothing is left in the end.

At the beginning of Shu Shu, she thought that Jones would be as good as Edgar. I didn't expect Jones to be like this, and I was a little lost.

"Your cultivation method is amazing, but it may not work." Jones suddenly said.

"Why?" Shu Shu is somewhat puzzled.

"I have checked Edgar's animal type a long time ago. The royal family's bloodlines are not normal. Edgar's physical condition is different from that of ordinary snakes and orcs. He can cultivate things, others may not be able to cultivate. Just as you can cultivate well, I can't do it. Of course, this has to be experimented to be sure." Jones said, his expression suddenly became a little dignified: "After a while, I have to go to the Beast Planet."

Shu Shu had already guessed this, and nodded: "I want to try to know."

"In any case, I still want to thank you. After the strength stayed in my body for a while, I feel that I am now a hundred times more energetic."

"That Jones, you help me see what is going on in my body!" Shu Shudao.

"What happened to your body?" Jones asked inexplicably.

"I seem to have a tumor in my stomach." Shu Shudao.

"Tumor?" Jones heard Shu Shu say a little anxious: "I will do a check for you right away."

Jones took the tester and placed it on the part pointed by Shu Shu. After careful inspection, he went back and forth for a long time. After he finally put the tester down, he said to Shu Shudao: "There is no tumor in your body."

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