MTL - A Guide to Raising Your Natural Enemy-Chapter 98 Disabled little orc

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"Xiao Bao, my brother is still young, you chase him like this, he will be tired, do you know?" Grabbed the snake, Shu Shu said seriously to him.

The little snake wrapped around Shu Shu's wrist and looked at Shu Shu inexplicably. The snake letter in his mouth was still explored.

Shu Shu does not adapt to the touch of the big son's animal type, but in order not to let the child feel sad or tolerant, he touched his head: "You are a brother, try to take care of your brother, you may chase him, he may run around. It’s not good to hit something in an emergency. It’s better to let him chase you.”

The snake nodded.

"And, when you usually play with your younger brother, you become more people, so that when your brother sees you as a human figure, you will think of becoming a human figure soon." Shu Shu said seriously.

The snake has become a human being.

The chubby, chubby baby looks really cute. Shu Shu dismissed him at this point, but he liked him a lot. Holding the little snake, Shu Shu took care of his fat face and kissed him a few mouthfuls: "Xiao Bao, I told you that the beasts who can become human beings are the most powerful. Look, the orcs outside can become How happy people are afterwards!"

The little baby showed a thoughtful expression, but his speech was still unfavorable, but he could already understand some words. He did not play with the beasts who could become humans all day, and listened to his own. After the mother said this, there was a feeling of sudden realization.

No wonder that every time it becomes a person, the mother is very good to him. It turns out that this is the most powerful!

Unfortunately, he can't always be a person...

The snake suddenly felt a little frustrated. When he saw it, Shu Shu quickly boasted: "Xiaobao, you can rest assured that you are already very powerful. Many uncles outside are not as powerful as you!"

The snake was quickly smashed, and then began to play with his brother under the guidance of Shu Shu.

Edgar went to help the beast to repair the beast nucleus today, and after consuming his own spiritual power, he hurried back to the room.

In the room, Shu Shu is playing with some Lingshi, and next to it... I saw a snake in the room, and behind him, a little hamster was chasing after him.

The snake swims very fast, often one does not pay attention, just open the little hamster, then it stops waiting for the little hamster to catch up, and then continue to run.

"The two children are very happy to play." Edgar looked at this scene of love and laughed.

"Yeah." Shu Shu nodded seriously: "They are having fun, I am also happy."

Shu Shu is also happy? why? Edgar looked at Shu Shu with some curiosity.

"Beibei completed my lifelong dream!" Shu Shu said with a serious face. He used to fantasize that he could chase the snake and run the snake in the day, and the result is that if the cultivation is successful, he still can't do this because of his own instinct... his second son, Beckham, is different. When a child is born, he is not afraid of a snake. He can chase the snake and run! Really a hero in the hamster world!

The dream of one's own orc is too small... Edgar's heart is moving: "If you like it, I will be smaller and let you chase me? I can escape slowly, and you can marry me after chasing it." The book bites him in his mouth...

"I don't want to marry a snake!" Shu Shu refused without hesitation, and then saw his own eldest son deliberately slowed down after hearing Edgar's words, let the little hamster catch up.

It is estimated that the scent knows that the snake is his own brother. The little hamster is not afraid of the snake. He always likes to play with the snake. After he catches up with the snake, he really faces the tail of the snake. Go up.

He is too small, and there is no way to harm the little snake at all. In the end, it just wets the tail of the snake. The little snake tails, and put the big hamster with big thumb on his back. Then, starting to carry the little hamster in the house, because he was worried that his brother would fall from himself, he still swims very slowly and is stable.

My second son is really amazing! If you chase the snake, you can ride the snake! Shu Shu saw that the situation was extremely satisfying and decided to encourage them to do so in the future.

Play games like this!

Edgar looked at the envy of Shu Shu and chuckled: "Shu Shu, do you want to ride me?"

"I don't want to ride a snake." Shu Shudao, Edgar's scales are slick, he must hold tight to avoid being dropped, but holding a snake is definitely not a good experience.

"You can ride." Edgar smiled at Shu Shu.

"Serpent!" Shu Shu sang in Chinese.

"I am not a wolf." Edgar also said in Chinese.

Xiaobao looked at his father and his father, frowned, riding?

Turning into a small baby, Xiao Bao put the little hamster on his head and carefully began to climb.

"..." Shu Shu was speechless for a moment, suddenly rushed toward Edgar, and then took a bite on Edgar's arm - after such a child is not suitable, he and Edgar must not be in front of the child said!

Edgar took some time to appease the shameful Shu book, and then he said one thing: "Shu Shu, Xiao Bao and Xiao Bei have not done a detailed check after birth, I plan to bring them tomorrow. Go check it out."

"What do you want to check?" Shu Shu asked inexplicably.

"All aspects must be done, physical fitness, beast nuclear beasts, talent ability..." Edgar simply explained: "In fact, such an examination should be done in a large hospital in the capital star to be more complete and comprehensive, but Your situation is quite special. The two children may be like this. I think Xiaobao and Beckham are better on the Beast Planet. Anyway, the equipment has already been shipped."

"That's time to check it out tomorrow." Shu Shu nodded. Isn't this a physical examination?

Giving a medical examination to two children, Edgar asked Jones and the old doctor who had wanted to worship Shu Shu as a teacher to help.

This old doctor is a sub-orc, named Dean. He talked with Shu Shu last time. After Shu Shu popularized a lot of knowledge about the acupuncture points and meridians, he has been studying in sleepless nights. Nothing else is left. This time it is listening. It was said that the two little princes had to undergo a medical examination before they temporarily put down the research at hand.

Jones knows the special features of Shu Shu. Edgar is very reassured to him. As for Dean, Dean has been working with the royal family for many years. He is the exclusive doctor of the royal family. He has signed a confidentiality agreement and will definitely not say it. The thing to say is out.

When Edgar and Shu Shu took the children to the medical room on the spaceship, Jones and Dean were already there.

"You are coming." Jones laughed, his eyes falling on the parenting basket of Shu Shu: "You brought the newly born little prince? Is he looking good? Is the scales particularly smooth?" After birth, Jones always wanted to see the child, but Shu Shu and Edgar hid the child very well, he never saw it.

"He looks very good, but there are no scales." Shu Shudao, his younger son's animal shape is very beautiful, more than a hundred times better than his eldest son!

No scales? Is there any problem with the child? Jones was shocked, and at this time, Shu Shu opened a piece of gauze covered in the nursery basket.

In the orc empire, because the children are all born, the newborn child, whether it is an orc baby or a sub-orc baby, is very small. The child's body size is small, the orc baby can change shape at any time, and the appearance of the animal type, it is very inconvenient to pick up, and later someone invented the childcare basket.

This is a very light and large basket that allows the orc baby or the orc baby to lie inside, so that the children's loved ones can walk around them, very convenient.

Shu Shu opened the shawl covered in the nursery basket, and Jones saw the situation inside the nursery basket. However, the basket was clearly empty...

"What about children?" Jones asked inexplicably.

“Don't it be here?” Shu Shu grabbed a small hamster from under the towel on the bottom of the nursery basket.

"!!!" Jones looked at the little hamster in Shu Shu's hand and was shocked: "How is a hamster?"

"This child is like me!" Shu Shu is somewhat proud.

"But... orc children, according to the beast type are genetic fathers." Jones's expression is quite tangled. In the orc empire, the orcs and the beasts rely on the gestational sac formed by the beasts in the beasts, and the process of their birth is a battle between the two genes.

If the orc's father's genes prevail in the embryo, the embryo will grow into a small orc. If the gene of the orc mother's father is in the embryo, the embryo will grow into an orc.

It is precisely because of this that if a child of a pair of orc partners gives birth to a child, if it is an orc, the animal type must be exactly the same as the orc father. If he is an orc, the race will be the same as that of his subordinary father.

Although the child is born with the orcs and the orcs, 90% of the genes in the orc baby are inherited from the orc father, and 90% of the genes in the baby of the orcs are inherited from the mother of the orcs.

But now... how is the animal shape of the little orc different from Edgar, but like Shu Shu?

Wait... Shu Shu seems to be... or an orc? Jones suddenly thought that Shu Shu had changed the hamster in front of himself... Shu Shu has a lot of secrets, but also can change hamsters, this child will be like this... seems normal?

Jones soon wanted to understand, the old Dean is still entangled: "It is strange, this little orc is not too much inherited the genes of Prince Edward? But in that case, should not grow into a beast?"

Dean thought of a bad place, he was going to say something, but he finally held back. After the birth of the first child, Prince Edward rushed to the second, and then experienced a kidnapping and almost died. It is said that it was very difficult at that time. Under such circumstances, the child may have suffered some damage. Will... genetic mutation?

No wonder the Prince and the Prince have kept the child in a strict state after the child broke the shell. The original child has a problem!

Dean was very distressed by the children in front of him. In the end, he just asked: "Which child should I check first?" In addition to the little hamsters that have received much attention, the snake has also been brought, but it is very normal and very spiritual. He was a neglected person in Edgar.

"First check Xiaobao." Edgar pulled the snake off his body.

Ninety percent of the genes in the snakes come from Edgar, and the data is very good. It is much better than Edgar's childhood, and the development is extremely advanced.

"The child's bead is very beautiful. The beast core does not look the same as the ordinary beast. But the energy fluctuations above are strong. He must grow into a strong orc and should surpass his father." After En and Jones checked the snake, they talked about the situation of the snake. In addition to praise or praise - such a powerful and powerful little orc, they are the first time to see.

After the snake was checked, it was the turn of the little hamster.

The little hamster's head was too small, causing a little trouble for the inspection, but the inspection went smoothly, and with the results of the inspection, Jones and Dean's expression became more and more serious.

"This child...he has no beasts in his body!" Dean said that when he said this, his expression was very ugly. An orc who had no beasts showed that he had no fertility and could be said to be a disability.

The second child of His Royal Highness and Prince Edward, there is no beast...

Edgar was a little surprised and heard a slight brow.

The child has no beasts. Is this still an orc? If it is not an orc, then he will... Edgar suddenly thinks that Shu Shu is also an orc without a bead, and then... he gave birth to a child.

My own little son is actually not an orc in the traditional sense, but a "sub-orc" like Shu Shu?

Edgar had some worries about the results of the inspection, but after thinking about it, the worry immediately disappeared, leaving only joy.

He always wanted an orc child, and now he has it!

Edgar thought of this, Shu Shu also thought of it, and also very happy - the child is like him everywhere, how good! As for the absence of beasts... He does not have it, does he not grow well?

Edgar and Shu Shu were very happy. When they saw their look, Jones also let go of his heart, but the other doctor who was present did not know this.

"His Highness, although there is no bead in the body of the little prince, the small animal is still not suitable for fighting hamsters, but he is still very healthy." Dean tried to comfort the couple and could not help but look at the little hamster. At a glance, such a little orc, will he be dull by his brother in the future?

Even the royal family may still hide him from the same thing as he had previously hidden from the wind.

"I know that this child is very healthy." Edgar said that when he saw Dean's appearance, he knew that Dean, who did not know Shushu's situation, had misunderstood something, but did not intend to explain it.

The little hamster, who was very impatient with the medical examination, was put back into the nursery basket. Edgar confessed a few words, so that Dean and Jones did not reveal the child's condition, and then took Shu Shu and the children back.

Edgar and Shu Shu didn't care about the results. Jones later wanted to understand, but Dean was very uneasy. Of course, even if he was facing the outside, he still said nothing, even I didn't show up in front of people. I just found Edgar after a few days and made a suggestion. I hope to check the two children every few days and record the child's growth.

“Check it every few days? Will it be too much?” Edgar asked.

"Not much, in fact, your Highness did this when you were a child. I also recorded your data there... You grew very fast at that time." Dean said. In fact, such an inspection can not be done, but he really can not worry about the little prince without the bead, he is thinking about recording his data, and then to see if there is any other way to stimulate him to grow beasts. .

Edgar thought about it and agreed to Dean's request.

Xiaobao is nothing, and Beckham's situation is very special. He feels that it is necessary to record his development, so that after the royal family has a child like Beckham, there is a reference.

The snake and the little hamster started to go to the medical check-up every few days. They were very curious at the beginning of the machines that gave them medical examinations. The little hamsters couldn't help but squat, but after many more, they didn't take it seriously.

It was at this time that Dean once again discovered a big problem with the little hamster.

Little hamster, he is too slow!

When the orcs are born, they are usually very small, but they grow very fast. They often take a long time to grow, and the snakes have grown much longer.

But the little hamster, he is hardly long, if this continues... After he grows up, maybe he will be the size of his fist!

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