MTL - A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees-Chapter 112 In one minute, I want all his information!

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  Chapter 112 In one minute, I want all his information!


   "Forbidden ritual?"

  Alice's voice was slightly cold.

   Matthew didn't hear it for a while, and smiled embarrassedly:

   "In fact, I plan to apply for a grant from the alliance for the research and application of this ceremony. I remember that members of the alliance have similar rights?"

  Alice's eyes widened in disbelief when she heard the words.

  Her right hand quickly pulled back, and she was about to take out something from the large robe, but Fandral held it down all of a sudden.

   "Alice, calm down, you are no longer a field officer of Hesuo Mountain, and you have no law enforcement power now."

   While speaking, Fandral forced the hard thing back.

   Then he dragged Alice to the other corner of the living room, the two pushed and pushed for a while, and Alice's robe was lifted.

  Matthew glanced at it, and vaguely saw the outline of a pair of magic handcuffs.

   At this time, the two have come to the garden.

   Alice growled at Fandral:

   "Did you hear what he said just now? He is going to hold a death ceremony and apply for funds from the alliance! Even if it is Guan... Even if it is someone recommended by Master Ronan, he can't do whatever he wants?"

   Fandral said helplessly:

"When will you get rid of the violent temper you developed in the field? Maybe Mr. Matthew has other difficulties? And even if he really has a problem, we just need to record the problem truthfully, and the field staff will naturally go find him."

  Alice sarcastically said:

   "Record? How to record, use the method you taught me? Don't you see the absurd things I just wrote on paper, isn't it enough?"

  Fandral sighed and stopped talking.

  Alice calmed down a bit, with a little guilt on her face:

   "Sorry, I was too impulsive. I know you taught me all that for my own good. I'm still a bit incompetent for clerical work. Maybe field work is more suitable for me. I'll apply for a job transfer after I go back this time."

   "But I must take care of Matthew's matter. Even Ronan has no reason to allow a necromancer to spread taboo rituals."

  Fandral sighed and said:

   "That's what the investigation team should do. We are only responsible for the entry assessment of new personnel, and how are you going to investigate?"

  His voice just fell.

  A curious voice sounded:

   "Are you here to investigate Matthew?"

   "I have a question to report."

  The two looked at the tauren skeleton that suddenly appeared beside them in astonishment.

  Alice's eyes lit up:

   "You want to accuse your master?"

  The tauren skeleton nodded vigorously:

   "I've been dissatisfied with him for a long time."

  Alice asked expectantly:

   "Did he do something heinous to you?"

   "Oh, sure."

  The Tauren Skeleton complained:

"He hasn't raised my salary for many years! Can you report the problem and punish him severely—but you can't punish him too hard, as long as he can wake up in time and give me a raise. gone."

   Alice froze for a moment.

   Before the two of them could react.

  Matthew has strode over from the direction of the living room.

   "Hey, Matthew, are you going to kill someone?"

   Paige asked.

  The two were suddenly very nervous.

  Matthew scolded:

   "Don't joke around on this occasion, Peggy!"

   Immediately, he decisively said to the two:

   "I just forgot to add. The reason why I studied and prepared to hold the scorched earth ritual of death is to fight against the Scar of the Dead. It is just northeast of Rolling Stone Town. If you have done your homework before coming here, you should know about it."

   Said, in order to prevent **** misunderstandings from happening.

  He quickly explained the ins and outs of the matter.

   Fandral immediately breathed a sigh of relief after listening, and he said with a smile:

   "I knew it was a misunderstanding, how could Mr. Ronan recommend an outlaw!"

   Alice still looked suspicious.

  Matthew generously said:

   "I can take you to the place where I prepare the ceremony, which is not far from here."

   Fandral waved his hand with a smile:

   "No need, we trust you."

   Yet Alice insisted:

   "Please be sure to take me there to have a look. I am not targeting you, but what you said is really a fantasy, I have to witness it with my own eyes."

   Fandral's face turned blue, and he wanted to continue persuading Alice.

  Matthew waved his hand:

   "Go, let's set off."

   As he spoke, he grabbed a handful of hay, led the three sheep, and leisurely walked towards the oak forest.

   Along the way.

  Alice walked alone with a stiff expression.

   Matthew is still discussing funding applications with Van Dahl.

   Facing Matthew's various doubts, Fandral enthusiastically explained:

"Although the alliance has suspended the public topic of Scar of the Dead, in fact, if you want to study it and can propose a plan with sufficient feasibility, there is a high probability that the above will allocate funds, and it is very likely that it will follow the S ratings carry additional project subsidies.

  With Mr. Matthew's excellent level, as long as you apply, the project will be approved with a high probability, and then there will be a fund for project approval.

  If you can pass the feasibility verification, the follow-up funds will be in place soon. Of course, this stage is not easy.

   But once you succeed, you will gain a lot. In addition to abundant funds, you can also recruit some mage apprentices through this project, and they will work for you for free.

   If your project is popular enough, they will even offer to pay to join the project process.

   After all, this kind of resume is very important for the job title rating within the league. "

   While talking about this with Matthew, Fandral wrote the content on the paper with a magic brush:

   "In order to fight against the Mark of the Dead, Mr. Matthew risked his life to study taboo rituals, which shows that he has the spirit of selfless sacrifice."

  Alice glanced at the floating paper, and subconsciously clenched her evaluation.

   After a long time, it was slowly released.


  A group of people passed the oak forest.

  Fandral couldn't help but praised:

   "The air here is filled with a fragrant smell. I just saw a sign outside - is this forest farm your private property?"

  Matthew nodded.

  Fandral said in admiration:

   "You really have the foresight to buy such a pleasant forest."

  Even Alice couldn't help but say:

   "The vitality of these oak trees is incredible, it is indeed a very good forest."

   Matthew thought in his heart that these oak trees have almost drained the earth. Could it be that there is not enough vitality?

  He didn't explain much at the moment, just smiled, and led the two of them through the woods all the way to the northeast of the Scar of the Dead.

   One left the oak forest.

   Alice and Fandral were taken aback by the number of undead in front of them.

   But soon.

  Their attention was attracted by the Scar of the Dead.

  Matthew led them through the crowd of zombies and came to a hillside only about 30 meters away from the Scar of the Dead.

  He pointed to the long strip of land marked with branches and said:

   "There is the experimental field where I plan to hold the scorched earth ritual of death."

   "It is about 10 meters long and 2 meters wide, and it is located at the forefront of the expansion of the Scar of the Dead."

"You two, you should know that the Scar of the Dead has been expanding, but compared to the past few years, it has become more active. According to the current progress, it will soon threaten Rolling Stone Town. If left unattended, here Residents of the country may all have to leave their homes, and that would be a disaster."

  Alice watched carefully for a while.

  She found many prefabricated symbols related to necromancer rituals on that land.

   "What's with that blank spot?"

   She suddenly pointed to a gap in the experimental field and asked.

  Matthew took a look:

   "That is used to place the boundary stone. The ceremony still needs to be approved by the local lord. Before that, I will not act rashly."

  Alice's tone softened a bit:

   "Do you have a good relationship with the local lord?"

  Matthew thought for a while:

   "It's not bad, but I heard that he deducted the honor of outstanding citizen that should belong to me."

  A small doubt appeared in Alice's eyes again.

   At this time.

  There was a sudden movement in the scar of the dead—

  A **** of ashes suddenly crawled out of the scorched earth and rushed towards Matthew and the others!

   "Get out of the way!"

   Fandral pulled out his staff nervously.

   Yet someone was much faster than him.


  A sharp arrow pierced through the pawn's chest, and the latter wailed, suddenly turning into a cloud of black dust and sporadic sparks.

   Just as Fandral and Alice breathed a sigh of relief.

  Matthew scolded dissatisfiedly:

   "Renees May!"

   "How many times have I said, don't shoot pawns with white feather arrows, let Ah Bing deal with them!"

   "Arrows cost money!"

   Renee Smee put down the elven longbow, looked at Matthew innocently, and drooled from the corner of her mouth unconsciously.

   Matthew frowned, took out the towel, and quickly stepped forward to wipe the corners of her mouth clean.

   "A Bing!"

  He shouted:

   "Go get her the arrow back!"

  A Bing, who was fishing, heard this, and then disappeared into the air helplessly.

   After a few seconds.

  The white-feathered arrow with a slightly blunted head appeared again in the quiver that Matthew gave Renesmee.

   "Don't forget your arrow maintenance skills!"

   After a few words of advice, Matthew returned to the side of the assessment duo.

"Excuse me."

   Matthew apologized.

  Alice shook her head, she looked at Matthew curiously:

   "The way Mr. Matthew gets along with the undead seems a little special?"

  She couldn't help but recall the tauren skeleton she saw at Matthew's house.

  Matthew said in surprise:

   "Is there? I don't know, I haven't dealt with other necromancers much."

   "Speaking of which, are there many necromancers in the alliance?"

   Fandral shook his head and said:

   "Very rarely, this is mainly related to the history of Baiyan City.

  The first city lord of White Rock City was originally a high-ranking member of the alliance, but he had conflicts with the seven great mages at the time, and finally chose to leave.

  Afterwards, he founded Baiyan City, gathered a large number of necromancers, and relied on the artifact "Chain of Human Desire" to create the advanced level of necromancers, and promulgated the famous Code of City Lords.

   You should know this Matthew better than we do.

   And for some unknown reasons, the historical alliance was once hostile to White Rock City.

  Although they reconciled later, each generation of White Rock City lords will also take a vacant position within the alliance, but other necromancers will hardly join the alliance, and the alliance will not take the initiative to absorb necromancers.

   This is probably a tacit agreement reached between the top management and Baiyan City.

  You are obviously an exception. "

   After Fandral finished speaking.

  Alice suddenly bowed deeply to Matthew:

   "Sorry, Mr. Matthew, I was too impulsive before, I misunderstood you, I thought that you, like the Necromancer in White Rock City, were always doing evil deeds under the banner of righteousness..."

   "If you hold the death scorched earth to protect the residents of Rolling Stone Town and to curb the southward movement of the marks of the dead, this will not only not affect your entry assessment, but may also become a bonus item."

   "Anyway, I apologize for my impulsiveness just now."

  Matthew waved his hand indifferently:

   "It's okay if the misunderstanding is resolved."

  Alice said seriously:

"According to the attainments you have shown in necromancy, I'm afraid our previous evaluation is a bit superfluous. I have never heard of a third-level mage who can control such a number of undead. Your summons are also different. For those lifeless guys, I can feel that they seem to have the same spirituality as living people."

   "Well, if you don't mind, I will need to check with the local lord later. If it is true, I will apologize to you again. After that, your entry assessment will be fine with me."

   Fandral didn't bother to talk about her anymore.

  Matthew didn’t even care:

   "There is no need to apologize. If you can report the situation here truthfully, it will be great if you can win the aid of the alliance for me."

  Is it for Alice:

   "I'm afraid this won't work. As the entry examiners, we still have to avoid suspicion on the bright side."

"However, I can give you a few templates. You can draft two applications according to these templates and submit them through your referrer channel. One of them is to apply for permission to use the "Forbidden Ceremony". Once it bumps into law enforcers from other factions in the alliance, problems may arise; the other is an application for the subject of "Scar of the Dead". "

   "According to your channel, these two applications should be approved soon, and there should be no problems after that."

   Fandral turned his head away upon hearing this.

   He doesn't seem to want to comment on the topic.

"By the way, after you officially become a member of the alliance, the higher-ups will assign you a "Supervisor Mentor". He will be responsible for assessing and evaluating your rookie period for the next three years. Busy, the so-called assessment is a process, you just need to visit regularly. "

   Alice added.

  Matthew thanked Alice sincerely.

  The two then bid farewell and left.

  Matthew watched them leave on a thick blue magic carpet.


  He subconsciously looked towards the open space in the north, where several zombies were digging pits.

   Look at the big and small potholes.

   Matthew immediately felt itchy.

   "It's all here, let's plant a few more!"

A few minutes later.

   Above the clouds, the magic carpet goes and returns.

   "Alice, I've said it many times, don't get into trouble!"

   Fandral's voice was obviously displeased:

   "Can't you just talk nonsense and report Matthew?"

   "You promised me before!"

  Alice said with some guilt:

   "Sorry, I plan to do what you said, but I can't go against my conscience when I encounter such a sensitive matter."

   "You know, I used to arrest those criminal mages in Hesuo Mountain, at least half of them were necromancers. I really couldn't convince myself to turn a blind eye."

   "I've got to see what he's like when we're not around."

   Fandral looked at her dissatisfied.

  The latter bowed his head and kept apologizing, but remained stubborn.

   Fandral reluctantly lowered the height of the magic carpet:

   "Shut up, I'm not sure if the invisibility effect of this thing can be hidden from Ronan's disciples."

   Alice nodded vigorously.

  The two descend secretly.


  They saw Matthew's figure.

   But seeing him carrying a bag of saplings, happily passed through the zombie crowd, and then carefully transplanted one of the saplings into the pit.

   Immediately next to it, a zombie brother waved a shovel and filled it with a thin layer of cooked soil.

   Matthew was skillful, poured a little of the fast-growing potion mixed with water, and the young sapling grew into an oak tree with a height of three or four people in a few minutes!

   "What is this necromancer doing?"

   Both of them were shocked by the scene in front of them.

   "Plant trees?"

  Fandral replied uncertainly.

   "I know, I want to ask, what is he planting trees for?"

  Alice asked suspiciously.

   "I don't know, maybe a hobby?"

  Vandal tries to speculate:

   "Maybe it's because he has been in contact with the undead for too long and is under a lot of pressure, so he needs a way to vent?"

   As he spoke, his face was filled with disbelief.


   Alice suddenly thought of something:

   "The oak forest we saw just now, couldn't he be the one who planted it?"

   The two looked at each other in blank dismay.

   After a long time, Fandral hesitated and said:

   "Shouldn't it be...?"


  Floating city in the extreme north.

  In a magnificent library.

  Accompanied by the appearance of a man wearing a pure white robe, the bookcases on both sides fell backwards like gears.

  The man stepped out, and the soles of his feet were endless starry sky.

  Every step he took seemed to span an entire era.

  The man came to the end of the library.

  There was an old long table with thick books on it. On one of the books lay a scroll dragon with a lazy expression and a blue head and skin.

   Sitting behind the table was a woman who looked only in her twenties.

  Her skin is white and translucent, her lips are almost bloodless, and her hair is also pure white. At this time, it is spreading like a waterfall on the floor full of stars.

   "This is the list of newcomers who have recently joined the alliance."

  The man handed over a piece of paper respectfully.

If there is someone nearby at this time, they will definitely be surprised by the man's attitude, and at the same time, they will also be very curious about the identity of the white-haired woman—after all, the number one person under the Seven Great Alliance, who is the chief mage of the Extreme North Floating Void City It is rare for Ekmond to show such a respectful attitude in the entire continent of Aindor.

  The white-haired woman looked at the names on the list and said:

   "You don't have to do this, Ekmond, I am a sinner expelled from the alliance."

  Ekmond bent even lower:

   "You will always be my teacher."

   "In fact, as long as you don't publicly promote that set of hopeless theories, you will always be the number one mage in the alliance, and I believe other people will have no objections."

  The woman snorted:

   "You guys also want to gag me?"

  Ekmond hurriedly said:

   "I didn't mean that, teacher."

  The woman crumpled the piece of paper into a ball:

   "Boring, isn't there an interesting rookie in the alliance? Even if he can't be like Ronan back then, at least he must be at the level of Blinken? By the way, where did Blinken go?"

  Ekmond said awkwardly:

   "Master Isabel, Blinken has been rebellious for many years."

  The white-haired woman's eyes froze, and at that moment, the stories of several eras seemed to float in her eyes.

   "Really? My mental state seems to be getting worse."

  Isabel said nonchalantly:

   "Blinken has rebelled, so you take him back, just like you did to me."

  Ekmond said profusely:

   "Teacher, I..."

  Isabel stopped him with a look of boredom:

  "I hate explanations, and I hate nonsense. The only thing that can prove your loyalty to me is action."

   "If you didn't stand by my side and kill the other two idiots with me, don't act as if you were loyal to me."

  Ekmond was silent.

  At this time, the skylight at the top of the library was pushed open, and a snowy owl dropped a brand new letter.

   There is a dark red magic mark painted on the snowy owl's forehead.

  Ekmond took the letter, and his expression suddenly became a little weird. After a while, he hesitated to hand in the letter:

   "Just now the alliance recruited a newcomer, he was recommended by Ronan, and his resume is also very interesting, would you like to take a look?"

  Isabel took the information casually.

   Just one glance.

  She patted the table lightly:

   "In one minute, I want all his information."

   "By the way, has his supervisor settled down? It doesn't matter if he's settled down. Let him go."

   "I will be the mentor of this newcomer."


  (end of this chapter)

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