MTL - A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees-Chapter 118 Disintegration and Estel's Claw (ask for a monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 118 Dissociation Technique and Claw of Estel (seeking monthly ticket)


   The collision between the army of the undead and the legion of ashes did not break out an earth-shattering battle.

   Presented in front of everyone present.

   Only one-sided massacre!


  Philorius charged forward with the momentum of being the champion of the three armies.

  The huge bone claws ruthlessly stepped on the head of the Ashen Warlord, but the strength of the latter was equally astonishing. Facing such a huge bone dragon, the Ash Warden just tilted his head and put his ear on one side of his neck.


  He swung a mace vigorously, and hit Xiao Bo's waist and abdomen hard!


   There was a crisp sound.

  The negative energy shield surrounding Xiaobo’s body was ruthlessly crushed.

  The thick and long mace violently whipped Xiaobo's ribs and breastbone, making the grinding sound of teeth and the sound of bones breaking!

   When it is.

  Xiao Bo's bones collapsed like an avalanche.

   After just a few seconds, a large piece of his chest and abdomen collapsed.

  The Ash Overseer is strewn with bone fragments.

  He excitedly pursued the victory.

  However, Xiao Bo remained motionless, he let the opponent's mace go in and out of his chest.

  He raised his neck high, and burst out short syllables.

   "Dragon Language Magic: Multiple Gravity Technique"!


   Right at the moment when the syllables burst.

  Rounds of black halos suddenly appeared on Xiao Bo's body.

  Under the action of several times the gravity.

  The Ash Warlord, as strong as a mountain, fell to his knees unexpectedly.

  He subconsciously wanted to use the mace to support the tendency to fall, but the two bone dragons that had been rushing by the side suddenly rushed forward.

   One of them raided the Ash Warlord's foot, and the other grabbed the mace that had lost its strength and took it away!


   Unwilling groans erupted from the mouth of the Ash Warlord.

   Immediately after.

  His huge body was completely crushed to the ground!

  The next scene is very unsuitable for children—

  Led by Xiao Bo, the three bone dragons "stomped" crazily on the fallen Ash Warlord!

  The three bone dragons took turns exerting force, running over the monster and falling back.

  No one can stand this.


  Amidst the miserable wailing, the Ashes Warlord turned into dust all over the sky like other ashes.

   The boss dies.

  The remaining ashes have no chance of winning.

  Xiao Bo, who obviously lost a lot of bones, is still fighting bravely.

   But as soon as he entered and exited the enemy's formation, he wiped out the remaining Ash Warriors.

   As for the Ash pawns.

  As early as when the bone dragons were fighting with the Ash Warlord, they were eaten alive by the undead.

  The massacre will soon come to an end.

  Ash rained down and down the Scar of the Dead.

   Under the command of Matthew.

   Masses of undead quickly exit the Mark of the Dead.

   During this process, Matthew also discovered that undead creatures are also unable to avoid the damage of Scar of the Dead, and many skeletons and zombies have broken limbs and turned into ashes.

   The banshee, the mummy, and the other two Skeletal Dragons are better, but not completely unscathed.

  The only Xiaobo himself.

   Aside from the fact that the Ashen Warlord dug a big hole in his chest with a mace and lost a lot of bones, he didn't seem to be eroded by the power of the Scar of the Dead.

  Matthew glanced at the data bar.


   "Perception: Your summoned object, Philoreus, has preliminarily mastered the characteristic "King Temperament" that the lord template has. This temperament is enough to lock all the elements of his body, ensuring that it will not leak under the action of external forces."


   "This guy does have the temperament of a king."

  Looking at the hole in Xiao Bo's chest.

  Matthew laughed to himself.

  He has long seen that this guy used magic to stick a lot of useless bones on the outside to form a layer of artificial "bone armor".

   This thing is not very brittle, it will fall when you touch it, and it is easy to misunderstand the enemy during the battle.

   For example, the Ashes Warlord just now.

  He actually had a chance to evade the sharp edge temporarily, but after the first hit, he thought he had really seriously injured Xiao Bo, so he went up and fought to the end.

  Actually, only Matthew knows that Xiao Bo's core skeleton is inside!

   As long as the core is not damaged.

   No matter how the outer bones fall, they are all smoke bombs!

   "No wonder he gained so much weight during this meeting. It turned out that he put on a circle of fat for himself after becoming the boss."

   "I don't know how much "bone tax" this guy collected from his subordinates in order to collect so many bones? "

  Matthew even suspects that the ring of bone armor still has the effect of selling misery!

at this time.

  The undead army withdrew from Scar of the Dead one after another.

   Only Xiaobo remained inside.

   Matthew saw that he had taken a few steps deeper. Suddenly, he raised his bone wings and flapped them vigorously.

   With the cooperation of dragon language magic.

   A moderate wind blew up.

  The wind blew up the ashes on the ground of the Scar of the Dead, engulfing them and flying towards the direction of the oak forest!

   Matthew was a little puzzled at first.

  But soon he realized Xiao Bo's real intention!

  The ashes from Scar of the Dead flew into the forest like snowflakes. After sinking into the ground, the whole oak forest seemed to come alive suddenly!

  The oak trees all thanked the source of the wind of ashes.

  Although they soon discovered in astonishment that it was a bone dragon.

   But the voice of thanks is still endless.

  This kind of scene Matthew could only see when he activated the natural domain in the past, but now it happens in the non-domain state, not only himself, but also other people can hear the voices of the oak trees!

  He couldn't help but turn on the balance perception.


  「Balanced Perception: You perceive that the ashes of the ashes after death contain a lot of life elements!

  The wind of ashes injected a powerful life energy into the oak forest and its land (the effect is approximately equal to 0.5 "Natural Ritual: Sanctuary of Life")

  You and your summoned creature, Philoreus, will gain +1 reputation in the domain (oak tree)”


I see.

  It was only at this moment that Matthew realized that not every part that fell from the ashes creature was harmful to the outside world!

  Ash warriors will drop soul crystals, and ordinary ash creatures will drop life energy.

  Only the sparks produced by the activities of ashes are the carrier of the power of destruction.

  This discovery made Matthew ecstatic.

   In his eyes.

   Dead Mark is becoming more and more valuable!

  Matthew also wanted to ask Xiao Bo how he knew this characteristic, but considering the other party's expressive ability, he could only give up temporarily.

   After working diligently on the doll blower.

  Xiao Bo came towards Matthew with big strides.

  The undead army moved upon hearing the news.

  They followed Philorees neatly, like a forbidden army.

   This scene made everyone around me nervous.

  So Matthew also took the initiative to meet him.

   After meeting one person and one dragon, Xiao Bo crawled on the ground courteously, and lowered his head on the ground as he did when they first met.

  Matthew reached out and touched his neck.

   "Master, don't, suddenly, leave..."

  Xiao Bo's nervous voice came from the contract side.

   "That was a misunderstanding, and it shouldn't happen in the future."

  Matthew didn't explain much.

"That's good!"

  When this thought came to him, Xiao Boil, whose head was lying on the ground, suddenly let out a sharp hiss!

  The two bone dragons took the lead and crawled on the ground.

  The other units of the Undead Legion followed suit.

  The skeleton kneels on one knee, the zombie kneels on the ground, and the banshee sits cross-legged.

  Only the mummy is the most pitiful, and can only lie upright, with his head and chest knocked on the ground.

  All the undead creatures knelt in front of Matthew.

   That scene really shocked the others.

   "Lord Rhaegar, is he the necromancer with the bone dragon you mentioned?"

   Asma couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

  Rega seemed to be used to big scenes, and the old **** answered in a down-to-earth way:

   "Yeah, I said he has one, but I didn't say he only has one!"

  Asma said speechlessly:

   "This is not the key, the key is that it is a bone dragon king!"

   "You should understand what the undead king means to the material world, right?"

  Rega glanced at him:


  Asma was about to speak, but was held back by Du Lin who was next to her, who shook her head and said:

   "Don't talk too much, even if your worry is correct, didn't you see that necromancer obeyed the undead king's instruction?"

  Asma just wanted to refute.

   Next second.

  They saw the bone dragon suddenly opened its mouth—


   Thirty or so high-purity soul crystals slid out from inside.

   "This is what was captured just now, master, please accept it!"

   This time, Philoreus actually spoke in the common language!

  Everyone present could hear clearly.

  Matthew looked at the soul crystal on the ground in surprise.

  Of course he saw those ashes warriors who were killed, but he didn't have the nerve to ask Xiaobo for it, but this guy actually turned it in himself!

  Matthew pondered:

   "How about you take half?"

  Xiao Bo resolutely refused:

   "I am your humblest servant, and even I am your private property. There is no reason in this world for a servant to take away the spoils of the master. Please accept it."

  Matthew was surprised that Xiao Bo's Mandarin became more and more fluent, and he was also moved by his loyalty.

   After Xiao Bo finished these two sentences.

  Matthew could immediately feel a little more awe in the eyes of the people behind him looking at him.

   This feeling is still a bit cool.

next moment.

  Xiao Bo said goodbye to Matthew gracefully and politely, and then left through the negative energy channel with a mighty undead army.

  When the last undead disappeared in the negative energy vortex.

  A brand new reminder also flashed in front of Matthew.


  "Reminder: Philoreus has activated the ability "Fawning".

  You got 34 soul crystals!

Undead Contract: Your summoned Philoreus took the initiative to go out, and his courage is commendable. He and his undead army made an indelible contribution to the eradication of the Ash Legion. In this battle, not only his undead army appeared There was a certain reduction in staff, and even he himself was seriously injured.

   This is not good news for him who is about to face challenges from several undead lords around him after returning to the negative energy plane.

   Between this, Philoreus sincerely begs for your reward on behalf of his undead minions—

  15 soul crystals, do you want to pay?

   (Reminder: Philoreus activated the ability "Sell Miserably"


   Good guy!

   "So I'm waiting here!"

   "I gave me enough face in front of outsiders, and turned back to ask for salary in the name of my subordinates. The number is just half of what I said and a little less. This guy's EQ is almost full from the negative energy plane!"

  Matthew smiled inwardly.

   Xiao Bo asked for money afterwards, but he was relieved.

   After payment in full.

  Matthew hurried to check the situation of the experimental field.

   Fortunately, the scorched earth of death has not been damaged, only the boundary stone, which is the pillar for communicating with the negative energy plane, has been overdrawn severely, and it is estimated that it will not last for a few days.

   This is also normal, maintaining a plane channel has never been an easy task.

  The cost of a boundary stone is more than 300 gold coins. Compared with the 19 soul crystals he got, Matthew still made a lot of money.

   While the ceremony is still functioning normally.

  Matthew quickly recorded the relevant information and key points. These things can come in handy when applying for projects to the alliance.

In general.

   This ceremony can be regarded as a complete success.

  Matthew gradually verified the feasibility of "using the scorched earth of death to contain the traces of the dead", and accidentally discovered the secrets of "Ash" and "Mars" from Xiao Bo.

   After the fact.

  He spent another night organizing the content into a decent application for opening a topic according to the template.

The next day, Matthew formally applied to the Alliance for delaying the expansion project of Death Scar through the Alliance's office in the Crucible House through the A1 channel. At the same time, he did not forget to hand in the crystal ball recording the ceremony to the small black room , so Isabel can see it.

   Another day passed.

  Matthew received the good news that the application was approved and the project was approved!

  He went to the Crucible House and received the first project funds distributed by the Alliance from David.

  Just the initial allocation of funds, there are enough 3000 gold coins!

  According to David, as long as Matthew completes the preparations for the follow-up work—mainly the preparation of spell materials and the recruitment of apprentices, the follow-up funds will be available soon.

  The total funding for this project is around 30,000 gold coins.

  Matthew can apply to add more at any time.

  During the project, the only obligation Matthew needs to fulfill is to recruit as many apprentices as possible and ensure their safety during the ceremony.

   Here’s what David said about it:

"Not every apprentice can become a mage useful to the alliance, but the alliance needs to incubate more talents through a huge base. Recruiting apprentices is beneficial to you and has no harm. You only need to ensure their basic life safety , and others, even if you treat them as undead, it’s not impossible.”

"If you recruit enough apprentices, even when the project is settled, there will be additional knowledge points bonus. Of course, I don't recommend blindly recruiting people, after all, it is easy to cause trouble when there are too many people. The number of necromancers in China is very small, and the same is true for apprentices. There may be more apprentices who have also practiced necromancy. I suggest that you disclose the corresponding conditions when recruiting, so as to facilitate and faster screening. "

   "If you don't mind, Mr. Matthew, I can do most of the preliminary work for you, including the procurement of materials and the determination of the initial roster. Of course, you still have to make the final interview in person."

   Matthew was used to David's attentions.

  Because he has gradually realized the scarcity of A1, the entire league will not have more than 10 A1 in the South, and even Blinken's original title in the league was only B2.

  This discovery made Matthew both happy and disturbed.

  He couldn't be sure of Ekmond's intention of over-promoting himself. It might be just to please Isabel, but there might be other thoughts.

   It's just that before Ronan returns, Matthew can only choose to work hard.

  In the end, Matthew handed over most of the preparatory work to David.

  Only when the initial big list was determined, Matthew stuffed a small note into David's hand and asked him to write the names on the note into the big list in advance.

   Of course Matthew didn't really want to unspoken rules for that girl named Leslie.

   It's just that the other party's boldness and bravery impressed him deeply.

  Anyway, they are just looking for a group of apprentices to paddle, so it is better to give her a chance.

   I just don't know how well Leslie has mastered necromancy.

  The next few days.

   Matthew spends most of his time in the oak forest, and occasionally goes to the Crucible House to check the readiness of the project.

  In addition to planting trees, he is also hurrying up to learn new spells.

   Among them, the most important ones are two third-level spells, "Dissociation" and "Estriol's Claw".

  Perhaps because it is also related to the field of deformation, Matthew's dissociation technique is quite difficult to learn.

  He had to admit that he lacked talent in the field of transformation.

  If it weren't for Rhaegar's divine assist, he would probably still be tortured by the malicious transformation technique.

   Disintegration is the same.

   As far as Matthew knows, this is a controversial spell.

   The Schools of Conjuration and Transfiguration are both vying for ownership of Disintegration.

  The former believes that the principle of dissociation is to manipulate energy changes in the form of spells, so that any non-living object will collapse from the inside, and eventually become a cloud of dust.

   This of course belongs to conjuration.

  The latter believes that the real principle of the disintegration technique is to turn any inanimate object touched by the magic energy into a cloud of dust.

   This should belong to deformation.


  Whether starting from the theory of conjuration or from the perspective of transformation, mages have the ability to master the dissociation technique.

   Therefore, this spell has become a must-have popular magic skill for middle and low-level mages to single out.

   After all, in a mage duel, mana itself is nothing, and the endless props and equipment are the most important.

  Disintegration, a spell that specifically dissolves equipment and disintegrates props, can greatly flatten the gap between rich and poor mages.

  Mages who are keen on fighting are naturally necessary.

  The reason why Matthew learned this spell was also because it was mentioned in the introduction of the crash course on combat spells that he reported that disintegration is one of the few compulsory combat spells.

  He has previewed in advance.

   It's a pity that his talent in this area is really mediocre, so far he hasn't been able to do the first step of dissociation - turning a magnet into a cloud of dust.

   A few times he practiced spells late at night and got sleepy, and accidentally turned a magnet into a goat.

  After experiencing the thrill of being almost pinned up.

   Matthew silently ramped up his need for coffee at night.

   Compared with dissociation.

   Claw of Estel, a necromantic spell, Matthew is very good at learning it.

  In just two days, he successfully mastered this spell.

  The effect of this spell is to control a four-clawed tentacle with negative energy with magical energy. Because of the negative energy, once this tentacle gets close to a living thing, it will cause many negative effects on the enemy;

   On the other hand, the Claw of Estel can also grab, hug, throw, etc. the target in the form of physical strikes.

In general.

   Claw of Estel is the spell version of Pale Hand. It is characterized by a longer attack distance, the longest distance can reach 32 meters, and most of the spells have a casting distance between 20 and 28 meters.

   What Matthew likes is that it is relatively long.

  In addition, the effect of Estel's Claw is more stable. Although it lacks the instant death judgment, the attribute that can make the enemy negative effects make up for it.

  It's a pity that the spells or abilities of the same domain cannot be reconciled, otherwise Matthew really wants to see what kind of powerful abilities can be summoned by the Claw of Estel and the Hand of Pale.

  Time is rushing by in the daily tree planting and spell learning.

   At nightfall.

  With a smile on his face, Matthew led Renee Smey into the cabin.

   It's time for the weekly strengthening again.

  The number of trees he planted this week is not many, and there are only 11 opportunities to strengthen, but there should be opportunities to produce purple and gold.

  Matthew sat on the edge of the bed.

  He just planned to raise his hand to strengthen Renesmee.

  However, at this time, Matthew suddenly saw a lonely shadow outside the window.

  He took a closer look.

   But Ah Bing was lying on the window, looking at himself and Renee Smee silently.

   There was a slight grievance in the soul fire.


  (end of this chapter)

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