MTL - A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees-Chapter 134 prom (below)

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  Chapter 134 Prom (Part 2)


  On the dance floor, the music is soothing.

  Matthew followed Sif's rhythm a little stiffly, moving with difficulty the limbs that seemed to suddenly not belong to him.

   They are currently dancing a dance that is somewhere between tango and blues.

  The movements are not fast, but they have a sense of rhythm and strength when stepping on the points.

  Matthew didn't know anything about it. He was like a marionette, led by Sif, who was flexible like an elf, into various poses.

  Sieve danced happily.

  She didn't care about Matthew's clumsiness at all, she just smiled and showed her exquisite dancing posture.

   At first neither of them spoke.

   Until after a relatively intense movement, the rhythm becomes slower.

  At this moment, Matthew noticed that Sif occasionally turned her head away and quietly covered her mouth and nose with one hand.

  She was secretly yawning.

  This discovery made Matthew instinctively feel a little lost, but soon, he asked with concern:

   "Are you sleepy?"


  Sif turned her head a little embarrassed:

   "Sorry, it's not sleepiness, it's just an instinctive reaction of the body."

   "In the past few days, I have been going to bed earlier, and I am usually asleep at this point. It is strange to say that since May, I have become more and more lethargic. On average, I sleep about 14 hours a day."

   "I'm actually not sleepy at all, not only that, I'm excited."

   As she spoke, she yawned again in front of Matthew.

  This time Sif didn't hide it, just looked at Matthew with innocent eyes.

   The two looked at each other and smiled.

  The rhythm of the music suddenly became much brighter again.

  Sif gently grabbed Matthew's waist, motioning for him to lean forward and hold her.

   Matthew did.

  The next dance caught him off guard and felt pleasing to the eye.

   Accompanied by the continuous acceleration of the rhythm.

  Sif's range of motion is getting bigger and bigger.

  She was spinning around Matthew like a butterfly. It was hard to tell whether it was the girl's fragrance or the hormones floating on the dance floor that entered Matthew's mouth and nose, and his heartbeat began to speed up slightly.

  Sif put on makeup tonight.

   She looks a lot more mature.

  Especially the temperament between the brows, which has swept away the usual quiet and well-behaved pretense, and has become wild and restless.

   This brought Matthew a very novel experience.

  When he first entered the dance floor, he felt that he was being taught dance steps by a good girl.

   Soon, the dance partner beside her inadvertently showed her canine teeth and sharp claws, and the good girl turned into a little wild cat.

  The accompanying music also seems to be the little wild cat grinding its teeth.

   And reached the climax stage.

  Sif's movements became more and more presumptuous, and her strength became more and more brutal.

   In a trance.

   Matthew felt himself turned into a tattered sailboat in a storm.

   And the other side.

   is the queen of the sea who only shows half of her body from the sea and occupies most of the background of the sea and sky.

  Sif's eyes became wilder and presumptuous.

   When completing the last few difficult spins and low throws.

  Her hands were clinging tightly to the soft flesh around Matthew's waist, and a faint tingling pain came from under the skin. Matthew endured the pain without crying out, and helped her complete the last movement.

  The music stopped abruptly.

  The dance floor got darker.

  Hoo, hoo, hoo.

  Short breathing mixed with thumping heartbeat.

  Matthew thought that he would not have any reaction when facing Sif.

  But the "heart like still water" launched in a hurry revealed that his heart was not so calm.

   In dim light.

  He could see the fine beads of sweat on her forehead.

  Her big eyes are more dazzling than stars, more beautiful than diamonds.

   At that moment, there seemed to be thousands of words in her eye sockets.

  The crickets in the back garden courtyard were chirping louder.

  Suddenly, the light came on.

  Men and women retreat to the edge of the dance floor, arm in arm with each other.

   Matthew breathed a sigh of relief, and then exited with Sif.

  He came to the drink cabinet, took two glasses of juice, and handed one to Sif.

  The girl took a sip, and immediately two horizontal lines appeared on her little nose:

   "Ah, it's so sour."

  Matthew took a sip and found that it was okay, he just wanted to say something.

  Sif suddenly asked:

   "Matthew, what kind of girl do you like?"

  Matthew froze for a moment.

  The memory of the previous life was opened a few pages like an old photo album.

  The images of several ex-girlfriends flashed through his mind, and he had already forgotten what they looked like.

  Before time travel, he was twenty-five years old and had several girlfriends, but those relationships seemed to come and go in a hurry.

  It seems that both parties are lonely like a formula, fall in love like a formula, and finally break up like a formula.

  These experiences can only leave a little trace in the huge memory.

   And when he was younger, Matthew had torn his heart for some girls like Eli did.

  Those were some dog-licking stories that seemed touching at the time, but later only felt childish and ignorant.

   Except for the varying degrees of tea smell on those girls.

   He can't remember the rest.


   Sif asked expectantly.

   Matthew turned half of his face, his eyes wandering around the men and women by the dance floor:

   "Frankly, I don't know."

   “The male-female thing is still complicated for me, and I just want to focus on the simple things right now.”

  Sif’s face was full of curiosity:

   "Like, plant a tree?"

  Matthew smiled. He wanted to tell the other party that undead are actually very simple creatures.

   But at this time.

   Suddenly there was a burst of applause and cheers at the entrance of the hall.

  Matthew immediately cast his gaze over.

  The visitors are naturally Ms. Alena and her adopted daughter Judy.

  Matthew looked curiously several times.

Ms. Aliena is indeed very temperamental, and her attire is something that you can't usually see in the backcountry of Rolling Stone Town—it is a slender white tight-fitting long dress. The skirt is divided into nine layers, and each layer has silver threads. Studded with grains of pearls.

  The curve made of pearls goes up to form a perfect proportion between the waist and hips, and further up, there is a pile of colorful feathers stuck to her chest, which further complements her fair skin and graceful temperament.

  She also wore a large lady's sun hat, and the ribbon hanging from the brim of the hat hung down, which was also full of pearls.

   Ms. Aliena walked all the way.

  She greeted the people next to her very kindly.

  Everyone also expressed their praise sincerely.

  As for her adopted daughter Judy, she was obviously more beautiful, but her temperament was completely crushed by her mother, and she failed to get more attention from everyone.

   During this period, there was an episode.

   I don’t know if it’s because I want everyone to pay more attention to me, or because the kitten in my arms has been restless.

  Judy approached Ms. Aliena, and said obediently:

   "Mom, this kitty has been trying to run towards you, he seems to like you very much."


  Ms. Alena took the cat from Judy's arms with a smile.

   "Do you want to follow me? Cutie?"

   Aliena asked with a smile on her face.

  The little black cat nodded frantically.

   "Then you will be my cat from now on, you can't go out and mess with other kittens."

  Alena smiled lightly, and stroked the little black cat's head.

  The latter looked so happy that he was about to faint.

   However, in the next second, Aliena's right hand suddenly touched between the cat's hind legs!

   "Oh, it's a tomcat!"

  Alena suddenly turned around and said to the knight who was following closely behind her:

   "Take it out and castrate it, and then put it in a cage for me."

   As she spoke, she ignored the kitten's fierce opposition and stuffed it directly into the knight's arms.

  The knight walked outside without saying a word, clutching the black cat.

  Seeing this scene made Matthew's scalp tingle.

  He really wanted to go to rescue Eli, but the task that Rhaegar told him hadn't been completed, and Matthew couldn't leave.

  At this time, Rhaegar had already led some local nobles from Rolling Stone Town to greet him on the other side of the corridor.

  Sif's slightly sour voice sounded in Matthew's ear:

   "Sure enough, mature women are more attractive?"

  Matthew quickly denied:


  Sif put her hands behind her back habitually, the smile on her face was still bright:

   "There is no need to hide it, Matthew, this is human nature, you see, my father and the others are dumbfounded!"

   "Ms. Aliena is indeed very temperamental, even I can't help but want to look at her more."

  After Sif said this, Matthew suddenly murmured:

   "I just think she looks like someone I know, but for some reason, I can't remember who that person is."

  Sif joked:

   "So this is a common excuse for men to strike up a conversation? Would you like to preview it with me?"

   Matthew shook his head.

  Sif pouted in disappointment, then said flatly:

   "If you think Ms. Alena looks familiar, it's not surprising. The Lankey family has a great influence on the east coast. You may have seen her photos or portraits by accident."

  Matthew nodded hesitantly:


  After Ms. Aliena entered the venue, the atmosphere became even more heated.

  The previous dance was just a warm-up scene. After the arrival of the most important guest, the dance session officially started.

  Rega led Aliena, and introduced him to a few people who could make a move in Rolling Stone Town.

   Matthew and Sif are naturally among them.

   Aliena shook hands with them very politely.

  But Matthew could clearly feel that that kind of politeness contained a kind of superior reserve and inadvertent contempt.

   This greatly reduced Matthew's impression of Alena.

   On the contrary, her adopted daughter Judy has no airs. She greeted Matthew lively and seemed to have a good impression of Matthew.

  Matthew gathered himself together, and prepared to follow Rhaegar's instructions, find a breakthrough from Judy, and figure out the real purpose of the visitors from Deep Blue Harbor.

   The greetings and introductions ended soon.

   Accompanied by changes in the sound of music.

  Everyone came to the dance floor.

  Rega introduced Ms. Aliena's noble background to everyone with a gracious manner, and then said with a smile:

"I remember that according to the custom of Deep Blue Harbor, the first dance is for the lady to choose a male partner, and the male partner who is selected cannot refuse. Aliena, you choose first, and then Judy, don't be restrained, you just go here Think of it as Deep Blue Harbor, all the men in Rolling Stone Town, you can choose as you like."

   While speaking, he couldn't help puffing out his chest.

  Rega was also dressed in a fancy dress today, with some oil smeared on his head, shiny black hair, and a few hairs of unknown animals pinned to his chest, but they were somewhat similar to Ms. Alena's clothes.

   "Is that so? I thought I would follow the rules of your Rolling Stone town. Oh, Rhaegar, you are so considerate."

  Ms. Alena smiled and said:

   "But if I don't choose you for the first dance, you will be sad, right?"

  Regar categorically denied:

   "Where will it be? The men present are all the elites of Rolling Stone Town. Whichever one you choose is to save face for me. You don't have to worry about my having fun."

  Ms. Alena raised her eyebrows:


  Rega's complexion was a bit ugly, but he still said firmly:


   Then, Aliena's eyes began to circle back and forth among the men in the row next to her.

  Many people subconsciously straightened their backs.

   A few confident ones even took the initiative to wink at Aliena's gaze.

   Yet Aliena ignored them.

  Finally, she walked towards Sif with a smile on her face:

   "Can I borrow your male partner?"

  Sif seemed to have expected it, she subconsciously bit her lower lip, but soon said with a smile on her face:

   "Of course, it's Matthew's pleasure."

   As she spoke, she pushed Matthew out very hard.

  Matthew looked at Ms. Aliena in surprise.

  The rest of the people looked at Matthew full of envy and jealousy.

   "Ma'am, I'm not very good at dancing."

  Matthew gave Rega a "I don't know what's going on" wink, and then said.

  Alena smiled tenderly:

   "Oh? I just happen to be good at dancing and it looks like we'd be a match made in heaven."

   Matthew felt goose bumps all over his body when he heard it.

  Countless murderous eyes focused on him.

   At this time, Judy was dissatisfied:

   "Mom, I wanted to choose him, but you took my partner away!"

  Ms. Alena laughed without looking back:

   "Really? Honey, then I will choose him even more!"

  She dragged Matthew onto the dance floor involuntarily.

   Only Judy was left looking angrily among the men.

  Finally, she also walked up to Sif and held out her hand:

   "How about you be my dance partner?"

  The music sounded, the light on the dance floor quickly dimmed, and the rest of the people also quickly completed the pairing, and crowded into the dance floor.


   Only Rega was left smiling and standing on the edge of the dance floor, looking at the dark figures inside.

not far away.

  A certain black cat that had survived the catastrophe was lying on the glass outside the window sill, looking in hard.


   Its body trembled violently.

  The intense dance moves of Matthew and Ms. Alena were reflected in the emerald green pupils.


   Ms. Aliena's dancing skills are obviously better than Sif's.

   Matthew didn't need to move by himself the whole time.

  When the other party mentioned it lightly, he knew what to do.

  Under Aliena's suggestion, Matthew danced even better than before.

  Ms. Alena is very charming, and the strong fragrance wafting from her body is easy to intoxicate.

  But Matthew didn't feel any disturbance in his heart.

  He felt like he was in prison.

  Regar looked down at himself like a warden on the steps by the dance floor.

  Sif and Judy are dancing next to them, and they dance very well, but they are obviously absent-minded.

  The eyes of the two girls were on Matthew.

   As for the black cat on the windowsill, Matthew saw it too, but he couldn't explain it.

   "Perhaps it was a mistake to open up the tauren domain."

  Different from body stiffness and numbness.

  His thinking is constantly diverging, thinking about strange things.

   But at this time.

   When Aliena was completing a dance move, she suddenly put her head very close to Matthew's ear, and a very low voice entered his eardrum:

   "Two groups of assassins have sneaked in tonight's dance, and their targets are Rhaegar and me."

  Matthew was startled suddenly.

   He stared at the other person's face.

   Ms. Aliena continued to dance as if nothing had happened.

   She winked at Matthew only when she was doing something that no one else could see.

  Matthew asked in a low voice:

   "What do you mean? If someone wants to assassinate you, why didn't you tell Rhaegar earlier?"

   "I am not afraid of assassination."

   Aliena said.

   "Little Matthew, you haven't recognized me yet, have you?"

  In an instant, Matthew was surprised to find that this voice actually sounded from the bottom of his heart!


  「Hint: Your partner Lorraine briefly removed the ability "Beautiful" (Performance Domain)

  Lorland used the "mind language" on you"



  Ms. Alena turned into Lorraine?

  Matthew only felt a buzz in his head, and suddenly, he suddenly remembered the signature of Lorraine in the previous letter——

  Losoren Lanci.

   "Are you from the Lankey family?"

  Matthew didn't know how to speak, so he could only ask in a low voice.

   "Alena is my little cousin."

   Lorraine smiled and said in his heart:

   "Her situation in Deep Blue Harbor can be described as internal and external troubles. Her mother gave me a lot of support when she was alive. Whether it was due to blood relationship or reciprocity, I had to help her."

   "I dressed up as her to make outsiders think that she really came to Rolling Stone Town, and she was hiding in the dark of Deep Blue Harbor, waiting for an opportunity."

   "Of course, she did entrust me to negotiate with the lord of Rolling Stone Town. The content of the negotiation includes the marriage between Judy and even Aliena herself and Rolling Stone Town."

  Matthew wanted to ask again, but Lorraine stopped him in time:

   "There are so many people with mixed eyes, don't say too much, you may be discovered by assassins."

   "Don't be nervous, according to my judgment, they are still in the sneaking stage, and the real action should be in the second half of the dance."

  Matthew nodded.

  After learning the true identity of "Ms. Alena" and the news that there might be an assassin at the ball.

  Matthew was shocked and puzzled.

  The remaining half of the dance seemed so difficult.

   Finally waited until the music ended.

  Matthew dragged "Alena" to the dance floor, and Sif and Judy followed closely behind.

   On the other side, Rhaegar and other men also flocked over.

  With sharp eyes, Matthew noticed that there was a small-eyed kitten mixed in with the crowd.

  He suddenly had a headache.

   At this time.

  "Alena" suddenly let out a ouch, and immediately threw her whole body on Matthew:

   "My foot seems to be twisted, Matthew, can you help me go to the dressing room next to me to rest?"

  Everyone watched this scene dumbfounded.

   Immediately, "Alena" looked up again and showed Rhaegar an apologetic look:

   "I may not be able to dance tonight, can I borrow your spell consultant?"

  Rega was able to maintain his proper demeanor.

  He waved his hand seemingly generously:

   "It's okay, please use Matthew to your heart's content!"

   "Hee hee, that would be disrespectful."

  "Alena" got Rega's permission, holding the skirt in one hand and Matthew in the other, trotting all the way to the dressing room in the corridor.


  The door to a dressing room was slammed shut.

   "This is the locker room?"

   "I don't think Matthew has done anything!"

  In the crowd, Brad stroked his beard in surprise and asked.

  Beside him stood the young man who had gone and returned.

   Little Patton drank the red wine in the goblet in his hand:

   "I knew that what I gave him would come in handy."

   "Give me the money, brother."

   "Oops! Who tripped me? Dead cat, running so fast, do you want to witness adultery?"


   Ask for a monthly pass, woohoo.



  (end of this chapter)