MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 100 Grand Banquet (27)

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Early in the morning, the Ming feast awoke naturally.

Li Shi Min Jun heated a bowl of goat's milk and had not had much time on the table before being taken up by the Ming feast.

He took a nap, Li Minjun said, "Where's my milk!"

Ming Changyan turned away from the topic: "When will it start?"

Today is the beginning of the feast.

Li Minjun said: "You are not in the morning. What are you doing in such a hurry? Eat lunch before leaving."

Ming Chang feast said: "Don't take lightly any team. I'm going now, and I want to see how the opening ceremony of this year's feast is like."

He glanced out the door, calculated the time, and said, "Moreover, it's not the morning anymore. The first two games are over."

Li Minjun said: "You know it's not the morning. You got up when Yubao played two sets of swordsmanship."

"I have recently cultivated myself to prepare for the feast and seal the meditation. What qualifications do you have for anyone who can do nothing?" Ming Changyan opened his hands very confidently. . "

Li Minjun knocked on a hammer, and threw a dress from Ming Changyan to his head, saying, "You are the 99th Palace here? Is Yun Qing so used to you? Wear it yourself ! "

Hearing the words, Ming Changyan thought, Huai Yu seems to be so used to him.

Qin Yubao trot into the house: "Brother, you are awake! Let's hurry to Taiwei Temple!"

Hua Yuling followed closely with a slap.

There is no reason for him. The Ming Changyan is dressed today, just as it was in Tianqing.

At first glance, it looks like three years ago.

Ming Changyan picked up the bucket **** on the table and put it on his head, but the black gauze was not put down, but was not pinned on the brim.

"Let's go."

Hua Yuling said: "Brother, what about your sword?"

Ming Changyan said, "My knife is obviously not with me."

Qin Yubao asked: "It's not Cangsheng Ling, brother, it's your own way. If you don't have Cang Shengling, you always have a handy weapon. If you don't dislike it, I have a knife for you. "

Ming Chang banquet said: "No. If you really want to use weapons, then it's time for the finals. In the first few games, I don't need to pull a knife."

Li Minjun snorted and said, "Arrogance."

Ming Chang Yan smiled slightly: "It's a fact."

The group set off, and after half an hour, they walked to Taiwei Temple.

At the entrance of the Taiwei Temple, Diguang people are not rare. Before they reach the entrance, they are tripped by the stalls lined up at the entrance.

The Ming banquet skipped the stall selling sugar-fried chestnuts, bought a few bunches of sugar gourds, and kept two bunches. The rest was given to Qin Yubao and others.

Before the time is up, the Ming feast can only go to the battle zone first.

At this moment, the first two rows of the spectator zones were overcrowded, covering their ears all the way, avoiding the sound of cheering shouts, and found a relatively empty place.

As soon as I stood still, a sigh came from my ear: "It's almost a shame! It's a shame!"

Li Minjun said: "Is Xiao Cui and Xiaomi on it this year?"

Ming Changyan covered his ears: "The magic sounds fill the ears. Xiuling should be in charge of them, tell them to adjust the sound level, and be considerate of an elderly person like me."

Qin Yubao came to the feast for the first time and was curious: "Master, whose voice is this?"

Only then sighed, as if in her ear.

But looking at it from a distance, the two who made the sound were clearly on the stage farther away.

Yan Yunan explained softly: "This is called Roaring Gong. By injecting internal force into the sound, people with a distance of 100 miles can hear their own voice."

Qin Yubao said: "There are still such strange people? Listen to the master, is this the person who shows her sister?"

Yan Yunan said: "Sister Xiu catches strange things in the world. These two big men, one is called" Xiao Cui "and the other is called" Xiao Lan ", both of whom have profound internal skills."

Qin Yubao asked: "If they are so powerful, why don't they go to the feast of the banquet and instead speak with such a loud voice on it?"

Yan Yunan said: "Every line is proficient in every line. This roaring skill is not learned by everyone, and this skill is useless except for its loud sound. Who needs to spend many years to learn this skill And it is very likely that if you accidentally hurt your throat, you can no longer learn. "

"You listen carefully. What they say is not a conversation between the two of them, but a comment on the battle on the Taiwei Temple. The feast Feng Zen is the world's heyday, standing here to watch the battle, except for the Central Plains and the Gentiles There are also ministers and royalty, nobles, and civilians who do n’t understand martial arts, as well as ordinary people who come to lively outside. If they want to understand this game, they need professional explanations. "

Qin Yubao asked: "Is the two people on the stage just commentary?"

Yan Yunan said: "Good."

Li Minjun explained: "That's Xiu Linglong. However, her people have already entered the competition, so Xiao Cui and Xiao Lan don't have to participate. Xiu Linglong is very treacherous. In the stands, as an explanation. If you want to discredit the martial arts, you can discredit the martial arts. You can support any martial arts. "

Qin Yubao suddenly realized: "This is the way! Isn't everyone rushing to put money in for these two guys? I mean, put money in for sister Xiu, so she won't make money!"

Li Minjun said with a smile: "What's more, how many schools and how many countries are there? How many rich people are there in these countries?"

Qin Yubao longed for it: "That's a fortune."

Li Minjun followed with an envy: "This beautiful lady is really going to do business!"

For a while, everyone seemed to see countless treasures of gold and silver, such as the river rolling, all rolled into their exquisite pockets.

Only the long feast, staring at the Taiwei Temple.

Yan Yunan said: "Brother, do you see what's coming?"

Ming Chang feast said: "Looking."

The eyes of several people, explaining the two from the stage, fell into the middle of the field.

The feast of the Zen Grand Prix, this year's venue, is a beautiful peach forest.

The peach blossom forest is beautiful, but there are countless institutions and dangers.

The crowd looked, only to see the sky full of peach blossoms, scorching and fluttering on the arena, charming flowers and charming eyes, and Asakusa buried their legs. At a glance, few people saw the woods.

Xiao Cui's voice came as promised: "Now, all people have entered the peach blossom forest. So far, no one has met directly. However, because the organs in the peach blossom forest have fallen, five people have already! "

Qin Yubao said for a moment: "Are there any organs in the peach forest?"

Yan Yunan said: "Yeah!"

Qin Yubao said: "If there is an organization, aren't we all aware of it now. Those who participated in the first group are unlucky!"

Li Minjun said: "It's not exactly bad luck. There should be something that everyone can guess. Otherwise, how can it be so simple for you to pass the game. You see, the first batch of people went in, a total of ten, one hour Within that, only one can come out. This person can advance. "

"Yubao, take a good look. From this perspective, how many people can see things in the peach forest?"

Qin Yubao squinted his eyes and said, "I can't see."

Li Minjun said: "Invisible is normal. If you see it, it is your turn to be the first in the world. Do you understand now? In other words, if you don't see the organs inside, you just know it. And you have no coping strategy. "

Qin Yubao said: "What about the master? Can the master see it?"

Li Minjun said: "Your master is different from others. You compare him?"

Qin Yubao thinks it a bit, and thinks it makes sense.

He: "Second Brother, I still have questions."

Li Minjun thought he was the first time to come to the feast to seal meditation, so he was very patient and had to answer questions.

"what is the problem?"

Qin Yubao said: "The rule for the feast of the feast is that after a group enters, only one person is promoted. There are two games in total. This one is the initial sea trial. You have to know that there are thousands of people who sign up If everyone comes to play a solo fight, it will not be possible until next month. "

"The playing field is big, and the best way to select people is to‘ raise your uncle ’.”

Qin Yubao asked, "What is raising a cricket?"

Li Minjun said: "This is a kind of witchcraft in Beiqi. It is rumored that this country is extremely good at manipulating maggots. The more powerful breeders, the more powerful the worms are. When they are refining a maggot king, Thousands of bugs will be killed in a sealed jar. The last one to survive is the King of Kings. "

When Qin Yubao listened, he was startled: "Isn't it too cruel?"

Li Minjun said: "I just said that the grand banquet's sea trial is this method, not that they will kill each other. Martial arts discussions, until the point, if someone kills people crazy, Yun Qing will stop."

Qin Yubao said: "This method is good, but in case it didn't come out? Isn't this round a promotion?"

Li Minjun: "Of course, not every group has a promotion. Only a total of 12 people will be promoted. If it exceeds this requirement, the last few people will arrange another game until There are only twelve people left. "

Qin Yubao stared at the peach blossom forest and continued: "This peach blossom forest is not very high, why not fly out with light work?"

Li Minjun explained: "Preliminaries are prohibited from doing light work. Of course, too sinister moves are also prohibited."

Qin Yubao nodded as if he did not understand, and continued to watch the battle.

At this time, Yan Yunan, who had been silent, asked: "Brother, is this peach forest difficult?"

Ming Chang Yan said: "It's not difficult, you don't need to worry."

Yan Yunan said "Oh" and turned to watch the game.

Peach Blossom Forest is indeed not difficult for the long feast of the Ming Dynasty.

But for everyone in the peach forest, it was too difficult.

In the morning, there were hundreds of contestants, but only six were promoted.

These six were not easily promoted, and the injuries were different. When he came out, the injuries were minor, he just walked unsteadily, and his clothes were a little ragged. In the worst case, he crawled out with blood and looked sighing.

Li Minjun said, "Look at this man, you have been hurt so much, and you don't know how he will participate in the next game?"

Yan Yunan said: "Yeah. I heard that there are many people. Although the preliminary round is over, but it is very reluctant, and it is impossible for the next match.

Li Minjun listened, and was slightly worried.

Ming Changyan said: "Most of the countries here will bring the best doctors in their country."

He looked at the Ming feast and lowered his voice and asked, "Doesn't your body matter? I remember your time is not too early, can you hold it in the evening?"

Ming Chang Yan said: "More than enough."

Listening to what he said, Li Minjun's heart relaxed a lot.

"Be careful yourself."

Take a break at noon.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty looked towards the top of the observation platform, and the Empress had already stood.

In the morning, a thick curtain was covered under the canopy. It is said that the emperor was behind the curtain.

In this regard, the Ming feast is deeply skeptical.

The last time he saw the emperor, the other side was already dying on the dragon bed. How can I go so far and come to Taiwei Temple?

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty secretly said: This is a weird matter. I want to see Huaiyu immediately and ask clearly.

He found a sound reason, and the more he thought about it, the more he made sense, and rushed to the Taiwei Temple immediately after the half-hour suspension of the noon.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty wore a bucket bucket and walked in the crowd, which was not very conspicuous.

At the scene, there were many "a gentleman" and he was just one of them.

Around the back of the Taiwei Temple, the number of people gradually decreased. This is the place where the Royal Minister of the Central Plains rests. The 13 guards are guarded heavily. Without tokens, it is impossible to enter.

However, he entered the palace as if he were in his own house, crossing several thirteen guards with ease.

Just as he was about to turn over the wall, cold, a very familiar voice came from behind him.

Ming Changyan heard the sound, almost conditioned reflexes. Stiffened, he returned to normal, fluttering to the wall, and from the wall to the tree again, without any sound.


This sentence is the language of Otsuki.

The speaker is a handsome middle-aged man. Although he looks good, his face is indeed extremely angry. As soon as he lifted his foot, he rolled one of the wounded guards over the wall.

The guard was stabbed on the wall, spit a bit of blood, and when he fell to the ground, he quickly got up, hoeing his head and saying, "Lord, the subordinates are incompetent, hope the Lord forgive me!"

Ming Changyan stared expressionlessly.

This scene brought back his very bad memories.

The man who was called the "lord of the country" had the strength of that kick, and the Ming feast could be recalled even with his eyes closed, how hard and painful he was when he was stuck on his body.

Therefore, this man is his father.

In the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, only one pair of eyes was similar to the Lord of the Great Moon.

The other man kicked his feet, seemed to have not breathed out, then pulled out his whip, and slammed it on the man. A bronze order fell from the guard's arms.

With the Ming banquet's understanding of his cheap dad, the guard who was beaten with all his strength was mostly the big moon player who just lost in the preliminary round. The lords are cruel in nature. Once these guards are defeated, it is not their own death period that waits for them, and even angers their families, so that their entire family will not die.

The guard was terrified and was beaten silent.

Ming Changyan knew that the more he called, the more he was beaten.

He hadn't tasted these beatings since he was young, and often rolled with pain and didn't dare to make a sound. If Qin Yue was here, he wouldn't dare to be so arrogant. He was afraid that Qin Yue was not there, and the Ming feast would be crying to death, and no one would come to his rescue.

The past writhed into my heart, Ming Changyan pursed her lips, her eyes faintly filled with hatred.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a hint of faint fragrance came.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty was a little hesitant, and when he came back, he was too lazy to see his cheap dad, and immediately jumped off the tree and looked for the subtle fragrance to move forward.

Sure enough, just after turning, I saw Huaiyu alone.

The irritability in his heart faded away, replaced with joy.

Ming Changyan took three steps and two steps to go forward. Leng Buding reached out his hand and covered Huaiyu's eyes from behind.

"Little boy, do you know that this road you took was my home?"

Huai Yu said calmly, "I don't know."

Ming Changyan said: "Then you know now. Ben Shaoxia is going to rob."

Huai Yu was silent.

Ming Chang Yan smiled and said, "Why don't you ask me for money or color?"

Huaiyu grabbed his hand and took it off his face.

"What is it?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said, "Today's feast is sealed. Is the emperor here?"

Huai Yu: "No, it's fake behind the curtain."

Ming Changyan said: "That's true. I said he was like that, and it's weird to get out of bed."

Having said this, Huaiyu glanced at him, and then looked away: "You came to me just for this?"

Ming Changyan touched his chin: "... otherwise."

Huai Yu turned suddenly and looked straight at him.

After a long feast at the Ming dynasty, he couldn't help thinking: What does this mean? Would you like to ask a question and still imply something?

Could it be ...

Ming Changyan thought a lot in his heart, his lips narrowed, and his eyes were almost closed.

Who knew, Huaiyu looked away.

Ming Changyan slammed his head back and patted his cheek quickly, shifting the topic: "Of course it's not this thing, me, naturally there is another thing!"

Huai Yu said, "Continue."

Ming Chang Yan took out a bunch of wrapped candied gourds from his arms and displayed them in front of Huaiyu. This was specially made for Huaiyu on the way.

Huaiyu took the sugar gourd, slightly cyanotic, and remembered something in his head.

Ming Chang Yan laughed: "Four years ago, when I was attending the feast, I honestly said that the little boys all over the world didn't miss me. Counting, you were only seventeen or eighteen years old at that time, yes Right. "

Huai Yu looked at him somehow.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was very proud: "I asked you if you worshiped me so much when you came to Lin'an. You didn't even say you died. It just reminded me. Now you tell me if you saw me in a heroic manner. Posture, worship? "

Huai Yu said: "Is there any difference?"

Ming Changyan said in surprise: "Of course there is a big difference. If you answer 'yes', then I will congratulate you."

Huai Yu stepped forward.

The feast of the Ming dynasty exaggeratedly said, "Now, the‘ a thought of a gentleman ’worshipped by little boys all over the world is yours!”

Huai Yu looked at him.

Ming Changyan smiled very cunningly. He hesitated for a moment, and then Huaiyu reached out and knocked Ming Shaoxia's head.

The next moment he saw that the tip of his ears was red, turned his back and walked forward.

I have never seen Huaiyu react in this way. After a long banquet at the Ming Dynasty, he slowly covered his face, as if he had discovered something amazing. 2k novel reading network

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