MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 110 Grand Banquet (37)

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Huai Yu said, "I'll go with you."

He always speaks instead of asking, but directly drawing conclusions.

The Ming Banquet did not refuse, but said: "Go to Li Minjun first. I remember that today is the last sea election. Don't you need to go to the scene?"

Huai Yu said: "Chang Shu is here."

The Ming banquet no longer asks more, they are preparing to leave the 99th palace. Ming Chang Yan turned his head over, and was involuntarily attracted by Huaiyu. Huai Yu's side face is extremely delicate, her hair is like ink, her eyelashes are drooping, like a butterfly with wings, it seems more beautiful than before. The feast of the Ming banquet was shaking endlessly, and he staggered his eyes. Unfortunately, it was too late. His face was slightly red.

Who knows, just after coming downstairs, I encountered Chang Xu.

Before people arrive, Chang Xu's voice comes first. While they were still on the stairs, they heard a voice: "Huaiyu! Little bunny, you want me to help you stand for a few days!"

Quickly walked into the 99th Palace, Chang Xu's voice has not stopped: "Whether you are the master or me, there is no disciple who is more filial than you in the world, and I just took a mallet and raised it till now And filial than you. "

Seeing the long feast of the Ming dynasty, Chang Xu paused for a moment, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Ming banquet arched politely, "Master."

He pretended to be deaf and mute, as if he hadn't heard the swearing of Chang Su's dysfunction at all. After all, this man was very noble and rigorous when he was in Dayue, and he looked like an extravagant person, but he always looked like an old urchin when facing Huaiyu. Ming Changyan respected him very much since he was young. When he saw him at the moment, he respected him reflexively.

This arching hand makes Chang Xu very delicate.

However, this subtlety didn't last long, and was soon replaced by another surprise. Chang Xu stepped back two or three steps, looked at the two back and forth unpredictably, and finally fell on the body of Ming Changyan, and quickly shifted to Huai Yu, his eyes became difficult to say.

The Ming Banquet was inexplicable by him, and he was still guilty. Theoretically speaking, he and Huaiyu can be regarded as the same classmates and brothers. Now that this kind of friendship is too much, and the love has gone to bed. Think about it, Huaiyu is often a baby apprentice of Changxu. The younger brother got out of bed. What is wrong with this?

However, he thought a lot in his heart, and thought that his expression was very natural. For such a short period of time, Chang Xu should not see anything.

Moreover, look at Huaiyu, not to mention. The other party has always been righteous, as a matter of course, as if doing a very natural thing.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, Chang Xu opened Huaiyu.

Ming Chang feast jumped.

Chang Xu said: "You are standing here, and you have to discuss with Yun Qing a little bit about your teacher."

Ming Changyan touched his nose and beat like a drum, his heart beating. Although he has a lively personality, he dares not make trouble when facing Chang Xu. He listens to everything he says. Asking him to stand still, he really did not move.

However, his eyes followed Huaiyu tightly, and he seemed afraid that he would hear something bad.

With this in mind, the Ming feast could not help but get nervous. The scripts that I had seen in the daily dig into the brain one by one, secretly saying: In case Master disapproves, what should I do to leave Huaiyu?

He sighed, but did not know what Huaiyu would do, anyway, he was determined not to leave Huaiyu.

After thinking about it, Huaiyu was so rich that Chang Xu could not have gone any better. What if Chang Xu took out a few boxes of gold and asked the young master to leave his baby apprentice?

He thought he was wrong, and on the other side, Chang Xu took Huai Yu a little farther. Will stand, split his head and cover his face, and Chang Xu asks, "What did you do? What did you do?"

Huai Yu glanced at him and said nothing.

After a long silence, Chang Xu asked, "I ask you, does the Queen know about this?"

Huaiyu nodded.

Chang Xu almost vomited blood: "She knows she agreed with you? I don't believe it, how could she agree?"

"Why don't you agree," Huaiyu asked, "even if you don't agree?"

Chang Xu said: "You are too foolish! Did I teach you this way? Did you teach me what you taught me, do all the women in the world die? Pleasant, do you engage in brother? Did I teach you? "

Huai Yu calmly said: "No."

Chang Xu hadn't cursed yet, and Huai Yu said, "I don't have a teacher."


Chang Xu clutched her head and said, "I'm going to be angry with you!"

Huai Yu carelessly said, "Are you going to die?"

Chang Xu was furious: "I'm dead, so do whatever you want!"

Huaiyu corrected him: "That's not true. I can do whatever I want now."

"Bunny ... Bunny, you are so mad at me, you are so mad at me." Chang Xu struck her chest and immediately thought of a way: "You said, if I gave Ming Changban some gold, would he leave? "

Huai Yu said: "Do I have no money?"

Chang Xu turned his sleeves, and was sulking for a while, then turned around again: "But he is a man."

Huai Yu glanced at him: "Oh, am I blind?"

Chang Xu: "You know you still‘ oh ’?”

At this moment, the Ming Changyan suddenly stood in the distance and interjected with a smile: "Did you finish?"

He interjected, not without reason. From his point of view, they almost quarreled. Although it is not clear what Chang Xu's unilateral anger was, he was guilty of being a thief. At such a sensitive time, naturally anything can be thought of in him and Huaiyu.

Chang Xu ignored the Ming Long Banquet and wanted to teach Huai Yu. Who knows, when the other side made a noise, Huaiyu ignored him and walked directly. Chang Xu was left alone, only to see Huai Yu's past, just blocking the Ming Long Banquet. The two seemed to talk lowly. Huai Yu's hand was supported on the waist of Ming Chang Ban. The movement was quite natural. Quite skilled, in one go, rather than putting his words in his ears.

Ming Changyan said sideways, "Master, I still have something to do, so I have to go first. If you still have something, you can only find me next time."

Chang Xu waved: "You go, you go, I have nothing to tell you."

He sighed loudly and shook his head and left.

Along the way, the head of Ming Changyan was entangled with various things. For a while, I thought about the performance that Fang Cai often described, and then I thought about the last night of the chaos. I only felt that the first two were big. Now, I'm going to see Li Minjun and Qin Yubao, and so on. He thought to himself: It should not be rushed, in short, you can't tell them right away, it's better not to know at all, never to know.

After all, Ming Shaoxia is a face-to-face young man, even if he gets along with Huaiyu, if he passed on his last night's mood, wouldn't it be a shame. From ancient times to now, unheard of, unseen, a man can cry so sadly in bed, shameful, too shameful.

Thinking for a while, Yuanhefang was close at hand.

Ming Changyan asked himself for a long time, why he cried, why was he crying, and after thinking about it, still thought that his eyes were a bit of his own thought, which was out of his control at all. If you think about it this way, the truth is clear, and it is not that he is crying. It is all a matter of these eyes. Maybe there is something hidden in it, and when you look back, you must find Huai Yu Zhizhi.

Pushing the door open, he sorted out his clothes and patted his face.

Li Minjun peeled the corn, eating one by one very hard. This person probably has some obsessive-compulsive disorder. The corn kernels are neat and tidy, as if lined up. In the courtyard, Qin Yubao and Hua Yuling are squatting in front of a water tank, squeezing in a pile, looking into the water tank, do not know what to do. Li Minjun swept the peeled corn kernels into a push, just stuffed it in his mouth, raised his head, he wondered: "Are you back?"

Ming Chang feasted, "Can you swallow something and talk."

Li Minjun swallowed what he said in his mouth, suddenly, his gaze suddenly changed, his face changed.

Qin Yubao heard the movement, and quickly followed Hua Yuling.


Ming Changyan sat down, poured a bowl of tea and drank it.

Qin Yubao immediately saw Huai Yu behind the Ming Long Banquet, and quickly shouted, "Brother Huaiyu is good."

Hua Yuling followed Li Minjun's eyes and looked over to the Ming Changyan, exclaiming: "Brother, what's wrong with your neck?"

Ming Chang feasted for a moment, stretched his hands to touch his neck, but found nothing. Li Minjun's face was even worse. He patted the table and quickly said, "Long feast tomorrow, dress me well!"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty said: "Well dressed? Am I not dressed well?"

After all, I looked down and checked to make sure that every piece of my clothes was wrapped around myself. However, Li Minjun couldn't stand it. He took a cloak from the room where he lived, and covered his face with a split head covering his face.

When he saw Li Minjun's expression, he was so weird that he even felt strange with him. After a while, Ming Changyan seemed to think of something, and he suddenly paused, and immediately put the cloak that Li Minjun gave him around his neck. He looked different, and looked back at Huai Yu for the first time, who looked at him calmly.

Ming Changyan drew a corner of his mouth, and said, "This little bunny did not tell me that there were kiss marks on his neck, and Ben Shaoxia swaggered the city so far!" No wonder Master ’s response was so strange. It turned out to be ...

The more he wanted to get more ashamed, he didn't plan to ask him why. At this moment, in order to preserve his face in front of the young teachers and brothers, the Ming banquet wore a cloak hurriedly. . I saw the little teachers and brothers staring round, full of curiosity, staring straight at him, making him very uncomfortable.

"Tomorrow's promotion match, can twelve be brow-eyed?"

Li Minjun said: "You, Qin Yubao, Duan Yun, Zhou Yan, Lian Su, Taiping Ji, Haijin, Bai Guo's Yu Shenjian, Zong Lu, Yun Jing, Da Yue's Gorele, Ajia's Palace, and also There is that woman riding an elephant ... "

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was dimly heard. Except for Qin Yubao, other people, their faces and names were completely wrong.

"Are there only these twelve people?"

He thought: Aga had also been promoted? As far as I remember, Ajia was very weak, and I didn't expect such characters to appear now.

Li Minjun said: "Of course not. And Ouyang, who is most like a gentleman, wants to lose and has also been promoted."

Ming Changyan frowned and pressed his temples: "I didn't expect this gentleman to have some strength. Not to mention him, what about the others?"

Li Minjun said: "There are still some deaths in the promotion. You know, the party struggle alone has assassinated many advancers. I counted it and it seems that most of them were killed by the Central Plains martial arts."

Ming Changyan snorted softly and said, "Of course. They are going to rebel, how could they be in a hurry at a critical moment."

Li Minjun said: "Since you know, you should take a good rest during this time, lest you can't even hold the life order."

After speaking, he glanced at Huaiyu unconsciously.

The Ming banquet did not realize what Li Minjun said. After he asked, he immediately meditated, and said for a long time, "I'm not worried about these. I just worry that Hua Yunshang is mixing between the palace and foreigners. She It's a lunatic who can't be controlled and expected, and no one knows what she is going to do. "

Speaking of which, the Ming banquet presented the matter of the three princes and Yu Zhen with Li Minjun.

After listening, Li Minjun agreed: "You are right. Judging by what she has done, I don't know whether to help the palace or foreigners." After that, he sighed and frowned deeply. He asked, "What the **** is she doing? Nothing has happened for so long. It's impossible that she gave up?"

Ming Changyan said: "If I knew, would I need to guess here. However, she was from Nanrou. Nanrou was later given to the extermination by the Central Plains. I guess she probably wanted revenge."

After speaking, he was silent.

In fact, there is one more thing, he was a little hesitant. Before, Hua Yunshang told him that she was captured by Dachu's soldiers at that time ... But now, it seems that this is true or not, and whether she is lying to him to lie to him is a problem. The long feast of the Ming Dynasty has never been guessed through Hua Yunshang since childhood. When he was young, he liked to lie, and often lied to himself. Until now, he is still trapped in the huge lies weaving by the other party.

Hua Yunshang is very strange and has no logic at all. If there is no speculation error at the Ming Banquet, I am afraid that Hua Yunshang's involvement with Dayue is not too shallow. If she has negotiations with foreign nations, why is she the right hand of the three kings again. Or did the three princes have no idea that she was collaborating with a foreign state? If this is the case, the existence of Hua Yunshang is like an unknown danger. Whether it is the rebellion of the foreign nations or the rebellion of the three kings, it is inseparable from Hua Yunshang.

What's more terrible is that Hua Yunshang's martial arts path has a lot of evil ways, and the Ming Changyan didn't know where she learned the evil ways. Moreover, her martial arts has always been above him.

Li Minjun said: "Forget it, you just want to break your head and you can't guess what he is going to do. Rather go back to rest early, I am reminding you again that tomorrow is a qualifying match, you have to play. Tonight you have to sleep . "

Ming Changyan said: "Of course I have to sleep. I'm not a fairy."

Li Minjun looked at him again.

Ming Chang was annoyed by him, and he stood up and said, "I'm going to Liu Cang to pick up tomorrow's sign, and I'll be back in a while."

Li Minjun wondered: "What are you doing back?"

Ming Changyan said: "Strange, where do I go if I don't come back?"

Li Minjun did not speak again, and gave him a "good self" look.

On the way to Egret College, there were many other schools. Ming Changyan saw them wearing school uniforms very familiar, some recognizable, some very strange. In the past few years of his death, it is estimated that some new martial arts are active in the rivers and lakes, and this part is exactly what the long feast of the Ming did not know.

The two walked side by side, but were unexpectedly blocked by a group of people in the middle of the street.

Ming Chang Yan said: "What's going on?"

He tried to move forward, but was dragged back by Huaiyu. Ming Changyan quickly said: "I'll take a look and it won't be a problem."

Huai Yu: "It's Zhou Zheng."

Ming Chang feasted: "Who is Zhou Yan? Oh, I think, is it what kind of soil array?"

Huaiyu nodded, then added: "You don't contact him. He is very abnormal and will affect you."

Ming Chang Yan secretly said: abnormal? There is something abnormal. I should have seen him before, and I didn't think there was anything abnormal.

Immediately after speaking, among the crowd, Zhou Xie burst into shock and shouted loudly.

Ming Changyan heard the sound, like Lei Guaner, Huaiyu covered his ears, Ming Changyan stepped back and said with emotion: It sounds really sick.

The author has something to say: I really don't want the young couple to separate. 2k novel reading network

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