MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 117 Grand Banquet (Fourty-four)

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When the atmosphere was weird, Grandma's lively voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Ming Changyan.

"Look where you are now!"

He was seated in Huaiyu's seat, because he was sulking with full attention, so he didn't pay attention to when Dahao ran up from below.

She changed her dress, more beautiful than usual.

However, there is really nothing good to say in this mouth.

"Hahaha!" Grandma laughed three times, and after a moment of triumphantly, she said intently: "Hum, tell you not to dress up. Now the prince's little county master is here. You can be compared with her and see you go Where are you crying? "

After that, he stuck his tongue out and made a grimace to show Ming Changyan.

Ming Changyan listened carefully, and the little girl filmed back the words he teased her in the afternoon.

Grandma wasn't too disappointed to see the excitement, standing beside the Ming feast, shaking her head and sighing again.

"Looks like you don't know her. This person has a crush on Brother Huaiyu!"

Ming Changyan asked, "Which little county master is she?"

Grandma said, "She is Yu Qiuzhi, Yu Youxiang's younger daughter. Do you know Yu Youxiang?"

Ming Chang Yan raised his eyebrows: "Slightly heard. However, as far as I know, this is a family dinner at your palace. How can even the minister's daughter come?"

Grandma said: "You are so ignorant. You are still a man and know less than a little girl of mine. After Chu Xiaoyun entered the palace, my father promoted a group of ministers to assist him, including Yu Youxiang. His daughter borrowed With this light, a small county owner has been sealed, and of course, he can come to the palace dinner. "

Ming long feast was silent.

Grandma's hand touched her earrings, rubbed it, and said, "I also said I wasn't going to dress to cry, but now who's crying?"

"Ha!" Ming Changyan brought a bowl of tea and drank it: "Do I have one?"

Grandma said: "If it weren't for me, you would have been crying secretly."

The feast of the Ming dynasty stood still and turned his head.

Grandma won a great victory here at the long banquet, almost jumping up.

It was a pity that only two jumps, and the neck was tightened, and Huaiyu caught the collar.

Imam snorted immediately, shrinking into a quail.

"What are you jumping?" Huaiyu said coldly.

"I didn't jump." Ah Yi sounded like a thin fly.

Huai Yu let go of the grandma's collar, and grandma was free, immediately like a rabbit, far away.

Ming Chang Yan asked: "Are the parties going to start?"

Huai Yu said: "Not yet."

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty uttered "Oh". Although there are many words in general, it is now unwilling to say a word. He glanced and saw Yu Youxiang's daughter looking timidly.

With a click, he took a bite of the apple.

Huai Yu stood aside, but the Ming feast had no intention of giving up a seat.

The two looked at each other for a while, Ming Changyan said, "Since it hasn't started, what are you going to do. Don't you have to deal with someone?"

Huaiyu sat on the newly moved stool and asked, "Who is it?"

In the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, Niutou said to the horse mouth, "I want to eat oranges."

Huaiyu took an orange from the table, and after peeling it off, handed it to the Ming feast very skillfully.

When he looked at the Xiaojun Lord again, the Xiaojun Lord turned pale and turned to leave in a hurry.

Ming Changyan ate while watching, casually saying, "I forgot."

While talking, a fairy boy moved a stool with great insight.

Between the seats, a prince who could not help but asked, "Yu Youxiang, who is sitting on the country?"

Yu Youxiang hasn't seen the Ming Long Banquet. After thinking about it for a long time, he doesn't see why. Everyone looked at each other. Although they didn't speak, their faces were covered with doubt.

The emperor is on the left and the state on the right. Now, this was originally the position of a small country minister, and as a result sat an outsider. This person is not only an outsider, but also looks very face-to-face.

What is even more absurd is that he is sitting in the main position, but the small country minister is sitting in the vice position. For more than a decade, it has never happened before, which is unheard of.

It is just that the expression of the small country minister is very natural, as if the young man sitting on the theme should have sat there, which made everyone puzzled. Princes and courtiers, whoever comes to the emperor to bring relatives, but does not often enter the border area of ​​Beijing, I am afraid that he is ignorant, and has forgotten a VIP in Beijing, so I just ca n’t see that no one dares to be a leader and ask Small country, what kind of character is the long banquet.

There was no answer to this question, and the people at the banquet simply didn't bother to study it, and they took their seats.

Ming Changyan sat up straight and looked forward. At the entrance of the family dinner, several rows of eunuchs slowly walked out, followed by the empress and the emperor.

As Tong Huaiyu said, the emperor's complexion looks good. It looks like he is recovering from a serious illness, his face glows with redness, and he holds the queen's hand in a peaceful way. Huai Yu's eyes were lowered, and everyone stood up. However, when everyone bowed down, Huai Yu did not bow down with the crowd.

The emperor looked at him kindly, and in exceptional cases, said two words to him, Huaiyu only listened, and he gave his hand to show respect.

After the empress seated, the family feast officially began.

The singing and dancing at the banquet were leveled up, and halfway through, Chu Zhizhen was long overdue.

Ming Chang Yan gave a glance at Huai Yu, who said, "You don't have to fight grass and scare the snake."

"He came here so blatantly, I thought he at least arranged the guards outside. Chu Zhihuan was so brave that he wasn't afraid we would catch him?"

"Too many royals are present today, and of course he has no fear."

Ming Changyan thought for a while and said, "Also. See how he looks like he used to be. Since he said he was seriously ill at home, he didn't pretend."

The meals were brought up in turn, laughing and joyful.

The emperor thrived, and looked around, beautiful and delicate, full of flowers. The border lords from all directions came to praise the emperor's blessing. There were several familiar concubines at the scene, and they were quarried by a border prince. One of them, Li Ji, looked amazing and jumped a peacock flying southeast, which attracted all the praise on the field.

The Prince of the Border laughed: "Mrs. Li Ji is truly amazing and the Emperor is blessed."

The emperor drank a glass of wine, some fluttering.

The Prince of the Border did not touch the queen's face, and after exaggerating Li Ji, she talked about the queen's virtue.

The emperor smiled a little. In the seat, a younger concubine said, "Sister Li Ji lived in He Xiaolou. The scenery is the best in the palace, and sister Li Ji is also the best-born. , And the lotus complement each other, in the summer, all the sisters are willing to listen to Lotus Xiaolou picking lotus. "

The Prince of the Border smiled: "I heard that before listening to He Xiaolou, there was still a beautiful woman."

Ming Chang Yan feasted on Apple, and the last bite was extra long and difficult, and he glanced at Huaiyu involuntarily.

He slowly sat upright and coughed dryly.

During the seat, Li Ji said, "The prince speaks like a little smoker."

The Prince of the Border Road said: "Before Xiao Wang came to Beijing, I heard that there was a good girl in the palace. She was full of beauty and lived in He Xiaolou, but she was named" Fairy Princess "because she violated the sky. I don't know where this woman is now ? "

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty threw the apple core. Haha smiled, and dared not look directly at Huaiyu, saying only: "I never thought Ben Shaoxia would be so famous."

The thought came to him, and he figured it out.

"Smoke Young Servant" is famous because of the set that Huaiyu made up in front of the emperor. Originally, when he entered the palace, he was just an ordinary little waiter, and no one would notice him. Even if he looks outstanding, in the colorful palace, it is only the emperor's favor. After all, it was the emperor who asked him to sleep, and then there was a problem. After all, where did Ming Shaoxia come to function for the emperor to sleep? Take off the pants on the dragon bed, hey, good guy, take out something bigger than the emperor.

Embarrassed and embarrassed.

As a last resort, Ming Yan feasted on Huaiyu with a blank face, and asked him to compose a set of "sorrows to the concubine" to the emperor. For the first time since the founding of the People's Republic of China, such names have appeared in the palace. Those "concubines" and "queens of the queen" have always existed only in the script before, who knows that they were really provoked by a small country. According to the words of the book, all the rumors of the "Fairy Princess" are all overwhelming, or else how to cause trouble to the gang. The credibility of the country is very high.

Rumors and rumors spread from the palace, spreading ten, ten, and finally to the homes of ordinary people. They were used by newspapers to write large articles. The story of the "little girl" "Little Girl" spread. Ming Changyan knew that there were such signs, but it never occurred to me that this matter could be passed to the border, and now it can be passed back!

It can be seen that the people in the Central Plains are really comfortable. They have nothing to do when they eat all the time. They arrange these unrealistic and unrealistic things every day.

The prince of the border asked daringly and frightened the princess. The princess hurriedly grabbed his clothesline: "You have two words to say, no one treats you dumb!"

Who knows, the action is too big for the emperor to see.

"The princess doesn't have to be restrained. Tonight is just a family feast."

The border prince laughed, "The emperor is magnanimous."

The emperor laughed and said, "But it seems that I haven't seen Yan Shaoxi for a long time. Is she here tonight's banquet?"

The queen said indifferently, "Emperor, Yan Shaoshi has been stunned."

The emperor snapped: "So suddenly."

The queen clamped a piece of venison into his bowl: "It's been a while. You weren't well before, so I didn't tell you, I'll deal with it."

The emperor thought that there was nothing wrong with it, and put down the bowl and said, "You decide."

The Ming banquet only used these words as earwinds, and diligently handed tea to Huaiyu, which was in stark contrast to the attitude of the uncle who had just dragged him to 2.85 million. Of course, what I want most is to let these shattered ministers shut up immediately.

At the same time, his heart was inexplicable: What exactly is this Shaoxia guilty of?

Thinking about how to change places with Huaiyu, at this time, Chu Zhiyu spoke.

"When it comes to young smokers, I think it is similar to the young man sitting in the seat of the small country minister."

Sure enough, Chu Zhiyi said, there must be no good things.

"Isn't the state briefing, who is this young man?"

When the Prince of Borders heard this, his heart was very calm, and he could not help praising the three princes for their candidness. They did not dare to ask. He asked for everyone.

The emperor was lying seriously ill and did not know the situation in Kyoto. Therefore, the emperor was under house arrest in disguise, and he had no knowledge. Hearing that Chu Zhizheng said this, his gaze followed Chu Zhizheng toward Ming Changyan. Cold, the Ming banquet was exposed to the eyes of the banquet crowd.

Still, he smiled, without a trace of nervousness.

The emperor narrowed his eyes for a moment, narrowed his eyes, and took a closer look. He did find that Ming Changyan was very similar to Yan Shaoshu.

The queen held his hand and lowered her eyelashes: "Dine."

The emperor was in a hurry, and said quickly: "Okay. You have the final say."

At this point, Huaiyu stood up. Ming Changyan was digging milk cream with a spoon to eat. He just stuffed it in and had a spoon in his mouth. He was picked up by Huaiyu.

Ming Changyan: "Huh?"

Huai Yu's face was not good, and he dragged him and only said "There is something important, so I can't stay more", and left the banquet. When the moment came, the Ming feast quickly put the cream on the table into his arms.

After walking a hundred meters away, Ming Changyan asked, "Why did you leave suddenly, and there was so much on the table?"

Huaiyu stopped: "Go back to the palace to eat."

Ming Changyan took the spoon in his mouth and laughed, "You don't give the emperor face too much."

Huai Yu turned around, Ming Chang Yan dug the last spoonful of cream and stuffed it into his mouth. He stomped his feet and kissed Huaiyu's lips. Before stepping back, Huaiyu was the main anti-visitor. He held his back and deepened the kiss. The cream melted when heated, and the sticky and creamy milk scent slipped into the mouth as the lips and tongue tangled.

Ming Chang Yan's lips were stained with milky white milk. The kiss was not taken into account and overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

He didn't breathe enough and snorted. Ming Changyan put his hands around Huaiyu's neck, and sent the waist forward subconsciously, tightly against the other side.

Behind Huaiyu, a yellow goose suddenly appeared. Yu Qiuzhi, the small county leader of Yu Youxiang, seemed to come out to breathe, or followed Huaiyu, and followed the steps. Her steps stopped, her eyes widened, and she covered her mouth violently.

Ming Changyan saw her, biting a bite on Huaiyu's lips, and then, resting her head on Huaiyu's right shoulder, still kept her embraced posture unchanged, and looked at Huaiyu with a smile.

"Follow this tightly, ugly words come first. If you come to trouble me, I have no time to talk to you."

The small county master was startled. He thought that the long feast of the Ming Dynasty was just looking at her, but it seemed that he was not talking to her when he heard him speak.

She quickly turned her head and saw that there was another person behind her.

This man is Chu Zhiyu coming out of the heel. At this moment, the expression on his face is inexhaustible and has changed several times. It seems that he does not know how to speak.

The author has something to say: The three princes originally came out to inquire about the information. Although it is also inquired now, this information is different from what was expected. While inquiring about the information, it also opened the door to a new world. 2k novel reading network

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