MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 12 One thought gentleman (4)

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Early in the morning after the lantern festival, Huaiyu was awakened by the sound of a light button.

He hesitated for a moment and went to the window. As soon as it was pushed away, a peach blossom rushed to his eyes, and the bouquet moved away, revealing a handsome face. Ming Changyan looked at him with a smile: "The peach blossoms on the mountain are blooming. I picked them specially, and the dew is still there. Come and come and put them in the vase." After a pause, he folded from his arms. Take a small branch and hand it to Huaiyu, saying, "Extra case will give you one more."

Huaiyu looked at the peach branch in his arms and asked, "What is this?"

"Huh? It's the flower for you. Don't show off more of them than they are, or you'll make trouble with me."

After speaking, he turned into the corridor and ran to the next bedroom. After a while, Huaiyu heard the voice of Zhong Yulou from the opposite building.

The Ming banquet was finished with flowers one by one, and breakfast was served. Qin Yubao ran into the room, and when the dog sniffed, he said, "Today is the breakfast made by a big brother!"

Ming Chang feast said: "I know not to come soon."

When Huaiyu came in from the doorway, Li Minjun was chopsticks, and when he looked up, he looked at Huaiyu, and turned to wink at Ming Changyan: "Hey! Ming Shaoxia, your man is here!"

Huai Yu stepped forward.

Ming Chang feasted on porridge, and saw that Li Minjun was still holding on to the previous bet, and the villain was so motivated that he was so hateful that he simply ignored him.

Zhong Yulou and his inner disciples arrived one after another, and sat down in order. Ming Changyan said, "Did you let your mind back yesterday?"

Qin Yubao shook his legs, and crisply shouted, "Back!"

Ming Changyan took out a ruler and said, "Okay, Mr. Zhou is not here today. I will check your dictation. I will go to the library and wait for me."

Yajian is only half a column away from the library. When everyone arrived, they began to write silently. Only Huaiyu was idle and sat aside for a while. A quarter of an hour later, Zhong Yulou stopped writing and took a sip of ink. It didn't take long for him to write, and others completed the dictation. Because Zhong Yulou was the best among his disciples, other students came to see his papers.

"Yulou, what do you mean here?" Yan Yunan said. He is the oldest and most stable person among the disciples in Tianqing.

Zhong Yulou said: "I have recently learned something new in basic swordsmanship, and I have written everything on it! After a while, I will show it to you!"

Mingyue said with a stern face: "The basic swordsmanship is the foundation of Tianqing martial arts. How can you change it if you say it."

Zhong Yulou tilted his head and looked at him inexplicably: "I didn't say I changed the sword, but I now think of a better one."

Mingyue clasped her arms with both hands and sneered: "Do you think yours is the best? The left is to brag about you two times a day, and now you dare to change the sword."

Zhong Yulou frowned, pushed Yubao away, and asked, "First of all, I said, I didn't change the sword. Second, Mingyue, do you have to live with me?"

Mingyue raised his voice and said, "Who wants to get along with you! Relying on your talents and getting started early, no one is in your eyes. Now you can change your swordsmanship if you want to change it. Wouldn't you want to be the one who will change it? What a great experience! "

Zhong Yulou was agitated by him and shouted, "Yeah, I'm great, otherwise, don't you? Brother hasn't spoken yet, who do you think you are? Do you still teach me?"

Immediately afterwards, he deliberately looked up and down the moon for a moment, and smiled, "But ... are you worthy to teach me?"

Mingyue knew that he was ridiculing that his talent was not higher than him, and that this incident happened to strike his own knot, and he immediately replied: "You!"

Seeing that the situation wasn't right, Yan Yunan quickly advised: "Don't make noise, we are all brothers and sisters of the same family, we are one family."

Zhong Yulou jumped up and said, "Who is the same family with this little yin and yang face! It always looks like his face is owed to him by 80,000 people! Every day I know that we are in a strange mood in front of everyone! I have seen him long ago Unhappy! "

Mingyue's face was pale, suddenly red and bleeding, and she shivered and shouted, "What are you!" He suddenly pointed at Yan Yunan: "And you, you are all a group. Do you think you are good? What is the qualification to say me, but it is also a mess that can't be on the wall, and you don't shame yourself, chasing behind Zhong Yulou and the mud is not as talented as Qin Yubao. The oldest and the most wasteful!

Zhong Yulou opened his teeth and danced his claws. He was about to attack, and Mingyue coldly drew his sword: "Who is afraid of whom!"

There was a big noise, and finally the Ming feast was brought over. He pulled them apart, each playing ten boards, and asked, "Why are they fighting?"

Zhong Yulou wiped his face fiercely, without saying a word. Mingyue also stood sideways, and she didn't say anything.

Ming Chang feasted: "Have you ever seen Huaiyu sitting there, who is as old as you, but better than you?"

Everyone in Zhongyulou looked at Huaiyu, but this person was sitting on the side of the bank watching the fire and did not move half a minute. Tianqing boy looked reddish and said, "Master, I know something wrong."

Mingyue hated Huaiyu for a moment, closed her eyes, and stopped talking.

After the Ming long feast whip was finished, I coaxed a few more words and took the papers of the teenagers to see. When Zhong Yulou saw him go, he said, "It's futile! I want to go down the mountain and take a break!" He rushed south of Yan Yu: "Little brother, I will bring you delicious food when you come back at night. You and The big brother said hello, I'm leaving! "

Yan Yunan said: "Be careful on the road, remember not to pick up things in random."

Zhong Yulou has run away, and only the voice came back: "I know, rest assured, I won't pick it up!"

Who knows that in the evening, heavy rain began to fall on Yueyue Mountain, Zhong Yulou suddenly appeared at the door of Tianqing with a **** man.

Sudden change of life, Ming Changyan put down the tea bowl in his hand, the conversation with Huaiyu came to an abrupt end.

Zhong Yulou opened his mouth several times, and finally hesitated, "Brother ... I picked up someone back!"

Li Minjun stepped out of Westinghouse and saw this scene. He snapped a moment and yelled, "Zhong Yulou! Rabbit, what the **** are you picking up?"

Zhong Yulou's mouth froze, and grievance Baba said, "I ..."

Li Minjun dragged his ear and dragged it into the room: "Your mother sent you to Tianqing to learn martial arts or to ask you to pick up the tattered ones? Ah ?! Why would you pick them up and do n’t beg for help, they all help It ’s a pick-up, I see you at this level, and you ’re helping the master! ”

Zhong Yulou cried and cried, "Second Brother! My ears hurt!"

"It hurts, I don't have a surname Li if I don't draw you to long memory this time. I usually pick up some small animals and come back. Now I dare to pick up people!" Li Minjun twisted him and washed Zhong Yulou's hands With a click in the basin, he scolded him with a sarcastic grin.

Ming Changyan squatted down with Huaiyu and observed the man who passed out.

Huai Yu reached out and took a look at his pulse, pondered for a moment, and said, "Poisoned."

Ming Changyan used a fan to stir up his clothesline: "There was no good piece of meat cut off all over the body. See if the wound was caused by a weapon such as silk."

He looked at Huaiyu, and suddenly asked, "Will you heal?"

Huai Yu didn't answer.

Ming Chang Yan also said, "Can he still save?"

Huai Yu said, "Yes. If you change to someone else, there isn't."

This time, the young man was quite upset, and obviously he was very confident in his own technique.

Zhong Yulou washed his hands, and cleverly stretched his head. He smiled, "Brother, can he still save?"

Ming Changyan bounced his head: "Who told you to pick such a character from unknown sources, what did I say?"

Zhong Yulou said in a guilty conscience: "The Tianqing faction was isolated by the martial arts factions. It is not advisable to go out to cause trouble, but to be honest ..."

Li Minjun snorted coldly, and Zhong Yulou said, "I, I picked it up because he was pitiful! After such a heavy rain, if he left it alone, he would definitely not survive!"

Ming Chang banquet said: "This matter will be discussed later. It's raining heavily today. I think I will take him to the Xiaoxietai first and ask the girl Hua to give him some medicine." He looked to Huaiyu: "You today Do n’t leave late, slipping down the mountain, I asked someone to pack up Baoxuan. "

On the way to Xiaoxietai, I met Yumao and corn who came to see the lively. Yan Yunan was brought with them.

Yan Yunan said: "Brother, I can't stop them."

Ming Changyan said: "I know, these two little ones didn't worry about it. If Mingyue didn't come, he must come to have a fight with Yulou. I'm very annoyed."

Yan Yunan said: "No, Mingyue fell asleep. Brother, let me help you carry it. This man is all blood and dirty."

Ming Chang feasted: "Forget it, you're wearing a white, dirty clothes and not easy to wash, so I save a bit of trouble. I'm too lazy to wash your clothes."

In the early days, when the Tianqing school took over at the Ming Long Banquet, it was a kind of fallacy to use the phrase that they were too poor to expose the pot. That year, not only did not open the pot, even the pot was gone! There are still a few people with their mouths open to eat. It is really a penny that stumped heroes and heroes!

In those years of Ming Shaoxia: he was only seventeen or eighteen years old, but he had a father's heart every day. Save money and save money, rob the rich and help the poor, and come to undertake assassinations, assassinations, and other businesses. Tow the house with a mouth, march day by day, pick up the lamps and sew clothes at night, dismantle the east wall and fill the west wall, and then three or three years later, the Tianqing sent to the world's first martial arts.

As a result, several disciples in the inner gate who depended on him for a long time depended heavily on the Ming feast, almost to the point where it would be difficult for him to do so without him.

A group of people walked past the stone steps paved with bluestone slabs, passed through an archway, and walked down to the Xiaoxie Terrace.

Xiaoxietai is located near the West Lake on the mountainside of Biyue Mountain. The mountains are bright, clean, and elegant. The lake is surrounded by lotus leaves and fields. Huaiyu looked at the surrounding area a little by night. When he couldn't see the road for the Ming feast, he stretched out his hand. The right hand suddenly fell into the palm of the other side. Huaiyu stunned and said the long feast: "The first time you come back to the Xiaoxietai, you can't see the road on the lake and the shore, and you always step into the lake."

Huaiyu was held by him and asked calmly, "What are you doing with my hand?"

Ming Chang Yan laughed and said, "Pull and pull. Are you still afraid of a small piece of meat? Yeyu slippery road, I won't pull you, can you still fall?"

He pulled Huaiyu up the steps and reached out to pull Yan Yunan. The latter was taken care of, apparently accustomed to, and his face remained unchanged.

Huaiyu saw this, rubbed the corners of his clothes, and hummed softly.

The Xiaoxie table lights were flickering, and a small boat was swaying. A young girl in the clothing on the boat came down and laughed softly: "Girl Hua is unwell today and has fallen asleep. I told you earlier that if the long banquet son came to the Xiaoxie table, just go, everyone. Come with me."

Li Minjun brought the medicine in his hand to the girl in the clothing: "Little demolition, give this medicine to you girl Hua, tell her not to sneak down, it is difficult to find!"

Xiao Azha asked everyone to get on the boat, hung the paper lantern on the bow, and smiled: "Girl Hua is used to taking medicine, Xiao Azha thank you, the long feast boy."

Ming Changyan asked: "Have she coughed up blood recently?"

Xiao Ajie answered, "I haven't coughed up blood, but I can't breathe, I'm old, and don't worry."

Ming Changyan sat at the stern of the boat with her legs crossed and said, "She hasn't seen the disease for more than ten years. She made two heads every three days. Every time I see her, she feels like death."

Xiao Aqi looked down and smiled, but didn't answer.

At the Xiaoxietai, several maids approached and helped the half-dead man to the bed. Huai Yu took a step forward, rolled his eyelids, and explored the breath at the tip of his nose.

"Is there a needle?"

After listening to the long feast, he took out a few silver needles from his arms. Huaiyu took the needle. Among the injured, ten fingers were used to give a total of eleven needles. After piercing the flesh, the dark, sticky blood was shredded and fell to the ground.

Huai Yu said, "Is there any medicine?"

Ming Chang Yan pointed to the left and said, "Go in and turn right. There is a small medicine cabinet. There should be commonly used medicines."

After the medicine was prepared, Yan Yunan fed the wounded again and finished taking the medicine. After carefully laying down, his eyes turned, and he looked at Ming Changyan in esteem.

The feast of the Ming dynasty came back from being in a daze and saw Yan Yunan's expression to please the good sellers, obviously to listen to good words. But he did such an extraordinary thing, Ming Shaoxia thought to himself, and couldn't pick out any boast. He could only say dryly: "Good job, good job, Yunan is getting more and more stable."

After he finished boasting Yan Yunan, the Yumao and Corn in this box blinked and looked at him. The two of them just passed the pot without passing water. Ming Shaoxia had a pain in his brain. Good, good, sensible. "

Turning around again, the Ming Banquet saw Huai Yu, so he exaggerated the person: "Xiao Huaiyu also did a good job, he was very young, and the technique of Qihuang was so good that he would become a great weapon in the future. "

Yan Yunan and others were praised and beautiful. Only this Huaiyu, after Ming Shaoxia exaggerated, his face changed, frosty.

A long feast for the Ming Dynasty.

Huai Yu said, "Look at what I do, change the water, there are still a few stitches."

Yumao was young but very clever. Hearing Huaiyu's words, she returned to the water with her short legs. He and the corn sat on the small stool nicely. After the last few shots by Huaiyu, Yumao blinked suddenly, as if only to react, and asked the long feast, "Master, who is he?"

Li Minjun remembered this. Yumao was homesick some time ago, and told him to go back to live with him for a few days, and come back after the flower festival. Of course, Tianqing this evening, naturally did not know Huaiyu.

He said, "Oh, I forgot to introduce it. It is a friend of your master brother, named Huai Yu, and you shout ... brother."

After listening, Huaiyu said suddenly, "Friend? Am I not his man?"

Hearing the words, a long feast of drinking tea, suddenly: tea sprayed a table. 2k novel reading network

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