MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 135 Full Yu Banquet (3)

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Ming Chang Yan likes to kill him.

Although still dizzy and physically uncomfortable, with Huaiyu's company, it was not psychologically uncomfortable.

This disease lasted for three or four days.

Hua Yuling and Qin Yubao both wrote and drew bird eggs in the courtyard, and touched the snails in the pool. The eggs were hollowed out for them before they set off.

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty healed at the beginning of the illness, so he left the building and stretched out.

Qin Yubao was relieved to see his face improve.

"Brother, you're fine."

Ming Chang Yan held his head, "Why, how many days do I not go out, do you miss me?"

Qin Yubao said: "That's naturally what you want to think about."

Hua Yuling said: "I thought too!"

Li Minjun couldn't bear the annoyance of the two young masters. He held one in one hand and threw it to Yan Yunan.

"Don't bother him."

Hua Yuling will stand firmly and suddenly proposes: "Second Brother, I and Yubao are riding horses today."

Li Minjun glanced at them.

Qin Yubao nodded quickly.

Before sitting in the carriage, the scene of being squeezed by Huaiyu's aura was too vivid to remember. The two said nothing and would not ride in the carriage again. Discussed yesterday and found two good horses, and decided to use them today when traveling.

Where did you know this proposal, the Ming feast was also attracted.

"You ride? I ride too!"

Ming Shaoxia said, "Walk around, let me see where your horse is!"

Just after two steps, the back collar was dragged by Huaiyu.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty meal, could not go out.

Li Minjun said: "You? You can just forget it. Ride on horses at the beginning of a serious illness, not afraid to continue the cold after a gust of wind?"

Ming Changyan was trying to punch him, and he said, "How can I be so weak?"

But after thinking about it, my health is really not good now.

The reason for the snoring is gone.

He waved his hand and said, "All right, how can I be sick again so soon?"

Standing upright, Huaiyu's hand moved from his back collar to the bottom and grabbed his arm.

Ming Changyan is trying to see horses, let alone riding.

There was a pity in his mind.

Speaking of which, after climbing up from the Yanbo River that year, he did not ride a horse for a long time. It's nothing else, mainly because they entered the palace as soon as they came up, and became a fake concubine in the palace. They cheated and drank for almost a year.

On the rivers and lakes, if Shaoxia is going to fight against the sword, it is impossible without horses.

Over time, a good horse became a symbol of heroes.

In the early years, although the Tianqing faction was poor, it couldn't be poorer. Therefore, Ming Shaoxia had a good white horse.

When the heroes fought for justice, a good knife, a BMW, came on the moon, the heroic posture was cool, and the scene was awesome.

Ming Chang Yan did not show his face, so relying on this behavior, also captured the hearts of many women.

He wanted to be wrong, and didn't even react to being hugged by Huaiyu.

When he returned to God, his face was thin.

People are already in the car.

The Ming banquet waited for a while, but didn't wait for Li Minjun to get on the bus. After opening the curtain, Li Minjun went on horseback.

Nuoda's carriage was with him and Huaiyu.

If you are restless, it's not too bad. It's just that Li Minjun did this so that he seemed to be in Huaiyu.

Ming Shaoxia was contaminated and innocent out of thin air, his face changed, and he wanted to confront Li Minjun. Unfortunately, Li Minjun walked in front of him without looking at him at all.

Huaiyu lowered the curtain and warned: "No hair blowing."

The Ming banquet lay back with a lack of interest.

There were two more stoves in the car, hot, and the smoked Ming feast was drowsy.

He reached up to Huaiyu and found a comfortable place to complement his sleep.

So, these days in the car, I slept over so many days and nights.

From Kyoto to Shuzhong, there are many towns along the way.

However, these towns are not large, and even some of them have villages. The rest is not as good as in a carriage.

Sometimes it was too late to find the inn, and everyone would be in the carriage for one night.

After such a bumpy period, Shuzhong finally arrived.

Ming Changyan decided to go this way for two reasons.

One was heard from Huaiyu. The official road from Kyoto to Lin'an Prefecture collapsed in the middle due to a natural disaster and has not been repaired yet.

Second, he had heard that Shu Zhong had a lot of places to eat, drink, and play. Just when the official road collapsed, he simply went around to eat in Shu.

When he became ill, he drank white porridge for nearly seven days, and there was no taste in his mouth. When he thought of the food in Shu—even though he had never eaten it, he couldn't help but swallowed.

The sound of a long feast suddenly sounded in the originally quiet car.

"I heard that most people in Shu can eat spicy food."

Huai Yu opened his eyes.

At this point, the carriage had passed the gate of Shuzhong and headed for the lively street. Everywhere in Huaiyu, local officials cleaned the air and took care of the inn, so he didn't worry much about it.

The Ming Chang banquet was not clear about how Huai Yu arranged it. When he always went to a place, he knew that he lived the best and ate the best.

Ming Chang Yan turned his head back, and suddenly thought, suddenly asked: "Huaiyu, can you eat spicy food?"

In his memory, Huaiyu didn't seem to like eating beets.

Ming Shaoxia's way of thinking is very simple and rude. Since he doesn't like to eat beets, he likes spicy food.

But thinking about it this way, Huaiyu also rarely eats spicy food.

It is not so rare, but not seen at all.

When Ming Changyan thought about it, Huaiyu suddenly asked him, "Do you eat spicy food?"

Ming Shaoxia touched his chin.


... seems to have eaten?

Can you eat?

Not really.

He glanced at Huaiyu, thinking secretly in his heart: I had asked him, but now it turned into him asked me.

Ming Chang Yan said: "Yes, why not! I tell you, don't underestimate me, Huaiyu, I eat spicy food all over Lin'an, and I can't eat it without me, understand?

After hearing this answer, Huai Yu was silent for a moment, and seemed to be thinking about something.

He sat upright and looked confident: "I will too."

Ming Changyan gave him a question mark in his heart.

He secretly said: It must be stubborn. In order not to lose my face, this little ancestor has always eaten this and neither, what spicy food can he eat?

The voices outside the carriage were gradually boiling. After arriving at the inn, everyone put their luggage away.

Theoretically, the temperature should gradually warm up from north to south to Shuzhong.

Unfortunately, these days happened to be the cold spring in Shuzhong. The temperature not only did not recover, but it also snowed heavily.

The Ming Changyan was wrapped in a thick coat, and a ring of white fur on the collar almost coincided with his skin color.

As soon as the footsteps were lifted, the long feast of the Ming Dynasty was about to run outside the inn.

Huai Yu grabbed his cloak. He didn't run far and was pulled back again.

Ming Chang feast: "What's wrong, do you want me to take you out?"

Huai Yu said, "I'm with you."

It's okay to have one more person.

During the Ming Changyan healing period, mold was almost on the bed.

He has not been active for a long time, and his limbs are stiff. Creaking, just like rust. So Huaiyu didn't stop him at this time.

Ming Chang feasted: "Say it first. If you go out with me, you have to listen to me."

Huaiyu nodded.

The feeling of contentment in the Ming Changyan feast sprang up, and suddenly felt like he was a big hit. Relying on Huaiyu, he did not care about him, and Ming Shaoxia said, "What do I want to eat, you have to listen to me, you know?"

Huaiyu continued to nod.

Ming Changyan walked and said, "Speaking of which, I am quite familiar with Shuzhong!"

Huai Yu looked down at him and waited for him.

Ming Changyan looked at him, and his desire to confide was greatly satisfied. He touched his nose and said, "Although I have not been here, I have heard a lot of good things here. Only then did Xiao Er say that there is something nearby An emperor pot, is it particularly famous? "

As soon as the voice fell, several sounds suddenly appeared behind him.


"Master! Master!"

One after another.

Qin Yubao tied the horse, turned his head to see the Ming feast go out. Without saying a word, he patted Hua Yuling on the shoulder and followed.

Ming Chang Yan said: "Run slowly, snowy weather, slipping on the ground."

Qin Yubao also brought two umbrellas, just afraid that it would snow again for a while.

He said: "Brother Er comes to us in a moment. Brother, are you going to eat?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty made a calculation, looked up at the sky, and it was just right for lunch.

Everyone got up early and set off from the previous town, and only ate some fruit. At noon, the half-big boy, who ate too much, was already hungry.

Because of the snow in the street, not many people are willing to go out.

It was cold and cold, and occasionally sang.

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty said: "Eat. The people take food as the sky, and of course they have to eat! Do you have anything to eat?"

Qin Yubao used to listen to the long feast of the Ming dynasty, and said, "I will eat whatever I want!"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty looked to Huaiyu, and Huaiyu said indifferently, "Follow you."

Ming Changyan clapped his hands: "Okay, this is what you said."

His gaze swept across the street, his eyes suddenly flashing.

Speeding up, the Ming feast soon passed two streets.

Huai Yu walked behind and stared at him, paying attention to whether Ming Changyan jumped too happily and broke his body.

In fact, the Ming feast is not so weak. But tossing around like this three times, Huaiyu was not afraid and wary.

Finally, the Ming feast stopped at a restaurant.

Qin Yubao said: "So lively!"

Hua Yuling followed, and when she saw the situation, she couldn't help feeling: "It's really lively. I said no one was on the street, so it all came here!"

The restaurant in front of it is full of bustling city and crowds of people.

Hua Yuling looked up. On the top of the restaurant, there was a huge flag with a yellow border and a red border, and three letters were written: Shuba Emperor Pot.

He read it subconsciously, and then asked, "What is an emperor's pot? Is it also divided into three or six or nine classes? Is there an emperor's pot or a common person's pot?"

Qin Yubao was puzzled.

Ming Changyan said: "Wrong. The imperial pot does not mean that the pot is an emperor, but that there is a lot of food in the pot."

After speaking, he looked at Huai Yu with pride.

Huai Yu then cooperated and said, "Why?"

The Ming banquet was cheap and not sold well, and slowly explained: "Well, I also heard of it. I haven't eaten it."

Among the disciples of the Qing Dynasty, only Zhong Yulou's hometown is Shu Zhong. He also heard about it on an ordinary day. Zhong Yulou ended his sword practice and sat next to him to raise it with him. There is a way of eating in Shu called Emperor Pot. Unlike the ordinary wok, this pot is not on the stove, but on the table.

After serving, add the original soup base and pour into the pot. On the charcoal fire in the room below the pot, I kept cooking this pot of soup. The dishes that come up are not cooked dishes, but dishes that have not been processed after washing.

Hearing here, Huaiyu frowned and said, "All are born?"

Ming Changyan nodded: "Yeah. All are raw. Whatever you want to eat, put some dishes in this emperor's pot and blanch them, and you can eat them when they are cooked."

Hua Yuling's face changed: "Hot? What is this way of eating? I have never heard of it!"

Ming Chang feast said: "I have to eat because I haven't eaten it. If I have eaten it, what do the thousands of miles ran to Shuzhong. I haven't eaten before, and I eat it today."

Qin Yubao puzzled: "That hot dish, no seasoning, how to eat? It's not bad to die."

Ming Changyan touched his chin and thought for a moment: "This will have to wait for us to eat."

A few people walked into this restaurant, and there was no hole in the door.

There is a huge water terrace in the middle, and it should be a place for the performers. It is five floors high, with each floor leaning to the side and a small table. Want to come is for guests to watch a show.

The shop leader led the Ming Banquet upstairs, and the Ming Banquet took two steps, staring at Huai Yu.

Huai Yu untied the purse from his waist, which was the one embroidered for him before the Ming Chang feast.

I was rewarded and went upstairs. Huaiyu chose the best location in the restaurant: the theatre on the left and the snow outside on the right.

It can be said that the snow and the drama are both right.

When pouring tea, Ming Chang feasted on melon seeds and asked, "Little brother, what kind of play are you singing today? Can you make a break?"

The shop's second was full of tea, and he bent over and smiled, "Oh, this is no coincidence, let's not sing in the restaurant. The guest officer should not hurry, listen to me first. Although not singing, there are more fun things today!"

The Ming banquet came to interest and asked, "What fun thing?"

Dian Xiaoer said, "When the official came in, did you see anyone at the door again?"

Ming Changyan said: "Isn't this nonsense, and I'm not blind, so many people, who can't see? Brother Er said the key point, I will not talk nonsense with you."

Dian Xiaoer said, "Are these people coming to participate in the competition?"

Qin Yubao asked: "What competition?"

Dian Xiaoer didn't play sloppy eyes, didn't sell Guanzi, and said directly: "A competition that can be more spicy than anyone else. Look at the guest officer."

He pointed to the water table in the middle of the restaurant, and on each side of the table, there were four or five baskets of hot peppers.

Ming Changyan looked down at a glance, and it was red and red. He just felt his face warm when he looked at it.

Huaiyu on the side, his face also changed.

Dian Xiaoer saw him and smiled: "Listen to the accent of some guest officials, you are not locals. It seems that you can't eat spicy food?"

The Ming banquet only boasted to Huaiyu in the car that he was extremely spicy. Now when the shop junior said in person, he must not lose face.

"What's the problem, can't foreigners eat spicy food? I'm not spicy!"

As soon as this word came out, Qin Yubao and others looked at him.

Huai Yu also looked at him hesitantly, as if thinking, when did the Long Banquet of Ming Dynasty begin to be fun?

Qin Yubao was more direct. He would have to speak up and dismantle his desk.

Hua Yuling took the lead to cover his mouth: "Yeah right! Master can eat spicy food!"

After listening to the long banquet in Ming Dynasty, he gave Hua Yuling a compliment.

The hand on Qin Yubao's mouth was put down, and he whispered, "Brother Yulou, when does Brother Master start to eat spicy food?"

Hua Yuling drank a bowl of tea unpredictably, and said, "You don't have to worry about it. You just need to know that no matter what the master said at this time, you will agree with him! As a master, we need See at this point, you know? "

Qin Yubao nodded.

The shop's second son didn't believe that the long feast could be spicy. Seeing that he was innocent, he didn't look like he could be spicy.

So he said, "I'm not in the position to eat spicy food. The guest officer might as well sign up and participate in today's competition. There are so many spicy foods downstairs, and you can choose them!"

Ming Changyan held a tea cup, covered his face, and took a sip.

Although he wants face, he is not a fool. Can he eat the chilli downstairs, that's a bite to eat!

Huai Yu personally made a siege: "Serve first."

Xiaodian Er did not make fun of Ming Long Banquet, and gave him a narrow look, as if he could not see that he could eat spicy food.

After a long feast at the Ming dynasty, after Xiaodian left, he sat in a big position and said, "What does he mean? Do you think he doesn't look at me? Is it so unreliable? "

After speaking, I looked at Huaiyu again: "Huaiyu, talk about it!"

Huai Yu said, "Eat first."

Ming Changyan was dissatisfied with his answer.

At a young age, Hua Yuling already felt a headache.

He said, "Brother, don't go to that competition. We all know you can!"

In fact, the long banquet of the Ming Dynasty was not so eager to prove that they could eat spicy food, mainly because they bragged with Huai Yu during the day and could not come down to Taiwan. He had a downwind at Huaiyu at night. He was the number one in the world, and he cried at night, no one could see it anyway. It's a pity that I can't make it through myself. If I lose face at night, I will look for it in the day.

As a result, during this period of time, it was cold and cold, and Huaiyu always took care of him. He didn't even have a chance to perform, let alone find his face.

Finally came to Shuzhong, and finally found such a thing that he can, Huai Yu can not, can Ming Shaoxia unwillingly seize the opportunity?

Ming Changyan coughed and said, "You ca n’t eat spicy, don't force it. Especially you, Huaiyu, this kind of things, not everyone can eat."

Huai Yu said: "I can too."

Ming Changyan raised an eyebrow: "It's true or false? Don't be stubborn?"

Huai Yu said, "Why should I be stubborn?"

During the talk, the emperor pot was brought up.

The hot steam was flipped in mid-air, the bottom of the imperial pot, the charcoal was burning red, and the noise was rattling. After a while, the hot soup rolled up. According to the order of the Ming Changyan, the soup was also red. I don't know how many spicy seeds were put in it. There is a thick layer of spicy oil floating on the soup surface, and in the middle of the spicy oil, there are pointed red small peppers floating.

Ming Chang Yan swallowed his throat, and his heart beat back.

Qin Yubao said: "This is too spicy!"

Ming Chang Yan laughed and said, "Average."

After the emperor pot was served, various dishes were served. Everywhere, set up a table.

Huaiyu picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and threw it into the imperial pot first.

The piece of meat was white before it was put down. After rolling it in the pot, it was immediately covered with a layer of red oil and hot pepper. Huaiyu simmered in the pot with chopsticks for a while, clamped it, saw the hot meat on the meat, paused, put the face in his mouth without changing its color, chewed it, and swallowed it.

The other three people looked with amazement until they saw Huaiyu swallowing such a huge piece of meat into his stomach, and then they looked back.

Qin Yubao silently stretched out a thumb.

The Ming banquet was watched, and he was unwilling to show weakness. He was much harder than Huaiyu. A pair of chopsticks sandwiched three or four pieces of meat. After being cooked, they were blown twice and rolled in a bowl full of hot peppers in front of him. It's spicy.

Qin Yubao's eyes were straight.

Ming Chang Yan bite down and cheeks bulged.

As soon as I got to my mouth, I didn't feel much.

But soon, the tingling sensation of hot pepper filled the whole mouth immediately. Ming Changyan only felt that this savory taste ran from his mouth to his mind, and his mind was blank for a moment.

Spicy, it's too spicy.

One did not hold back, and two huge teardrops were about to hit, hit, hit the table.

Seeing more and more tears, Ming Changyan held back tightly, leaning his head, thinking hard in his heart: Don't vomit!

It was such a spicy thing that it was hard to eat into the mouth, and the Ming Changyan said nothing to make it spit out and spit it out.

Forget it, Ming Shaoxia closed his eyes, two lines of tears flowed silently in an invisible place, he thought: I should take medicine!

It seemed to wipe the face inadvertently, and dried the tears on the face.

Qin Yubao was stunned and said, "Brother, you really eat spicy food!"

Ming Changyan felt that his throat was on fire, took up the tea and drank it, but was afraid that he would drink too quickly, giving a feeling that he was being spicy. So he warned himself that he was only allowed to take one sip, and Ming Shaoxia drank half a bowl of tea.

After the tea was cleared from the mouth, it was slightly better than before.

Ming Changyan could speak for a moment: "... Yeah. What to lie to you."

Qin Yubao said, "Do you feel spicy?"

Ming Changyan gave a glance at Huaiyu, and Huaiyu didn't move.

Since eating meat just now, Huaiyu hasn't moved. It looked like he was in a daze. In short, he refused to use chopsticks.

Ming Chang Yan replied, "Not spicy, it's okay. I used to eat much more spicy than this."

After Qin Yubao listened, he put down his heart, and spent one chopsticks with Hua Yuling. After eating, he ate into his mouth.

Ming Changyan carefully stared at the two.

After seeing Qin Yubao eating, he smiled and said, "It's really not spicy! It's delicious!"

Hua Yuling did not overdo it, and he was already moving the second chopsticks.

... what's the matter? ?

Ming feast was shocked!

When he was shocked, Li Minjun came.

Opening the curtain, Li Minjun said, "You are really here, it really made me look good. Fortunately, I know that the Ming Changyan loves to drill into lively places like dogs!"

As soon as he sat down, he looked at the imperial pot in front of him and was startled: "What are you eating?"

Qin Yubao said: "Emperor's pot, second elder brother. You haven't eaten this yet. There are also bowls and chopsticks, you can also try it."

Li Minjun said: "I don't mean that, I mean how do you eat so spicy?"

Qin Yubao said: "It was ordered by the master."

Li Minjun looked at the Ming feast: "You?"

Ming Chang Yan said: "Me? What's wrong?"

Li Minjun's relentless dismantling of the channel: "When will you be spicy!"

Ming long feast :!

Li Minjun said weirdly again: "I just remember that Yuling and Yubao can eat spicy food, when can you eat it?"

After he sat down, he swept around the table and saw a pot of wine.

This wine was put here by the shop's second child, and they gave them a drink, saying that it was warming their bodies in winter.

Li Minjun said, "It just happens that I have two drinks."

He reached for the jug and fluttered it. Li Minjun wondered: "How is it empty?"

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty also froze: "Empty? How is it possible! I just watched it and it was full!"

He hurried to see it.

The jug was placed next to Huaiyu. At this moment it was empty. The eyes of the Ming feast immediately fell on Huaiyu.

The other person was still motionless, without much expression on his face, and it seemed ... it seemed a little different than usual.

There was a bad hunch in Ming Changyan's heart. He asked, "Huaiyu, did you drink the wine?"

Huai Yu gave him a slow glance, but did not speak.

Liquor is good wine and strong liquor. One drink is enough for a person, and one pot is enough!

The Ming Changyan never saw Huaiyu drinking, and of course he didn't know if he could drink, but could such a strong drink be tolerated by the body! I'm finished with one bite!

Li Minjun said, "How do you know he drank?"

Ming Chang feasted: "Crap! Tea is on my side, he must have drank wine as tea!"

Li Minjun was even more surprised: "Wine and tea are so bad, can't he tell?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty was anxious, panicked, and straightened Huaiyu's shoulders to himself.

"Huaiyu, did you drink?"

His hands were caught coldly by Huaiyu, and after being spread out, he was sent to Huaiyu.

Ming Chang Yan secretly said: Look at this look and know that you can't drink!

Huai Yu pursed her lips.

The longer the Ming banquet looked, the more wrong he was, thinking: Is it drunk? Also, if you drink this pot, everyone will be drunk.

He doesn't care about drunks, but he also feels novel. After all, Huaiyu's drunkenness really excites him.

Ming Changyan deliberately said fiercely, "There are two pots of wine in total, and one pot, have you hidden it? Give it to me!"

Huai Yu suddenly reached out and ticked.

Ming feast :?

The plum blossoms outside the window are just right.

When Ming Changyan approached Huaiyu, the other party suddenly picked a small plum blossom seriously and placed it carefully on the head of Ming Changyan.

After placing it, he nodded contentedly.

"good looking."

After that, threatened him and said, "No picking is allowed. Otherwise I will kill Li Minjun."

Li Minjun flew into a disaster, chopsticks fell from the hand to the ground:? ? ?

The author has something to say: My wife is reluctant to be fierce, and can only be fierce with Min Jun! 2k novel reading network

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