MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 3 Lost Gentleman (2)

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Shaoyao and Poria face each other, and Poria said: "The young waiter has no idea. After entering the palace, he must be summoned by the emperor, or he must turn over to sleep at night. In addition, newly-showed ladies must not visit the emperor in private. Since ancient times, there has been no reason to see the emperor without waiting, young servant ... "

The Ming feast interrupted her: "The rules are used to break. I met today, and only other people will see you tomorrow. Come here, take medicine, start to open, you do n’t take me, I go ! "

He said, his body flexed through between Shaoyao and Fuling, and while the two didn't respond, he was wearing a toe and was walking fast, and suddenly disappeared at the door of Qingzhu Xiaozhu.

Shaoyao and Fuling changed their faces, and quickly chased out.

Along the way, 'Young Master' and 'Miss' whispered loudly, and the chickens and dogs jumped, and the ape took off the rabbit.

Although the Ming feast of the Ming dynasty lost martial arts, the action still resembled a wild horse, and the palace eunuchs gave way to disturb the road.

He ran all the way from the green bamboo small building, walked around four or five through the hall, turned into a stone arched door, passed the stone door, the terrain suddenly opened, the long feast of the Ming slowed down, and I saw an endless lotus leaf in front of me , The fresh white lotus fragrance suddenly rushed towards the face, dissipating the summer heat.

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty took two steps forward quickly. After crossing the bridge, there was a person standing on the bridge, less than a weak crown, like a jade tree, Yan Ruo Zhaohua, skin like white jade, hair **** with a gold crown, and a fairy-like character.

The man was holding a jar of fish food in his right hand, and was throwing into the lotus pond with his left hand. The long feast of the Ming Dynasty rushed in, but the other party still looked unchanged, motionless, and never looked away from the horizontal plane.

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty was chaotic, strayed into it, and couldn't find where the emperor's bedroom was, so he asked shamelessly and arched his hand and said, "This little gentleman, do you know where the emperor lives?"

Xiao Langjun, if he hadn't heard it, said the long feast of the Ming dynasty: Is he a deaf?

He: "Well! What's my name, Xiaolangjun! Little brother? Little Xianggong? Why don't you ignore people? Hello, are you deaf?"

Poria and peony medicine finally caught up at this moment. Gasping for breath, they have not yet stood still. At the sight of a long feast, they are embarrassed and entangled with the young man. They are shocked and stunned at the moment, and their faces are pale and pale, as if the thunder is humming, their faces are astonished, panic, fierce Kneeling on the ground, banging his head straight.

"Yunqing's immortal lives! Yan Shaoshu entered the palace for the first time, never looking up at Xianzi, colliding with the immortal, and asking the forgiveness for forgiveness, forgiving the young servant this time!"

Fuling crawled while crawling, grabbed the corner of the dress of Ming Changyan, and even pulled him to kneel.

Ming banquet reads: "Yun Qingxian, a familiar name?" Is this the team passing by Shaoyangmen?

He pretended to be ignorant: "Peony, what did you pull me to do? I gave him a kneel this morning, and now I kneel again for no reason, what about heaven and earth, and high church?"

Seeing that he didn't cover his mouth, Fuling bumped into Yunqing Xianren twice, and was afraid that 10,000 deaths would not be enough. With a blink of her eyes, tears rolled down, shaking her body, squeezing her voice, and crying.

When the Ming feast of the Ming dynasty saw Fu Ling's crying heart and heart broken, he was surprised, saying: What is this handsome young man in front of, if he really provokes a melee demon, and died before he was born, wouldn't it be a big loss?

Ming Shaoxia had been a three-legged cat for a while before becoming a hero. He could not hide if he could not beat, and could not survive on his knees. In addition, if he could flex and stretch, his skin was thick, and he would flatter him. It is also impossible to think here that the gentleman who is extremely skilled in martial arts on the rivers and lakes is so skilled in counseling and counseling.

This man has his own fallacy, thinking that being a hero can chop up a minister's head and drill down a dog hole. At this moment, the person who knows current affairs is Junjie.

Junjie Mingxiaxia-not to mention digging a hole in a dog, having done everything like dressing up a woman, I'm afraid that it would be impossible for a child to kneel. The gentleman revenge, no later than ten years, when he gets the fairy grass and renews the meridian, he will come back to calculate it later.

Ming Changyan quickly lifted her skirt and knelt in imagination: "Okay, good sister, don't cry, I said casually, if I want to kneel, I kneel, I kneel, really kneel, see?"

The Yun Qing fairy paused, fed the fish, and finally spoke mercifully: "Which palace is he from?"

Peony was timid, and after scratching his head, he was frightened and said, "Yes, it's Green Bamboo Xiaozhu, the young waiter who just arrived today. She was clamoring to see the emperor, saying yes, saying she wanted to see her husband, Nuola Can't stop her, let her run to Xiaohetai, slavery deserves death! Sin should die! "

Yun Qing glanced at him and said, "No need to see him, drive him back."

Fuling Shaoyao two people dragged and dragged the Ming banquet from the ground and hurriedly left Xiaohetai.

After walking about a quarter of an hour, Xiaohetai completely disappeared into the sight of the three. Ming Changyan asked Fuling: "Shaoyao, what is that Yunqing fairy?

Shaoyao: "Shao Yanshi, I am Shaoyao, she is Poria."

Ming Changyan turned around quickly: "Poria, then you say."

He was stunned by Pao Yao and explained slowly: "The Yunqing immortal is a close disciple and a personal disciple of Chang Guoxiang, also known as a small Guoxiang. Unlike other alchemists in Dahan Temple, the small Guoxiang grew up in the Imperial Palace, eating and living Equal to the prince. The emperor has always been extremely obsessed with Xiuxian, so he has a high status in the palace, not to mention a little young servant, even if Yuan Fangfei comes, he will be given a three-point concession. Young servant remember, you must not Hit him like today. "

Ming Changyan said: "Ask for a way, how can you come up against it. If it weren't for the two sisters who didn't tell me where the emperor lived, how would I go up against that, what Yunqing!"

Shaoyao covered her mouth and said in amazement, "Why did the young man say so?"

Ming Changyan said: "I only talked about this because of the good looks of the two sisters.

Shaoyao and Fuling glanced at each other, yelling at the long feast: "The young waiter is in the palace, be careful, speak more carefully. Only then can you call me the title of two people, and you shouldn't ask others to listen, and you ca n’t do it again Title. When you arrive in the palace, you are the master and we are slaves. How can a master manage a slave to call his sister's truth? "

Ming Changyan drew his hands from the arms of the two, leaving a safe distance: "I can walk by myself without bothering my two sisters."

He asked, "Wasn't this Yunqing fairy able to walk freely in the harem?"

Fuling: "Others can't. Only the immortal has such a right. There are many female dependents in the harem. The ordinary guards have no imperial order. Entering the harem is a capital punishment for beheading."

Ming Chang Yan nodded thoughtfully. Seeing that he didn't want to be helped, Fuling said that she was a strange temper. She followed her two steps behind and said, "The young waiter is now too late to go back to the palace to cleanse, and he will go to the palace with the show girls to meet Yuan. Concubine. "

Ming Chang Yan and the two returned to Green Bamboo Xiaozhu together. When Shaoyao chose the duster powder for him, the man had closed his eyes and slept. When he finished applying Shaoyao and pushed him, he woke up.

The rouge gouache bought by Ming Shaoxia in this life, the coquettish lady who had coaxed it like Jiang Zhiqing, but never thought that one day, this delicate thing appeared on her face.

Shaoyao said: "Smoke younger, let's go to Yuan Fangfei with Wang Shaoshu of Xiaozhu Xiyuan of Green Bamboo."

Attendant Wang Shao gave a goose egg face and willow leaf eyebrows, and walked around and twisted and sighed. Ming Changyan went out and shouted, "Sister Wang, I have been waiting a long time."

Wang Shaoshi covered his mouth and laughed, and the incense fan shook gently: "How are you talking so interesting?"

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "I have something more interesting. What kind of incense does Sister Wang use? It makes people drunk when they smell it."

Wang Shao said: "Just you have a mouth and talk so sweet. This is a special spice from my hometown of Yanjing. If you like it, I will send it to Nanyuan later. But there are so many people who use incense in the palace I suppose the spices are better than those I can't get on the table. Don't regret it then. "

Ming Changyan asked: "There are many spices in the palace? Does n’t everyone use incense, and men also use incense? Yanjing is rich in spices. Sister Wang has smelled a fragrance, like a lotus and a winter snow. It's hard to beat your heart! "

Wang Shaoshi's face flushed, and he shouted, "Where is there such a scent, what effect do you say is different from that unseen medicine, so don't say that again."

Ming Chang Yan chuckled and said, "I know. Sister Wang knows why we went to please concubine Yuan Fang, the queen in the palace?"

Wang Shaosi whispered: "The queen went to the Dahan Temple to burn incense, and won't be able to return until half a month later. The Sixth Palace is now managed by Yuan Fangfei. No wonder I speak up, Yuan Fangfei's character is arrogant, you and I have to add more. Be careful not to talk nonsense and offend the concubine. "

The long feast of the Ming dynasty nodded wildly: "Naturally, I hate arguing with others most in this life."

I think a gentleman will have a long banquet and never argue with anyone. If there is an opinion, please hold it. Until the other party convinced orally. This trick is more effective than the elixir of magic, but it is the experience of the Ming Changban for decades.

The two split flowers and willows all the way through the two adjacent verandas and turned into the Showa Palace, where flowers and sounds swelled, and a few steps forward, but there were quarrels in their ears.

Wang Shaoshi frowned, "Who dares to make a noise in the Showa Palace."

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty walked forward and saw that Yaoyao was a few steps away. The two showgirls were connected end to end, catching each other's key points, mainly using tutula flowers, supplemented by fan palms, scolding and scolding each other. The long feast of the Ming dynasty was also shocked, and said, "The two women are surprised by the bones. Such a tricky fighting posture is really a pose before the ancients and no one came, so that a gentleman can admire him!"

Two people lying on the ground, one person: bitch! One humane: Sao hoof! In less than three sentences, they invented a method that was more defensive than cursing, reached a unity in thought, and began to spit at each other.

Wang Shaoshi reminded him, "Don't worry about yourself, so as not to cause trouble."

As soon as the words fell, the **** shouted in the Showa palace, "So brave, dare to disturb the mother-in-law's meal!"

For a moment, a palace maid came out of the Showa Palace, and it was the aunt Chun next to Concubine Yuan. In addition, there was an old **** named Li, who called him Father Li. Father Gong followed Aunt Chun and yelled, "Hurry to pull these two away!"

The two eunuchs took orders, and their subordinates acted swiftly and with strong arms. When the two were torn apart, the two showgirls screamed. The **** yin and yang said strangely: "Give me their mouths, and the mother-in-law has a good meal time, so that these two non-sensible people mix up. If they can't stop their mouths, they will break their mouths and save the call."

A long feast in the Ming dynasty frightened and said: a fierce eunuch, a fierce woman, but calling two words will be smashed, the Yuan Fangfei's great ability inside, dare to use it in the palace of the Central Plains Lynching.

The two showgirls had blood dripping from their mouths on the boards. The saliva in the mouth was mixed with blood, and dragged from the corner of the mouth to the ground. Aunt Chun covered her nose and waved, "Hurry up and drag it to the torture chamber, and I'm annoying looking at me."

After a long feast at the Ming dynasty, Wang Shaoshi quickly laughed: "Aunt Chun."

Aunt Chun had a sharp-eyed face and thin lips. When Ming Changyan saw her with her face raised, she thought that Aunt Chun was going to talk to him with her nostrils. Fortunately, Aunt Chun did not have this talent, and she stood up for a moment and asked, "You are newly-born girls. Anymore? "

Wang Shaoshi laughed: "Aunt Chun, the concubine is ready to eat, and Yan Shao and I are going to greet the lady."

Aunt Chun helped Fufa bun, rolled a difficult white eye, turned her back and walked inside the palace, and said, "Wait, the maiden is just sitting down now. Any cats and dogs in Lixia have come to the Showa palace to provoke people. Suspiciously, Xiao Pavilion, I have kept my eyes on it recently. Don't let the small animals outside enter the Showa Palace, so as not to disturb the niangniang body. "

Ming Changyan found a half of the sugar cake in his arms and found a stone on the ground. If no one ate it, "Sister Wang, I have to see this Yuan Concubine for a while. Are you hungry?" I'll divide you in half. "

Wang Shaoshi refused his kindness and looked at Ming Changyan with a complex look. He sat back and forth, finished eating the cake, washed his hands in the carp pond in the courtyard of the Showa-mura, and found a dog tail grass to provoke Wang Ba.

"Wang Ba, Wang Ba, you said you eat as much as you want to eat, and it will even complicate me here to accompany you. It's really nothing!"

Wang Shaoshi listened, and laughed out loud.

"Even if the crabs are rampant and domineering, why do you Wang Ba also learn to dominate." Ming Changyan reached out and caught a little Wang Ba, turned it over, and smiled: "I'll see if you are a male king or mother Wang Ba. "

Wang Shaoshi whispered, "Is it a male or female?"

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty drew the grass of the dog's tail in his mouth, and did not look at it. He concluded the coffin: "Mother!"

Wang Shaoshi compared the gesture with a snoring gesture, signalling that he should not speak too publicly. The two asked to finish and returned to Qingzhu Xiaozhu. Fuling stepped forward to wait for the **** of the Ming Changyan. The Ming Changyan was shocked and almost jumped three feet high.

"Don't, don't, don't do it, I'll do it myself, just do it myself."

He grabbed his belt tightly, stepped back while laughing, and Peony stepped into the door with a basin of clear water: "Little waiter is really strange. Others can't wait for everything to be sent to the slaves. You're better. Do n’t, do n’t, let others see it, when you dislike me, you are rough. ”

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty pleaded unjustly: "Where can it be, the two sisters are virtuous and good-mannered, so graceful and graceful, I can't boast of it, how dare I to abandon it."

He had changed his gown behind the screen while talking.

Paeoniyao wrung the parcel and handed it to the Ming feast: "Yuan Fangfei was so proud and proud that she dared to die without the permission of the emperor."

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty said: It turned out that the killer in the palace had to notify the emperor, and if he wanted to kill, he would kill.

Fuling laid the quilt and straightened up: "Smoke younger, I talk a lot, you are easy-going, do n’t treat us as slaves, and I really remind the younger waiter, you must not offend Yuan Fangfei. Father of Fang Yuanfei Zhao Hongguang, the town's grandfather, who is in power, and his mother's family is the second family's Yingtianfu Qin family. The collusion between power and businessmen is really indestructible. Today you also saw that the two showgirls said that they would be killed if they were killed. In the future There must be a few things, so be careful. "

Shaoyao lowered his voice and said, "Now the matter of setting up the prince is imminent, and the emperor has been reluctant to make the prince the prince. Yuan Fangfei has already stunned many people for this matter."

Ming Changyan took a book from the cabinet and leaned against the bed.

Seeing this book titled "The Woman's Ring", Shaoxiu thought with relief that the young smoker was acting as if she were taking off the rabbit, and she wanted to see the woman's ring more and restrain herself.

Ming Changyan said: "The two sisters rest assured, I have my own share. It's not early, I don't need to accompany the bed, you all go to the West Chamber to sleep, you only need to stay here."

He turned a page of the book, which reads: "Jiao Ning playing in the water, and wearing flowers on his head." The cloud is shy and rainy, the gasp is slightly puffy, and all kinds of styles are enchanting. It is really delicious.

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty sighed twice and studied with interest. When Shaoyao retreated, seeing that he was still looking at the female ring, he reminded: "Young waiter took a rest earlier, and Mo looked late and hurt his eyes."

He shook the book, blew out the candles, and fell asleep together.

Two hours later, Wang Shaosu's scream woke him up. The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty only sleeps lightly. For many years, it has developed a habit of vigilance. It just rose up from the bed and took the lantern and coat.

Wang Shaoshi was paralyzed and sweaty, and fell down beside the lotus pond. The Ming feast shouted, "Peony, help Wang Shaoshi!"

Shaoyao and Fuling came out at the same time. They both looked like they just woke up, and hurriedly gathered together an outer shirt. Paeonis helped Wang Shaosu, who was crying, to lift up, and the long feast of the Ming dynasty lifted up the large cluster of lotuses on the pool with a lantern, and looked stunned.

Wang Shaoshi screamed, afraid and anxious, and darted into Fuling's arms. Seeing the scene in the lotus pond, Poria and Paeoniae both covered their mouths and retreated, vomiting.

Ming Chang Yan frowned and looked at the lantern carefully.

In the lotus pond, Aunt Chun's face was bleak, her eyes widened, her body soaked in water, the blood in the pool was dripping, and the smell was horrible. What disturbed Ming Changyan was not the embarrassment of Aunt Chun's death, but the hundreds of needles interspersed in her neck. The needle enters the mouth, runs through the throat, and pierces from the inside out. As if swallowing hundreds of needles and piercing them from the throat, each needle carries a scarlet cotton thread, and the thread is filled with stained blood, and the blood on it slides down the thread into the lotus pond.

Ming Changyan raised his hand and pulled out a silver needle, and Wang Shaoshi finally screamed shortly and passed out. Shaoyao cried: "Young waiter! You ... you!"

He looked at it through a faint candlelight. The needle was black and was forged by the Great Moon Kingdom to Yinxuan Iron. It was the moon-dropping needle he used to use! 2k novel reading network

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