MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 59 Hypocrite (3)

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Ming Changyan kicked the innocent tree roots suddenly, and suddenly there was wind under his feet and he ran away!

Huai Yu was caught off guard. When he saw the person like a shadow, he disappeared into his sight in a blink of an eye.

He changed his look and shouted, "Long feast tomorrow!"

The Ming banquet stopped and was blown away by the cold wind. He calmed down a lot, he said: What am I running?

Another voice in my heart said: Go to a place where no one sees, blush casually, desperately blush, and there will not be that stink boy who asks why!

Ming Shaoxia hated his teeth: he asked me why, Ben Shaoxia also wanted to ask himself why!

Huaiyu caught up in three steps and said, "What are you running?"

At the moment, the Ming banquet has returned to his senses, and his mind is gradually returning. His face is not red and his heart is not beating. He said, "If you want to run, run, how can there be so many? Why can't you bind me? It's really too much! "

Huai Yu froze slightly, wondering: "You're leaving?"

Ming Changyan: "Well? Where shall I go? Oh, don't go now, I will go after Xiao Lan's affairs are resolved."

After thinking about it, he secretly said: It's really strange that I really stayed with Huaiyu for too long recently.

"There is a banquet all over the world. Well, don't say this now, let's take a look at Xiao Lan first."

Huai Yu suddenly grabbed his arm and paused slightly: "Then I don't ask."

Ming Changyan had not yet responded, and asked, "You don't ask anything?"

Huai Yu pursed her lips and refused to speak.

After a while, he repeated: "... I will not ask."

Ming Changyan was described by him in the clouds, and at the same time, he felt that his actions were in the clouds, and now he felt that Huaiyu's approach was also in the clouds.

It was a mess.

Simply, he couldn't figure it out, so he didn't want it anymore, Ming Shaoxia comforted himself: the boat went straight to the bridgehead.

"I've been with you for a long time, and I don't know how Xiao Lan is now."

Huai Yu said, "What are you worried about?"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty thought for a while, but thought: What worry did Zhao Xiaolan spend the next month? Moreover, even if something happened, there were also Zhu Xi in the dark, with or without him.

Settled down, Ming Chang Ban Fu returned to the only pavilion. He found a place to sit down, and it just happened to see the situation below. Zhao Xiaolan asked Lili to look at the flowers together, and now there is no Kanban. I saw that he was in a mess and didn't know what to say. Lili suddenly smiled and made him hold back.

"I remember you. You often write to me with a little flower on it."

As Zhao Xiaolan blushed, she suddenly became less nervous: "It's me. Since I saw the girl early that year, I've never missed it!"

Lilidao: "How do you know, I like to watch snow?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "I asked. Lili's preference is not difficult to inquire, but the snow in June is hard to find, so I thought of a stupid method."

Li Liwang looked at him and asked, "What stupid way?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Xiaolan simply said nothing and used it directly. He stroked three hands, and all the black cloth covering the snowflakes in June were torn off in an instant.

Seeing the light in June, Xuexue will bloom. Before she saw a large green leaf, she looked around with a little doubt.

Xiaoyu couldn't help but asked, "Little boy Zhao, how do you fool people? The weather is so good, why did it say snow?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Sister Xiaoyu wait a moment."

Sure enough, less than half a column of incense, the first June snow, tremblingly opened his body. Immediately after, one flower followed one flower, one after another, and wherever the flower pots were placed, the snow opened for the first time in June, covered with a thick layer of white, and the pavilions were buried.

Lili opened his eyes slightly to see this wonder.

At this moment, the east wind of the Taibai Yanyu Building was blowing, and a rain of flowers set off, looking far away, just like the snow falling in the sky, the fragrance of the snow was wonderful.

Zhao Xiaolan jumped in his heart, secretly looking sideways. Lili seems to be attracted by the landscape, but his eyes are a little starry, making the flowers of thousands of flowers worse than the stunning beauty in front of him.

Lili nodded slightly, and said, "There is labor Zhao Gongzi bothered."

Zhao Xiaolan looked back, holding a fan and grabbing his hair: "Just forgive me and forgive me!"

Lili Zhanyan smiled: "He Zhaogong forgive me, I never blame you."

Zhao Xiaolan heard it, relieved, and said, "That's good, that's good!"

Li Li received a flower that floated down from the sky, and said, "I heard that the snowflakes bloomed once in June, and the flowers within two fragrant incenses were shorter than the time when the scented flowers bloomed. Such beautiful flowers do not last long. It is a pity. "

She paused and said, "I've seen countless men in my life. Among the men who came to me, there were some dancing for me, some for my face, and some because they could invite me. His full face. But one day, my face will grow old, my body can no longer dance, and it can no longer satisfy their vanity. "

"Everything I have now is not eternal. It will be like these June snows. Only a moment of full bloom, when the flower is gone, it will dissipate. So is the flower, and so is the man."

Lili looked back and looked at Zhao Xiaolan.

"Little boy Zhao, why did you come here?"

Zhao Xiaolan looked at Lili dullly, he might never have thought that Lili would say so much to him.

After a while, seeing that Zhao Xiaolan was indifferent, Lili laughed and said, "Well, I just asked casually, Zhao Gongzi didn't need to go to my heart." After that, he nodded slightly, and then turned to leave.

"Lili girl, no!" Zhao Xiaolan suddenly said: "It is because June snow is so beautiful, but the flowering period is so short, so it is even more cherished."

"Good things always exist only for a short time ... but! As long as I have, I will always remember how good they are. Lili girl ... You, don't be sad because your face will grow old in the future."

"Some people will love you even if you are old and ca n’t dance anymore, and they will keep you in your heart. No one will always be alone!"

Lili turned his head to look at him.

Although Zhao Xiaolan talked eloquently, but turned back, at this moment his face turned red, and he did not dare to look up.

Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and groped for a moment in his arms, taking out a jade bracelet.

"Lili girl, this, this is for you!"

Lili thought he looked so cute, so he stared at him to see what he was going to say. For a long time, Zhao Xiaolan did not make clear the origin of this jade bracelet, and in the end said it quietly, all that remained was to hold the bracelet in his hand and hand it to Lili straight away.

Lili teased him: "Little Lan, son, how can I wear it like this?"

Zhao Xiaolan was shocked. This time, his ears turned red.

He took a deep breath and made a huge determination, babbling, reaching out his hand tremblingly, picking up Lili's left hand. The hands of the two were very similar, like the same white as goat's milk, as fine as a beautiful jade. The white jade bracelet was carefully put on Lili's wrist by Zhao Xiaolan. By contrast, it was a bit overshadowed.

Li Likou: "The white legacy is independent, clean and tidy. Although it is good, I like red."

Zhao Xiaolan asked: "Red?"

Li Li smiled slightly: "But in this world, there is no red snow."

Zhao Xiaolan read: "Red snow, red snow ..."

Lili Road said: "Little Lan Lan must go to my heart, I am happy today, I have said too much useless words, but it seems that I am stunned." She turned the topic and said positively: "Thank you today for the invitation of Zhao Gongzi, Bai Jin ... …Grateful."

Bai Jin is the real name of Lili.

She said, "I look at the fireworks show at night with you."

Zhao Xiaolan suddenly looked up: "Really, really!"

Lili laughed and said, "Why did I lie to you?"

Zhao Xiaolan was extremely happy, laughed several times, and even said a dozen "good."

Xiaoyudao: "Zhao ..."

Zhao Xiaolan didn't wait for her to finish, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the figure, and suddenly ran away.

"Best brother !!! Best brother !!!"

Not far away, Zhu Xun was smiling slightly.

Zhao Xiaolan ran too fast and almost wrestled. When he saw Zhu Xun, he said good news: "I'm about to leave Lili!"

I wish you: "Slow down."

Zhao Xiaolan slowed down, stood in front of him, panting, "Li Li said, watch fireworks with us at night!"

I wish you a smile: "It's with you, not us."

Zhao Xiaolan wondered: "Aren't you coming?"

Zhu Xuan held her chin and said, "You have an appointment with a beautiful woman. What am I doing? Have you heard of such ridiculous things?"

Zhao Xiaolan listened, grabbed his head, and fell into a dilemma. A short while, he said, "Then I'll go and discuss with Lili, and find another time next time?"

He was about to turn around and was pinned by his collar: "You promised people to go back now, do you think there is another time?"

Zhao Xiaolan looked back at him and suddenly realized how serious the matter was.

Zhu Yi said: "In the future, there is a chance to be together. You and her watch the fireworks first, I will come to you later."

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Okay. But, brother, you must come to me after the fireworks display. I said yes, you will fish for me this year. First, she will laugh at me! "

Zhu Yi smiled slightly, did not agree, but did not refuse.

By Chen, the sky was completely dark. The fireworks display near Huating, the street outside the Taibai Yanyu Building, was already lit with lights, hawkers came and went, and the call was endless.

After watching the June snow for the Ming feast, they came down from the Taibai Yanyu Building and walked to the street.

Huai Yu and he were standing side by side. After less than ten steps, Ming Changyan narrowed his eyes and bumped into Huai Yu's arm.

Huai Yu followed his gaze and saw a monk from Xiaohan Temple holding a good-looking woman in his arms, talking and laughing. Although the monk changed his clothes and did not wear the school uniform of Xiaohan Temple, the light-shelled head was conspicuous.

Ming Chang feasted, "Did you see that, now the monk is still looking for a woman."

Huai Yu said, "You do what you do."

At this moment, a nice sound of small bells came, and the long feast of the Ming Dynasty looked back, somewhat surprised: "Xiao Lan?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Sister Yan!"

A string of silver bells hung on his waist, and jingled as he walked.

Ming Chang feasted: "Why do you wish the bell is here, others?"

Zhao Xiaolan said: "I wish something to my brother. This bell is not hiss, I just bought it!"

Ming Chang Yan said: "What do you buy with a bunch of bells?"

Zhao Xiaolan sighed: "In the past, I wished Brother to play with me, and now he is not there, hey! I only have to find a substitute, so that Brother Zhu's incarnation will give me courage! Do n’t talk about this, sister, fireworks show right away It started, I asked Lili to look at Taibai Yanyulou, and I had already set a place. It was in the outer pavilion of Yanyulou, where I could see the best fireworks! "

He: "I came to see you specially, Grandma, they have already arrived, I will wait for you and Brother Huaiyu!"

Ming Changyan laughed and said, "Then you will show the way."

At the outer pavilion of Taibai Yanyu Building, sure enough, the tables and chairs were complete, and the soldiers were guarded. In addition to the few people Zhao Xiaolan said, the three princes and the county grandfather also sat in the kiosk. The long feast of the Ming dynasty suddenly realized: it is no wonder that the soldiers must be guarded. The emperor's sons and daughters are all here.

After entering the pavilion, Ming Changyan noticed that Grandma's face was not good. She was sitting on a stool, her clothes were bulging, her arms were folded, Duan Yan stood beside her, without a word, she looked carefully, and found that a delicate black wipe was added to Duan Yan ’s head. Xu is a new thing that Grandma got, and dressed up Duan Hui again.

The three princes stood up and arched, saying, "Little country."

Huaiyu nodded, and the two said a simple greeting. The three princes looked at the long feast of Ming again and said slowly, "Mrs."

The tea in the mouth of Ming Changyan almost sprayed out. He waved his hand: "Excuse me. Don't listen to Grandma's nonsense, and play a joke with her, it's a shame! I am a friend with Xiaoguoxiang. Don't dislike it, just call me a friend. "

The three princes listened and laughed: "I thought that the small country minister was so shocking and really married a man as a wife."

The Ming banquet was forcibly interrupted: "Hahahahahahahaha!"

Zhao Xiaolan said inexplicably: "Sister Yan, what are you laughing at?"

Ming Chang Yan said stiffly: "If you want to laugh, laugh, there are so many reasons." He embraced Zhao Xiaolan's shoulders: "adults, children don't ask so many questions."

The Baili lamp said, "Zhao Gongzi, sit here."

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was a little hesitant, and the Barry Lantern did not seem to recognize it. He was the smoker in the palace. After all, at this time, the effect of returning to old age has weakened, and he never went to Hua Yunshang to take a second pill. At this moment, he is almost the same as that year, and he really ca n’t see where he looks like a woman. The place.

There are only two mind-blowing children, Zhao Xiaolan and Grandma, who thought that he was a woman.

Zhao Xiaolan met Bai Li and was very excited: "Bai Li, you are the first time to watch a fireworks display!"

Hundred miles smiled: "Exactly."

Zhao Xiaolan said: "I always see you in the palace and have never come out to play. Why did you come out with Brother Three Emperors this time?"

He was always in the palace without a shelf, and he was very good with the guard women in the palace.

Baili Dengdao said: "This time I went out to protect the princess and the three princes."

Zhao Xiaolan smiled haha: "Then you can talk to people! Just in time for the fireworks show, I will take you to see the sinister rivers and lakes!"

Hundreds of miles reluctantly said: "Gonggong Zhao, since you know that rivers and lakes are sinister, you should stay away from them, and you must not participate in them, so as not to cause irreparable mistakes."

Zhao Xiaolan said: "Don't worry, no, the more dangerous things, the more I like them. After all, I want to be the first person in the day! Where I can meet this difficulty, I will shrink back! Speaking of which, I recently The martial arts has made a breakthrough, and it is not far from the first in the world. After a while, the firework conference is over, I will discuss with you! "

"Finally, I still have my brother, I can't fight, he will help me! I let him cover you even!"

Baili said: "Okay." After a pause, he suddenly reminded: "It's just Zhao Gongzi, people are speculative and have to guard against it. You still have to be careful and take care of yourself."

Zhao Xiaolan didn't care much, waved his hands, and signaled that he didn't have to worry about him. The Barry Lantern paused for a while, and was about to say something again, but was interrupted.

The Ming feast reminded: "Zhao Xiaolan, your Lili girl is here."

As soon as Zhao Xiaolan's eyes brightened, he turned to meet the person he wanted.

The bell rang in the air as he moved.

The voice is ethereal, calm and quiet, floating under the night sky, from near to far, from the Taibai Yanyu Tower, to the closed gate of Xiaohan Temple.

"Ding-Ding-Ding-Ding ... Ding-Ding Ding-Dong ..."

"Ding-Ding-Ding-Ding ... Ding-Ding Ding-Dong ..."

Cold, a string of blood, splashed on the silver bell.

The sound of jingling stopped abruptly, Zhu Xun stopped and smiled slightly: "Does it hurt?"

At his feet, a flesh-and-blood man rolled and struggled, grasping his throat tightly with both hands, until his neck was alive with a few **** flesh, revealing the dense needles in it. His eyes were cracked, his eyes were wide, he was about to crack, he swallowed a hundred needles, and pierced his cheek, chin, and throat.

Zhu Rong kicked him away casually, turning the fan all the way, walking in the courtyard, going in and out of Xiaohan Temple in a state of no one.

Every five steps, there is a dead person on the ground. Either they are still dying, or they are already dead, all of them are dead and horrible, their eyes burst, their pus and blood are sticky, and the ticks are shredded, splashed on the ground, and become a small blood pool.

Today's fireworks display, in order to show the dignity of the school, half of the people went to the scene to maintain order, so there are only half of the people in the Xiaohan Temple.

Zhu Xun walked lightly and was in a good mood. He hummed the unknown song in his mouth, and walked into the Buddha Hall of Xiaohan Temple in three steps and two steps. In the temple, a total of eighteen bodhisattvaes, with ugly faces and fierce looks. Facing the direction of the gate, Zhu Yi kicked the Bodhisattva sitting on top of the god's table, jumped up and occupied his position, hung one foot under the god's table, bent his knee, smiled and looked at the ground. Dead monk.

"Abbot, does it hurt?"

On the ground, Abbot Dao Xuan vomited pus and blood, and his throat was pierced with a hundred needles. His perseverance is so amazing that under such torture, he can still stand upright and shake.

His voice was like a broken old bellows, hoarse and unpleasant, leaving only the sound of voice: "Let's ... let us ..."

Zhu Yan smiled: "Old monk, I can't hear you? Loudly?"

Abbot Dao Xuan stared at him desperately, and Zhu Xi's smile on his face gradually became cold, otherwise he suddenly struck Dao Xuan's heart, Dao Xuan Su was hit hard and he could not afford to kneel.

Zhu Yan's voice was like falling into an ice cellar, and he said with a cold chill: "I said, I can't hear you."

"Please ... let us ... let us ..."

In the place where Dao Xuan monk's eyes were, there were still a few disciples in the original coma. After waking up slowly, if a few people were thundered, they were scared to move. Looking closely, their hands and feet were nailed to the ground by a thin and long silver needle, and a little bit of flesh flickered, and their hearts were painful.

Zhu Xun played with the fan in his boredom, his face changed, and he expressed his compassion: "Okay. But old monk, I only put three people, you look at the election."

Having said that, he added: "I have dozens of sounds, let you consider it."

After listening to the monk Dao Xuan, his face was pale, and the apprentice over there was even more frightened, looking at the monk Dao Xuan together. There are prayers, fears, and deep hopes in the eyes.

Dao Xuan monk is in a dilemma. In this case, Zhu Xuan started to count down slowly: "Ten, nine."

He looked at the people on both sides with interest, and his eyes were hysterical madness and paranoia.

Suddenly, he skipped the numbers in the middle, and he laughed, reporting directly without warning: "Three, two, one."

Dao Xuan monk was too late to react. Several disciples trembled, and a drop of blood splattered the Buddha image. One drop fell under the Buddha's eyes, slowly falling, like blood tears of compassion.

Zhu Yan shrugged his shoulders, first whispered, then laughed wildly, as if he saw the most funny joke in the world.

He is simply wicked, playing with people, playing with friendship! I didn't want to miss Xiaohan Temple at all, but to satisfy my bad interests and watch them struggle in the quagmire!

Dao Xuan monk suddenly realized that he was mad and completely lost his consciousness. He crawled towards Zhu Xi, and was about to swallow his skin and swallow it.

Zhu Yi shook his feet, not hiding, with a smile on his face, sitting lightly. Just one step away from him, Dao Xuan monk was killed and smashed to the ground.

The youth on the stage suddenly disappeared with a smile.

"It's boring."

He turned the fan.

"It's boring."

He jumped from the stage, stepped on the body of monk Dao Xuan, and walked towards the gate of Xiaohan Temple.

Zhu Yi flipped the oil lamp on the table, letting the flames grow from small to large, and showed his cold and pale face a little popularity. He was skilled, as if he hadn't done this cruel thing for the first time. Hundreds of people wailed in the light of the fire. The shadow was around him, they were dressed in Chinese clothes, and they were not from Xiaohan Temple.

In my ears, as if an innocent soul was crying, a scream screamed: "Zhuang Xiao ... Zhuang Xiao ..."

"Hate ... I hate ..."

"You are so poisonous ... Uncle kills his relatives ... You must not die ..."

Zhu Yan face expressionless, silent, only the bells are unvoiced, clanging.

With each step, the effect of the bell's calming mind becomes more and more obvious, and the sound in the ear gradually disappears. At the door, Huating's first firework exploded in the air.

He suddenly remembered that he had an appointment with Zhao Xiaolan.

The author has something to say: Wu Zhaozhao himself doesn't know why he is always shy!

All the supporting characters are in place! Although I have been playing for a long time, but now it is officially official!

Thank you all for mine ~~~

Finally, I will push Ji You's article ~ If you are interested, you can go to collect ~

"Is the villain today divided? [System]" by Linglong Yulan

Copywriting: Qiu Yuebai penetrated into the game world with fantasy novels as the background and became a glorious cannon fodder under the protagonist's halo.

Objective: Save the villainous villain who does not blink!

Fortunately, this villain was a small white lotus in the early stage, soft, cute and sweet. Washing and cooking, rubbing the shoulders and legs, an all-around intimate little cotton jacket ~

But one of the twenty-four filial piety teachers is not very good-he! Yes! A! fine! Minute!

He turned black into a cruel and ruthless demon at every turn, and slammed his neck.

Heihua Jiang Lan's mouth had a pleasant smile, but his hands were unambiguous.

... Qiu Yuebai felt that his neck was about to break in two.

Jiang Lan whispered: "Brother, is this fun? How about playing with me?"

Qiuyuebai: ... not fun at all! !! !! 2k novel reading network