MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 6 Lost Gentleman (5)

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Wang Shaoshi was captured by the Thirteen Guards, and after a short time, he was returned to Green Bamboo Xiaozhu.

Ming Changyan thought about it, and threw his thighs, Lihua shouted with rain: "I don't want to go back to Green Bamboo!"

The emperor loved the beauties, and when he saw the Ming feast a little bit of tears, he softened his heart: "If you don't go back to Qingzhu Xiaozhu, where are you going?"

Ming Changyan: "As long as I don't return to Green Bamboo Xiaozhu, I can go anywhere. Ming Changyan killed two lives in the palace and scared Sister Wang crazy. I think he will kill me next time!"

The emperor said: "You and Ming Changyan have no injustice or enmity. Why did he harm you?"

Ming Changyan said: "Where do I know, maybe he covets my beauty!"

The emperor laughed and laughed, "You are very interesting. You have been on the throne for many years, and never have the palace princess dared to talk to you like this."

The feast of the Ming dynasty held a fist: "The emperor can do well, let me live in a separate place. Except the green bamboo small building, anywhere."

The emperor looked at him with interest, and said, "Where is it?"

Ming Chang Yan smiled grinningly: "That's natural, the firewood room is fine, I don't choose."

The emperor said: "Then you will be here tonight ..."

Yuan side concubine shouted and fainted in the arms of the emperor. The emperor was so horrified that he didn't finish the last sentence, and stared at his eyes and shouted, "Chang Taiyi! Yun Qing, come and see if the concubine is contaminated by evil spirits!"

Yun Qing took the lead and stood in front of Yuan's concubine's living room in three steps. He took out a roll of red line from his arms: "Troubled Gong Chen will invite the idle people to wait out, in order to prevent her from getting angry. Don't leave the golden body, take care of the dragon body. "

The eyes of Ming Changyan fell on Yun Qing's hand, and mixed feelings.

The sword followed him around at the age of eighteen, and it has become something in the hands of others. It seems to highlight the fact that he has been proud of Ming Shaoxia's spring breeze for so many years, and once became a sinking dog. Now even a guard can't beat him. He really made him sigh.

Instantly, Ming Changyan carried the package and moved into the Xiaohe Building of Xiaohetai.

Shaoyao picked a few lotuses at Xiaohetai, and took them into the Xiaohelou building. "I inserted this lotus in the house. The young waiter likes the floral fragrance, and I like it too. It smells better than incense."

No one lived in Tinghe Xiaolou for a long time. The **** was ordered to clean up Tinghe Xiaolou half an hour in advance. The Ming banquet came in through the door, withdrew the Poria and Paeonia, and lay heavily on the bed, with his head resting on his head, and Erlang's legs tilted. He walked through the Showa Palace in his heart and thought:

This young Master Wang is really strange and weird. Why do I have to put the killer on me? Bacheng pretends to be crazy to sell silly. Ben Shaoxia is still here! Where's the ghost? I do not know how! There must be something weird.

He changed his feet, touched a white-faced **** from his chest, and chewed it over and over again, thinking: that the moon-drop needle was quite like it, and there was no flaw in the planting of the stolen goods. If I am not myself, I am afraid to believe This matter was done by the Ming feast. It's a pity that I didn't take a few more needles just now.

Ming Changyan sat up and shoved the half of the buns back into his chest, thinking: Why did she hurt me for no reason, and she never missed me so much, it is impossible, it was the romantic debt owed by Ben Xiaoxia, who had lost her ?

Ming Shaoxia thought that his whole life was unruly. The first half of his life was a disappointed boudoir girl. The ladies had 10,000 yuan and 8,000 yuan. He had a headache when he thought of someone else's face. He simply didn't want to, and shouted to the door: "Sister Fuling, I Thirsty, do you drink? "

Poria poured a bowl of scented tea for him. He drank tea like cow's drink, which wasted good tea. After drinking, I touched my mouth and asked, "Well, sister Poria, I'm so scared."

Fuling said: "What are you afraid of? It's not the person you are fighting against. You have a debt and a owner. Even revenge won't make us less."

Ming Chang feasted: "Where are the two dead?"

Fuling said: "If someone is dead in the palace, those who have family members will tell the family to lead the people in the palace. Those who have no family members will find time to carry it out to the river, or to mass grave."

Ming Chang feasted for a moment.

Shaoyao picked up a bun for him, and saw him shrinking his chest, hesitated a moment, and said, "Aunt Chun and Li Gong were killed, and they were involved in ghosts and gods. Yuan Fangfei refused to give up, and the emperor favored her , The corpse must not be handled indiscriminately. The slaves thought that Aunt Chun's body should be placed in the Changping Hall. "

He yawned, stood up, and walked from the dressing table to the bed. The Ming banquet rolls on the spot and stirs with a quilt.

Ming Chang Yan said: "Where does the Changping Hall go?"

Poria and Shaoyao didn't talk back and their movements were consistent.

Ming Chang feasted: "Oh, I asked casually. I'm tired, I need to rest. Two good sisters, wait for me, I'm asleep."

Two hours later, the night was getting dark. When listening to He Xiaolou, a window was opened.

Changping Hall is located in the northernmost part of Qiyang Palace, the most desolate, and the heaviest. This place was originally the palace of Xi Fangfei. After the death of Xi Fangfei, it became a cold palace. Because it was used to park the dead body all year round, it was full of resentment, the mist was hazy, and the air was cold. The eunuchs who patrolled at night must speed up and leave immediately after passing by.

At this time, there was a man groping outside the Changping Hall, looking around, looking for a chance to go in: this man is the Ming Chang Banquet.

Although Ming Shaoxia was a hero, in the early days the Tianqing faction was impoverished. In order to pull a bunch of young people to support his family, these stealthy chickens were also skilled in business. When he was young, he used a needle to kill people. The enemy was dead. Ming Shaoxia had to work hard to get back, and pulled the needle back, and washed it and continued to use it next time. If it hadn't been for the needle itself, Ming Shaoxia would have used it for more than ten years.

The situation in the palace was dire. He had no personal weapon to defend himself, and it was imperative to steal the needle.

When I jumped over the high wall of the Changping Hall, I stabbed, and the action of Ming Changyan did not drag the water, and it floated to the ground. He clapped his hands, bowed his head, and sighed with emotion: Although Shao Benxia lost all his martial arts skills, he was still handsome, and it was indeed me.

He shook his skirt and found that most of the skirt was ripped off as he turned the wall. Ming Shaoxia simply shoved the remaining half into the next bar, revealing the shin clothes inside. After handling the skirt, I looked up, and saw two dead bodies in the lobby not far away: presumably this is Aunt Chun and Grandpa Li.

Ming Changyan twisted his feet and walked into the table. The two corpses were covered with white linen so tightly that only a puddle of foul blood was soaked in their throats. He quickly opened the white cloth and found that the moon needle was no longer on his neck. Aunt Chun's eyes were all cracked, her nose and mouth wide, and a rotten mass in her mouth, she couldn't bear to look straight. Looking at this corpse stranger at night, Ming Changyan frowned, and he put down the white cloth, determined to find the moon needle first.

He secretly said: Since the moon setting needle is an important physical evidence, the guards will not dare to let it go. Let me look for it carefully.

Ming Shaoxia said to do it, and turned the Changping Hall, which was originally a mess, into a mess. Finally, he found the needle on a long-repaired table in the southeast corner. The moon needle was obviously pulled out by force, and the needle was bloodied, so it was not disgusting.

The Ming Chang feast ignored it and hid the needle in his pocket with joy. The needle was his personal weapon, and it was very kind to see it at this moment. Ming Shaoxia wiped the needle while removing the thread, like picking up a baby.

Cold, there was a faint voice in my ear: "What do you think of this needle?"

In the long feast of the Ming dynasty, his hair was upside down, his scalp was numb, and he jumped three feet high. He took five big steps backwards, gliding several meters away, and almost did not stabilize his body. Except for himself, there are only two dead bodies in this room. Haunted!

He looked up and saw a young man standing in front of him. He wore a dazzling golden swagger across the city in the middle of the night, obviously having great confidence in his martial arts. Again, this person ... is quite familiar.

The dark night sky is high, and the Changping Hall is unmanned, and Ming Shaoxia can only follow the faint moonlight to look up and down the young man who appears out of thin air.

He was stunned and relieved to learn that he was alive.

Immediately, Yun Qing walked towards the Ming Changyan. "The black light is blind. Touch this kind of place to steal?"

Listening to the long feast of the Ming dynasty, guilty conscience: Stealing? How can this be called stealing. The moon needle is my thing. I took my own thing and stole it!

Ming Shaoxia said: "Who stole it, why are you here ?!"

Yun Qing snorted softly: "You asked me."

He bent down and looked at a tossing Ming long feast after a toss, and said with a smile: "Don't dare to borrow the things of the dying, aren't you afraid that the lonely ghost has eaten you?"

"Lone soul wild ghost? Who? You? Ha ha ha ha, wouldn't it be beautiful to die under the peony!"

"Give it up."

Although the feast of the Ming dynasty was a guilty conscience, taking things was justified. He expects that 80% of his body is not his opponent, and he is trying to sell mischief through the identity of a woman. The word "brother" just came out a "big", footsteps suddenly heard from the door.

He looked stunned, fluttered forward, and immediately rolled into a ball with Yun Qing, hiding behind a coffin.

It turned out that Nanshisanwei stepped into the Changping Hall, and Baili said, "Go in and see the situation."

Suddenly, I saw a yellow halo flowing into the Changping Hall. Ming Shaoxia jumped in his heart, and quickly stepped back.

The Ming feast focused on the lantern in the guard's hand. After halo for a while, he stopped at the gate and the lantern-guard was talking to Barry.

He moved the tip of his nose and smelled a smell of Manli. This incense haunted Ming Shaoxia for many days, seemingly absent, haunting him.

What scent does he smell, so good?

Ming Changyan twisted his thumb and pinched the other side's clothing, and then he felt: What kind of material is used, so soft?

If the ‘Lone Soul Wild Ghost’ is a woman, at this moment, the long feast will have Wen Xiang nephrite on the side, and fluttering somehow. He didn't resist touching it twice, and he was caught cold by the opponent.

The heat of the opponent's palm continued to flow into his hands, and the Ming Changyan only felt that his hands were like fried, his face was like a fire, and 100,000 fires quickly flung him away. How did you know about this dump?

Yun Qing seriously compared to a snoring action: shh.

That breath blew into Ming Shaoxia's ears, causing his head to stun and crash.

Outside the door, Barry and the guard did not leave. The two did not give up, and they circled around the hall again. No one was found. The guard said, "Maybe a wild cat in the palace."

Baili nodded: "Let's go."

Ming Chang feast, as if stained with green alum, desperately pulled out his hands. Yun Qing suddenly let go of his strength, Ming Shaoxia fell backwards before he could get dizzy, and stuttered: "You, what do you pull my hand!"

Yun Qing disdainfully said, "Pull pull, pull, why else?"

Ming Shaoxia sighed in his heart in a huff, and he stayed for a while, but found no reason to refute.

Yun Qing stood up and looked at the Ming Changyan at this time, only to find that this person was very tall, and his current size was worthy of the other person's chest. Hit-that is definitely not hit. He gritted his teeth, and his heart was stunned, thinking that although he was unruly in the Ming Shaoxia—but unruly. I haven't even touched a girl's little hand after living at this age, let alone to have such close contact with people.

He was sad and sad for a while, and suddenly burst into tears: "You touch me? You're a black light and blind fire, do you know if you are stealing a chicken?"

Yun Qing said: "I steal the chicken and touch the dog, what are you?"

When Ming Shaoxia did something big, he ignored his answer directly, and tore his clothes out a bit, and smiled, "The little country minister has a relationship with the concubine. Pass it on to you and me. What I see, why don't things happen tonight? "

Yun Qing squinted slightly and said, "You threaten me?"

Ming Changyan held his arms in his arms. "If you don't say it, I won't say it."

It wasn't long before he was so proud, Yun Qing suddenly got into a problem, grabbed his right hand, and dragged him outside the temple. Ming Changyan smiled stiffly on his face, a puppet, half of the **** used to make the chest rolled to the ground. He was frightened and couldn't escape.

Yun Qing stopped, turned around, glanced at the **** on the ground, and raised his arm. The two looked at each other, and the throat of Ming Changyan moved a step back.

Finally, Ming Shaoxia saw his face clearly. Under the moonlight, it was very cold and the face was frost and snow.

Ming Changyan made a percussion and squeezed out a smile: "Little country, what do you mean?"

Yun Qingdao: "Aren't you trying to get in touch with me?" 2k novel reading network