MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 69 Grand Banquet (3)

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Seeing the expression of the ghost at the feast of Liu Changyan, Liu Cong didn't even ask about it, so he switched the subject again and said, "What are you doing at Egret Academy, do you worry that I can't stand Su He?"

The Ming feast of the Ming dynasty returned to God, too lazy to deal with the situation of Liu, pulled a stool directly, and sat in front of Zhao Xiaolan.

Zhao Xiaolan copied the textbook and got dizzy and dizzy, his eyes darkened, and he couldn't wait to faint on the spot. When he looked up, he saw tears in his eyes when he saw the Ming feast.

"Sister Yan ..."

Ming Changyan extended his hand: "Stop it. It's useless to coquettish with me. It's your brother Huaiyu who won't let you go out. It's your Mr. Liu who wants you to copy textbooks. It doesn't matter to me."

He quickly set aside all the relationships and saw Zhao Xiaolan weeping and expressing compassion: "However, I am very good to you. Remember in your heart that you must repay me in the future, have you heard?"

Zhao Xiaolan looked at him doubtfully.

Ming Chang Yan wiped his nose and smiled grinning: "Look at you so rich, you can give me any gold jewelry! No, don't say I treat you badly."

He fumbled his arms and pulled out several signatures.

As soon as he took out the white paper, Zhao Xiaolan's eyes widened as Ming Changyan's hand fell.

"This this……"

Ming Chang Yan laughed: "Look, read the gentleman's signature! How?"

Zhao Xiaolan picked up the paper and checked back and forth several times, flushed with excitement.

Liu Qiang couldn't stand it anymore, covering his face with a tea cup, and feeling in his heart: Shameless!

Zhao Xiaolan clutched his signature tightly, and Baba shouted, "Smoke, smoke, and smoke sister ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyeah already be so long ago)," Smoke, smoke, and smoke sister ohh ... "

Ming Changyan rubbed his face in a hurry: "Well, don't cry! Okay, I know you're excited!"

With a touch of his face, Zhao Xiaolan said in a long banquet: "I give you my signature to make you read well."

Zhao Xiaolan stared at him instantaneously, and said at a long feast: "Look, don't you want to be number one in the world? If you want to be number one in the day, you must first read more and learn martial arts. I wish you to mingle together, that is, to run deep into the hundred flowers, which one is the first in the world that you are so taken? "

Zhao Xiaolan was thin-skinned and was said by Ming Changyan, stuttering: "I, I will work hard ..."

The voice is as low as a mosquito.

The long feast of the Ming dynasty was tempting: "So you have to be honest at the Egret Academy, you are not allowed to go anywhere, have you heard? I have given you such precious things, can you listen to me?"

Zhao Xiaolan nodded fiercely.

Ming Changyan said: "That's right! Ming Changyan died three years ago. It would be harder than getting to the sky to get his previous signature. Although I am a distant relative of Ming Changyan, it still costs me I have a lot of work! If you ask Xiu Linglong, you can't find Xiu Linglong so many copies! "

Liu Kang really couldn't stand it, and interjected, "You can just let him copy the textbook quietly."

The long feast of the Ming dynasty was short and gave Zhao Xiaolan a bamboo whistle, saying, "This is from your brother Huaiyu. If you are in danger, you can blow this bamboo whistle. If we are nearby, we can come to your rescue. "

After he ordered Zhao Xiaolan, he left Egret College.

When I left, I gave the hot potato Longyang dialect to Liu Guang by the way.

The aunt Ganoderma lucidum in Yongxian Palace greeted him. "Sir country, please, the queen has been waiting for a long time."

Huaiyu nodded, approaching from the main entrance of Yongxian Palace, the queen dismissed the palace people in the main hall and hurried down.

"Little country!"

Huai Yu said, "No hurry, you sit first."

The queen sat next to him, and quickly made Aunt Ganoderma bring out a few plates of snacks from the small kitchen. The color was fresh and fresh, and they all seemed to be carefully made pastries: "Are you going to eat some food?"

Huai Yu glanced at the table and slowly took a piece to eat.

Seeing the queen, she was relieved.

Then he said, "Aunt Ganoderma told you all?"

Huaiyu nodded.

The sigh sighed, "I blame me for all this. I was too negligent. Such an important thing, I ..."

Huaiyu bowed her head slightly and said, "Don't worry. That fairy grass is fake."

The queen froze slightly.

Huai Yu said, "I'm here to tell you this."

The uncomfortable look in the queen's eyes finally calmed down and asked, "... that's all right, what about your friend?"

Wyatt paused and said, "OK. You don't have to worry about him."

The queen said: "I have trouble sleeping and eating these days. I'm afraid I lost this important thing and brought you unnecessary trouble."

"No trouble."

After a few moments of silence, the queen said, "These days ... he often thinks about the past, and if nothing matters, you should still be less in front of him. Now that Chang Xu is back, you don't have to worry about it. Everything else, just leave it to Chang Xu. After that, try not to show up in the palace. Yun Qing, do you understand? "

Aunt Ganoderma said: "I heard that once people often remember things in the past, that's the limit. Madam, this is a good thing, you don't have to worry about it."

The queen rubbed her eyebrows, and she looked up and asked, "I want to know, what is the relationship between you and Xiao Shaoyu who listened to He Xiaolou before? Can you tell me about him?"

Huai Yu froze slightly and answered truthfully: "Son of Qin Yue."

The queen's hand lightly released, and the eunuch's voice came out of the window: "Madam, the emperor is here!"

The queen said: "Lingzhi, go get the medicine, and the palace advises him to drink it."

Ganoderma agreed, and slowly retreated.

The queen said: "Small country ministers walk slowly, and this palace will not give them away."

At this time, the emperor pushed in and said, "Yi, ye's head is dizzy, have you prepared the medicine? Nothing else will work, only you will be the most effective."

Huaiyu stood up and bowed his head, saluting with the emperor. The emperor said, "Why is Yun Qing here?"

The queen converged with a smile, and said saltily, "I have a headache."

The emperor was worried: "Why aren't you old, the hospital waste doesn't know what to do, and even this little illness can't be solved. If something goes wrong, you have to ask all their heads. No! "

He waved his hand to Huaiyu's retreat, and before leaving, Huaiyu glanced at the queen.

Aunt Ganoderma came in with the medicine, the queen took the medicine bowl and whispered, "Sit down. I will feed you and drink the medicine."

Deep in the flowers, alone, unsolicited.

Leaving Li Huahua's body, smiling, turning his head, disappointed: "Is it you?"

The comer said, "Why, is the girl disappointed when I see it?"

When Li Li lost her watering flower, she was too lazy to pose, the smile on her face disappeared completely, and she lay back on the chaise couch lazily as if she had no bones.

"Is disappointment not disappointed to you?"

The comer said: "Naturally has nothing to do with me. It's just that I saw you posing for a long time at the window and doing a good show. As a result, you can see the people you want him to see. Instead, I picked it cheap. I have in my heart. Ashamed. "

Lilihe said, "I didn't expect you to take the initiative to come to this place."

She straightened up and continued: "I have prepared everything you want. What do you promise?"

The caller said, "After things are done, someone will naturally send them over."

A look away from his face: "What you have to do has nothing to do with me, but you also remember it clearly. He just sees you as a dog, and the dog only needs to listen to the master, if he does extra things You know the consequences in your heart. "

The comer laughed: "I'm his dog, what are you? Fifty steps and a hundred steps, why don't you and me find each other happy."

Lili sneered: "You better know who you are, I can kill you easily."

The man arched his hand and backed out.

Xiaoyu snorted: "I thought it was Zhao Gongzi."

She took the shower that was only set down from Lifang, and complained indignantly: "That Zhao Gongzi is really true, she said she wanted to play with the girl, but after so many days passed, she never saw the girl once!"

Lili toyed with the flower in her hand, and sighed at it: "If you don't come, you won't come. I was alone, why now I have received some kindness from others, and I can't remember it every day."

Xiaoyu said: "Girl, I know you treat Zhao Xiaolan differently from others, so that makes you angry! If you change to someone else, I don't care!"

Lili said to himself, with a smile, and asked, "How am I different to him? How do I not know?"

Xiaoyu glanced at Li Bing's wrist, the bracelet that was ringing, and said nothing.

After a quarter of an hour, Xiaoyu laid all the flowers in order, but couldn't help lowering his voice. He said, "It was so unlucky in Huating that night. How could I just tear the white veil? Zhao Lan and Yun Qing walked. Recently, he hasn't been here for a few days. Did he find you? "

Lili casually said, "What did you find me?"

Xiaoyu didn't name, but said: "The master has never said before, when will the Ming Long Banquet go with Yun Qing, and now Zhao Lan has a relationship with him, how can we be alone?"

Li Lidao: "When did I think about being alone? There are tens of thousands of accidents in this world. Is he omnipotent and can you expect anything? However, I think the son of Chang Yan Yan should be very angry."

She laughed for a while: "I haven't seen him look angry for a long time."

Xiaoyu complained: "Girl, don't be so heartless and heartless, if you can't deal with Yun Qing, I will tell this to the host."

Lili face stunned, "What is there to say about such a trivial matter? I can solve it myself. The feast of the feast is imminent, and I must not care about it."

Xiaoyu said: "The girl must not be stubborn."

Li Lidao said: "I'm not interested in that little country minister. He doesn't put me in his eyes. I don't necessarily have to look at him. It's annoying that Zhuang laughs, and I get upset when I see him."

Xiaoyu laughed: "He didn't do anything, and the girl was annoyed everywhere. I saw him look handsome and not annoying."

Lili turned over, thinking what to say, but was attracted by the bracelet sent by Zhao Xiaolan, saying, "Do you need a reason to hate someone?"

Xiaoyu said: "You always look at the front like this."

Lili didn't care about Xiaoyu's words, while playing with the bracelet on his hand, he said to himself: "Zhao Lan is really an unlucky guy. Why did Zhuang Xiao find it ... when he meets that lunatic, it will be The last thing you should have encountered in your life ... "She lay at the window, staring at the half of the withered flowers in the water table, the wind blew, and the leaves swirled into the water.

Xiaoyu advised: "I always think you can leave this muddy water, but you don't keep yourself in mind."

Lili stared blankly into the distance, muttering to himself: "The person I put in my heart didn't put me at ease. I owe this muddy water, and I fell to Huangquan on the poor blue, and I will pay back . "

Xiaoyu asked, "Aren't you tired after all these years?"

Lili turned over to bed, pulled the quilt, and closed her eyes: "I'm tired, I'm going to sleep, you go down."

She opened her eyes and added: "If Zhao Lan comes to me, let him in directly, there is no need to stop."

The author has something to say: 存 Save a draft in the last few days and arrange the plot by the way.

Thank you everyone for mines! 2k novel reading network

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