MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 87 Listen to the rain and snow (3)

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After the Ming banquet was finished, he had to go outside.

Li Minjun presumably believed that the long feast of the Ming Dynasty had been dazzled by personal feelings or blinded by love. In short, no matter which one is good, Li Minjun believes that going to the palace at this time is not a wise choice.

He reminded Ming Changyan of the feast: "The palace is large and there are so many guards. Are you going to death this time?"

Ming Chang feasted: "You don't have to worry about me. I'm familiar with the palace."

Li Minjun still didn't know how the Ming Dynasty feast was familiar with the palace. He didn't think about it, and said directly: "This is not a question you are familiar with. You just said so much, don't you understand? The palace is now on alert Severe, don't assume that you have a high level of martial arts, and rashly challenge the imperial power. Although the emperor is incompetent, he is not as bully as we think. "

Ming Changyan said: "It's because I understand that I'm going to the palace. Li Minjun, don't stop me, stop me again, watch out for you."

Liu Cang said: "Min Jun, you don't need to stop him. At this time, going to the palace is not a bad choice."

Li Minjun said: "Why? The Ming Banquet was fainted by that little countryman, are you too? Did we go to the Royal Palace when we said it?"

Liu Qiang said: "You don't know, the situation inside the palace is a bit chaotic. The emperor is physically weak, but he has been suffering from wind chills, and he has been sick in bed. The queen has the power alone. The long feast ... Much more familiar with the palace. "

Li Minjun said blankly: "The queen is in power?"

Xiu Linglong laughed and said, "Min Jun, don't you still understand? You just said so much, and you all listened to it in co-authorship? What about the emperor's power in the attitude of the emperor alone? Otherwise, why are civil and military officials alike? You call her a queen? Your mind is really unknowing. "

Liu Cang said: "The emperor really chose to establish Chujun as soon as possible because his body was not as good as it was."

Ming Chang Yan interjected: "I'm different from you nonsense. Li Minjun, you are here to wait for me, I will come back later."

Li Minjun quickly grabbed him: "Wait, you haven't told me yet, what are you going to do to Huaiyu?"

Ming Chang feast said: "Of course, he is the clearest because of things in the palace. It ’s not many days for the feast to be sealed, and I ca n’t go like a messy one, why? In your mind? What do you think? "

Li Minjun was dumb.

Xiu Linglong said, "You remember to avoid the queen."

Ming Changyan looked at him tilted, Xiuling said: "Xiu Linglong knows that the queen is very precious to the small country, but this woman is by no means as kind as she shows. He is him, you are you, and you are a little careless. Be careful, you just overturn the boat in the gutter. "

Liu Cang also reminded: "The girl Linglong said very well. Since she can control the entire palace in her hands, it is not difficult to deal with you. Be careful. After all, at this time, the troops are in chaos and the forces are trying to move. You are not exposed to the eyes of everyone. Fortunately, if it is exposed in the future, so that the world knows that your long feast is not dead, it will be troublesome. "

Ming Chang Yan said: "I have my own share."

It was getting late, and the long feast of the Ming Dynasty was changed into a night clothes.

When going out, Li Minjun took the umbrella: "The rain has just stopped, so I'm not sure if it will rain later."

Ming Changyan said: "You're right. What about my needle?"

Li Minjun: "Why do you bring so much? Do you need money? Pick it up when you run out!"

Ming Changyan said with emotion: "Li Minjun, you are getting more and more stingy."

Li Minjun closed the door suddenly.

The Ming feast of the Ming sighed, sighed, and walked towards the palace.

In less than a quarter of an hour's effort, Ming Changyan turned in from the Shaoyang Gate. It is not that he is keen to take the road of Shaoyangmen, but that he cannot find the way to the main entrance. At night, the body of Ming Chang Ban is not as good as day. Although his martial arts have been restored, his body is really a sick and diseased seedling that can't stand too many toss. At night, when there were no problems during the day, they slammed the gongs and took turns.

First and foremost is vision.

He rolled over the wall and rubbed his eyes. As expected, the eyes started to fog, and then some tears fell out of his control. The next moment, the surrounding objects became blurred, like walking in a thick fog. Ming long feast counts the time, now it is supposed to be a hurry, every day at this hour, his vision will drop dramatically.

The feast of the Ming dynasty did not dare to be as bold and talented as the talented one, and roamed the palace, but slowed down and moved forward slowly.

He secretly said: If Feng Zhan this year's feast is put in the evening, I really have no confidence to win.

Ming Changyan's body, as time goes on, the later the worse. Or, he used it too much during the day and doubled his revenge at night, causing him great pain. After taking two steps, a drowsiness struck. The Ming banquet leaned against the tree, waited until the consciousness was restored, and moved on.

After being shot, he was suddenly stopped.

"who are you!"

Listening to the sound, quite familiar.

Ming Changyan turned his head and saw two palace ladies, one left and one right, holding lanterns and staring nervously at him.

When the Ming feast turned around, one of them exclaimed: "You, you, smoke, smoke less!"

Ming Chang Yan frowned.

Soon, the palace maid said, "It is impossible, impossible. Yan Shaoshi has been executed by the queen maiden, who is this and this one!"

What, he was executed by the queen? Isn't he still standing here?

Another said: "Pae medicine, don't panic. Did you recognize the wrong person?"

Ming Changyan heard the name and finally realized it.

Looking at the two faces that looked exactly the same, he knew that he couldn't remember the wrong face again.

Ming Changyan said: "Are you Poria and Paeonia lactiflora?"

Shaoyao saw that he and the "Smoke Young Man" looked like nine points, but looking at his height and face, it was a man who lived freely, and then looked at his dark dress and went out of the palace. Obviously the visitor was not good!

"Who are you? Why do you know us?" Fuling was bolder, and said with a lantern, and couldn't help asking: "Who are you, Yan Shaozi!"

In the heart of the Ming feast, a wonderful attention suddenly came out.

He sighed and said sincerely: "Nothing to hide. I think, after you look at my looks, you should know that I am someone who is younger than Yan."

Fuling said: "Can it be done, are you Yan Shao's brother?"

Ming Changyan nodded heavily. Although he did not know why he had been executed by the queen, he said, "Yes. I came to the palace to find my sister. But just now, in the conversation between you and yours In China, I already know that my younger sister has already encountered unexpected events! "

Fuling covered her mouth, and she saw that the banquet of Ming Changyan did not seem to be a fake, and quickly said, "But you come to the young waiter, why do you dress like this?"

Ming Changyan said: "It's a long story. My sister has been dependent on me since she was a child. At the age of fifteen, in a troubled world, my sister and I were separated in a river and lake fight. These years, I have been looking for mine Where is my sister. But one day, I actually saw my sister on the street! I asked people, and I knew that my sister had entered the palace as a concubine. On that day, there was a man beside her ... "He looked miserable Sadly, he asked pretentiously, "Is that young man the emperor? But I heard that the emperor is an old man!"

Fuling said: "Brother Young Brother, is the man you said very handsome, imposing, and like a fairy."

Ming Changyan laughed in his heart: Unexpectedly, Huaiyu's evaluation in women's hearts is so high!

He said, "What you say is extremely true."

Shaoyao said: "It seems that younger brother, the person you are talking about is a small country!"

This time, it's Mingchang's turn to cover his mouth in a grand manner, surprised: "Since my sister has already entered the palace, why would she go out with the small country?"

Fuling and Shaoyao looked at each other, Fuling said: "Brother Young Brother, I say this to you, and I hope you are not surprised. Young Master Yan has passed away, please change your grief." She paused and said, " In fact, although the young servant was hung by the name of the emperor's concubine, she had never been to sleep for a day. Moreover, she has a close relationship with the small country ... only a few of us know ... she, she, she is a small country person . "

Ming Chang feasted a moment and said, "Wow, my god."

Fuling quickly said: "Younger brother, don't blame younger servant. In fact, younger servant is very good-looking, even among the consorts, it is not inferior to the emperor. The emperor had paid special attention to her in the past. Nature, nature is that ... "

Shaoyao said: "It's hard to control yourself!"

The long feast of the Ming dynasty resisted the smile, forcibly showing a startled expression, and said, "Is this the move of the little country to win the wife by sword! How can this be done, for the sake of my sister's reputation, I have to ask him for justice No way! "

Fuling said, "Sister brother! Don't do stupid things! Little country minister can avenge where you can say revenge." She lowered her voice, as if she was afraid that the voice said loudly, was heard by people around her: "Special It is now that you are impatient. "

Having said that, the Ming feast could not help but ask, "Why not now? Is it possible before?"

Shaoyao explained: "The emperor is seriously ill, the queen's maiden is in control, and the young lady is executed by the maiden. Who in the palace dares to resist?"

When Ming Changyan saw her finally came up with an idea, she immediately asked, "Why did the Queen give me death--my sister."

Shaoyao whispered, "Yan Shaoshu was originally the emperor's concubine. Now she is entangled with the small country. Of course, the queen lady is furious."

Ming Changyan recalled the queen's attitude for a moment. After only one or two contacts, he did not feel that the queen was such a wicked person. Also, looking at her appearance, she doesn't hate herself very much. Is there anything else that happened later?

He asked, "Did my queen give death because my sister betrayed the emperor?"

Shaoyao said: "My younger brother doesn't know what's wrong with the emperor. The queen's wife has always been cold or warm to the emperor, it must be because Yan Shaoshu is getting on with the small country!"

Ming Changyan asked: "What does this have to do with the small country?"

Shaoyao said: "I heard about this too. The queen's maiden relied heavily on the little country minister. After the death of Zhao Gongzi, the mother was seriously ill. It was gloomy all day long. During this period, the small country took care of her. Gong Zhao and Princess Ning were mothers. The two most favorite children, followed by the little country minister. There are rumors in the palace that the maiden wants to marry the princess with the little country minister. Although it seems that the guards offended the queen's maiden before she was executed ... but we all think that this must be the reason! "

The long feast of the Ming Dynasty secretly said: It seems that the night in the harem is long and the women are too boring. This kind of random rumors are also believed!

Shaoyao said: "Young brother, don't be too sad."

Ming Changyan quickly said: "Sad, how can I not be sad!"

He covered his heart, and secretly wept: "The queen killed my own sister, and Huai Yu couldn't escape the blame! Today, I will avenge my sister for revenge!"

Ming Chang feast said: "Poria, paeonia lactiflora, you two go, don't be burdened by me."

Shaoyao said: "Brother Young!" She gritted her teeth, tears in her eyes: "Brother Young, if you want revenge, I will never stop you. Young smoke will treat me well and never treat us as a maid." Just hate me for being powerless and not even able to protect my master! "

The long feast of the Ming dynasty was most afraid of the girl's tears, and panicked at once: "Okay, don't cry. In this way, you tell me, where is the small country minister, I will seek revenge from Huaiyu, and then ask the queen to order it. ! "

Peony wiped her tears and said, "The queen has recently brushed the emperor. It is not in Yongxian Palace, but should be in the Daming Hall."

Fuling pointed a way and said, "Younger brother, otherwise, I will take you there. If you encounter the 13 guards on the way, we should not be entangled in our capacity."

Fuling and Shaoyao have been in the palace since they were young, and have been serving in the palace for many years. They thought about the long feast at the Ming dynasty. At present, their eyesight is not working. The whole palace, even if it came out this time, the next time it came in, the palace would only arrange more guards.

Weighing it, the Ming Changyan followed the Poria and Shaoyao and walked all the way to the Daming Hall.

Sent to the gate of the Great Ming Palace, Ming Chang feast resigned Poria and Paeonia lactiflora.

The inner hall and outer hall of the Daming Hall are divided, and the palace of the emperor is in the inner hall of the Daming Hall.

The guards of the outer hall were three floors and three floors outside, and the Ming Chang feast made another gentleman on the beam, acting like a cat, without making a sound.

Inside the Daming Hall, through a curtain, there were only four maids standing on both sides, the emperor lying on the bed, the queen sitting on the side, and Huaiyu.

The Ming banquet last time was farewell to Huai Yu. The two hadn't seen him for a few days. At this moment, he suddenly saw him. In his heart, he couldn't help but go against his own will and jumped wildly.

He didn't dare to look at it, turned down from the beam of the room, and hid behind the screen.

At this point, Huaiyu moved.

The queen rubbed her eyebrows and saw Huaiyu move, she asked: "What's wrong? Are you standing tired, go back and rest."

Huaiyu shook his head.

The queen asked again, "Is that hungry, I'll ask someone to make something for you. How about Osmanthus cake?"

Huai Yu said, "Not in a hurry, wait for him."

On the table, an unprinted secret was spreading on the table with great fanfare.

The queen looked at him, and at this moment, a maid came in from the door, holding the medicine bowl, and offered the medicine.

The Queen said, "You put it on the table."

She said, glanced at the sleeping emperor, and seemed to be sure that he was in a coma, and said to Huaiyu: "Recently, why haven't you seen him? Keeping you in the palace, it's difficult for you."

Ming Changyan stood behind the screen, turned his back, and folded his arms with his chest. He was not very interested in eavesdropping on other people's speeches, but in this situation, he suddenly jumped out to find Huaiyu, which was really inappropriate.

During the deliberations, there was another movement in the hall of Daming.

"Get off! Who dares stop me from seeing the emperor!"

"Master Zhao, Master Zhao! Town Guogong! No, no, no one can enter without the Queen's call!"

"Queen ?! This demon queen is in trouble and control the power. The emperor does not know whether he is dead or alive now. If you stop my official, my official cut your head !!"

"Master Zhao, the prince is in Beijing today. Don't make trouble at this point!"

"Into Beijing? What prince? Into Beijing! The emperor is dead! Da Chu's rivers and mountains are going to die! Get out!"

The person who came was Zhao Hongguang, the father of the town, who was still the uncle of the queen. At present, due to power issues, the Royal Palace and Zhen Guo Gong are divided into two factions.

The emperor of the town supported the three kings to ascend to the throne, while the queen upheld the emperor's determination and supported the young man Chu Xiaoyun, who was a member of the Chu family.

Regardless of the eunuch's obstruction, the Zhen Guogong broke into the hall directly and called directly to the Queen's name: "Zhao Yizhang! You crazy woman, my elder brother has been loyal and patriotic throughout my life, and gave birth to you as a white-eyed wolf. ! "

When the queen saw the Zhen Guogong, she put away a gentle expression on her face, and said coldly, "The Zhen Guogong is too ignorant of the courtesy. This palace is the mother of the world, and you should kneel when you see it. Why, this palace I don't know, this is the town's father? "

Zhenguo justice: "Poison woman, you are here to give me a fake!" He glanced at the emperor, the layers of curtains covered the scene in the bed, the emperor lay almost silently, in the mind of Zhenguo It was cold and thin, reminding me of the secret message received today.

In the letter of secret, the emperor is dead, and now the whole country has not been informed. The terror queen concealed the news of the emperor's death, in order to stabilize the Chaogang, wait for the prince to enter Beijing, and choose another day to ascend the throne.

The Guoguo of the town was panicked and restless. The secret was stamped by the emperor's jade seal, and was sent by "the man" himself, and "the man" was the master behind whom the three kings depended, and it was impossible to falsify. He was frightened for a day, and found countless secret agents to go to the palace to inquire, but did not hear any news of the emperor.

This means that the emperor is dead and the queen blocks all news.

The town gong rushed angrily, and gritted his teeth, "Don't think I don't know what you do!"

The queen laughed: "To this day, you have slandered our palace. This palace is really a pity for the town's grandfather. It took so much effort to send her daughter into the palace. Emperor Humei, it is useless to give birth to a prince, and it was plainly for others to calculate. Town Guogong, how many years of calculations failed, what happened? The old bereavement of the bereaved daughter, the white hair person sent the black hair, and Yuan Fangfei died. As long as the Crown Prince is dead, you turn your head to support your enemies. With such courage, this palace is ashamed and admired! "

The queen looked stunned and said, "Come here, the town's grandfather despised the ritual law. He lost his relatives, lost his desire, and lost his mind. He seems to be sick. From now on, he will detain the palace and ask the Taiyi to check."

The Guogong of the town suddenly returned to God and was shocked: "You are under house arrest ?!"

Just then, a faint sound came from behind the curtain.

"Yi ..."

The town's grandfather was shocked.

The queen smiled slightly, opened the curtain and lifted the emperor.

The emperor leaned on her half and asked, "What's the noise? It's so noisy that you can't sleep well."

Observing the emperor's face, he was about to die.

The queen said: "The town's grandfather broke into the inner hall, talking nonsense, and disturbed the emperor."

The emperor looked at Zhen Guogong, who was shocked and couldn't help himself: "You are not dead!"

The emperor's face sank a bit: "It seems that the town gong is looking forward to strangling."

The emperor of the town looked at the queen violently, and his face turned pale, but he did not expect that the emperor was not dead. He simply tore his face and yelled: "Bitch ... you already counted ..."

He suddenly turned his gaze and looked at Huaiyu: "And you! You and her, you have counted!"

Zhen Guogong stared at Huaiyu, more and more surprised.

Suddenly, the town's justice: "The emperor! The emperor! The minister did not dare, the minister was wronged by the emperor!"

The emperor was short of breath, spit out blood, and directly ordered the execution of the town government.

Zhenguo justice: "Emperor! Zhao Yi's viper heart, you must not be fooled by her! You look at Yun Qing, who do you look like! Emperor! That year Zhao Yi's-"

Before the words were over, Zhen Guogong's throat was suddenly penetrated by a very thin silver thread. His eyes glared, his voice jammed, and he made a "squeaky" sound.

After the screen, the Ming feast slowly moved forward.

The screen was very large, from left to right, just behind Huaiyu.

Ming Changyan reached out his hand, placed it on the screen, and touched his heart across a thin silk surface.

With a left-handed move, Huai Yu was cold and caught the Ming feast.

Ming Changyan jumped in his heart, and in his palm, he gave him a soft sip.

A silver thread appeared in the hands of Xiangsha, and the long feast of Ming Dynasty moved slightly, and the thread moved as if injected into life.

A drop of blood slid across the silver line, and finally, it came together in the middle, ticked, and landed on the ground.

Immediately after, a narrow seam appeared on the neck of the town gong, and it gradually cracked and expanded. Suddenly, blood splashed three feet. Although the wound looked scary, the Zhen Guogong himself knew that the people who used the thread were highly skilled and did not use the thread to hurt him. Only in this life could he stop talking.

The tight line suddenly broke and fell softly in the ground.

The line-controlling hand is lingeringly caught by another person.

The author has something to say: Congratulations to the male guest for success! !! !! Rounded up to go to bed [. 2k novel reading network