MTL - A Seductive Gentleman-Chapter 95 Listen to the rain and snow (4)

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Ming feast knew the pair of bracelets.

After Bai Jin laughed, she suddenly converged and said, "I remember, Chang Yan, you know this pair of bracelets."

Ming feast stood still.

Bai Jin asked: "Why don't you move? Aren't you afraid I'll run?"

Ming Changyan said: "How do you want to run?" He smiled slightly: "I can kill you with or without movement. You will die if you run or not. White girl, I don't like people asking something very stupid problem."

"You're right." Bai Jin laughed, covering her mouth with her sleeves, and said, "If you want to come, you must have hated me."

Bai Jin bit her bracelet in her mouth and wore one in her hand.

She could not wear her other broken arm, so after wearing one, she smiled and asked Ming Changyan: "Guess, am I wearing antidote or poison. Medicine?"

Ming Changyan looked at her.

"I was the only one who hated you. I hate it so boring, I always want you to hate me too, so that I can be better." Bai Jin leaned on the tree, in white clothes in the snow, stained with blood. Very dazzling, slowly put down the bracelet in my hand, "I really hate you. If anyone else, I will let him be buried with me. But it is you, at this point, I can't kill with this only chance you."

"I thought I could still be killed by you by small means?" Ming Changyan looked at her indifferently. "Your hate is really inexplicable. Why do you hate me? Why kill my brother?"

Bai Jin laughed: "I tell you, just let me go."

"Whether you say it or not, I will kill you." Tong Ming Chang Yan folded a white plum from the plum tree beside her. "If you don't say it, then I will ask you to speak in person."

In the snow, the wind was blowing, and the plum blossoms were crumbling.

Ming Changyan picked Bai Mei from the branch and put it in his arms. A solitary branch, like a sharp blade, was approaching Bai Jin.

Bai Jin took a step back and, with a movement, buried in his body was like life, struggling with flesh and blood, and the pain was unbearable.

She said, "You hit me with a plum tree branch? Chang Yan, you look down on people too much."

Ming long feast said: "sufficient."

Bai Jin had no doubt that the other party could kill himself with this branch.

Her martial arts is already one of the best in the martial arts, but unfortunately, it is not a trivial matter to the Shangming feast.

Facing a gentleman with a mind, and the other side was intent on killing, and could run away afterwards, no one succeeded.

Bai Jin definitely didn't feel that her martial arts functioned against Ming Changyan, so she procrastinated and ran behind.

The Ming feast of the Ming Dynasty was more than smooth, and the plum branches trembled slightly and flew up. Bai Jin thought that she could hide for a while by the cover of Mei Hualin. Unexpectedly, after running for a while, he turned to the side, and the plum branch in the Ming Changyan handed him forward, only to hear a bang, and the flesh exploded.

Bai Jin stretched out her left hand to break the plum branch, and Ming Changyan's right hand trembled on her shoulder. Suddenly, the blood hole on Bai Jin's shoulder expanded twice. She was rushed by Ming Changyan's overbearing power and her heart twitched. Endlessly, he opened his mouth and spit. Bai Jin was shaken away with a few steps, holding her body and falling to the ground.

Without a sigh of relief, the plum branch was close in sight. The Ming feast in the Ming dynasty has one move and one style, such as continuous flow. The speed is fast, the force is fierce, and the strokes force her to death. Bai Jin didn't dare compare him with swordsmanship, nor with him. Therefore, you can only retreat and hide.

The plum branch suddenly picked, and Bai Jin rolled a few laps in the snow to avoid the blow. As soon as she rolled, the blood on her body was soaked in the snow, and a large swath was stained red, like blossoming red plums.

Bai Jin was terrified, and ran away. It's a pity that they can't avoid it. The long feast of the Ming Dynasty was swung again. The terrible thing is, these tricks are passed, but it is a matter between the stubborn, the world martial arts, but not fast, the other side is too fast, too accurate, Bai Jin did not even have the opportunity to pull out the blade of the waist.

She was so oppressed by the other side that she didn't even have a chance to breathe. Seeing this unavoidable, Bai Jin could only suppress the fear in her heart and took it in the face. The moment he resisted him, Bai Jin's face changed, and she just felt a mighty wave-like power. It was full of seas and rivers, like Jiutian Galaxy falling down, straight into her heart.

She snorted, and her meridians were directly broken. After her chest was violently undulated, a few blood spilled from the corners of her mouth. The meridian is broken, and the whole person naturally cannot bear this palm. This palm of the Ming banquet was extremely overbearing. After shattering the meridians, Bai Jin smashed into a towering tree like a piece of paper.

This smash, I am afraid that there is no life!

Unexpectedly, on the occasion of the moment, a red figure suddenly appeared in the air, intercepting Bai Jin. Bai Jin did not hit the tree, but hit the man's arms.

The comer was wearing a big red wedding dress, such as wearing blood, and in the paleness of the sky, it was beautiful and pressing.

The Chang Yan feast of the Ming dynasty changed and became heavier.

Wedding dress Yan Luo.

Yan Luo, the wedding dress, fell short of the ground and was in the air, which was convenient for the Ming feast.

Both are masters in the world, and they will move quickly like a phantom and will fall to the ground, but they have already done dozens of moves in the air.

The Ming Changyan fought against people, and never let the other party endure so many moves in their own hands, still not hurt. It seems that the description of the wedding dress Yan Luo described on the rivers and lakes is impermanent, from yin to wicked, and no one can do anything about it.

And in the matchup, the mood of the Ming banquet became more and more heavy.

The two stood still, and he raised his eyes slightly, staring at each other in silence.

The wedding dress fluttered in the wind, with red yarn and white thread, silk gauze covering the face, and holding Bai Jin in her arms, very desolate.

Bai Jin's body was like shredded paper, with continuous blood flow, her eyelashes fluttered slightly, her lips fluttered, and she couldn't say: "... you."

The eyes of the long feast of the Ming dynasty changed, and the plum branch was thrown to the side. The wedding gown Yan Luo was not panic. The two were very acquainted. No one said a word. Howling, petals falling, the wind blowing, lingering with snow, endlessly ruined.

Yan Luo, the wedding gown, was unwilling to entangle in the long feast. I don't know why the long feast of the Ming Dynasty, the move does not take human life, but it is about to marry Yi Yan Luo's veil.

Shoot and close without any flaws, every move is exactly to the wedding dress Yan Luo face veil. Yan Luo flicked his hand away from his internal forces, but unexpectedly, Chang Yan's right hand suddenly made a move. She was holding Bai Jin and could not respond to this move. She simply tipped her feet and took advantage of the rotation. Ming Chang Yan reached out and grabbed his hand. The jade pendant, which was originally hidden under her wedding dress, fell into the hands of the Ming feast.

At this moment, the Ming banquet was as if being taken a head by one's head and froze in place. Yan Luo, a wedding gown, floated to the ground, rubbing her jade with her index finger and thumb for a long feast.

Yan Luo, the wedding gown, left him to see, not walking, not moving, gentle like water, far away.

Ming Changyan pinched this piece of jade, almost crushed it, and for a long while, he used full restraint, extremely depressed expression, until the painful face was somewhat twisted, and then squeezed out a few words from his throat: "You Why ... "

The wedding dress was fluttering, full of enchanting.

Ming Changyan took a breath, and his body was chasing with anger, and there seemed to be a sign of going into magic.

"Why ... why are you ..."

Yan Luo, the wedding gown, said nothing, Ming Changyan clutched his heart and spit out his mouth. He was in pain, hated, and at a loss. For a long time, he always had the last glimmer of hope, and hoped that everyone behind the scenes, and others. Until just now, when this jade pendant was torn from Yan Luo, who was married, he finally realized the truth, and he could no longer deceive himself. This jade was the gift of Hua Yunchang when he first entered the Central Plains.

Even though he was always prepared, the truth was still unacceptable when he faced the truth.

Like the last straw that crushed the camel, Ming Changyan drew a few sips of air-conditioner. The real qi in the body was too intense because of the emotions, and he was scrambling around. Snow fell on him, covered with a thin layer of hoarfrost.

Under the veil of the wedding dress Yan Luo, a face was expressionless.

She stretched out her hand, condensed an internal force, and controlled the plum blossoms on the ground. With a wave of her sleeves, the plum blossoms unexpectedly penetrated the shoulder of Ming Changyan directly.

Ming Changyan's body was awkward, and his pain caused him to sober for a moment. He slowly straightened his body, gritted his teeth, his eyes became red, and stared at the wedding dress Yan Luo.

Yan Luo, the wedding gown, paused for a while, Xu Xu said, "Your heart is chaotic, and your anger is chaotic. It may be difficult to beat me at this moment."

The feast of the Ming dynasty was about to come forward, and it was cold, and Yan Luo, who was married, suddenly glanced into the distance. Between Xu Xu, she stepped on the ground, rose to the ground, and jumped into the depths of Meishu.

It was also at this time that the Ming Changyan was out of power and was dragged by Li Minjun who was here.

"what's wrong with you!"

He was frightened.

Ming Changyan had pale lips. "Go back and talk."

Li Minjun turned his head and looked at Xiang Xiang on the ground, his face white: "She, what, you! How could you miss! Who did you fight with?"

A long feast in the Ming dynasty said: "Wedding clothing Yan Luo."

Li Minjun stumbled: "Who? Yan Luo? Are you injured?"

He said it halfway, and when he saw the expression of the Ming feast, he suddenly shut up: "Okay. I see, this is not a time to talk. You go back to deal with the wound first. To pack him. "

Ming banquet looked into the distance.

Li Minjun bent down and held Xiang Xiang.

"There is still a breath, she is still alive!" I wanted to come because Bai Jin was seriously injured and missed, but now the Ming Changyan is exhausted physically and mentally, and has no intention to think of anything else.

Ming Changyan closed his eyes, turned around, and followed Li Minjun.

"Let's go."

In the snow, Bai Mei.

Bai Jin's breath was weak and she was already powerless. She only felt cold in her hands and feet, which was a symptom of excessive blood loss.

After a moment, she said, "I want to go back to the depths of the hundred flowers."

The person holding her had very good merits, from Bai Meilin to the depths of Baihua, but a distance of fragrant incense.

Bai Jin pursed her lips, her eyes gradually blurred, and she could see less and less. She instinctively grasped the wedding dress with ten fingers and fierce bruises on the back of her hands.

She felt her body warm up slightly, it should be from the snow, into the room.

A seemingly fragrant fragrance lingered on the tip of her nose.

Bai Jin remembered that it was the incense in her bedroom.

"Go to the door."

The entrance to the bedroom deep in the flowers is a circular arch.

Downstairs, there was a patch of snow.

The candlelight fluttered inside the room, and Yan Luo, the wedding gown, sat inside the circular arch, silent, and said nothing. It was snowing all over the sky, and it was slow and fast.

Bai Jin sighed and closed her eyes: "I seem to be dying. Do you have nothing to say to me?"

No one answered.

Bai Jin said: "Forget it. You never tell me this. Do you hate me for a long feast and conceive your good things. I want to go to him, I hate him, and he should hate me."

Still no one answered.

"The snow outside ... it was very heavy. Last time, I was about to die, but I met you, and my life was not dead. It seems that this time, I was really about to die." Bai Jin didn't care if the person said or said nothing. For a long time, she has done countless things for the other party. She never asked the reason, Bai Jinwu said to herself: "Do n’t save me, my arm is broken, it does n’t look good, save me, I Suicide. "

Bai Jin paused with her hands intact, groped slowly, and caught her veil. With a slight pull, the red heavy veil, layer upon layer, fell into her arms.

A cold, cold face appeared before her eyes.

Bai Jin opened her mouth and sighed: "Yun Luo."

"Do you also hate me. Without me, you would not be captured by the Central Plains army. You save my life, I will give it back to you now, and I will not live."

"I really hate him. It would be nice if I killed him."

"Why do you all care about him ... he ... I can't kill him with what he gave me ..."

Bai Jin's heart was still resentful, unwilling, and piled up together, her consciousness gradually became cloudy, and the snow in the air brought her memory and sage together into the heavy snow a few years ago.

The girl in a red riding suit smiled brightly, her voice as if coming from underwater, hazy and chaotic: "You have no name? The first time I came back to Central Plains, I have never seen anyone without a name. People in Central Plains have no name. Well, otherwise, how can I get you? 'Zhao Zhao is like the sun and the moon, Lili is like a trip to the stars', Zhao Zhao is in front, how is Lili in the back? "

"Looking at you as a beggar, how can you laugh at me, my family is ruined, isn't it miserable? What about running away? In the future, if I dominate the world, I will seal you third place in the world. Then revitalize my country , Beating the Central Plains in vain. See who dares to catch me. "

A few pieces of goose feather snow, blown by the wind, rolled, rolled, fell on the face of the man in the wedding dress.

Bai Jin closed her eyes, sighed softly, and asked, "Is Nanrou's snow really red?"

The snow on Hua Yunshang's face melted into water and fell slowly down his cheek.

Leng Buding, Bai Jin's face was smashed silently by this drop of snow.

She froze slightly, and then smiled slightly, panting slightly, and the pupil light in her eyes suddenly disappeared.

The candlelight bounced again, and the snow was getting fiercer.

The deadly atmosphere condensed into a mist of water and gradually spread.

After a while, Hua Yunshang said slowly: "I lied to you."

Just, no response.

She stood up, put Bai Jin's body on the bed, took off her newly-married woman's hair accessories, pulled her hair, opened the door, and a sharp suona suddenly rose up.

Deep in the hundred flowers, great fun.

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